Let's chat seriously about PC Animals...




Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Now you are attacking Harold?
At least he's making recognizable shapes. For that matter, why are you adhering to the rules of spelling and grammar? Aren't you all about sticking it to the man, or something?

Well, there is the issue of your username, kinda. So there is that. ;p



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
You should stop for a moment and think about most of the character concepts and JUST HOW STUPID they are.

This is a superhero game, you can drawn the stupid line anywhere you want. But so can everyone else. Unrealistic is the ENTIRE POINT of superheroes.
The problem with this is that we can have a "stupid" category, and an "unrealistic" category; these do not have 100% overlap.

It is the Venn diagram overlap of "stupid and unrealistic" from which most of the problems in this thread flow.

I do not think superhero-themed stuff is stupid, really. I have been reading about it my whole life; my first little-girl crush was Batman, for crying out loud. I do draw the line at cartoon dogs barking rockets, dogs fighting with swords and [perhaps most epically] someone else's mention of a game where people swordfight using their feet, though.

Could anyone but chimps do that, really? Disgression.... but just saying.

[And yes, the fact that Star wars is cram-jam-packed with crap I find utterly slapstick - Ewoks being Exhibit #1 - is a big reason I have not been following the franchise for decades.]



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
[And yes, the fact that Star wars is cram-jam-packed with crap I find utterly slapstick - Ewoks being Exhibit #1 - is a big reason I have not been following the franchise for decades.]
In retrospect, Star Wars was an entirely bad example in the way I was trying to use it. It's still a good example of how a story should follow its own continuity and rules once it's established them.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
He should be drawing with the crayon in his mouth - it's more creative and it looks cooler.
LOL... damnit I hate it when I agree with GG...

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
He should be drawing with the crayon in his mouth - it's more creative and it looks cooler.
if he drew with his left foot he would win 2 oscars

but I imagine that it would be considered too stupid to be acceptable here.

So let's instead go with the stupidity of a one armed archer who hangs upside down and pulls the bowstring with his teeth.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
if he drew with his left foot he would win 2 oscars

but I imagine that it would be considered too stupid to be acceptable here.

So let's instead go with the stupidity of a one armed archer who hangs upside down and pulls the bowstring with his teeth.

and appears to be an albino Predator???

With sensible shoes



Just give the damn wolves some of the magical flying swords that already exist in the game.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
At least he's making recognizable shapes. For that matter, why are you adhering to the rules of spelling and grammar? Aren't you all about sticking it to the man, or something?

Well, there is the issue of your username, kinda. So there is that. ;p
Attacking a persons spelling, grammar and user name.

A sure sign your argument gave up the ghost some time a go, and are now reduced to name calling.
Just saying.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
So let's instead go with the stupidity of a one armed archer who hangs upside down and pulls the bowstring with his teeth.

Because everyone knows the correct way to do that is to hang from one arm and shoot with your feet:

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Attacking a persons spelling, grammar and user name.

A sure sign your argument gave up the ghost some time a go, and are now reduced to name calling.
Just saying.
Because all rules are to be enforced by the letter 100% of the time with extreme rigidity? With a loose definition of the word 'rule' there.

A bit OCD there, I think!



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
Just give the damn wolves some of the magical flying swords that already exist in the game.
No. The wolves need laser bees!



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Because everyone knows the correct way to do that is to hang from one arm and shoot with your feet:
I prefer the assault rifle version



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I prefer the assault rifle version

Aw damn you, you just sold me with that one.



Why do you think it's stupid for a one armed archer to use their teeth to shoot a bow? Is it because you think a handicapped person can't overcome a disability and use such a weapon?

If that's the case then you need to open your eyes and mind and realize that someone missing an arm can do just about anything that someone with two arms can. Check out this video of Tim Farmer who lost the use of his right arm as he teaches others to shoot with their teeth. Sure he's not hanging upside down but I wouldn't be surprised that if he had to do that that he could.


A friend of mine has only one arm and I assure you I have seen her do everything that someone with 2 arms can do. The only exception I can remember is that she can't find a decent Digital SLR to use, since the controls are all on the right side and her hooks can't manipulate them as well as the fingers on her left side. Mind you she can still shoot one, just not flick through all the settings as fast as I can. Even with that I'm pretty sure if it was important enough she has the determination to get it modified or find a way to manage.

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
if he drew with his left foot he would win 2 oscars

but I imagine that it would be considered too stupid to be acceptable here.

So let's instead go with the stupidity of a one armed archer who hangs upside down and pulls the bowstring with his teeth.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post

This is one of the coolest comic books ever!!



