Let's chat seriously about PC Animals...




Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I'm arguing at someone who only has one character concept.
Fixed that.



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post

I just can't help but feel that Sif should be using that speed and bulk to a greater advantage than he does with the sword.
Well it's rather beside the point though. It's the animations I'm talking about, not the concept (I have no idea what the Great Grey Wolf Sif's story is...for all I know, he's the guardian of that powerful sword, a spirit of the sword itself given form and therefore, he *is* the sword). There could be many concepts where conversely the animal *isn't* at an advantage using their speed and/or bulk without a sufficient tool to project it through. Because biting a foe that can turn themselves on fire or cover themselves in electricity may be as harmful to them as their foe...or that their weapon empowers them or that the animal simply hasn't the instincts to bite/claw because they were taught otherwise...or...

Yeah, I could go on and on...



The wolf is about 20 feet tall and 40 feet long. As the Stay Puft Marshmellow man showed us even “the most harmless thing” can become a lethal threat when super sized. Scale the boss in that scene down to a normal height of 5 feet and those scenes would loose most of their impact.

Speaking of ‘impact’, imagine if you saw some guy coax his dog to pick up a metal pole in its mouth and then he started whacking the end of the metal pole with a hammer. If your imagination is at all good you cringed and wanted to throttle the SOB for doing that to the poor dog. Teeth are designed to work on soft material. Not hard objects. A sword hitting the ground or even its target would be like that hammer and the torque, impact and vibrations would shatter the teeth of the poor dog holding it.

Another problem with the video is that the moves are limited and many of them are faked and only achieved by blatantly moving solid objects through each other. Look at when the wolf switches the sword from the right to left side of his mouth and you can see that the hilt needs to impossibly pass through his skull to pivot like that. (1:14-1:16).

A human has no such issues since a sword is designed for humans to use. we can switch a sword from left to right or straight ahead without ever letting go and a with just the flick of a wrist. A human wielding a sword can move it to almost any position be it front, sides, behind the back or even overhead without ever taking their eyes of the opponent. A human can Thrust, Parry, Sweep, Feint. We can switch to 2 hands to add more power to a swing or to better block a blow, or angle the with a twist of the wrist so the opponents sword slides down and harmlessly off the blade. A wolf will find almost all of these moves to be impossible to do without taking their eyes off the target and/or leaving them vulnerable.

And that’s exactly what you see in the video. It shows that the sword rather then making the wolf a threat weakens it. The wolf continually must turn its head and body with the sword leaving it open to attack. Imagine the same wolf without a sword. The knight would not be able to roll in and under the wolf because the teeth would always be facing it. One good chomp from the wolf and the knight would experience the classic dog head shake that would snap the knights neck.

Game over.



Originally Posted by Cathulhu View Post

Game over.
Lol have you seen some of the animations in CoH? Have we gone over the physics of how those are working? Just the thought of hanging in the air from a Total Focus/Thunder Strike/Tremor just to come slowly down again doesn't convey as much realism, impact or adherence to physics as a dog with a sword in his mouth and at the same time doesn't look as interesting...and that's just the more mundane examples.

Game over indeed. You must be going easy on me...or running out of steam.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Lol have you seen some of the animations in CoH? Have we gone over the physics of how those are working? Just the thought of hanging in the air from a Total Focus/Thunder Strike/Tremor just to come slowly down again doesn't convey as much realism, impact or adherence to physics as a dog with a sword in his mouth and at the same time doesn't look as interesting...and that's just the more mundane examples.

Game over indeed. You must be going easy on me...or running out of steam.
Nope, I made a number of points and you mentioned only one.

As I pointed out the wolf we would have would be small by comparison and so would not look as cool or intimidating as they do in the video.

The wolf is less effective with the sword then without.

It is those features combined with the others I mentioned as well as the one you addressed that when all pilled together overcome my ability to suspend belief. If you can then more power to you, but I am not impressed with the video.

