Concerned about Scrappers.




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Blasters and Defenders share the same mitigation caps. Should they then share the same damage caps?
Probably not, because of the the fact defenders can be their own force multiplier. You get a bunch of Kin and Sonic Defenders together with high damage caps...well you get the picture.

Defenders and Corruptors share both caps. Should Corruptors then be allowed to have base damage buffs that bypass the damage strength caps?
Nope. They probably shouldn't share the same caps. If you want to call for Corruptor nerfs, feel free to. I don't really care to make other ATs weaker.

How about this one: even at the mitigation caps Tankers will still have more health than Brutes. So should Brutes have higher damage in direct proportion?
Yeah I addressed this. I said that Bruising and the 10% max HP difference be taken into consideration (though, as we established, I think we're both leery about treating Bruising like a straight 20% improvement to damage because, well it's not).




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
smoke screen
For something coming from you, this is hilarious.

If there is one person on these entire forums entirely transparent with no hidden agenda, it's probably me. In case you haven't noticed, I'm very direct, my aims obvious and am about as subtle as a flashbang.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
For something coming from you, this is hilarious.

If there is one person on these entire forums entirely transparent with no hidden agenda, it's probably me. In case you haven't noticed, I'm very direct, my aims obvious and am about as subtle as a flashbang.

Your agenda is obvious. But the way you change portraying it over time is not. You've often stated that you don't want Tankers to have the highest damage, but you've then used arguments that stated there's no justification for Tankers to have *lower* damage than any other melee. You've said the problem is that this game doesn't represent tankers correctly, and then you use as examples of that characters with both the highest defense and the highest offense as examples - then you say you don't need the highest offense. You say that Brutes stole fury from Tankers, using as evidence statements from someone you then selectively ignore when the overwhelming evidence states his original vision of tankers was to be a low damage archetype.

You obfuscate what you want so you can ask for everything, then claim you're not asking for anything in particular, take credit for every change you want while also claiming those changes don't go far enough.

Its precisely *because* your motives are transparent that no one trusts what you say, at least where it involves Tankers. Everyone knows you believe Tankers to be the thing that hits the hardest and is the strongest both offensively and defensively, and Scrappers and Brutes very existence prevents you from having what you want. So you quibble about how to chip at the margins, when everyone knows the margins are not what you're really interested in.

And yeah, that's coming from me. I'll put my reputation for transparency against yours any day. The day I lose that one is the day I become a Tibetan monk.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The day I lose that one is the day I become a Tibetan monk.
Because your motives for becoming a Tibetan monk will be part of some devious scheme?



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
Because your motives for becoming a Tibetan monk will be part of some devious scheme?
Definitely not. Probably not.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



JB and Arcana going at it somehow puts me in mind of The Odd Couple...the excellent film, not the mediocre teevee show.

I'll let you guess which role is assumed by Jack Lemmon in my little fantasia...

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
YYou've often stated that you don't want Tankers to have the highest damage, but you've then used arguments that stated there's no justification for Tankers to have *lower* damage than any other melee.
That's flat out wrong. I've said Tankers don't deserve to be penalized as harshly as they have for being forced to trade damage for survivability when often that extra survivability over other melee ATs isn't always that advantageous.

You've said the problem is that this game doesn't represent tankers correctly, and then you use as examples of that characters with both the highest defense and the highest offense as examples - then you say you don't need the highest offense.
You're damn right I said the game doesn't represent comic Tankers correctly. But I also understand that having both the highest offense and defense would be broken--

Unless you're a Brute apparently, which has high damage, survivability high enough to serve it extremely well in the game, survivability potential pretty much as high as the toughest AT (only shy 10% max HP) AND damage potential *way* higher than that aforementioned toughest AT.

So, I'm forced to conclude by Brutes being allowed that in the game for *years* by the devs, it must be OK. So if Brutes can have high survival caps and high damage caps, it shouldn't be broken for Tankers to have the same.

And, to the inevitable question: Why don't I just roll a Brute then?


