Let's chat seriously about PC Animals...




Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
That is... the height of ridiculous. I hope nothing like that ever happens in this game.
Don't weep - it's not going to
The 4-legged rig was designed to fill a gap, not be just another costume option.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Maybe not, but she's still cute in that outfit...

BTW: CityOfFurriesWhat?



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
People keep using the word 'furry'
Unfortunately, we do know what all connotations of the word "furry" mean, and that's why many of us are not really interested in seeing fur-covered women with giant breasts, a dog's head, an iPod, rainbow-striped arm and leg warmers and wearing bikinis in CoX, thanks.

And the fur is multiple Day-Glow colors on top of all that.

Its just not thematically correct for a superhero-themed MMO. I am all for Furries Online, someone should create this game ASAP and everyone can go nuts with crap like sword-wielding wolves over there - where it would be appropriate. [WHY would a wolf need a sword? Do they not possess natural armaments?] really don't want to see it in Paragon. Dogs barking rockets is stupid. There! I had the courage to say it out loud. Don't want to see more stupid in this game.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Dogs barking rockets is stupid. There! I had the courage to say it out loud.
On the bravery scale, that comes in some way below sleeping with the light off or getting into a shower before the water is totally warm

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I am all for Furries Online, someone should create this game ASAP...
Lol no you don't. You don't give a **** about what some other person you don't like wants.

Hell, I don't give a **** about a Furries online game. The least you can do is not lie about your intentions.



Marvel has only 2 cat girls that I know of, Tigra and Hepzibah.

But I would be happy to see the Thundercats, TMNT, DarkWing Duck, or Perry the Platypus in the game.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Well, it's this kind of attitude that makes me wish it would happen even more, and which motivates me to support those who want it to happen.

So, Leo, you want sword-biting dogs? OK, I'm with you on that
When did you start operating on spite? That seems new to me.

Let me make it clear that I have no issue with anthropomorphic characters. I love animals. The important thing to remember is the anthro- part... the humanoid factor. Everything a player does is designed to look good on a man shaped rig, significant deviation just won't look good. Period. Then, my opinion enters into it... in which case I feel strongly that a dog can't possibly wield a sword in its mouth effectively, or while not looking foolish.

I will concede that I was overly harsh and emphatic in my first post in this thread. However, I will maintain that if others are free to excercise their opinions, then so am I.



Maybe we could have our own ersatz Zoo Crew. Portal Corporation has discovered a dimension populated by anthropomorphic animals. There, they find The Furry Phalanx. Aaand... you already know where this is going.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
On the bravery scale, that comes in some way below sleeping with the light off or getting into a shower before the water is totally warm
But getting in a cold shower is so... ahem.

On topic, dogs fighting with swords in their mouths? Worst. Idea. Ever.

Silly rabbit, trix are for kids.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Maybe we could have our own ersatz Zoo Crew. Portal Corporation has discovered a dimension populated by anthropomorphic animals. There, they find The Furry Phalanx. Aaand... you already know where this is going.
while not tied to specific names, there are the recurring cast of anthropomorphic characters in pocket d, they even were at states' funeral.



.... Let's just leave it at that AT that starts with P and ends with a T and move on.



Mind you speaking of Dark Souls I'd rather they used the spider rig for something more along these lines as a player option:

Happy nightmares people.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Its just not thematically correct for a superhero-themed MMO.
Yes it is. You can keep saying this till the cowgirls come how, but it won't make it true.City of Heroes stands for more than the narrowest definition of silver-age American comic books, and to use comic books as a LIMITING factor in the first place is just missing the whole point. This is not a game about genres or styles, it's a game about imagination and opportunity. We play in a fictional world where quite literally anything goes if you can explain it, and I can explain this.

Furthermore, what do you care if I have access to better animal parts? You won't be buying that set, you won't be using that set, and if you want to argue that you'll be "bothered" by seeing ME use a set that I like and make characters that I like, then this is a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



My bet is that IF they ever have a player controlled animal rig it would be in the form of a new epic archetype, it would be for sale on the market and it would have different options in the costume creator similar to Arachnos PCs. You would probably be able to choose a wolf or big cat look and color accordingly but likely no major costume parts apart from say collars and leg bands. They may split these into two unique parts of an archetype like Peacebringers and Warshades so you'd choose wolves or cats.

They would have their own unique powersets which would likely involve a melee primary with powers like bites, lunges, slashes and tackles as well as some range type dashes and leaps. The secondary would probably be more along the lines of a defense, stealth, resistance and some group buffs similar to Arachnos but with a more animal twist say like a boost to perception because animals have superior hearing and smell and would not be as easy to stealth or blind.