Mind you, I do find other parts of CoH and some animations to also strain credibility, but in most cases the number of issues does not reach the same level as I saw in that video.



Cathulhu, your logic has no place here. It is easily overcome by Leo posting the same frackin' videos over and over and over again, as if to drown out naysayers by dint of sheer overpostingness.

Leo thinks that humans instinctually start trying to scratch opponents when threatened, and that punches, kicks etc. are "learned behavior."

He thinks that dogs wielding 9' swords in their mouths are the epitome of awesome.

He has said he "does not give a crap what [other players] think." Fair enough, because I for one certainly feel free to reject the "awesomeness" of his sword-fighting dogs and evident love for all things furtastic. Meh.

The developers will settle this, one way or another. I have a feeling they're NOT going to come down on the "hey yeah cool, dogs fighting with swords, make it so!!" side of things, but let's don't disturb Leo's fantasy. Its all he has.



Not to mention this:


....is quite possibly, the most ridiculous-looking video-game related thing that I have literally ever seen. The more it gets posted the more ridiculous it looks. What the flaming hell would a 10-foot-tall wolf need with a sword?! He would bite one's head off T-Rex style, no weapons needed and game over! Puns intended!


It comes with concepts that *might* be copied from other games too, that apparently we're 'Too Good' to 'copy' others...even if only taking inspiration from others...and even to a fault that we'd *deny* options to keep CoH 'pure'.
Dat's wight, wabbit.



Originally Posted by Cathulhu View Post
Nope, I made a number of points and you mentioned only one.

As I pointed out the wolf we would have would be small by comparison and so would not look as cool or intimidating as they do in the video.

The wolf is less effective with the sword then without.

It is those features combined with the others I mentioned as well as the one you addressed that when all pilled together overcome my ability to suspend belief. If you can then more power to you, but I am not impressed with the video.

Mind you, I do find other parts of CoH and some animations to also strain credibility, but in most cases the number of issues does not reach the same level as I saw in that video.
Well if you want to get technical:

-Sif had a major weakpoint: his size. You could easily maneuver yourself under him and he couldn't be able to cut you. That wouldn't be if he was regular sized, so while he wouldn't seem as menacing, it would have more of a defensive edge against regular sized foes especially if you consider how fast he was despite that size.

-The point about shattering teeth? Dogs teeth and jaws are stronger than people. Just because you'd think hitting a sword with another sword gets you that cartoonish vibration when you hold it would be amplified by holding the weapon in your teeth greatly discounts just how strong and sturdy a dog's head is. They grab onto moving things with their teeth that you'd think would be extremely jarring when it is nothing of the sort.

-Major point. Sword grips. Duh, make a sword grip for teeth, thick and absorbent enough to be gripped by teeth, cause less stress on them and not be slickened by slobber.

Again, you can make more points but then you'd have to contradict your own 'beliefs'...I mean "Whoa, him switching his grip in his teeth makes the hilt pass *UNBELIEVABLY* through his skull! No way!" *ignores pulling Titan Weapons or any weapon for that matter, out of nothing*.

So yeah, basically it boils down to your fantasy is better than mine so has no place. Forgive me if I say to shove that.

And Bad_Influence, u just mad nobody's replying to you. Don't worry, I haven't put you on ignore



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Well if you want to get technical:

-Sif had a major weakpoint: his size. You could easily maneuver yourself under him and he couldn't be able to cut you. That wouldn't be if he was regular sized, so while he wouldn't seem as menacing, it would have more of a defensive edge against regular sized foes especially if you consider how fast he was despite that size.
At that size, it must weight a couple tons, and have the ability to leap several dozen yards in one go - it's speed, weight and momentum would kill a human without it ever needing to use its jaws - and one swipe of its paw would knock a head clean off.
The problem with giving it such a limited set of animations is that it just highlights how it's not using its natural lunging and pouncing moves.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
It's call the rule of cool. Whatever the conceptualist thinks is cool works. Same for huge swords that have no right to be wielded yet alone cut anything, or how mixing guns and swords together somehow functions better than each separately.
Gunblades, as stupid of an idea it is, is less ludicrous than dogs fighting with swords in their mouths. Even these non-existent specialty dog-swords.