Originally Posted by Cathulhu View Post
. Thank you for making my point. You acknowledge he is out maneuvered. But not because of his size. Watch the video and you will see that he is out maneuvered because he uses a sword. To swing the sword requires his head and body to turn away from the knight. All of the wolfs natural weaponry as well as the sword is facing away from his opponent leaving him exposed and vulnerable. That's when the knight jumps in and hits him.

With his size, but without the sword the wolf could advance in a low crouch, chest low to the ground, teeth barred towards the knight at all times and grab hold of the knight, either chewing him up, or if the armor is to thick shaking the knight about until the knights neck broke. The knight would have no opening to et under the body. But because someone decided it is cool to give a wolf a sword they wind up making the wolf lame. You video shows that SWORD AND WOLF = FAIL!
You were speaking that a 'anything harmless can be a threat supersized' or what not which is what I was commenting on. Supersize a wolf using a sword and you get the glaring weakness of being unable to properly defend himself from smaller foes because there is a radius of lethality one has to cross. Supersize a person with a sword and you get the same effect, get past the sword and the sword won't do anything to you.

A regular sized wolf would not have that issue as you won't be able to get past that arc of lethality because it's as close to their body as their teeth.

If you make him smaller then the fight is worse since now the sword and mass can be blocked by the knights sword. At normal scale the knight can block the swinging sword stopping it or worse still deflecting it in a manner that a mouth, unlike a hand, can't handle.
If, of course, the knight can block him. Of course, a single sword will be at a disadvantage vs a sword and shield, but a shield can't defend you completely. The animal's center of gravity is lower, therefore being able to create more force at a lower angle. And the animal can also use upward attacks to push their opponent back. There are disadvantages, yes, but there can be advantages too.

Now when this happens between humans the human can keep his eyes on his opponent and possibly retreat a few steps all the while moving his sword INDEPENDENTLY OF HIS BODY to the side or even the rear to allow himself to do a powerful counter attack or parry. A counter attack can use the tremendous centrifugal force that a human arm with a length of two and a half feet or more and the ability to rotate 360 degrees can obtain. Watch any good weapons fight video to see how much flexability and force the human arm has.You even see these animations in CoH.

The poor wolf trying to recover from his sword being parried can't do this. The appendage that holds the sword also contains the sensory system and so when the wolf moves the sword back to allow for a swing with any sort of momentum, the eyes face away from the knight. Worse still in order to get similar momentum to equal the humans arms the wolf must contort the entire body thus making movement outside of that being used to ready the blow nearly impossible. See your own video at 3:35 for an example and imagine how vulnerable the wolf would be if his opponent were the same size with a sword of equal length instead of 1/4 the size. Yep moves that work and look impressive when the scale is that of an infant vs an adult, quickly fail and result in a dead wolf.
Firstly, the linked video isn't the end-all-be-all demo of how it'd work, just a demo showing that it *could* work. If that wolf were free to perform actions like he'd regularly react to vs what it were programmed to do, not only would it have a sword swinging to increase the range of its lethality, but it'd also have 2 forepaws and 2 hind paws. It could claw if it had claws as well as maneuver, roll and jump. A countered parry attack can only work if you can parry the weapon *away* from the target or *into* the target. If the example were a normal sized wolf simply blocking and riding the attack, either lowering their center of gravity to get a better foot hold, move with the attack to soften it or simply allow themselves to be overpowered and knocked in that direction could be viable ways to deal with a counter strike or parry.

But then this all hinges on the types of blows the foe throws. They'd all have to be low or mid which could easily be dodged.

The sword in order to look deadly must swing and slice in arcs, but in order to do this the wolfs head and body must follow these same arcs and thus the fight looks phony since the wolf lacks the ability to do footwork and keep it's enemy in sight. Remove the stupid sword and the wolf becomes a deadly foe since the footwork can move independently of the snapping jaws and the sensory organs face the enemy as long as the weapon faces them.
Of course you can use footwork in either case. Just because their eyes are close to where they're holding their sword doesn't mean they can't see and dodge. It's pretty simple: where the wolf would be aiming to bite by centering the target area between its eyes, while using a sword it'd just shift that point to the right or left depending which side the sword is on. Better yet, to do any damage, it only has to pass the aimed point rather than lock onto the point. Despite what you may think, a dog can see in that particular arc.

Strawman Arument. I never mentioned "Cartoonish vibration." I said "A sword hitting the ground or even its target would be like that hammer and the torque, impact and vibrations would shatter the teeth of the poor dog holding it."

If you honestly think that this would not damage a dogs mouth and teeth then please answer this. If you saw someone coax their dog to hold a metal pole and then they hit the pole with another pole would you call the police or take some other action to stop them?
Well, to 'shatter' a dog's teeth, it'd require considerable force that would probably just as soon sprain or shatter a human wrist...but then you'd have to have some odd mental image that what the dog does with his jaw is balance things on and only on their teeth. Their teeth simply lock things in place so that the sword doesn't slip away. It's the jaw that's actually absorbing the shock, not the teeth. To 'shatter' the teeth themselves would require direct force to the teeth. It's the same as a wrist, while it can take much of the trauma of impact, that's if you're doing it wrong. You don't punch with the wrist, you punch with the arm and you don't swing a sword with the wrist, you swing it with the arm and shoulder. Same with the dog-sword example, it's the jaw, neck and shoulders that are taking the stress.

Contradict what? I answered every point you made and have not done so.

As for Titan Weapons and other items appearing out of nowhere I and many others have mentioned that it can be jarring and would like for these items to be on the character and an animation showing them being pulled out.

But notice even in my criticism of it the difference between ""Titan Weapons" and "Hilt passing through Skull" becomes apparent.
And I challenge you to put a pencil in your mouth, hold it to one side in your teeth then switch sides by swinging it to the other side. You can do this without the end of the pencil 'magically' passing through your skull. I did it right now and I have cheeks. A dog doesn't. Just because the example animation may have seemed so doesn't mean it's somehow *the* point of contention so the whole concept falls apart.

No it does not boil down to "My fantasy is better then yours." There are any number of elements in the game that I find cheesy, but that I accept. The chest size of females being one glaring example.

For me it boils down to...
CoH is a shared universe with shared stories, with limited Dev resources.

1) Is your fantasy "Sword in Mouth Wolves" or mine of "realistic chest size" a common enough feature of the genre that it does not cause other players to have their suspension of belief shattered? In this case the answer is no.

2) If it is not a common feature then does it at least not have elements that will cause other players to have their suspension of belief shattered? Me and a number of others here feel that the answer for yours is no. I think my desired universe would also have the same problem and a lot more opposition.

3) Is there such overwhelming demand that we can ignore 1 and 2. Once again NO.

Thus why should your fantasy or mine over ride that of the vast majority?
The last statement makes little sense. A dog with a sword in their mouth doesn't somehow explain away beam rifles, imps made of fire or even the effectiveness of a human swordsman. It doesn't, in any way, 'override' the fantasy of anything because it doesn't directly or indirectly affect anything except your apparently fragile belief system.

It'd be different if I was saying link all magic to sword wielding wolves, but nothing of the sort is happening. What's common in a genre isn't important when the genre encapsulates a vast array of things you may not already agree with.

Mmmm, got anything else?



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
BenRGamer, curious how one would go about enhancing an animal's natural weapons without actually being mutation, tech or magic since, well...how do you make their teeth stronger, their jaw more powerful and their physical strength to cut through the things a sword wielding player can?
I dunno, how do Natural Human Heroes do it without a sword? Oh, that's right. They use their fists and feet. Natural weaponry. Who'd a thunk it?

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Attaching impervium claws to their paws is all well and good, but then (if the player had the option to choose a melee set with an animal model) that would be claws melee and only claws melee. Certainly have no problem with the opinion that animal model players being locked out of any weapon based set, but if that were not the case, making any weapon set claws is redundant.
Who says they'd get any set other than their own unique set or sets? The only animal PC set coming along is the Shapeshifter AT.

I'm not here to debate the feasibility of 4-Legged PC, because it's already coming.

I'm just here to say that wolves with swords in their mouths is a dumb idea, and there's no argument you can make, no video you can show, nothing you can do to change my mind. Because that is a dumb idea.

Also, resorting to personal insults? That's not really helping your case.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
So let's instead go with the stupidity of a one armed archer who hangs upside down and pulls the bowstring with his teeth.

I am admiring his stylin' and profilin' boot-cut jeans and cowboy boots! However whats going on with his head confuses me.... Hey, what comic is this from anyways?

Your problem is that there is actually nothing stupid about this picture. We have 1. a guy 2. missing an arm 3. using his natural armament [teeth] to get the job done. Three things that make sense. His aim might be off, but it does not irreparably break my suspension of disbelief.

This is completely NOT on a level with stuff like Wookies celebrating Christmas on their home planet, to continue the Star Wars analogies and does anyone remember that wacky Christmas special, anyways?

