Concerned about Scrappers.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Criticals would be cool. Where are they at? The ones that don't work off Containment?
There's a 75% chance to deal psionic damage to enemies with low health, and a 75% chance to deal psionic damage to enemies under control effects as a t4 Hybrid. Not criticals per say, but they're achieved in the same manner.

FWIW, I'd argue that Brutes are too powerful as is, and the resist caps need to be lowered down to around Kheld/Arachnos values (85%), and Tank damage caps raised slightly as well. There's no real way for a Tank at the damage cap to hit any harder that a Brute couldn't utilize as well, and then to greater effect. Absorb shields vs Brutes getting Bruising is a fairly even trade off, but I can only see new support or defensive armor sets cropping up that utilize absorb making an enormous HP pool even more irrelevant.



Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
There's a 75% chance to deal psionic damage to enemies with low health, and a 75% chance to deal psionic damage to enemies under control effects as a t4 Hybrid. Not criticals per say, but they're achieved in the same manner.
FYI, based on answers that Arbiter Hawk kindly gave me on beta last night, the low health description is poorly worded. What he told me is that it works more like scourge. It's not a 75% chance of damage on low health. It's a % chance that is based on how much health they have. Unlike scourge, I expect the amount of damage delivered is not +100% of base, but a fixed amount, the way a proc would be, but I did not test this last part. (For it to be +100% of base, I believe they would need new tech.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
There's a 75% chance to deal psionic damage to enemies with low health, and a 75% chance to deal psionic damage to enemies under control effects as a t4 Hybrid. Not criticals per say, but they're achieved in the same manner.
The feature may be bugged (it is a beta after all) but I tested it and the "criticals" from that branch of Hybrid Control only do about 14-17 damage to a Rikti in the RWZ. That's like, nothing. That's like 1/5th of an average Reactive DoT.

If it's bugged, it's bugged. If it's WAI, its a laughable alternative for a Tanker missing out on the Assault tree.

FWIW, I'd argue that Brutes are too powerful as is, and the resist caps need to be lowered down to around Kheld/Arachnos values (85%), and Tank damage caps raised slightly as well.
I see little reason to nerf Brutes. The devs have allowed the their performance since day 1 and I see little reason to upset the cart now. Brutes aren't the problem. The low Tanker damage cap is.

Absorb shields vs Brutes getting Bruising is a fairly even trade off, but I can only see new support or defensive armor sets cropping up that utilize absorb making an enormous HP pool even more irrelevant.
I don't think it's an even trade off. Without seeing exactly what Absorb does in practice, I can pretty much say more survivability isn't what my Tankers are seeking. The existing Tanker's Might proc and now Melee Hybrid slot are there as options to improve survivability on an AT that's already the toughest. What is absorbing going to let me do that I can't do now? Completely ignore tyrant's Flow Lightning spam? I doubt it. My Tankers all have plenty of avenues already available for more survivability, just like my Brutes. But what they lack compared to my Brutes, are offense increasing opportunities that are viable; Hybrid isn't viable with the cap as low as it is.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
But the point is moot because you're not who I have to convince and I've already said I think the devs are beyond trying to reason with. But I never was one to give up on a cause, even when it's probably hopeless.
You've been on about this tanker thing for a looooong time, which I can respect- you feel passionately about it, you're willing to agitate for it, and that's great.

But it's time to ask yourself why nobody's joined the fight.

I had my own unpopular cause, the market merger. I rode that hobbyhorse for years, from shortly after market launch until the devs finally bowed to the inevitable. Early on, there were only a few of us making the case. As time passed and the issues came into starker relief, more and more informed players joined the cause.

Over the years here I've found that strong arguments tend to resonate with the community & pick up support as time passes.
If a point you're making or a suggestion you're pushing isn't gathering that kind of community support, there's usually a reason...

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
You've been on about this tanker thing for a looooong time, which I can respect- you feel passionately about it, you're willing to agitate for it, and that's great.

But it's time to ask yourself why nobody's joined the fight.

I had my own unpopular cause, the market merger. I rode that hobbyhorse for years, from shortly after market launch until the devs finally bowed to the inevitable. Early on, there were only a few of us making the case. As time passed and the issues came into starker relief, more and more informed players joined the cause.

