When you think of new ATs, what do you think of?




Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I think you underestimate our desire to expand the game in more creative ways.

Counter question:

Let's say, hypothetically, we introduced a new AT, but because of the amount of time and cost it would take to develop it, we had no choice but to offer it in the Paragon Market (a possible scenario).

Based on our established precedents, what do you feel would be a fair price, in Paragon Points?

I'm interested in your responses.
799 Paragon Points

Why? $10 for a new AT - hopefully along the same lines of an EAT but power choices that don't have to be ported over from other builds (unless it's an EAT that allows you to cherry pick Primaries and Secondaries from any AT.)



A new AT? People are being cheap if they think anything under 1200 is fair.

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Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Closest I can think of are EAT ideas such as:

Vanguard Heavy Assault Armor (Mecha AT):
Special mechanics would be involve the new pop-up power bar in Beta, a set centered around it's shifted form with something of a very stripped down SoA set as a handful of inherent attacks (plus maybe an armor or two) for being outside of the suit, and power selections going towards the mecha form.
Love this. I know some sort of mecha/armor power is highly requested.

Midnighter Archmagus (Magical Sorcerer AT):
I imagine the powersets for this set would feature a branching AT system like SoAs. Also, while tied in with the lore, this would also basically allow the Devs to, for once, go hogwild and make a purely magically themed powerset and animations, which is something some players have hoped for.
I LOVE this idea. L*O*V*E!

Branching sounds good, but I could also see this using the same "change damage type" mechanic that dual pistols uses (eg., depending on the situation, the mage could shoot fire, dark, or ice blasts; give fire, dark, or ice buffs/debuffs). I'd love to summon a healing circle (think "Tree of Life," but using the Demon MM summoning circles). I'd love this kind of mage idea so much I'd end up rerolling several characters to use it.

Nuff: Said
Yes please. It should have happened already, honestly.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I think you underestimate our desire to expand the game in more creative ways.

Counter question:

Let's say, hypothetically, we introduced a new AT, but because of the amount of time and cost it would take to develop it, we had no choice but to offer it in the Paragon Market (a possible scenario).

Based on our established precedents, what do you feel would be a fair price, in Paragon Points?

I'm interested in your responses.
It would all depend on how "new" the set was. If a new archetype is just old powers rearranged and tweaked (say, a "buff/melee" archetype), then I'd say they should cost the same as MMs and Controllers. But if there's something new to the archetype, then it could/should be more.

I appreciate how Scarlet Shocker put it:
Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Given the development required, and working on the basis this is a "unique" AT - I think that somewhere between 1.5x the cost of an existing purchasable AT (MM/Controllers etc)

I think if Paragon went over 2x that cost, it has the potential to be seen as a "rip off" but the same price as a regular AT makes it seem almost too cheap.



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
I'd expect people to be willing to pay around $15-$20 for a new EAT given the current price of ATs in the market. Maybe $25 if the EAT came with a really in-depth story arc.

I don't exactly think that's too terribly crazy since an EAT as it currently stands has two powersets (expanded though they may be) and a story shared with their paired EAT. Current 'from scratch' powersets that contain unique animations and mechanics are going for $10 and the entirety of First Ward content is $7.50. So maybe $12.50 for the AT itself and $7.50+ for the 1-50 story content unique to the AT (and maybe its paired EAT if it gets one) but then the story content's free for VIPs? That way you're not too far price currently on the market for Khelds and Arachnos.

That said though, I'd gladly pay for interesting EATs. I've always found them to be a fascinating idea and I really wish we had more of them (Will pay for Coralax EAT ....).
I am in full agreement with this. Basically a New AT is really nice and all, but a new AT with a AT specific level 1-50 story line as the EAT is just awesome (and allows some far more focused stories).

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Adding my support to this preference:

Something "rehashed" like Melee/Support or Assault (or Ranged)/Defense [Note: I want these so very badly!]: 1200 PPs

Something "New" like Shapeshifter, Rikti, Power Armor, Vanguard Assault, etc.: 1600 PPs

Also, I'd rather have Melee/Debuff and Assault (or ranged)/Defense first over any "new" ones.

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
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Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



I'm torn on this actually. If we're talking EATs then I honestly would make them something that you have to unlock in game, because that was kind of "the thing" for EATs for a very long time. If we absolutely MUST purchase them then I would want it to be a purchase that included some sort of (mildly epic) story arc to introduce the reason this EAT is going to be around now, and perhaps not allow the player to make one of these EATS until they've completed the story arc at least once, just like a player couldn't make a Kheldian or SoA without getting to level 50/20.

