Concerned about Scrappers.




Real Scrappers don't want or need for anything.

Real Scrappers don't want a shiny gold star, because the other kids got something shiny.

Real Scrappers are born awesome and pay no attention to unique snowflake inherent bonuses.

Real Scrappers have pride in knowing that every other AT needed some kind of shiny just to try and get a little bit closer to the awesomeness that is being a Scrapper.

If you want to be a Real Scrapper, go put your Scrapper-Lock to some better use...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Because being buffed to defense, resist, and HP caps is far less common and far more difficult than being buffed to the damage cap.
*facepalm* That's only because the Tanker cap is so damn low.

Look, as I've said, I've put much time into my Brutes and my Tankers. The Brutes perform awesomely and have nothing but even more potential to improve offensively and defensively. My Tankers do not; they are stymied from growing offensively, have little need to improve defensively and thus have little future beyond being shelved indefinitely.

The Brutes will get tougher and tougher with every new IO set and Incarnate ability and some day not far off could very well reach and surpass the point my Tankers are at now and will likely do even better damage than they do now. My Tankers meanwhile will do about as much damage as they do now because that is all they ever will.

I don't think that's fair, and nothing you or anyone else says will convince me it is.




Originally Posted by Rikis View Post
My Dominator disagrees.
Your Dominator has my sympathy. Even if it's not something I want or care much about, if you were asking for Dom caps to be increased, I wouldn't disagree. I certainly wouldn't be arguing with you about it because, frankly, I'd feel like I was intentionally acting like a spiteful ****.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
*facepalm* That's only because the Tanker cap is so damn low.
That would be a strong objection if my statement was true only for Tankers. It isn't. When I play brutes, or any other AT really, I can reach the damage cap far more often and far more easily than reaching every defensive cap.

It's worth noting that your worries about Tanker damage having a very low ceiling for Incarnate powers have so far not really been borne out. Judgement attacks, Interface DoTs, Lore pets, and level shifts all increase Tanker damage in ways unrelated to the damage cap. If future Incarnate powers make it an issue (like a hypothetical +damage Destiny you once posited), you'll have a point; with current trends, you do not.

Edit: Quoted while editing; Johnny didn't misquote me down below, I changed my message after he started composing his reply.



[Accidental DP]



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Actually, I was talking about brutes being buffed to defensive caps compared to brutes being buffed to the damage cap, as well. When I play brutes, I can reach the damage cap far more often and far more easily than reaching every defensive cap.
Tell me, do you have to reach every defensive cap to survive?

If future Incarnate powers make it an issue (like a hypothetical +damage Destiny you once posited), you'll have a point; with current trends, you do not.
So you have to wait until the building catches fire before you install sprinklers?
And, to further run with that analogy, my building is already smouldering.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Tell me, do you have to reach every defensive cap to survive?
Definitely not. Nevertheless, that is the situation you usually choose to talk about, so that is what I am addressing. If you'd like to talk about something more representative of actual play, I would be thrilled.
So you have to wait until the building catches fire before you install sprinklers?
And, to further run with that analogy, my building is already smouldering.
This analogy is not serving you well, here. Some tankers using a hypothetical +damage destiny and reaching the damage cap (for the first 10 seconds, before it drops off as Destiny buffs do) is not a very good analogy to a building burning down. For one thing, there's a huge difference in severity. For another, balance changes need not be preemptive to be effective. For yet another, sprinklers have few side effect other than costing money and preventing fires (imagine if I replaced your analogy with heart problems and bypass surgery). For another still, sprinklers don't do anything until the fire happens, which in this analogy would mean you want the devs to code an increase for the tanker damage cap, but only put it live when future Incarnate powers (or whatever else) make it an issue. EDIT: Or alternately, put it live, but the new cap only activates when a character is using this hypothetical new Destiny.

You also have not yet convinced me that your building is smoldering. That has, after all, been rather the point of this whole exchange. Stating it again does not make it more convincing.



Also, it's not even future Incarnate powers.

Right now, Call to Justice* does nothing for my high end Tankers. Most of Aura of Mot is out, as is Boon of the Ancestors.

*And I really like that power, especially on my Brutes.




Right, because you're playing Super Strength with stacked Rage, iirc. Having very little room to benefit from further damage buffs is a SS problem specifically, not a Tanker problem in general. And hey, if you want to campaign for SS being less reliant on a huge damage buff from Rage, I'd support that.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Right, because you're playing Super Strength with stacked Rage, iirc.
Not just SS. It's cutting into KM, Shield (Fire thankfully only formerly), and any Tanker using Build Up, Musculature/Intuition and Leadership toggles.

Having very little room to benefit from further damage buffs is a SS problem specifically, not a Tanker problem in general.
Yeah, it's more of a Tanker problem because it's not an issue for SS Brutes even if they do Rage stack.