Over the years here I've found that strong arguments tend to resonate with the community & pick up support as time passes.
If a point you're making or a suggestion you're pushing isn't gathering that kind of community support, there's usually a reason...
This is a really good post. Cheers.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
But it's time to ask yourself why nobody's joined the fight.
Because it's far easier just to say "eff Tankers" and roll a Brute than it is to wage a campaign for change. It's so easy even the devs did that.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Because it's far easier just to say "eff Tankers" and roll a Brute than it is to wage a campaign for change. It's so easy even the devs did that.
That is just more of the same Johnny. You might want to give what he is saying some serious consideration and not just dismiss it out of hand right away.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Because it's far easier just to say "eff Tankers" and roll a Brute than it is to wage a campaign for change. It's so easy even the devs did that.

No, it's because people want to keep the distinction of Who's the toughest to who's the highest damage.

I say start calling out for a reduction in Brute Max Resistance by 5%! To help keep Brutes max potential lower than a Tankers.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I feel qualified to comment on melee ATs now that I've 50'ed all of them, so here goes.

I've leveled multiple scrapper powerset combos to 50: broadsword/regen, broadsword/shield, dual blades/willpower. The DB/WP is still my main to this day.
I've leveled a brute to 50: super strength/energy aura. She was, I'll note, leveled during the days where Energy Aura was terrible, before it got either of the buffs it did. I've played brutes since the fury changes and such though, so I know how they play out.
I've leveled a tanker to 50: ice armor/ice melee. This was after the buff to Frozen Aura. and say what you will about the two powersets, but I had a blast playing it.
I've leveled a stalker to 50: street justice/willpower. This was most recent, in issue 22.

Scrappers are fine. They were fine before, and they are still fine. Stalkers outdamage them on average in single target, and they _should_. Scrappers still generally have the advantage in handling large groups, but even if they didn't, they still have better survivability and endurance management (why does no one ever bring this up?) than the stalker. Scrappers are fine.

Stalkers are also fine now. Before issue 22, I couldn't get into them at all. Now, they're fun to play. They have significant endurance issues as a result of using AS so much, but that's fine, AS is a really strong attack and it's an acceptable cost etc.

I think there is an argument to be made for looking at the cross-AT balance between Brutes and Tankers.

However, I (perhaps unpopularly) think that the proper approach there is not to increase Tanker's damage cap significantly, but to reduce Brute's resistance cap. My logic here is as follows: I am reasonably certain that Brutes were given the 90% resistance cap originally because City of Villains did not have access to the Tanker archetype, and someone needed to be able to produce that level of damage resistance as a metagame consideration. Issue 18 and Going Rogue didn't change this consideration much, since there was still a modicum of effort involved in producing a villainous Tanker.

But that's not the game we're playing anymore. Nowadays, you can create a Tanker directly in the Rogue Isles. Brutes no longer need that resistance cap - the ability to directly roll redside Tankers has changed Brute's necessary functions in the metagame.

As such, I think Brutes need to have their resistance caps lowered to 85%, the same as the Kheldian cap. I _also_ think melee ATs in general should have their damage caps adjusted around, and the logic for that is as follows:

Currently, Brutes have a 775% damage cap, Scrappers and Stalkers 500%, and Tankers 400%. When you apply this to each AT's base modifiers, you get the following damage scales with capped damage: Brute 5.8125, Scrapper 5.625, Stalker 5.000, Tanker 3.200.

Before I continue, though, let's also look at the survivability differential, first with HP scale. Stalkers have 1.125, Scrappers have 1.25, Brutes have 1.4, and Tankers have 1.75. Let's also bring Max HP scale into the discussion: there, Stalkers have 1.3 (recently raised from 1.0), Scrappers 1.5, Brutes 2.0, and Tankers 2.2.

The problem here should be obvious. The four melee ATs are all balanced around a metric of survivability vs. damage. If we look at the four ATs, it's reasonably clear where survivability falls: Tankers lead the pack by a substantial margin. Even considering that Brutes share their caps, Tankers have a 25% edge on base HP (and thus regeneration, since the two are tied to each other), and even Invuln, Regen, or Willpower Brutes need significant outside support to close the gap (either from Cold Domination, or from IOs). Brutes do, however, come in reasonably close behind Tankers with that outside support. Scrappers trail behind those two by quite a bit, and Stalkers come in last of course.