Their would probably also be unique powers in either primary and secondary like a roar for fear or a howl for boosting damage. Things like that.

I really think they'd want to avoid the whole Krypto the super dog thing because it appeals to a limited audience. Playing as an animal in general would appeal to a smaller group and they would not want to further specialize that group by then making them unrealistic. The max bang for the buck would be a new epic archetype that would be something similar to what I described above.

That's just my two cents and how I'd do it if I was them.

I don't think it would be financially even feasible to go with porting powers to them.


Agent Silver lvl 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Emergency Response lvl 50 Emp/Archery Defender
Frigidfist lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Talismage lvl 50 Ill/Storm Controller
Scarlet Hand almost lvl 50 DB/Dark Scrapper



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
[WHY would a wolf need a sword? Do they not possess natural armaments?]
When it's a normal sword? Go with the teeth.
When it's a +5 vorpal sword? Learn to use the sword.

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Marvel has only 2 cat girls that I know of, Tigra and Hepzibah.

But I would be happy to see the Thundercats, TMNT, DarkWing Duck, or Perry the Platypus in the game.
Feral and her sister (I can't recall her name, sorry). I'm not sure if they're currently still there or not, but they were at one time.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
When it's a normal sword? Go with the teeth.
When it's a +5 vorpal sword? Learn to use the sword.
I think that's the point people seem to miss here. Extend the same question to humans:

We've got fist and feet and smarts. If you're going to punch people, the smart ones go do what BaBs did and put on some power gauntlets. So why are there still some that don't bother and just punch people regular with bare fists? Why would some upgrade to high-tech/caliber guns while others keep standard grade?

But no body wants to answer any of that because they run the risk of talking themselves in a corner.

On topic, dogs fighting with swords in their mouths? Worst. Idea. Ever.
That's not really the topic, that was just my answer to the topic.

But with regards to that, it's funny, when I was looking up videos to that Great Grey Wolf Sif fight (the big wolf using the big sword), many many *many* of the comments made were how they actually *liked* that boss the most *because* he was cool and interesting. It was animated realistically, and outside of that game, you probably won't see such a concept played out very often so it's unique.

All things said, it does bring to light some perspective on general 4-leg rig use. People may not like what's in store for the game then. They seem to be under some disillusion that their game's image is soiled from its pure and focused theme when that theme was never pure and focused to begin with...nor should it.

There are a lot of interesting concepts out there and you're never going to stand out unless you're willing to explore them. Don't blame the creative people that you don't realize their concepts...but from the limited exposure of the one I mentioned, there is mostly positive, and from other games using animal-type forms, it's a tested and desired concept.



Humans use swords as an extension of their natural fighting movements - that doesn't apply to 4 legged anaimals, who have their own fighting movements that suit their body shapes, which would be cramped by using a sword.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Humans use swords as an extension of their natural fighting movements
Humans, naturally, do not know how to use swords.

- that doesn't apply to 4 legged anaimals, who have their own fighting movements that suit their body shapes, which would be cramped by using a sword.
Did some animal actually tell you this?



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Lol no you don't. You don't give a **** about what some other person you don't like wants.
Wrong, my lil' argumentative fur-person. I most certainly do care. What I *don't* care to see is the thematic equivalent of people trottting over to the LotRO forums and starting the following thread: "Middle Earth needs Transformer Robots! Let's make it happen!"

Robots would be stupid in Middle Earth, i-Pod wearing rainbow colored dogs with huge mammaries wearing bikinis would be stupid in a superhero-themed MMO. I trust I have made my point.

Hell, I don't give a **** about a Furries online game. The least you can do is not lie about your intentions.
I dont see why you would not care; from where I sit, seems like it would be your ultimate MMO experiece.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Wrong, my lil' argumentative fur-person. I most certainly do care. What I *don't* care to see is the thematic equivalent of people trottting over to the LotRO forums and starting the following thread: "Middle Earth needs Transformer Robots! Let's make it happen!"

Robots would be stupid in Middle Earth, i-Pod wearing rainbow colored dogs with huge mammaries wearing bikinis would be stupid in a superhero-themed MMO. I trust I have made my point.
Isn't Middle Earth time-locked? So it can't have stuff from the future.

CoX is...multi-color, i-Pod wearing non-human...stuff locked? Oddly specific.

I dont see why you would not care; from where I sit, seems like it would be your ultimate MMO experiece.
And sit around doing what? Not blowing stuff up? Booooring...



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Yes it is. You can keep saying this till the cowgirls come how, but it won't make it true.City of Heroes stands for more than the narrowest definition of silver-age American comic books, and to use comic books as a LIMITING factor in the first place is just missing the whole point.
My interests are not limited to "silver age American comic books," far from it. Way too much of an over-generalization. No offense, but you really have no idea what my comics-related interests are; they swing a wide loop.