From the examples above, i.e.: Vanguard Mech AT would feature an arc about a new interdimensional threat looming (The Coming Storm?) and Vanguard needing to step up their game with new technology and the best of the best using it, perhaps having existing heroes obtain a temporary costume/character model and the beta temp power tray to allow them to use some of the powers of the new AT as a sort of beta test for the mech armor squad. Then when completed you can make a character that was selected from the Vanguard ranks to utilize it and is set to train with it in the city as a hero before seeing higher level field work.

Midnighter Archmage AT could involve searching for some ancient artifact/relic/book for the Midnighters to boost their power because they can sense the Coming Storm and know that they need to be prepared. They send you off with a piece of/page from the relic/book that gives you a temp power tray allowing you to use a few of the powers from the AT and story-wise allows you to magically track it down. Possibly involves a big showdown between all the magical/sorcerous factions like the Tsoo, Circle, Pantheon, etc. Then when you bring it back it allows you to make a new character from the Midnight Squad that has been empowered by the artifact.

Rikti AT would be pretty basic with the idea of a story arc detailing a peace treaty negotiation with at least one of the Rikti factions to explain it. Standard fair there.

As far as new AT's go I'd actually be really behind the idea of these three, especially with branching power choices. Vanguard Mech AT could have a Heavy style (Tank-like resistance with a mix of ranged and melee), an Infiltrator style (Stalker-like stealth with ranged attacks and maybe a couple of weak support drone pets), and a Striker style (Fast recharging ranged attacks with some debuffs along the lines of chemical agent missles and smoke screens).

Archmage could benefit from independent primary and secondary branching with some basic spells at base level of blasts and some light control/debuffs (possibly with the damage type switch mentioned to turn them into fire, ice or dark blasts, or just leave them as energy) then the primary could branch into heavy control powers, debuffs or pet summons (possibly a mastermind style, I for one would ADORE this), and the secondary could branch into ranged speciality, or an assault-like mix of melee and ranged. (Personally, I love the idea of having a set of arcane MM pets, like golems or energy-based spirits, with an assault set secondary capable of switching damage types. It'd have huge potential for things to get hairy with no defensive toggles but also have the potential to crank out ridiculous damage. Kind of an AT that fires the entire artillery at the enemy ship and hopes that the one huge blast sinks it before they can return fire.)

Rikti is pretty obvious choices, Chief Soldier, Rikti Magus, Rikti Mentalist. Traditional gun/sword with some defensive toggles, Mixed and matched buff, debuff and assault powers, and Something I'd like to imagine would be a mashup of/cross between a dominator and a defender with some defensive toggles to account for the battle armor.

Anyway, if we're talking a pack like this that would include an introductory story arc to unlock them and a signature arc for the EAT to follow when playing as them (And one would hope some new costume pieces to allow us to look the part) then I would gladly pay 1200+ for them. The current ATs that are purchasable launched with their respective titles and don't have signature stuff to them, so they can get away with being cheaper. This kind of thing would be very similar to a "content pack" rather than just a new AT. It would be story arcs, the new EAT, plus EAT costume pieces. I wouldn't go overboard and charge 2000, maybe about 1800 tops. I would gladly pay that for the ability to customize and pilot my own mech, especially if there was a second costume slot that allowed for a REALLY custom mech, like slot 1 is your standard issue vanguard mech, but your slot 2 could be used to make a Longbow, Arachnos or independent mech with color customization and various mix and match parts. If you guys put the effort in to make something like this and really give us something new and fun to play with then I would gladly pay 1800.



it would be awesome to have a cherry pick AT where you could pick any powerset as the primary, which would then determine the options available for an inherent to avoid something too OP and determine your hp/dmg potential, etc, and then choose a second powerset from all the others with the exceptions of powersets that have overlap like fire blast /fire assault could not happen, but fire blast / fire control could happen.

course, this might make epic pools a nightmare haha but again, you could sort of pick the pools preselected to match up with primaries.

/e shrug



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
If it's an AT that's locked into its power sets (like the existing EATs), then 1000 PP.

If it's an AT that lets you choose different existing power sets (like Assault/Defense or Melee/Debuff, just as examples), then 800 PP. I personally feel that Controllers and Masterminds are overpriced.

If it's an AT that lets you choose different power sets AND has new sets included in the purchase price, then I could see myself paying up to 1600 PP, but probably no more.
I'll add my voice to these price points. 1200-1600 PP for a new AT with at least one new category of primary or secondary and a few included sets, even if not all available at launch, seems fair.

If a new AT uses existing power sets in new combinations, it seems like it would be a bit less work to develop, though balancing and proliferation may put lie to that notion. 800 feels right.