It stands to reason, then, that if the survivability metric is, at theoretical peak performance, Tanker > Brute > Scrapper > Stalker, then the damage metric at theoretical peak performance should read the precise opposite: Stalker > Scrapper > Brute > Tanker.

But it doesn't: it reads Brute > Scrapper > Stalker > Tanker. Therein lies the problem.

So my suggestion is as follows:

  • Drop the Brute damage cap to 650% (from 775%).
  • Scrapper stays right where it is.
  • Raise the Stalker damage cap to 575% (from 500%).
  • Raise the Tanker damage cap to 500% (from 400%) AND raise the Tanker base melee damage scalar to .9 (from .8).

With those changes, you get the following damage scales with capped damage: Stalker 5.750, Scrapper 5.625, Brute 4.875, Tanker 4.500.

These numbers probably could be refined more, but I leave that to you because I have to go out. :P



Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
A sensible post, on the City of Heroes forums, from a user NOT Arcanaville?

Prepare to be sacrificed to Mot.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
You've been on about this tanker thing for a looooong time, which I can respect- you feel passionately about it, you're willing to agitate for it, and that's great.

But it's time to ask yourself why nobody's joined the fight.

I had my own unpopular cause, the market merger. I rode that hobbyhorse for years, from shortly after market launch until the devs finally bowed to the inevitable. Early on, there were only a few of us making the case. As time passed and the issues came into starker relief, more and more informed players joined the cause.

Over the years here I've found that strong arguments tend to resonate with the community & pick up support as time passes.
If a point you're making or a suggestion you're pushing isn't gathering that kind of community support, there's usually a reason...
Well said on the part relating to Johnny. Tankers play their role extremely well in the game at the current time. I can't help but think that the comic counterparts he is looking at are actually Brutes now that they are available as both villains AND heroes.



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
A sensible post, on the City of Heroes forums, from a user NOT Arcanaville?
Nothing new especially from Reiska

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Reiska, that was a very well written and informed post I would just like to ask a question related to it, though. It seems unfair to me to judge Brutes based on their damage cap and request it be nerfed when the AT's damage isn't static. It takes a fairly significant amount of building (and maintaining) to keep their damage comparable to a Scrapper and even more to surpass it.

I personally like the potential to do damage being higher but the damage, generally, remaining lower other than the occasional spike.

Those are just my two cents, though.



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
A sensible post, on the City of Heroes forums, from a user NOT Arcanaville?
It'd be a better post if the damage comparison didn't entirely ignore criticals.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
It'd be a better post if the damage comparison didn't entirely ignore criticals.
... So you add 1% of total damage per percent of critical, I believe is the accepted norm?



Originally Posted by stevie_james View Post
Reiska, that was a very well written and informed post I would just like to ask a question related to it, though. It seems unfair to me to judge Brutes based on their damage cap and request it be nerfed when the AT's damage isn't static. It takes a fairly significant amount of building (and maintaining) to keep their damage comparable to a Scrapper and even more to surpass it.

I personally like the potential to do damage being higher but the damage, generally, remaining lower other than the occasional spike.

Those are just my two cents, though.
A fair point, yes. Brute's baseline performance is just fine, I think. (For the record, in solo play, Brute damage surpasses Scrapper damage at 49 Fury, assuming 3 damage SOs.) I don't think average brute performance needs to be touched at all; it's only at the extremes that the balance is off, if that makes sense.

But that's why I suggested only reducing the damage cap (which a solo Brute can't hit without eating a full tray of reds), and not changing their baseline. (The most a solo brute can theoretically accomplish before inspirations is about 450%: 100% base + 94.9% from enhancements + 200% from 100 fury + 80% from Build Up/Rage.)

MajorDecoy, you make an excellent point regarding me not addressing criticals, that was a mistake I made because I was in a rush. Factoring in Scrapper criticals moves their theoretical peak damage scale to 5.90625 against minions (5% crit rate) and 6.1875 against higher ranked enemies (10% crit rate). This still fails to account for abilities which have a higher than normal critical chance, or which cannot crit such as Concentrated Strike, but these are rare. Factoring in Stalker criticals, the solo stalker's theoretical peak damage scale after eating a lot of reds is 5.500 (10% crit rate), but since we're talking peak performance, we should really consider the stalker on a full team, who has a theoretical peak damage scale of 6.55 (31% crit rate). Neither of these factor Hide, but since Hide usually only applies to a few attacks per combat, the upward effect is probably not very large.