This is not a game about genres or styles, it's a game about imagination and opportunity.
Really? Nice try. We have a game called "City of Heroes/Villains" yet it does not have a genre or style inherent in its very creation? I'm going to let that lie riiiiiight there.

We play in a fictional world where quite literally anything goes if you can explain it, and I can explain this.
I'm not seeing rainbow doggie-girls wearing bikinis as being thematically appropriate, so we're going to have to agree to disagree on that one.

Furthermore, what do you care if I have access to better animal parts? You won't be buying that set, you won't be using that set, and if you want to argue that you'll be "bothered" by seeing ME use a set that I like and make characters that I like, then this is a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
I really don't care about what the single player you, Samuel Tow, does with your characters. You are just one person. What concerns me is a potential flood of rainbow-colored dog-girls with 1000 body-piercings, anime hair, bikinis, leg warmers etc. That would not be appropriate with the theme [the word I dared to say! yes! I said it!], with the THEME of City of Heroes.

However I will unbend so far as to say we could use more anime-themed hairdos; this would be awesome.

As far as someone else complaining that it is indeed au fait for wolves to be wielding swords since people do it all the time: People do indeed use hand weapons. We possess two things that dogs don't:

1. Five-fingered hands that possess opposable thumbs, enabling us to grip objects

2. Long arms with 360 degrees of motion, enabling us to swing weapons.

A wolf with a sword in his mouth that is actually longer than his body-length is a logical fail for me, since the instant his short little neck tried to swing it, the weapon would ground itself. I am willing to suspend disbelief only so far.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I really don't care about what the single player you, Samuel Tow, does with your characters. You are just one person. What concerns me is a potential flood of rainbow-colored dog-girls with 1000 body-piercings, anime hair, bikinis, leg warmers etc. That would not be appropriate with the theme [the word I dared to say! yes! I said it!], with the THEME of City of Heroes.
You're apparently reading more into this than most. Who suggested any of those other things? Although leg warmers would be nice.

As far as someone else complaining that it is indeed au fait for wolves to be wielding swords since people do it all the time: People do indeed use hand weapons. We possess two things that dogs don't:

1. Five-fingered hands that possess opposable thumbs, enabling us to grip objects

2. Long arms with 360 degrees of motion, enabling us to swing weapons.

A wolf with a sword in his mouth that is actually longer than his body-length is a logical fail for me, since the instant his short little neck tried to swing it, the weapon would ground itself. I am willing to suspend disbelief only so far.
Canine bite force greatly exceed that of humans. They can shatter bone, even of large animals with simply their jaw. But this only extends to what can fit in their jaw. If it's too big to bite, they have to tear and if there's nothing to tear, well...

Also, some 4-leggers have very flexible spines, allowing for a higher degree of maneuverability (it's why cheetahs can run so fast, after all) which extend to neck and head movement. Also, their necks aren't short relative to their head. Their necks are actually quite muscular which is where much of their jaw strength comes from.

It's may be a logical fail for you, but that's only because dogs, in real life, rarely have to fight super powered, invulnerable, giant, armor plated, gun-toting enemies. When presented with targets they aren't trying to eat, their natural armaments may seem inadequate just like a naked human would be inadequate to face the very same foes. So it's just as logical *any* creature with intelligence enough to seek out methods to handle such threats such as powers, tech, tools and tactics.



And all I gotta say is... so?

Even if humans have to train with swords, they're designed for humans.

That and having dogs run after things with swords in their mouth sounds incredibly facepalm worthy. About as ludicrous as that scene in MGS4 with people swordfighting with their feet.

Dogs need a weapon designed for dogs. Give 'em stronger claws, better teeth, whatever.



Originally Posted by BenRGamer View Post
And all I gotta say is... so?

Even if humans have to train with swords, they're designed for humans.

That and having dogs run after things with swords in their mouth sounds incredibly facepalm worthy. About as ludicrous as that scene in MGS4 with people swordfighting with their feet.

Dogs need a weapon designed for dogs. Give 'em stronger claws, better teeth, whatever.
Wait, there's actually a game where people fight with swords held by their feet? LOLtacular.

As far as wolves with swords, canines may indeed bite with far more force than humans; this is an excellent argument for canines getting all medieval and actually, you know, using their natural armaments to fight with.

No matter how you swing it [do pardon the pun] a dog's neck has nowhere near the range possessed by the human arm. If this was an idea that would actually do well, there would be people schooling k-9 forces to fight with swords in their mouths right now.

But it wouldn't and they don't. Especially with nine-foot swords *sword grounds in the dirt, first swing*. I should not have to explain this, it should be obvious!