Let's chat seriously about PC Animals...




A troll is someone who disagrees with your opinion? I mean, you do realize your opinions aren't actually indisputable facts, right?

Just making sure!



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
So, now we're talking about giant wolves with gunblades in their mouths?
I dunno. I just came here to verbally slap the dude going on about how everyone with an anthropomorphic character was clearly exactly the same as the worst spawn of the entire anthro/furry fandom and was obviously perverted scum who should be taken out and shot, rather than, I dunno, someone who happened to have an anthro character. *shrug*

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



<dugfromthearth, that's a really interesting story. Is that an actual legend or did you make that up?>

I just made it up.

I learned long ago that any claim that "it makes no sense that X" is silly, because gamers can easily come up with dozens of reasons why X.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I dunno. I just came here to verbally slap the dude going on about how everyone with an anthropomorphic character was clearly exactly the same as the worst spawn of the entire anthro/furry fandom and was obviously perverted scum who should be taken out and shot, rather than, I dunno, someone who happened to have an anthro character. *shrug*
Phah, don't mind them. If it's one thing we have in infinite supply on the CoH forums, it's hyperbole.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Right, because people giving feedback about how bad something is, is also popular.
The thread for the I13 PvP changes was big

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
So, now we're talking about giant wolves with gunblades in their mouths?
And the gunblades shoot rockets filled with bees.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
And the gunblades shoot rockets filled with bees.
And the giant wolf also has eye-lasers. And so do all the bees.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Jayboh: You must have lost track of the actual OP. This was about Player Controlled animal characters and what they'd look like using regular Player powersets, of which was highlighted by the OP with examples like Electric Melee. Yes, that the discussion has reached nearly 15 pages shows it is a topic of debate whether you agree with it or not. It has little to do with animals wielding weapons in their mouth and more to do with animals with powers period.

As for making the giant wolf with a sword fight into just a giant wolf fight? Because it's been done. Not saying that's a bad thing, but there's little worthy of note with the latter. Things that stand out more are what catch interest, especially when we're talking about fiction.
Not sure if you are joking or not. I was directly addressing videos you spammed continuously in this thread. If I lost track of the OP, I have you to blame.

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Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
And the giant wolf also has eye-lasers. And so do all the bees.
Issue 24: LASER BEES

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
The inability to view something without a sexual component to the perception can be seen as a sign of repressed preferences.
For some of us it isn't repressed. I'm a total yiff-crazed furry and proud of it, and I say bring on the four-legged heroes.

On the other hand, I really want to link to the Whamadoodles Online parody to show how bad anthropomorphic games can get, but I suspect that providing a link will get me banned.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
For some of us it isn't repressed. I'm a total yiff-crazed furry and proud of it
Hmm... how much of a Furry are you? I'm very curious all of the suddenly.



...Read the entire wall of text? No thanks, but a few things jumped out:

that naughty-naughty finger-wavin' wolf guy: Yes, that the discussion has reached nearly 15 pages shows it is a topic of debate whether you agree with it or not. It has little to do with animals wielding weapons in their mouth and more to do with animals with powers period.
Completely, 100% bass-ackwards. The argument has little to do with "animals with powers, period" but rather more to do with your assertations that animals who lack arms - and indeed, opposable thumbs - look handy-dandy trying to use bladed weapons by clamping them in their mouths, and we should all just shut up and agree with your assertation because you are the only person in the entire known universe with an "I'M ALWAYS RIGHT!" button.

On behalf of everyone I will thank you for the funny mental imagery this provokes, its been a hoot.

However, you, Golden Girl, have literally insulted my creativity by labeling something I invest in as stupid. No, I don't take it as a personal insult, but I do take it as an insult none the less and I'll be damned if I settle for that coming from a obnoxious one-dimensional person with lack of vision like yourself.
Hint: this thing you are so invested in IS actually not all that intelligent, obnoxious one-dimensional person.

So thanks for being an insulting, obnoxious, narrow minded peon in my path that I have to step on to move forward....or to put it shortly, thank you for being Golden Girl
*raises brows* Perhaps this is the first time in, well, forever that I have come down on the side of our resident Malleus Badge Jihadist, but once again this is 100% wrong. If anyone has been these things in here, it has been you. Stop projecting, and take a moment to realize exactly JUST HOW STUPID a ten-foot-tall wolf needing a sword in its mouth would really be.

Or don't. This is actually pretty amusing. *gets out microwave popcorn* I love how people like you start whipping out the personal insults when you run out of logical arguments, very amusing and very telling too. Please flail around a bit more, I have plenty more popcorn.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Stop projecting, and take a moment to realize exactly JUST HOW STUPID a ten-foot-tall wolf needing a sword in its mouth would really be.
You should stop for a moment and think about most of the character concepts and JUST HOW STUPID they are.