And hey, if you want to campaign for SS being less reliant on a huge damage buff from Rage, I'd support that.
How else would it work?

And no thanks. I don't want the devs going near SS at all, thank you. If you think I go on about Tanker damage now, gutting SS (which is sure to happen if/when they ever turn their attention to it) will send me nuclear.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Not just SS. It's cutting into KM, Shield (Fire thankfully only formerly), and any Tanker using Build Up, Musculature/Intuition and Leadership toggles.
Yes, to a far lesser degree than SS. SS has the largest and most persistent damage bonus; the other sets provide bonuses that are much smaller and/or not permanent.
Yeah, it's more of a Tanker problem because it's not an issue for SS Brutes even if they do Rage stack.
An SS Tanker problem specifically, then. Still not a Tanker problem in general.
How else would it work?

And no thanks. I don't want the devs going near SS at all, thank you. If you think I go on about Tanker damage now, gutting SS (which is sure to happen if/when they ever turn their attention to it) will send me nuclear.
By making the individual powers better and Rage less important, or hell, even just making Rage buff damage in a Fiery Embrace way rather than a red inspiration way. I want them to fix the set that is having a problem, rather than change the whole AT I already like to accommodate the set that is broken.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Real Scrappers don't want or need for anything.

Real Scrappers don't want a shiny gold star, because the other kids got something shiny.

Real Scrappers are born awesome and pay no attention to unique snowflake inherent bonuses.

Real Scrappers have pride in knowing that every other AT needed some kind of shiny just to try and get a little bit closer to the awesomeness that is being a Scrapper.

If you want to be a Real Scrapper, go put your Scrapper-Lock to some better use...
So you have no substantive objection then?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
I want them to fix the set that is having a problem, rather than change the whole AT I already like to accommodate the set that is broken.
I have no doubt they'd 'fix' it, much in the same way one has their dog or cat 'fixed'.
No thanks.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I have no doubt they'd 'fix' it, much in the same way one has their dog or cat 'fixed'.
No thanks.

Actual NOW I DO want to see them fix it.

*evil grin*

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



This discussion has made me curious, by any chance does someone know what the Tanker Damage Cap is?

Cause from what I'm reading here it seems like it's set to 300%, if that is the case I don't see any harm in that getting raised up to 400% This would allow more potential without harming the AT balance for the melees.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Real Scrappers don't want or need for anything.
Not true. Need more enemies...

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Not true. Need more enemies...
Let the bodies hit the floor!

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
This discussion has made me curious, by any chance does someone know what the Tanker Damage Cap is?

Cause from what I'm reading here it seems like it's set to 300%, if that is the case I don't see any harm in that getting raised up to 400% This would allow more potential without harming the AT balance for the melees.

So figure 136.1% Damage enhancement with Enhancements boosted +5 and Musculature in use.

160% with double stacked Rage.

10.5% with Assault.

55% if a Shield user with fully saturated AAO.

That's 361.6% Damage enhancement. Not quite at damage cap. But that's 38.4% away from the cap, so not to bad.

2 +4% to Damage set bonuses, 5 +3%, and 5 +2.5% bonuses would put him 35.5% closer to the cap, but I'd be interrested in seeing this build he has hit the damage cap on 24/7.

Mind you, I'm not against raising the damage cap.

Though if that 400% is with 100% damage at base, so only building for 300% more enhancement...then yeah...passed it and keeping at the cap!

But this does have it going back to be a SS thing and less a Tanker issue.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
As an anecdote, I have several friends who were unable to complete Ramiel on their own with Tankers because they were unable to overcome his regen and kill his clones fast enough. Granted, AFAIK he's been scaled back a lot since then. But I still get numerous help requests from Tankers regarding Hero 1 in that same arc (usually from people employing a Lethal damage based set). That I admit is less of a clear cut case because there's a 50-50 chance there's also a survival issue in there as well, meaning it's a particularly harsh encounter for some regardless of AT.

Shiite johnny dont feel bad. I have had to help scrappers and brutes take down lil ol trapdoor with my big bad blaster. No matter how mighty the AT it still takes a player with more then a pea between the ears to use it.



Just my two inf on the current tank vs the rest of melees discussion that has taken over.

IMO characters like superman are not a tank but more like a PB( Yes pure human form PB can make some pretty impressive Melee only with eye beam SS type fighting style builds while possessing self protections to a nearly unstoppable range).

A Tank as they exist in COX is most closely resembled to me in comics by Colosus and wolverine.

You see Col was never in the top strength ranges in marvel. Hell I recall years ago a x-men spider man team up against the juggernaut who was only half powered because he had shared it with black tom as a B day gift. Even at half juice Jugs was way stronger then Col. Col only could take the beating, not give it back.