In that light, one could argue that Brute's damage cap ought to be lowered less than I originally stated, or not at all, but I still think that Brutes either need a (minor) survivability hit, Tankers need a damage increase, or both.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
No, it's because people want to keep the distinction of Who's the toughest to who's the highest damage.

I say start calling out for a reduction in Brute Max Resistance by 5%! To help keep Brutes max potential lower than a Tankers.
Again, I've got to ask. What does this actually do?

As much as J_B likes to carry on about the caps; the issue doesn't come from the caps. The issue is the level of survivability Brutes can achieve combining with the aggro management tools that they've been given, which allows them to do the job of a Tank, while keeping superior damage.

A brute doesn't need to be at their caps to tank for a team, and they've been doing it since before IOs.

Add to that, the potential to be "Survivable enough", getting to the point where an equally built Tanker's mitigation advantage becomes rather pointless, and you've got my current perspective on the Tank vs Brute topic.

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
(why does no one ever bring this up?)
because they're too busy



This analysis of comparing Brute damage to Scrapper damage was done to death some time back on the Scrapper forums when Fury was changed in I18. The conclusion was that Scrapper damage does indeed exceed Brute, both at the cap and general, once you include criticals. There are a lot of variables involved because the % chance of critical depends on what the Scrapper is fighting and sometimes what power they are using, but sensible weighted values had the Scrappers ahead.

The difference was not proportional to their survivability difference, if I recall correctly. There was not much campaigning for that to be the case.

The new Brute ATE proc and Scrapper ATE global likely calls for the non-capped analysis to be redone.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Step one to balancing the Melee ATs: lock out the Fighting Pool from them.

But that's not going to happen so... I guess raise everyone's caps so we all become overpowered equally?



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
This analysis of comparing Brute damage to Scrapper damage was done to death some time back on the Scrapper forums when Fury was changed in I18. The conclusion was that Scrapper damage does indeed exceed Brute, both at the cap and general, once you include criticals. There are a lot of variables involved because the % chance of critical depends on what the Scrapper is fighting and sometimes what power they are using, but sensible weighted values had the Scrappers ahead.

The difference was not proportional to their survivability difference, if I recall correctly. There was not much campaigning for that to be the case.

The new Brute ATE proc and Scrapper ATE global likely calls for the non-capped analysis to be redone.
The Brute ATIO proc is probably fairly difficult to model, but it can be assumed that it increases the general "equilibrium" point for Fury by a fair bit. The Scrapper ATIO proc is simple to model but I don't actually remember what its crit mod is.



The ATIO adds 2/4(normal) and 3/6(superior)

so the crits become 7/14 and 8/16



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
The ATIO adds 2/4(normal) and 3/6(superior)

so the crits become 7/14 and 8/16
So then with the superior ATO, the Scrapper's peak performance increases to an effective damage scale of 6.075 on minions and 6.525 on anything higher.

The Brute's peak performance actually doesn't change at all, because the Brute ATO only adds to Fury, which is still bound by the +Damage cap.



All right, staying away from the math, since I'm a bit under the weather.

From a fun factor standpoint alone, stalker crits just seem not so fun for most primaries. With, of course, exceptions (Claws with the 6th Superior ATE woo woo). 5% or 10% chance to do double damage leaves the distinct flavor of vanilla in my mouth. I got more interesting crit mechanics than that out of tabletop D&D circa year 2000.

If the devs feel low probability crits are what they want for the archetype, that's fine. Just make them do something more than double damage. Controllers get double damage crits basically all the time; stalkers and corruptors quite a bit of the time. If scrappers get crits as little as 5% of the time, those crits should be correspondingly more meaningful.

I'll admit one complication: Getting multiple effects to trigger off the same random crit chance roll is tricky with the current engine. Does anyone have an example of this happening? I can think of a roundabout way to do it, using the "must hit at lower%" mechanic, but that would mean accuracy, tohit/def, and relative level would influence crit chance in new ways, a potentially awesome or a potentially awful outcome. Unfortunately, I'm in no condition to do the math right now. And I'm not sure it would work in the first place.