This is a superhero game, you can drawn the stupid line anywhere you want. But so can everyone else. Unrealistic is the ENTIRE POINT of superheroes.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Well if you want to get technical:

-Sif had a major weakpoint: his size. You could easily maneuver yourself under him and he couldn't be able to cut you.

Thank you for making my point. You acknowledge he is out maneuvered. But not because of his size. Watch the video and you will see that he is out maneuvered because he uses a sword. To swing the sword requires his head and body to turn away from the knight. All of the wolfs natural weaponry as well as the sword is facing away from his opponent leaving him exposed and vulnerable. That's when the knight jumps in and hits him.

With his size, but without the sword the wolf could advance in a low crouch, chest low to the ground, teeth barred towards the knight at all times and grab hold of the knight, either chewing him up, or if the armor is to thick shaking the knight about until the knights neck broke. The knight would have no opening to et under the body. But because someone decided it is cool to give a wolf a sword they wind up making the wolf lame. You video shows that SWORD AND WOLF = FAIL!

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
That wouldn't be if he was regular sized, so while he wouldn't seem as menacing, it would have more of a defensive edge against regular sized foes especially if you consider how fast he was despite that size.
If you make him smaller then the fight is worse since now the sword and mass can be blocked by the knights sword. At normal scale the knight can block the swinging sword stopping it or worse still deflecting it in a manner that a mouth, unlike a hand, can't handle.

Now when this happens between humans the human can keep his eyes on his opponent and possibly retreat a few steps all the while moving his sword INDEPENDENTLY OF HIS BODY to the side or even the rear to allow himself to do a powerful counter attack or parry. A counter attack can use the tremendous centrifugal force that a human arm with a length of two and a half feet or more and the ability to rotate 360 degrees can obtain. Watch any good weapons fight video to see how much flexability and force the human arm has.You even see these animations in CoH.

The poor wolf trying to recover from his sword being parried can't do this. The appendage that holds the sword also contains the sensory system and so when the wolf moves the sword back to allow for a swing with any sort of momentum, the eyes face away from the knight. Worse still in order to get similar momentum to equal the humans arms the wolf must contort the entire body thus making movement outside of that being used to ready the blow nearly impossible. See your own video at 3:35 for an example and imagine how vulnerable the wolf would be if his opponent were the same size with a sword of equal length instead of 1/4 the size. Yep moves that work and look impressive when the scale is that of an infant vs an adult, quickly fail and result in a dead wolf.

The sword in order to look deadly must swing and slice in arcs, but in order to do this the wolfs head and body must follow these same arcs and thus the fight looks phony since the wolf lacks the ability to do footwork and keep it's enemy in sight. Remove the stupid sword and the wolf becomes a deadly foe since the footwork can move independently of the snapping jaws and the sensory organs face the enemy as long as the weapon faces them

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
-The point about shattering teeth? Dogs teeth and jaws are stronger than people. Just because you'd think hitting a sword with another sword gets you that cartoonish vibration when you hold it would be amplified by holding the weapon in your teeth greatly discounts just how strong and sturdy a dog's head is. They grab onto moving things with their teeth that you'd think would be extremely jarring when it is nothing of the sort.
Strawman Arument. I never mentioned "Cartoonish vibration." I said "A sword hitting the ground or even its target would be like that hammer and the torque, impact and vibrations would shatter the teeth of the poor dog holding it."

If you honestly think that this would not damage a dogs mouth and teeth then please answer this. If you saw someone coax their dog to hold a metal pole and then they hit the pole with another pole would you call the police or take some other action to stop them?

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
-Major point. Sword grips. Duh, make a sword grip for teeth, thick and absorbent enough to be gripped by teeth, cause less stress on them and not be slickened by slobber.
Are you confident enough that you would honestly encourage someone to test this by taking a metal pole and cover it in rubber, give it to a dog and whack it with fighting force?

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Again, you can make more points but then you'd have to contradict your own 'beliefs'...I mean "Whoa, him switching his grip in his teeth makes the hilt pass *UNBELIEVABLY* through his skull! No way!" *ignores pulling Titan Weapons or any weapon for that matter, out of nothing*.
Contradict what? I answered every point you made and have not done so.

As for Titan Weapons and other items appearing out of nowhere I and many others have mentioned that it can be jarring and would like for these items to be on the character and an animation showing them being pulled out.

But notice even in my criticism of it the difference between ""Titan Weapons" and "Hilt passing through Skull" becomes apparent.

The lack of "Titan Weapons" being drawn is because the medium, in this case CoH game engine and budget, doesn't allow the attachment and drawing of weapons. As countless real life pictures, movies, and stories of people carrying and drawing such weapons shows it can be done in a believable manner if the Devs had the money.