As I've said before, I'm not against any shapeshifting AT. It's already coming, I don't particularly care. The thing is, the animals are going to fight naturally

If dogs get any weapon, it'd have to go with enhancing their natural fighting moves. Such as claws or stronger teeth or something to help them pounce. Not a sword being wielded by a mouth.



In a comicbook setting, with all the amazing powers and abilities, the "why?" is more important than the "how?" when it comes to the suspension of disbelief - for example, a wolf that can breathe fire isn't a problem - it could be magic, or some kind of mutation - it wouldn't be too wacky for a comicbook universe, so the "how?" doesn't really need much explanation - and the "why?" is answered by it being an animal that uses its mouth as its main weapon, so fiery breath incresaes the power of that weapon, and as a hunting animal it also adds a ranged option to its attacks - but a wolf with a sword in its mouth fails the "why?" question - it's blocking its main weapon with an inferior one that also weighs it down and restricts its mobility while requiring it to use extra effort for a more limited attack.

Superpowers and speical abilities are only plausible when they give the user some kind of advantage, otherwise there's no reason why they'd use them - and a wolf with a sword in its mouth is at a disadvantage compared to a wolf witout a sword in its mouth.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Those are humans with animal parts, not animals
Don't go calling a Thundercat a human with animals parts in front of their face, yo!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Superpowers and speical abilities are only plausible when they give the user some kind of advantage, otherwise there's no reason why they'd use them - and a wolf with a sword in its mouth is at a disadvantage compared to a wolf witout a sword in its mouth.
In 1674 the samurai Katsuchiyo's master was slain by ninja of the Sorin clan. Katsuchiyo could not live with the shame he had brought to his family, but he could not commit sepuku without a second and he was forced to turn ronin. He lived a life of many brave and daring deeds, and found himself years later in a dark forest in the northern island. A starving wolf watched his fire, but Katsuchiyo was also starving and had no meat for it to share.

As the wolf watched him, Katsuchiyo told the wolf of his past and his great shame. He could sense an understanding in the wolf. This was no simple beast but a Kami in wolf form. There passed an understanding between them that Katsuchiyo would commit sepuku and the wolf would be his second. Katsuchiyo took his sword and put it in the wolf's mouth, teaching it to slash, for it must be a katana slash to cut off his head should Katsuchiyo fail.

Katsuchiyo did not fail, he killed himself in the snow. The wolf was still a beast with a starving family to feed and it brought the corpse back as meat. It brought back as well the katana, and it taught its children the strange slashing motion taught to it by the samurai. From that day, the eldest wolf son of each generation was given the katana and the task of hunting down the Sorin ninja to restore the honor of Katsuchiyo who had given his life that the wolf clan might live.



And this Japanese legend gives credence... how? Or did I miss somethbing where legends somehow make animations in this game appear out of nowhere and suddenly not look dumb when played on a wolf model?



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Yellow Indisputable Fundamental Fact #1: People have gotten this thread to 10+ pages in like 3 days, so the idea *MUST* be popular.
Right, because people giving feedback about how bad something is, is also popular.

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You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
The inability to view something without a sexual component to the perception can be seen as a sign of repressed preferences.
Anything can be seen as anything.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Watched the boss fight. Oh man, awesome boss... but why the stupid sword idea? A giant wolf would have been better, but no, some idiot thought a sword would make it better.

Dark Souls 2: Our wolves have flamethrowers!

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Dark Souls 2: Our wolves have flamethrowers in their mouths!



Originally Posted by BenRGamer View Post
Gunblades, as stupid of an idea it is, is less ludicrous than dogs fighting with swords in their mouths. Even these non-existent specialty dog-swords.
Gunblades aren't so amazingly stupid, they did exist in real life, though they looked far from as stylish as the ones seen in final fantasy.