A. Tankers came first, why should they get screwed when another AT essentially derived from them can have their cake and eat it too? Especially after what happened with Fury?

B: Scrappers, Stalkers and Brutes are allowed to reflect the characters from comics they're based on, why not Tankers?


C. I have rolled heroic Brutes, the second they could come blue side. I also have several years invested in my Tankers and I don't feel they should be so sharply limited in what they can ultimately become when my Brutes comparatively are not.

You say that Brutes stole fury from Tankers, using as evidence statements from someone you then selectively ignore when the overwhelming evidence states his original vision of tankers was to be a low damage archetype.
When the evidence I can see with my own eyes says one thing, even when said by someone everyone says is the biggest fink ever associated with this game, and you say the opposite...I'm gonna listen to the fink.
That should tell you exactly what I think about what you have to say, especially on the topic of Tankers and melee AT balance. Don't get your head stuck in the door on the way out.




I am not saying I agree with everything Johnny says, but I do think the argument of, "why not just roll a Brute instead of trying to improve Tankers," is fallacious. I personally would welcome an increase to the damage cap, even if it's only 50%, but there are a myriad of other solutions unrelated to the Tanker's offenses that I could see being applied as well, such as further cementing the Tanker's place as the aggro and survival king, as well as a team leader (buffs, debuffs, increase in Leadership values?). On this issue I am probably on the opposite side of Johnny, but I share his enthusiasm for improving Tankers as a whole and I agree with the general principle that they are in need of attention.



As a most basic level, I agree that Tankers need something to make their game play a little more different than the other melee ATs. Each of the other 3 melee ATs play feels very different from each other.

While Tankers are also different, only in that they take longer to be defeated. In most situations, I don't find a huge difference in agro control between Tankers and Brutes, though in the few sets that I've played between the two, I have noticed a survivability difference.

That's about it. I don't agree that by increasing the damage cap will resolve this particular issue for Tankers. Nor would it adequately address game play for many situations.

Chugging reds should not be considered part of game balance design for an AT.

I think that increasing damage for Tankers is quite simply barking up the wrong tree.

To use an earlier analagy, with regards to sprinters in a race, and how Tankers are always lagging behind, perhaps then they shouldn't be sprinting which is what I said earlier in responce. There are other events that they're probably better suiting for, but perhaps their toolset should be refined a bit to make sure they shine in that area.



As much as I truly loved the last page (especially my overlooked post, sigh) wasn't this thread really about someone's grave concern that Scrappers might lose their place as the bestest most wonderful melee AT because Stalkers aren't completely wrecked in PvE anymore? Don't we need to address that poor OPs heartfelt fear?

Edit: PS after reading this yesterday I revived a year old tanker and started building/cramming I/Os onto it. I'm off to a comicon this weekend, but I will have him finished (50'd, I/Od, and partially Incarnated) next week, and will post a build soon. I am going to challenge anyone to make a Brute that has the same survival as this tank. If you can then indeed, Brutes "Potential Survivability" is the same as a Tanks. But of course it is impossible. That statement and that argument is smoke and mirrors. A Tank's job and a Brutes Job are different. A Tank is a melee AT Controller with one Mez trick (Taunt) and the powers to use that trick very well. A Brute is a Melee damage dealer who can fill the role of a Tank when built right, but will never do it quite as well as a tank.



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
To use an earlier analagy, with regards to sprinters in a race, and how Tankers are always lagging behind, perhaps then they shouldn't be sprinting which is what I said earlier in responce. There are other events that they're probably better suiting for, but perhaps their toolset should be refined a bit to make sure they shine in that area.
Unless I'm mistaken about what you mean by "other events", I'm sorry, but no thanks.

Melee ATs do two things. They deal damage, and they get a survival power set. That is what they are about. Now, maybe they do each of those things differently, and with a different level of effectiveness, but that's what they do.

To run with the analogy, no I absolutely do not want them to take Tankers off the track team, or make them into some kind of abomination that does gymnastics or juggles while running slowly. Being the wost melee fighters among a group of melee fighters already makes them enough of a joke.

