Discussion: Salute to Statesman Loyalty Rewards on April 18th!




Originally Posted by DaerogMornaur View Post
My whole opinion is that in a ways this LOYALTY program is pure BS. Both me and my wife had been subscribed and devoted followers of the game and lost out when they killed our accounts a day EARLY from the time it was said to cancel. All due to it being a Holiday that Business day and we couldn't even get into the bank to deposit money on our cards. That was this last New Year's Eve. So I was already ticked about it and we renewed about a week later when we could. Hell people work and all and it was still in the same month it ended that we renewed... I believe it should be offered on the Marketplace at least to those who had these issues. Heck to leave people out of it is like getting free cash at your business and then expected to pay it back cause you weren't paying for your membership in thier business.... Seriously? I mean how many people who have spent tons of hard earned money in these trying times to keep what they have. Just to get all they can at the expense of real life issues and problems is nuts.... This is why alot of people have been giving up on the game for VIP and some are jumping ship to other games who feel they are treated better. This isn't the first FREE MMO nor is it the last...... but rest assured..... Tick off enough people with this screwy deal of this and that.... and your gonna push people to less play mmo's and go back to console gaming all over again.... (let's not get me started on that with the price gouging and all.)
I was wrong, and concede my argument. There are people who are passionate about the loyalty program.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I was wrong, and concede my argument. There are people who are passionate about the loyalty program.
If the internet is good at one thing, it's finding people who are passionate about something :-)

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These auras may be the only saving grace of this loyalty program. The helmets are jarring to the eye and are not uniform pieces.



People who've stayed subscribed with no payment issues should get something. That's a pretty amazing feat. I've been playing the game for five years, and had some lasped sub time.. So I may not get the reward. But I certainly won't begrudge people who do get it.

They earned it.

But big hairy deal, if I don't. My sub lapsed and I let it go for awhile. So I probably won't qualify.

The whole point of a loyalty program is reward the folks that stuck it out with COH with no breaks in their payment history.

Not everyone is entitled to everything, just because you want it. That being said, I've been greedily eyeing that Statesman Chest Logo for years! If it's offered sometime later on the market..I'd be inclined to buy it! :-)

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Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Sadly I think that you are both missing my point.

If the items are offered as an incentive to remain a loyal customer (and no I didn't subscribe just to obtain them) then what benefit do loyal customers get if the items are then offered to all a much lower cost? Basically it negates the whole idea of it being a Loyalty Reward, doesn't it? They may as well have not offered it in the first place?
Let me try an analogy. Your favorite sandwich shop starts a "Buy 10, Get One Free" program. You love their sandwiches, so you get one of the cards, and regularly spend your $5 on their sandwiches.

Then the day comes that you take your completed card in and get your free sandwich. After you order, the guy behind you in line orders the same sandwich, and they charge him $5. Would you be upset, and insist that they charge him $50, because that's how much you spent to get your free sandwich?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Let me try an analogy. Your favorite sandwich shop starts a "Buy 10, Get One Free" program. You love their sandwiches, so you get one of the cards, and regularly spend your $5 on their sandwiches.

Then the day comes that you take your completed card in and get your free sandwich. After you order, the guy behind you in line orders the same sandwich, and they charge him $5. Would you be upset, and insist that they charge him $50, because that's how much you spent to get your free sandwich?
That's a good analogy.

But I'll see your sandwich and raise you a TV

One day you go into a shop a buy a TV that you have been saving up for months, then the customer behind you is told they can order the same TV next week for a tenth of the price, do you feel ripped off?

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Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
That's a good analogy.

But I'll see your sandwich and raise you a TV

One day you go into a shop a buy a TV that you have been saving up for months, then the customer behind you is told they can order the same TV next week for a tenth of the price, do you feel ripped off?
Not in the least. The other guy either talked a salesman down, knows someone at the store personally, or maybe even related to the owner or some other reason that got him the lower price.