Meanwhile poor old wolvy. Sure he is borderline indestructable, but even with his cut through nearly anything unbreakable claws he was really not in the league of cosmic class adventurers so many of his fellow mutants were worthy of. Nor was he very smart. Compared to the nearly captian america like mentality cyclops was portrayed with in the early days and his super nova power classed eye beams....well yeah the damage spectrum is pretty clear.

Think about wolvy after he lost addy, even when his regen went into early era deadpool ranges. Still just a punching bag for the really big baddies so that cyclops can just blind side blast them with impunity.

In an all out fight with a being like apocolypse or even mr sinister youd not put your money on wolverine nor cyc in a one on one, but at least cyclops as a real chance at planning a viable way to use his REAL POWER to put down such titanically poweful foes.

But then again lets think of it this way. Hulk was always a Regen/SS brute with fighting,jumping,leadership, and body mastery. Built with extreme global recharge in mind. Superman is something above all standard ATs and hence why I chose the PB as my preffered AT to rep them. Now days 50+ with clarion to round out thier melee AT like mez pro, they in large teams with all the buffs feel about as powerful a team build as I could imagine. Not counting some of the human form WS I have met in my time.

A tank does exactly what its meant to, take abuse, and with work deal solid if not exceptional dmg without an optimal combo. Whether or not such a thing is needed with the current ATs isnt really important since they cant goa nd remove an old AT even if it has become that outdated.

IMO it always was a bad design concept, taunt aggro. I feel the only 2 things that should draw aggro are DPS and healing powers. with healing other powers attracting the most attention. Mobs should be designed to smartly pick apart our teams, not play into this idiotic attack the meat shield mentality. If we remove tank taunt, and force all ATs to shoulder thier fair share of attention in battle, then we could get closer to the true comic genre we all so adore.

Then give tanks an ability I saw another suggest something akin to. Make tanks first hit on a mob who is aggroed to another be the attention getter ability. make tanks ahve to work by chasing around each mob as it goes after the piking empaths who should be healing less and doing more to actually end the fight faster.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
This discussion has made me curious, by any chance does someone know what the Tanker Damage Cap is?
Just to expand a bit on BrandX's response, the Tanker damage buff cap is +300% over base, or 400% in total. They share this cap with Defenders, Controllers, Dominators, Masterminds, Kheldians, SoAs and (I believe) all player-summonable pets.

ATs with primary roles related to damage dealing have caps of +400%, or 500% total. This is the cap for Scrappers, Blasters, Stalkers and Corruptors. Brutes, with their design combining comparatively low base damage with high-order damage buffs, have a higher cap of +675%, or 775% total. This used to be 850% total, but was lowered in I18 to put their peak damage somewhat below that of Scrappers.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
And again, I ask: if Brutes are allowed to have essentially the same potential survivability as Tankers, why are Tankers not allowed the same damage potential as a Brute? Why the double standard? Brutes can benefit greatly from being buffed both defensively and offensively. Tankers, not as much because defensively they usually don't need it, and offensively, they get hung up on their low cap.
I don't know that I've ever seen it expressed like that. Interesting argument.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



if Brutes are allowed to have essentially the same potential survivability as Tankers, why...

You haven't seen it stated that way because the basic thesis of the argument is arguably false. "Potential Survivability" is not the same. If we were allowed unlimited enhancers, sure, they have the same caps. But Tanks get higher bonuses across the board on their sets. Higher health, higher defense, higher resist. It is much easier to I/O greater survivability onto a Tank than a Brute. For the exact same Investment of I/Os you get way more survivability out of the Tanker. Since there is not "unlimited enhancers" and the number of set bonuses you can cram on is limited, and ED does exist, you cannot make a Brute with the same "Potential Survivability" as a Tanker. If you do not believe me go into MiDs and try.

If you are still going to make the "Potential Survivability" argument based on resist caps (after I explained how much stronger Tankers resists and defenses are...) consider this:

Base HP 1499.3
Max HP 3212.7

Base HP 1874.1
Max HP 3534



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I don't know that I've ever seen it expressed like that. Interesting argument.
Blasters and Defenders share the same mitigation caps. Should they then share the same damage caps?

Defenders and Corruptors share both caps. Should Corruptors then be allowed to have base damage buffs that bypass the damage strength caps?

How about this one: even at the mitigation caps Tankers will still have more health than Brutes. So should Brutes have higher damage in direct proportion?

The caps argument is a smoke screen, because J_B also believes that at or near the caps defensive differences are irrelevant. So even if Tanker mitigation caps were higher, it would not mean that the offensive cap of brutes would be justifiably higher to J_B, because that difference would be irrelevant. Its only meaningful because it supports his assertion that Tanker offense should not be significantly lower than any other melee archetype. The argument must be valid both ways, or its not valid.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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