I don't want to see them turned into Wardens or Paladins or whatever class they can dredge up from another fantasy MMO. That's not what CoH Tankers are about. That's not what comic book tankers are about. They fight and take hits. If just taking hits well as they do now isn't doing it for Tankers, or if that makes them a niche that the majority don't find compelling or exciting in a melee AT, making them better fighters is the answer, not making them a pseudo-controller or walking buff/heal dispenser, especially when the official description of the AT and comics says they should be powerful fighters.




The problem, Johnny Butane, is that what you are describing is not balanced. Although I agree with you 100% about comic book tanks. It took me many years to wrap my head around CoX Tankers. But they are balanced, as primarily Melee AT Controllers.

Take a look at one of the original PS2 X-Men games. Had 1-50 levels in it. You had to unlock Colossus at about 25th level by doing a nuclear plant mission. Why? Because he was completely over the top powerful for the game. Same with Tony Stark in a later title from the same series. Because a Tanker like Iron Man that was also a Blaster and a hard hitting melee character just walks on game balance.

If, as you say, Brutes have the same "potential survivability" as a Tanker your solution is simple. Make a Brute, whose damage (depending on build/sets) jostles with Scrapper for top Melee AT damage dealer.



No, that's your definition of what "Tankers" should be. And please, stop bringing "the comics" into this discussion. Yes, they're the basis for the game, but how a game works and how the writing of comics work are completely different.

After all, if we're to follow comics than squirrel girl arguably a beast mm is the most powerful AT there is, capable of defeating anyone and anything she encounters.

I've seen players post very logical arguments showing how Spider Man could fit the role of a Tanker as much as a Scraper. Is the Hulk a Tanker or a Brute? Before Brutes, he was a Tanker now its a subject of debate. As fun (to some) as those discussions can be, ultimately they're pointless as this is a game and it is far, far different from a comic.

Using comic book writing as a reason for game balance is just plain silly.

And no I don't want to see Tankers become healers / buffers. And while yes, they are or were closer to the melee version of controllers I don't know if additional melee control is necessarily the way to go either.

If you look at how the Tanker powersets were designed, and how the first scrapper sets were, more Tanker sets had a mez or knock effect than compared to Scrappers over all. That added, with their high defensive capabilities, mad ethem very safe, and add much to the safety of their teams with those tools.

It's quite plain that you don't like how CoH Tankers are designed, but love the idea behind the comic book "Tanker" concept so much (and probably have a much loved character that you want to be buffed), that you won't be happy until you're particular vision is fulfilled.

In the past you've flat out trolled the devs and put them down, now you've changed tactics and post thinly veiled insults about their design methods. Just as Arcana called you out about your change in posted methods about this very topic, which I've said as well, in different words of course.

JB I love your passion and dediction I really do, but honestly I believe it to be poorly and sadly misdirected.



Originally Posted by Not_Rhino View Post
I am not saying I agree with everything Johnny says, but I do think the argument of, "why not just roll a Brute instead of trying to improve Tankers," is fallacious.
Its mostly said because Brutes are what Johanny wants tankers to be pretty much.

If they'd simply rename Brutes to Tankers, and then rename Tankers to something else. I think he would be pretty happy.



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
If they'd simply rename Brutes to Tankers, and then rename Tankers to something else. I think he would be pretty happy.
I don't.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
No, that's your definition of what "Tankers" should be. And please, stop bringing "the comics" into this discussion.
No, that is the official description of Tankers, written by the devs and used on the site and all official materials. It doesn't speak of them being melee controllers. It describes them as being tough and powerful, devastating melee fighters.

After all, if we're to follow comics than squirrel girl arguably a beast mm
I see no squirrels in the Beast Mastery set.

is the most powerful AT there is, capable of defeating anyone and anything she encounters.
Masterminds are an extremely powerful AT. I soloed an AV on a Mastermind before I did on a Tanker.