Could be a coupon from a magazine that I don't get. I dunno, nor do I care.

Do you get upset that other people get X cents/dollars off of a product with a coupon when you yourself don't have that coupon?

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Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
One day you go into a shop a buy a TV that you have been saving up for months, then the customer behind you is told they can order the same TV next week for a tenth of the price, do you feel ripped off?
Probably. But if that same customer behind me had to wait an additional 6 months before he/she could buy that TV for 1/10 the price I probably wouldn't care less...

Ultimately I rather these things eventually be available to everyone in the long run than to worry about any supposed "elitist exclusivity" that would last forever.

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Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
That's a good analogy.

But I'll see your sandwich and raise you a TV

One day you go into a shop a buy a TV that you have been saving up for months, then the customer behind you is told they can order the same TV next week for a tenth of the price, do you feel ripped off?
Yes, I would, but that's because they would be getting the same thing I'm getting for one tenth the price I'm paying. That's not what is happening with these loyalty rewards - hypothetically speaking, anyone who would be able to buy them in the future would be paying for something that I am getting for free as a result of my paying for something else.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
One day you go into a shop a buy a TV that you have been saving up for months, then the customer behind you is told they can order the same TV next week for a tenth of the price, do you feel ripped off?
See, that's NOT a good analogy, because that's not what's going on.

What's actually happening is that you bought the TV on a payment plan and have been paying it off for a while, then while you're in the store making a payment (sure, why not? >_>), the next person in line is buying the same TV you've had for the last few years at a third (not a tenth) of the price you've been paying. Oh, and your remaining balance to pay off the TV gets cut to 1/3 of what it was as well.

What you've done boils down to paying an early adopter fee. You got to enjoy the product for longer, but ended up paying more as a result.

And let's face it... this TV is pretty kick-***.

EDIT: Hrm, think I got some wires crossed and thought this argument was about the difference between pre- and post-Freedom players, largely because it doesn't make sense as part of the discussion that it spawned from. So, neeeevermind. >_>

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
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Actually I think that both analogies are good they just express different viewpoints – isn’t that what a discussion thread should be about?

I should say this, I really couldn’t care less about the exclusivity of the items, I have no interest in this kind of vanity, but I do care about fairness.

It just seems inherently wrong to me to offer Loyalty Rewards when the loyal customers could be viewed (on some levels at least) to be disadvantaged in the future in some way.

Of course this is just my own opinion....but then maybe I can’t see the wood for the trees

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Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
It just seems inherently wrong to me to offer Loyalty Rewards when the loyal customers could be viewed (on some levels at least) to be disadvantaged in the future in some way.
But how are loyal customers being disadvantaged in the future?

I didn't lose anything in anyway when the Preorder Arachnos Helmets were made available in the VIP Rewards (in fact, I gained from it, since I got access to the helmets I didn't have).

I haven't lost anything when the Vanguard costume parts were put on the market. The non-loyalty programmers had to pay for each part. I didn't. So no loss there.

I'm curious as to how I'm being disadvantaged for keeping my sub going.

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



Okay how will we know when we get the package? I am 110% positive I am eligible, am I going to have to go into the character creation screen and look for the stuff or will there be a notice of some sort?

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



Originally Posted by KianaZero View Post
But how are loyal customers being disadvantaged in the future?
Perhaps disadvantaged is the wrong word, my original point is that to qualify for the rewards you had to go through a discipline, i.e. you HAD to subscribe for a period of time, such a discipline does not apply on the Paragon Market.

To be honest as I've said in this thread previously - I'm not at all bothered if the items are available to all it's just that the principle/mechanic seems wrong to me.

But as I seem to be in the minority on this thread, I'll attempt to bow out as gracefully as I can and remember to carefully consider any Loyalty Reward offers in future.

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Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Actually I think that both analogies are good they just express different viewpoints – isn’t that what a discussion thread should be about?
Not to belabor the point, but no, both analogies aren't good. I'm not dismissing any opinion you may have about the loyalty rewards, but having an opinion doesn't make a flawed analogy valid.

The loyalty rewards were a free bonus you received for buying play time. The TV in your analogy is the item you are buying, not the free bonus. The only way your analogy works, is if you take the loyalty rewards out of the equation and NCSoft offers someone the ability to pay one tenth the price you paid for a three month subscription.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Ok as much I didn't want to continue the debate...

Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Not to belabor the point
But you will..

Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I'm not dismissing any opinion you may have about the loyalty rewards,
But you kind of are...

Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
The loyalty rewards were a free bonus you received for buying play time.
Please show me where it says that they are a "free bonus" and I will totally concede your point.

Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
The TV in your analogy is the item you are buying, not the free bonus. The only way your analogy works, is if you take the loyalty rewards out of the equation and NCSoft offers someone the ability to pay one tenth the price you paid for a three month subscription.
Perhaps so if indeed they are a "free bonus". Although isn't it four months?

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Guys, drop the analogies, is more simple.
- CoH can be played for free.
- The rewards are for ppl that paid the 4 months of game (13€x4=52€)
- During the same time, ppl could drop the subscription, use it to play another game AND still play CoH for FREE.

So, allowing anyone purchase the rewards by less than 52€ is a slap in the face of the costumers that maintained their subscriptions.



Originally Posted by Lord_Kalistoh View Post
Guys, drop the analogies, is more simple.
- CoH can be played for free.
- The rewards are for ppl that paid the 4 months of game (13€x4=52€)
- During the same time, ppl could drop the subscription, use it to play another game AND still play CoH for FREE.

So, allowing anyone purchase the rewards by less than 52€ is a slap in the face of the costumers that maintained their subscriptions.
And the funny thing is, I spent more than that in those 4 months on this game what with Paragon Points purchasing, yet because my sub lapsed for one month (something I've come to regret but I wasn't thinking straight at the times) I'm less loyal. Even with 7 years of subs behind me. To a scheme that only in the past few days actually -showed- people what they were getting.



Originally Posted by Lord_Kalistoh View Post
Guys, drop the analogies, is more simple.
- CoH can be played for free.
- The rewards are for ppl that paid the 4 months of game (13€x4=52€)
- During the same time, ppl could drop the subscription, use it to play another game AND still play CoH for FREE.

So, allowing anyone purchase the rewards by less than 52€ is a slap in the face of the costumers that maintained their subscriptions.
Well, I'm always going to look at them as free rewards, but if you guys choose to look at it as the sole reason you spent your 52 Euros, or $60 or whatever, then there is no arguing with you. And this discussion is probably over anyway since it would be silly for anyone who paid all that moeny for those rewards to continue paying when there are no further rewards to gain from it.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Please show me where it says that they are a "free bonus" and I will totally concede your point.
Well, I've had my subscription on a six month sub, so I have a set amount of money being spent each month (although, in reality it was all up front instead of monthly)

I haven't spent a penny more than what the subscription asked for. So, unless they're stealing my money without me knowing about it, it's a free bonus.

I've already spent X dollars on my subscription, so I don't see how you can say that the loyalty rewards are costing me money.

It's much like the Veteran Rewards. Was I paying to get Vet Rewards, or were they a free bonus for keeping my subscription going?

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



Since My Sub was picked up on Dec 5th, instead of the first an carried over until a few mins ago when i cancealed both accounts would i still get the Rewards ?



Originally Posted by HighEvolutionary View Post
Since My Sub was picked up on Dec 5th, instead of the first an carried over until a few mins ago when i cancealed both accounts would i still get the Rewards ?
If they weren't active on December 1, then nope.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



well that sucks, so in other words i just threw money away,



its too bad i had to let my subscription lapse in december, even though it was just a couple weeks, i had a back injury that i thought was gonna put me out of work, so i started pinching pennies.