[And who involved with the SW franchise sat around one day and brainstormed up "....you know what this franchise needs is some fuzzy little animated teddy bears! We will call them Ewoks!! Awesome idea, I will get right on it." ...scratch that I dont even WANT to know who it was.]



You quoted my first two paragraphs, but appear to have only partly responded to the first one and ignored the second. Do you acknowledge, as the first and more specifically the second paragraphs says, that if the wolf in the video had no sword and simply kept his body low to the ground and natural weapon of teeth barred towards the knight that there would have been little or no chance for the knight to get in and under the wolf in order to attack his vulnerable belly?

If so then we have the following...

"Super Sized Wolf with a Sword and Wolf has a glaring weakness to the knight." You have admitted this.
"Super Sized Wolf without Sword and Wolf is stronger against the knight." I pointed this out and you have not refuted it.

If that's the case then the Sword makes Super Sized Wolf weaker towards the knight.

Thus YOUR video does not support the contention that a Wolf should use a sword.

Originally Posted by Cthulhu Said
Thank you for making my point. You acknowledge he is out maneuvered. But not because of his size. Watch the video and you will see that he is out maneuvered because he uses a sword. To swing the sword requires his head and body to turn away from the knight. All of the wolfs natural weaponry as well as the sword is facing away from his opponent leaving him exposed and vulnerable. That's when the knight jumps in and hits him.

With his size, but without the sword the wolf could advance in a low crouch, chest low to the ground, teeth barred towards the knight at all times and grab hold of the knight, either chewing him up, or if the armor is to thick shaking the knight about until the knights neck broke. The knight would have no opening to et under the body. But because someone decided it is cool to give a wolf a sword they wind up making the wolf lame. You video shows that SWORD AND WOLF = FAIL!
You replied

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
You were speaking that a 'anything harmless can be a threat supersized' or what not which is what I was commenting on. [B]Supersize a wolf using a sword and you get the glaring weakness of being unable to properly defend himself from smaller foes because there is a radius of lethality one has to cross. [B] Supersize a person with a sword and you get the same effect, get past the sword and the sword won't do anything to you.

A regular sized wolf would not have that issue as you won't be able to get past that arc of lethality because it's as close to their body as their teeth.

Additionally you are incorrect when you say "Supersize a person with a sword and you get the same effect, get past the sword and the sword won't do anything to you."

Assuming such would make you quite dead. In a real fight the knight chokes up on the sword using the rissaro. You see this area in front of the hilt on most large swords, including the one in your video, for precisely this reason. It allows the knight to hold the sword at almost the mid point and they can now maneuver the sword for close combat. As an example they can position the tip of the sword against someones chest which can literally next to their own chest and thrust the blade in. You don't get any closer then that unless your in bed

You also say "A regular sized wolf would not have that issue as you won't be able to get past that arc of lethality because it's as close to their body as their teeth." but you forgot to finish the sentence. It should read...

"A regular sized wolf would not have that issue as you won't be able to get past that arc of lethality because it's as close to their body as their teeth, which sadly can't be used since it has a useless sword in those teeth.

And unlike the human the wolf lacks a second appendage to choke up on and so the sword is useless compared to it's natural weapons of teeth.

You also seem to have forgotten to post the video link even though you said "I'm just going to keep posting various links demonstrating this fight." I take it you simply forgot and still feel this shows what you want. I'll post it so others coming into this discusion can see it.


Much of the rest of your post refers to a "Normal Sized Wolf" but I notice we may may have different views on what size is "normal size wolf". I assumed you were talking about a normal fantasy sized wolf 4-5 feet tall and 250-300 pounds, but you make statements that imply a "Normal non fantasy" size of 2-3 feet and 50-160 pounds" Please specify what size and weight of wolf you are talking about when you refer to "Normal Sized Wolf"

Likewise unless you can refute what I said in the last post and have reiterated at the beginning of this one, that you admit that "super sizing a wolf with a sword gives you a glaring weakness", then I think I have proven my case.



Originally Posted by Cathulhu View Post
You quoted my first two paragraphs, but appear to have only partly responded to the first one and ignored the second. Do you acknowledge, as the first and more specifically the second paragraphs says, that if the wolf in the video had no sword and simply kept his body low to the ground and natural weapon of teeth barred towards the knight that there would have been little or no chance for the knight to get in and under the wolf in order to attack his vulnerable belly?
I addressed that in a later paragraph, saying that fight is only a demo for what it'd look like, not the be-all-end-all of how such a creature would fight...because if Sif weren't limited by the animations given to him, he could have easily stomped whomever got within his legs. The point was, him wielding a weapon has an advantage of mass and power but the disadvantage of any large sized creature.