Is the Hulk a Tanker or a Brute? Before Brutes, he was a Tanker now its a subject of debate.
I'm pretty sure the only people debating if Hulk is a Brute or not are delusional about their Tankers. The Hulk is a massively powerful fighter, therefore he cannot be a Tanker as they exist at present since he's not just a punching bag and decoy.

Using comic book writing as a reason for game balance is just plain silly.
Using a class based on the idea of a character wearing so much heavy plate armor they can't swing a sword right to balance an archetype from a whole other genre is also silly.

If you look at how the Tanker powersets were designed, and how the first scrapper sets were, more Tanker sets had a mez or knock effect than compared to Scrappers over all.
If you look at which archetype they gave super strength to at the start, and was the only AT to have it blue side for the majority of this game's life, how can you say they're not meant to represent those heroes from the comics. Why would you give super strength to someone who is meant to be weak offensively?

In the past you've flat out trolled the devs and put them down
As far as I'm concerned, Brutes being allowed to exist with the caps they have when Tankers are not, Fury being hijacked and Tankers being forced into being low damage decoys has been the devs trolling Tankers for years.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Scrappers, Stalkers and Brutes are allowed to reflect the characters from comics they're based on, why not Tankers?
And this is where your arguement just fell flat.

No, I still haven't been able to represent the scrappers and stalkers successfully from comics, as many scrapper and stalker types have ranged abilities.

Deadpool is a scrapper who goes around with dual pistols. Gambit is a scrapper who goes around throwing objects. Personally, I'd argue that Jubilee is a scrapper that did the same thing when she could use fireworks.

Tankers are considered devastating melee fighters because their attacks originally had higher damage over the other melee AT, Scrappers.

Knockout Blow was HUGE number, while Scrappers had nothing equivalent. Now with the proliferation, they never did change the sets to represent that for Tankers (increase some of those attacks in sets to do more damage while also having higher RCH and END Cost).

And I think everyone is waiting for you to show how the Tanker isn't more survivable than the other melee ATs.

You keep saying the others are as tough as Tankers, but what it is, is that the other melee ATs WITH IOs, can be made just survivable enough and that's usuablly based on getting enough defense into the build, which a Tanker generally does easier.

Solo wise, for survivability the only thing a Brute has over Scrappers is generally more HP. A few fringe cases of having better elemental resist to a specific element due to the Brutes higher caps.

Some things to do though JB is why not call for some changes? I'm still for Brute's maxing out at 85% Resist, putting Tankers are the top of max resists.

I'm also for Tankers damage cap being raised to 500%. The limiting of 500% to damage ATs is a meh idea I'm for the idea of raising certain ATs enhancable damage!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



No, that is the official description of Tankers, written by the devs and used on the site and all official materials. It doesn't speak of them being melee controllers. It describes them as being tough and powerful, devastating melee fighters.
Yet since their creation, Tankers have never been about the "big orange numbers" so perhaps powerful doesn't directly equate to the amount of damage done.

Masterminds are an extremely powerful AT. I soloed an AV on a Mastermind before I did on a Tanker.
Yes there are certain MMs that can solo quite effectively many things in this game, even on SOs a Bots / Traps mm can solo AVs and a select few GMs. That still doesn't mean that just because Squirrel Girl exists in a comic book that a video game based on comic books must absolutely make a character type that uses fuzzy little creatures that can somehow defeat any encounter the game has.

Using a class based on the idea of a character wearing so much heavy plate armor they can't swing a sword right to balance an archetype from a whole other genre is also silly.
I'm sorry, but you need to get over it. Yes Tankers are melee aggro controllers (not in the Controller AT sense). Its at the core concept design for how Tankers have always functioned in the game. You may not like it, but then you don't really like CoH Tankers to begin with because they don't match your personal concept of what "they should be".