Think more a revolver welded onto the side of a sword (in some cases they were literally just that).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Those are humans with animal parts, not animals
And as such, they are quite a lot better than a real wolf with a sword in its mouth.



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Gunblades aren't so amazingly stupid, they did exist in real life, though they looked far from as stylish as the ones seen in final fantasy.

Think more a revolver welded onto the side of a sword (in some cases they were literally just that).
Gunblades are based on reality

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



So, now we're talking about giant wolves with gunblades in their mouths?



Welp, not that it's unfun having posters troll me, I'll just comment on the sentiments of particular posters to save myself the time quoting them and replying to individual statements...

Jayboh: You must have lost track of the actual OP. This was about Player Controlled animal characters and what they'd look like using regular Player powersets, of which was highlighted by the OP with examples like Electric Melee. Yes, that the discussion has reached nearly 15 pages shows it is a topic of debate whether you agree with it or not. It has little to do with animals wielding weapons in their mouth and more to do with animals with powers period.

As for making the giant wolf with a sword fight into just a giant wolf fight? Because it's been done. Not saying that's a bad thing, but there's little worthy of note with the latter. Things that stand out more are what catch interest, especially when we're talking about fiction.

dugfromthearth, that's a really interesting story. Is that an actual legend or did you make that up?

BenRGamer, curious how one would go about enhancing an animal's natural weapons without actually being mutation, tech or magic since, well...how do you make their teeth stronger, their jaw more powerful and their physical strength to cut through the things a sword wielding player can? Attaching impervium claws to their paws is all well and good, but then (if the player had the option to choose a melee set with an animal model) that would be claws melee and only claws melee. Certainly have no problem with the opinion that animal model players being locked out of any weapon based set, but if that were not the case, making any weapon set claws is redundant.

Golden Girl, I've given you a 'why'. I've given you my 'why', other 'why's and random 'why's. Don't regurgitate your opinion at me just because you feel it inadequate for your limited creative concepts and don't bother rationalizing your stance with 'how's when you know damned well practically anything is possible in a comic book...especially when you disregard other 'how's that you feel 'aren't as knuckle-draggingly moronic' when they probably are.

Frankly, none of this is skin off my back. The OP asked what kind of animation work for certain sets with animal models and I expressed my concept for certain weapon sets. I'm not on a crusade to get this stuff in the game (I even say I really doubt it'd ever come to pass), so all the backward, bigotedly comments about furries and crap don't actually bother me (lol that's like crying at the guy down the street since that isn't my angle at all). Even the comments about it being unfit for CoH due to animation complexity doesn't bother me...because to pull of a wolf with a sword in its mouth would take some impressive animations which may or may not be in the studio's capabilities.

However, you, Golden Girl, have literally insulted my creativity by labeling something I invest in as stupid. No, I don't take it as a personal insult, but I do take it as an insult none the less and I'll be damned if I settle for that coming from a obnoxious one-dimensional person with lack of vision like yourself. No, I'm not mad...far from it. I'm determined.

So I probably should thank you, GG. I've been sitting on my hands in regards to personal projects of mine that I really should be pumping out but I'd always thought the works I come up with lack any flavor or uniqueness. But it's become apparent I probably am crazy, and crazy is good when you've got a spark of motivation behind it. I mean, some express how loony One Piece is with dogs barking rockets, eating fruits to give you powers and the like...some even call it crazy because it is. But One Piece isn't stupid...it's been persisting since 1997 and is probably one of the most popular manga in Japan and even so world wide and still going strong. You have to be a little crazy to take the world by storm and while I may not reach there it couldn't hurt to try.

So thanks for being an insulting, obnoxious, narrow minded peon in my path that I have to step on to move forward....or to put it shortly, thank you for being Golden Girl

And do continue. I'll try to keep up with this thread as it persists but I've got work to do