If a new AT lets me be more flexible in combining existing powerset categories, then I would pay more than 800. I'd pay 1200 easily, probably more since I bet it would require a lot of new plumbing in the character creator, to choose from an array of offensive sets (including ranged, melee, or control) or defensive/utility sets (including buff/debuff, melee, or "manipulation") as my primary, and then either defensive/utility or offensive (whichever I didn't choose for my primary) as my secondary.

Now I want to play a Pistol/Shield hero.

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Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Vanguard Heavy Assault Armor (Mecha AT):
Special mechanics would be involve the new pop-up power bar in Beta, a set centered around it's shifted form with something of a very stripped down SoA set as a handful of inherent attacks (plus maybe an armor or two) for being outside of the suit, and power selections going towards the mecha form.
As a 30+ year Iron Man fan, I would gleefully pay 1000-1200 PP for a new AT structured like a Kheldian, with an offensive Weapon Systems set and a defensive/utility Power Armor set.

Bundle it with a power armor focused costume set, and I'm in for 1200-1600 PP.


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A few thoughts of my own.

From my point of view, the different ATs and powers are the real replayable content of the game and new powersets or AT has a bigger impact on my desire to play the game than a new zone or set of missions (not that I mind those). Add in the meta-game of build management, inventions, and the like, a new powerset or AT leads to much more in-game time for me than a set of missions.

So to make a wild assumption that everyone is like me, launching a new AT would be a no-brainer, but others may have a different opinion on that.

Price wise, I would probably easily shell out $20 USD for a new fully realized AT like assault/shield with 4-5 choices for both primary and secondary and the knowledge that the AT would be considered with others for powerset proliferation.

I believe the current price of masterminds and controllers can't really be considered when pricing a new AT as based on earlier dev comments, that price point is based more on server impact instead of development time.

The different suggestions for a new EAT similar to Khelds or SoA have been interesting, but I personally prefer a more open concept AT than one limited to a branching power tree and a concept that might not appeal to a majority of players.

Mr Energon

Confirmed altimaniac.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I think you underestimate our desire to expand the game in more creative ways.

Counter question:

Let's say, hypothetically, we introduced a new AT, but because of the amount of time and cost it would take to develop it, we had no choice but to offer it in the Paragon Market (a possible scenario).

Based on our established precedents, what do you feel would be a fair price, in Paragon Points?

I'm interested in your responses.
I think it would be really sad.

If the AT is good, it would be called "pay to win"

If the AT is not good, all that time and resources go to waste.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I think you underestimate our desire to expand the game in more creative ways.

Counter question:

Let's say, hypothetically, we introduced a new AT, but because of the amount of time and cost it would take to develop it, we had no choice but to offer it in the Paragon Market (a possible scenario).

Based on our established precedents, what do you feel would be a fair price, in Paragon Points?

I'm interested in your responses.
0 points for VIPs.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I think you underestimate our desire to expand the game in more creative ways.

Counter question:

Let's say, hypothetically, we introduced a new AT, but because of the amount of time and cost it would take to develop it, we had no choice but to offer it in the Paragon Market (a possible scenario).

Based on our established precedents, what do you feel would be a fair price, in Paragon Points?

I'm interested in your responses.
If the archetype was a remix of existing power sets with tweaked gameplay: 800-1000 points

Examples: Assault/Control flipped dominator, Ranged Blast/Scrapper Melee secondary, Buff-Debuff/Assault defender/dominator hybrid

If the archetype introduces interesting new gameplay options but with mostly existing powers: ~1200 points

Examples: Buff/Melee buffing tanker, Control/Control super-controller, fury-driven defensive (instead of offensive) brute.

If the archetype introduced radically unique gameplay options: 1600+ points

Examples: disposable pet-based summoner (think things like photon seekers, tornados, soul extraction, up to the phantom army and gang war), power vampire (ability to remove powers from target and grant them to self), astral projector (ability to confuse, then take over control of NPC targets like a mastermind).

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If the archetype was a remix of existing power sets with tweaked gameplay: 800-1000 points

Examples: Assault/Control flipped dominator, Ranged Blast/Scrapper Melee secondary, Buff-Debuff/Assault defender/dominator hybrid

If the archetype introduces interesting new gameplay options but with mostly existing powers: ~1200 points

Examples: Buff/Melee buffing tanker, Control/Control super-controller, fury-driven defensive (instead of offensive) brute.

If the archetype introduced radically unique gameplay options: 1600+ points

Examples: disposable pet-based summoner (think things like photon seekers, tornados, soul extraction, up to the phantom army and gang war), power vampire (ability to remove powers from target and grant them to self), astral projector (ability to confuse, then take over control of NPC targets like a mastermind).
Pretty much this for me!

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



To the OP: I think o' a Mech Pilot.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I think you underestimate our desire to expand the game in more creative ways.

Counter question:

Let's say, hypothetically, we introduced a new AT, but because of the amount of time and cost it would take to develop it, we had no choice but to offer it in the Paragon Market (a possible scenario).

Based on our established precedents, what do you feel would be a fair price, in Paragon Points?

I'm interested in your responses.
Same price as current AT's, but it would have to be really creative/innovative, not too strong, not too weak etc.... I think you guys would be asking for trouble, but I would not oppose it.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



800-1600pp AT which reuses existing powersets in a different combo (ranged/defense, pets/control)

1600-2400 AT which mostly reuses existing powersets but has an inherent (like Hide) that significantly changes how it plays.

1600-2400 EAT like Khelds or SoA, which provides 3 possible builds

As a VIP, 400pts is one month of points. I can easily see 6 months worth of points being spent on an AT if I am interested in it.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
800-1600pp AT which reuses existing powersets in a different combo (ranged/defense, pets/control)

1600-2400 AT which mostly reuses existing powersets but has an inherent (like Hide) that significantly changes how it plays.

1600-2400 EAT like Khelds or SoA, which provides 3 possible builds

As a VIP, 400pts is one month of points. I can easily see 6 months worth of points being spent on an AT if I am interested in it.
1600 is WAY too high for an AT regardless of the nature of it. They already established the AT prices and to go above that would need some kind of justification above what you listed IMHO.

Plus they need to stop thinking of new things to charge us for and fix what we already paid for like the GD PET AI.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
I'd like to see a spy.
You can't, they are sneaky.



I'm not sure what to call them but I get your idea... In the DA arcs we see the Dream Doctor using a combination of Staff Weapons (melee attacks normallly reserved for Tanks, Brutes, Scrappers or Stalkers) with Illusion Control. As a side note this was also an incredible TEASE for those of us still waiting on the arrival of staff weapons..NAUGHTY BAD BAD Devs lol

Currently I am working my Beast Mistress toward 50 and the thought occurred that a perfect alternate secondary for her would be Plant Control.. Giving her the ability to control both plants and animals! The same would hold true for Earth Control, Storm Summoning, etc.

Players have been drooling over the possibility of a Blaster with defense as a secondary instead of short range or melee attacks for years so your idea for a shields blaster would certainly be greeted warmly.. Not sure if the Devs would ever allow it though... I think they purposely leave Blasters vulnerable to keep them from being too powerful.

As for something completely new I think a new sort of Hybrid AT similar to the Soldier of Arachnos would do well. In my opinion they did an outstanding job with SOAs giving us the option to develope our character in multiple ways.. an SOA can be set to be a Melee or Ranged attacker or even a combination of both. They can have, with Patron powers included, as many pets as most Masterminds or they can't stealth like a stalker. Something along those lines would go over quite well again I am sure

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I think you underestimate our desire to expand the game in more creative ways.

Counter question:

Let's say, hypothetically, we introduced a new AT, but because of the amount of time and cost it would take to develop it, we had no choice but to offer it in the Paragon Market (a possible scenario).

Based on our established precedents, what do you feel would be a fair price, in Paragon Points?

I'm interested in your responses.
Just had this quoted in another thread.

I'd have to give an "It depends."

I'm going to start off with Epic ATs, as (to me) they'd somewhat make sense to unlock. I think some of the responses are still seeing epics as "primary/secondary, one or two." Frankly, I think the unlock for Khelds and VEATs are cheaper *now* because the work's been done for years.

A proper EAT (I'm going to use Coralax as an example) would be, *at a minimum,* 1200, to go with story arcs, and I'd expect higher as we're looking at 1-50 arcs. Given two options like the other EATs, I'd probably love 1600 and consider it a steal.

Now, if we're just looking at a regular AT, like blasters or tanks but "something new" - hmmm. A power set runs 800. I'd expect at least two powersets, probably three to be released with a new AT if they need creation from near-scratch - and then there's the work coming up with the AT, balancing, etc. it (and new ATOs for it.) But you'd still want people to buy it... 1200, with a discount/free token for a future powerset for that AT (shared or unique.) Why higher than MM/Controllers? Because it *is* new - you're not just locking work that's previously been done away because of server load. (If it's easier to port some powersets to this new AT because they're not from scratch, I'd hope there'd be 4-5 within the AT at launch.)



I'd have it cost the same as ATs do now. 1000-1200 points.

Depending on how many power sets you get, it could be a bargain.

I do wish I could grab it for free, but economics are economics. :P