If you look at which archetype they gave super strength to at the start, and was the only AT to have it blue side for the majority of this game's life, how can you say they're not meant to represent those heroes from the comics. Why would you give super strength to someone who is meant to be weak offensively?
Back so Super Strength eh? I'm starting to really believe that you're only out to make your particular character that uses this powerset fit your personal view of what Tankers should be. It's not about game balance or anything else is it? It's a personal issue with you. As further evidence:

As far as I'm concerned, Brutes being allowed to exist with the caps they have when Tankers are not, Fury being hijacked and Tankers being forced into being low damage decoys has been the devs trolling Tankers for years.
So the devs are "trolling Tankers". Now Tankers are just a character based concept digitized avatars of a series of mathmatic computations. They don't feel anything and therefore can't be trolled by anyone.

Players to play Tankers if that's your meaning, well then I think what you really mean is that they're trolling you as a player who plays a Tanker.

I think it actually laughable that in Paragon Studios there's an employee mandate (probably written in the dev employee handbook) that any dev working on Tankers must somehow troll the those players who play them.


JB you keep saying how Brutes can reach the same caps as Tankers and do more damage. For one, during the majority of the game this isn't true. The investment in powers and SO selection alone won't get Brutes to Tanker levels of defenses. It takes them so much more to get there.

And yes, they do more damage, eventually. For most of the game, they need that damage because they don't have as much defenses to get there. They even have to work for it unlike Scrappers.

But we'll take your statement and really break it down.

A Brute will reach Tanker caps:

If they choose the appropriate powers and power pools.
If they invest in a number of invetion origin enhancemens set bonuses.
If the player is a VIP or purchases their way to do so.
If they are on a team with the appropriate buffers for resistance and / or defense, and of course damage. During which time they may not be continuously buffed or at max Fury.

That's a lot of Ifs and even if it all happens, when it does its such a small, small amount of time and player selection that it doesn't warrant balancing an entire AT over the entire course of the game.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
No, that is the official description of Tankers, written by the devs and used on the site and all official materials. It doesn't speak of them being melee controllers. It describes them as being tough and powerful, devastating melee fighters.
and Fold Space was the official Tier 9 of Gravity Control



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Deadpool is a scrapper who goes around with dual pistols. Gambit is a scrapper who goes around throwing objects. Personally, I'd argue that Jubilee is a scrapper that did the same thing when she could use fireworks.
This is more down to Epic/Patron pools lacking.
If Scrappers had access to a Firearms Epic pool that wasn't unavailable until the later levels, Deadpool would be a non-issue, as an example.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
This is more down to Epic/Patron pools lacking.
If Scrappers had access to a Firearms Epic pool that wasn't unavailable until the later levels, Deadpool would be a non-issue, as an example.

No way. He'd have all the awesome moves of Dual Pistols without even having to throw in a punch/kick unless he wanted too.

Also Cyclops comes off as a scrapper as well.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Using a class based on the idea of a character wearing so much heavy plate armor they can't swing a sword right to balance an archetype from a whole other genre is also silly.
Anyone who can create offensive technology to blast enemies to bits but doesn't think its a good idea to spend some time using that same technology to make sure the very same level of offense doesn't blow his head off is an idiot. So I would like Blasters to have Tanker level defense.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Anyone who can create offensive technology to blast enemies to bits but doesn't think its a good idea to spend some time using that same technology to make sure the very same level of offense doesn't blow his head off is an idiot. So I would like Blasters to have Tanker level defense.
With IOs, JB might think that Blasters are already there!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Well, if you want to consider all those weapons Deadpool uses to be rather like temp powers,
you can get at least rifles and grenades.
You still need pistols, a katana, dual weilded swords, and explosives.

Creating a purely ranged APP may be a nice / fun idea, using pistols with the first attack being a mez of some sort, with little damage
a single target ranged attack
a cone attack with low damage with knock back
a cone attack with high damage

I like it!



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Anyone who can create offensive technology to blast enemies to bits but doesn't think its a good idea to spend some time using that same technology to make sure the very same level of offense doesn't blow his head off is an idiot. So I would like Blasters to have Tanker level defense.
So would I. Weren't you indoctrinating the powers team to do something to that effect recently?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.