"Super Sized Wolf with a Sword and Wolf has a glaring weakness to the knight." You have admitted this.
"Super Sized Wolf without Sword and Wolf is stronger against the knight." I pointed this out and you have not refuted it.
How many oversized wolves have you fought in video games? They'll always have a weakness, wielding a sword or not. One grave weakness of just a large wolf snapping at you is...they're snapping at you with their mouth...which is attached to their head...which has vulnerable points. Using a vulnerable point as a weapon leaves you open to be stabbed in the eye, through the mouth or having something shoved into the mouth, ultimately leaving the wolf unable to snap at all.

So your points aren't even that a sword makes a wolf weaker to the knight, just that a boss foe has weaknesses.

Thus YOUR video does not support the contention that a Wolf should use a sword.
The video is to support the contention of what a wolf *looks* like should it wield a sword.

Additionally you are incorrect when you say "Supersize a person with a sword and you get the same effect, get past the sword and the sword won't do anything to you."

Assuming such would make you quite dead. In a real fight the knight chokes up on the sword using the rissaro. You see this area in front of the hilt on most large swords, including the one in your video, for precisely this reason. It allows the knight to hold the sword at almost the mid point and they can now maneuver the sword for close combat. As an example they can position the tip of the sword against someones chest which can literally next to their own chest and thrust the blade in. You don't get any closer then that unless your in bed
You can't be serious.

How big was that wolf? Like, 5x larger than a regular wolf? The point is, a person 5x larger than a regular human (so something like 30-35ft tall) would have the disadvantage of fighting a very small and slippery target. Worse yet is, if the sword is regular sized, one simply has to get past their sword to stab at their legs.

Have you fought giant people with weapons in video games before? Seriously?

You also say "A regular sized wolf would not have that issue as you won't be able to get past that arc of lethality because it's as close to their body as their teeth." but you forgot to finish the sentence. It should read...

"A regular sized wolf would not have that issue as you won't be able to get past that arc of lethality because it's as close to their body as their teeth, which sadly can't be used since it has a useless sword in those teeth.

And unlike the human the wolf lacks a second appendage to choke up on and so the sword is useless compared to it's natural weapons of teeth.
This is...a bad and bias reply.

So a human using a sword gets the theoretical benefit of using their other appendages (mainly their other arm) but the animal...magically doesn't have any other limbs?

You also seem to have forgotten to post the video link even though you said "I'm just going to keep posting various links demonstrating this fight." I take it you simply forgot and still feel this shows what you want. I'll post it so others coming into this discusion can see it.

Because I can tell you haven't been clicking my links anyway. The 3 times I posted links, they were to 3 different videos of the same fight. You did post the 2nd link I put up which at least tells me you clicked that one.

Here's a different one.

Much of the rest of your post refers to a "Normal Sized Wolf" but I notice we may may have different views on what size is "normal size wolf". I assumed you were talking about a normal fantasy sized wolf 4-5 feet tall and 250-300 pounds, but you make statements that imply a "Normal non fantasy" size of 2-3 feet and 50-160 pounds" Please specify what size and weight of wolf you are talking about when you refer to "Normal Sized Wolf"

Likewise unless you can refute what I said in the last post and have reiterated at the beginning of this one, that you admit that "super sizing a wolf with a sword gives you a glaring weakness", then I think I have proven my case.

I would more likely assume the larger side of the average sized wolf considering in CoH terms, everything tends to be scaled for larger sized avatars...so 6ft (around max for females) from nose to tail, 3.5ft from the shoulders and 150lb (they tend to reach 120lb on average).

I'd save size or weight advantages should be about even for a human. That is discounting an above average trained human or the CoH-ified character but you can scale the dog similarly.

But you haven't proven anything except you can pick particular arguments and discard what doesn't support your claims. I never commented on the effectiveness of a wolf *ONLY* using a sword and nothing else like agility, footwork, speed or their other damned limbs...likely since it's not like one expects a sword wielding human to do the same thing (discarding their agility, sight, footwork, momentum and their other damned arm).

I suppose we'll just have to agree to...let Cathulhu limited examples and disregard all else.

But still loving that 'shattered teeth' point you made earlier. Fraken hilarious and totally not even in the same ballpark as a shatter human wrist or fingers...those those totally absorb those cartoonish vibrations when you bang swords. *nods*



Oh yeah, I can most definitely tell that you're a Furry, now.



I want a metal-plated panther!

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
I want a metal-plated panther!
why settle for a panther?