The "Hilt passing through Skull" IS animated. And it is the animation that makes it clear that it can't be done. That the move fails.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
So yeah, basically it boils down to your fantasy is better than mine so has no place. Forgive me if I say to shove that.
No it does not boil down to "My fantasy is better then yours." There are any number of elements in the game that I find cheesy, but that I accept. The chest size of females being one glaring example.

For me it boils down to...
CoH is a shared universe with shared stories, with limited Dev resources.

1) Is your fantasy "Sword in Mouth Wolves" or mine of "realistic chest size" a common enough feature of the genre that it does not cause other players to have their suspension of belief shattered? In this case the answer is no.

2) If it is not a common feature then does it at least not have elements that will cause other players to have their suspension of belief shattered? Me and a number of others here feel that the answer for yours is no. I think my desired universe would also have the same problem and a lot more opposition.

3) Is there such overwhelming demand that we can ignore 1 and 2. Once again NO.

Thus why should your fantasy or mine over ride that of the vast majority?



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
You should stop for a moment and think about most of the character concepts and JUST HOW STUPID they are.

This is a superhero game, you can drawn the stupid line anywhere you want. But so can everyone else. Unrealistic is the ENTIRE POINT of superheroes.
Quite a fallacious rebuttal. Just because suspension of disbelief has been achieved does not mean that suddenly anything goes. It doesn't work that way. Would Star Wars had been as popular if suddenly there was an army of clowns that showed up that shot bees out of their mouths for no reason at all?

Even if they were Jedi Laser Bees with little lightsabers and eye-lasers.



I agree that animals waving swords in their mouths doesn't really fit with CoH, and that's not even touching the technical side with a ten foot barge pole.

I do think there is room for more PC Animal related stuff, which does seem to be sort of in the works. It has been a popular request for some time now, so *shrug*

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Chat about PC animals...

Argue about wolves with swords in their mouths.

Also, laser bees!



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Quite a fallacious rebuttal. Just because suspension of disbelief has been achieved does not mean that suddenly anything goes. It doesn't work that way. Would Star Wars had been as popular if suddenly there was an army of clowns that showed up that shot bees out of their mouths for no reason at all?

Even if they were Jedi Laser Bees with little lightsabers and eye-lasers.
quite a fallacious rebuttal

star wars was a movie in which everyone saw the same thing with no personalization

CoX is a game in which you make your own character

would CoX be popular if everyone dressed as jedi and ewoks and the only enemies were stormtroopers?

I am willing to bet that no addition to the options players have in making their character's costumes have caused others to quit because they had to see them.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
quite a fallacious rebuttal

star wars was a movie in which everyone saw the same thing with no personalization

CoX is a game in which you make your own character

would CoX be popular if everyone dressed as jedi and ewoks and the only enemies were stormtroopers?

I am willing to bet that no addition to the options players have in making their character's costumes have caused others to quit because they had to see them.
What, so I have to provide videogame examples exclusively now? Does it have to be another super hero MMORPG or will any videogame suffice? Will you require those to be notarized and in triplicate as well? Sakes.

I mean I guess you're OK with costume failures and stupid player character names and you don't care one bit about the game's story or lore, but I'd just as soon do without those first two things. And I'm very sure that the devs take their own game's continuity more seriously than most of the players do. Several forum posters notwithstanding, lol.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Just because suspension of disbelief has been achieved does not mean that suddenly anything goes. It doesn't work that way. Would Star Wars had been as popular if suddenly there was an army of clowns that showed up that shot bees out of their mouths for no reason at all?
Of course not. It would be ridiculous if it was just anything goes in the Star Wars universe:

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Of course not. It would be ridiculous if it was just anything goes in the Star Wars universe:
Here we go...



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
I mean I guess you're OK with costume failures and stupid player character names and you don't care one bit about the game's story or lore, but I'd just as soon do without those first two things.
I am not just OK with players having the characters that they want to have, I am delighted to have a game where that is the case.

I celebrate the freedom to make the character that you want that CoX provides.

I mean I guess you're OK with having other players judge your costume and name and decide if you are acceptable to them or if they can force you to play something else, but I'd just as soon do without that.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I am not just OK with players having the characters that they want to have, I am delighted to have a game where that is the case.

I celebrate the freedom to make the character that you want that CoX provides.

I mean I guess you're OK with having other players judge your costume and name and decide if you are acceptable to them or if they can force you to play something else, but I'd just as soon do without that.
Yeah... you know, there's a difference between freedom and chaos. One of them engenders creativity. The other is just noise.

But go ahead and keep scribbling your crayon all over the walls, you rebel!



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
But go ahead and keep scribbling your crayon all over the walls, you rebel!
Now you are attacking Harold?



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Now you are attacking Harold?

He should be drawing with the crayon in his mouth - it's more creative and it looks cooler.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork