Discussion: The Intrepid Informer: Issue #19
Hopefully this and Staff fighting will be in the market March 13 in time for Double XP weekend. If not expect to here from my people.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Howler Wolves deliver a number of lethal damage attacks and can also have some self buffs that improve their speed and damage. |
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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
Synapse: does this mean those pets' attacks are not immune to recharge buffs? Is that unique to the Howlers?
I can't even find anything saying if it's a bug or not.
Murphys Military Law
#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
...an unkindness of ravens??
...most deadly??
Actual question though. Just taking Fortify Pack grants a passive bonus. Is that a new mechanic? Are there any other sets that do that?
Having a power grant extra powers or give an additional effect isn't particularly new. Auto powers, obviously, do that. Enhancements technically function like fancy auto powers, according to Synapse. Dual Pistols and Staff have a power pick that grants you 3 extra powers, meaning the tech for powers to grant other powers/effects isn't "new". Unless memory fails, they've been mutually exclusive thus far, so Fortify Pack looks to be the first case of that happening.
So, did they ever fix the problem of the pets casting their self buffs as soon as they recharge and so wasting them outside of combat?
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
So, did they ever fix the problem of the pets casting their self buffs as soon as they recharge and so wasting them outside of combat?
Synapse, thanks for reminding people that with this set, no, really, you DO need to take the primary attack powers for their debuffs, even more so than with demon summoning. But I'd also add a line to the section about weaknesses: "As the only NPCs in the whole game that have no ranged attacks at all, they tend to cluster around a single target if left alone, which will leave them even more vulnerable than usual to area-effect attacks." Given that this is a store-bought powerset, extra disclosure is probably prudent, so people don't end up paying their $10 and then finding out, too late, that they just can't handle it.
P.S. Late in beta, you buffed the heck out of their +def and gave them a bit of +res(smash,lethal). Any chance of back-porting those same upgrades to Genin and Jounin, which have the same weakness that Wolves and Lions started out with?
Personally, this power description makes me want a ranged attack that summons a smack of jellyfish.
"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"
Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers
A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"
But no one uses them in real life except to play the "name the esoteric collective noun" game. To do so is to decimate the English language.
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You are right to be incredulous. The list of collective nouns for things which are real words in real dictionaries is rather short and dependent upon actual usage. It became something of a game to invent a collective noun for each grouping of animals or even inanimate objects rather than live with just the ones that organically came into being because of necessity.
But no one uses them in real life except to play the "name the esoteric collective noun" game. To do so is to decimate the English language. |
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
That's why it's called a MURDER of Crows ...

I just honestly hadn't heard of it before It just sounds so... off.
Considering we are getting the Beast Mastery Intrepid Informer before the Staff Fighting Intrepid Informer, does that mean we are getting Beast Mastery before Staff Fighting?
If Beast Mastery has been asked for "since time immemorial," Staff Fighting has to be that +1, at least.
It's a very cool power set, and I know the new four legged rig is even cooler. But considering we've gotten the German Shepard, the Black Wolf, and the Coyote Travel Power, let's give the quadrupeds a break, just for a few weeks, and go with Staff Fighting first. Please?
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

Beast Mastery continues to fail at "wow"ing me. It seems weak in terms of power, and lacking in terms of style, with too little variety of "beasts". It's a shame, because I really do want to like the set, but it'll probably the first pay-extra set that I won't be purchasing.
Want nao.
Anyone on Beta get a chance to try this with Time Manip? I'm wondering how it performed. Just from the numbers, it looks great, but sometimes eye-balling raw numbers doesn't really tell you much.
Any hints as when this will be available on Beta or Live for testing?
I have a few ideas I would like to try out before I settle on a toon. Also will VIP get this one like we get few other new power sets?
Weapon Alpha/Logan Omega - Scrapper/Stalker - Lvl 50(+3)/23
Dont under estimate a stalker - "What you can't see will kill you ..." SnakeSniper
Thanatos Omega - Stalker - Lvl 50(+1)
"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me
@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn
Considering we are getting the Beast Mastery Intrepid Informer before the Staff Fighting Intrepid Informer, does that mean we are getting Beast Mastery before Staff Fighting?
If Beast Mastery has been asked for "since time immemorial," Staff Fighting has to be that +1, at least. It's a very cool power set, and I know the new four legged rig is even cooler. But considering we've gotten the German Shepard, the Black Wolf, and the Coyote Travel Power, let's give the quadrupeds a break, just for a few weeks, and go with Staff Fighting first. Please? ![]() |
"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me
@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn
I cast [Summon Bigger Fish].
If they're both ready to release then release them both. Can we at least get some kind of idea when staff will come out? I'm already getting sick of it just from waiting for it to release.
Beast Mastery
by Phil "Synapse" Zeleski
I'm here to talk to you today about something pretty special: a new Mastermind Primary Power Set! You've been asking for it since time immemorial and now I have the privilege of presenting to you Beast Mastery. Yes, it's finally here. This Mastermind summoning set allows you to call forth a number of beasts to attack your foes such as: Wolves, Lions, Ravens, Hawks and even swarms of stinging insects. We'll talk about how this powerset functions in greater detail, next I'll offer some helpful tips and tricks to get you started and lastly I'll go over some potential character themes for this set.
Below is a list of the powers found within Beast Mastery along with their short and long descriptions that you'll find in game and some of my comments regarding each power.
Beast Mastery
Command wild animals to aid you in battle. These beastly allies lack ranged attacks, but make up for it with a specialized focus in melee combat. Call forth wolves, lions, dire wolves, hawks and insects to harass your foes. Additionally, you have a chance to gain a stack of Pack Mentality when you and your pets land a hit on an enemy. Each stack of Pack Mentality will boost the damage of all of your nearby beast henchmen. Pack Mentality can stack up to 10 times and will fade after a short time.
Pack Mentality (New Mechanic)
Beast Mastery introduces a new mechanic called Pack Mentality. This buff provides a 2% damage boost to your Beast Mastery pets for each stack. This buff stacks up to 10 times. Each of your Beast Mastery attack powers and the attacks of your beast pets have a chance to grant a stack of this buff. Pack Mentality is also a fuel that is consumed by Fortify Pack, but we'll talk about that a bit more in detail below in Fortify Pack's information.
Call Swarm
Ranged, Light DoT(Lethal), Foe -Defense, -Speed
You summon a swarm of stinging insects to harass your foe causing Light Lethal damage over time and reducing both their movement speed and defense. This power has a moderate chance at granting your pets a stack of Pack Mentality. Damage: Light DoT, Recharge: Very Fast
Designer's Comments: Call Swarm deals a light amount of damage over time and its primary purpose is to weaken the target allowing your pets to more easily hit and catch up to the target.
Summon Wolves
Summon Wolves
Calls forth one to three Wolves to do your bidding. The third one summoned will be an Alpha Wolf, which grants some leadership bonuses to the pack. Wolves have no ranged attacks, but can quickly close in on their prey. You may only have 3 Wolves under your control at any given time. If you attempt to call more Wolves, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have three, the power will fail. Wolf attacks have a chance to build a charge of Pack Mentality. Pack Mentality is a Damage buff aura that radiates from the Mastermind and can stack up to 10 times. Recharge: Very Long
Designer's Comments: Howler Wolves deliver a number of lethal damage attacks and can also have some self buffs that improve their speed and damage. They lack ranged attacks, but they can quickly catch up to their targets to deliver some quick powerful hits. The third Howler Wolf you summon is an Alpha wolf. He has a self heal power and an AoE damage debuff. He serves more of a support role. Like other minion level henchmen, they're vulnerable to most damage. You'll want to support them with buffs, debuffs and heals for the best results.
Call Hawk
Ranged, High DMG (Lethal), Foe -To Hit, Knockdown, -Fly
You call forth a hawk ally to swoop in and viciously peck at your target causing High Lethal damage. The attack often catches foes off their guard and can knock them down as well as reducing their chance to hit. This power has a good chance at granting your pets a stack of Pack Mentality. Damage: High, Recharge: Fast
Designer's Comments: Call Hawk's secondary function is to knock fliers out of the air. This is a vital tool in the Mastermind's arsenal as his pets lack any real ranged attack.
Train Beasts
Ranged, Train Beast Henchmen
Train your Beast Henchmen to more effectively attack your foes. This power permanently bestows new powers and abilities to all of your Beast Henchmen. The powers gained are unique and dependent upon the type of Beast Henchman. This power only works on your Beast Henchmen and you can only Train your Beast Henchmen once with this power. Recharge: Fast
Designer's Comments: This is your first pet buff power. It grants all of your beasts some additional attacks to make them even more effective in melee.
Call Ravens
Ranged (Cone), Moderate DoT(Lethal), Foe -Speed, -Defense, -Fly
You command an unkindness of ravens to quickly assault and harass your foes. Your foes will suffer Moderate Lethal damage over time and have their speed and defense reduced. This power has a high chance at granting your pets a stack of Pack Mentality. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow
Designer's Comments: Much like Call Hawk, this power is intended to not only cause some damage over time, but also reduce the likelihood that your beasts will encounter foes they cannot reach or hit.
Summon Lions
Summon Lions
You can summon one to two mighty lions (depending on your level). Lions are one of the most deadly predators on the planet and possess vicious claw and bite attacks as well as growl and roar buffs and debuffs. Like all Henchmen, Lions can be trained to be even more powerful. You may only have 2 Lions under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon more Lions, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have two, the power will fail. Lion attacks have a chance to build a charge of Pack Mentality. Pack Mentality is a Damage buff aura that radiates from the Mastermind and can stack up to 10 times. Recharge: Very Long
Designer's Comments: Lions are roughly equal parts support and damage. They provide defense buffs for nearby beast allies with their Lion's Roar power, stun nearby foes with their Ferocious Growl and can deliver a measure of melee area of effect damage with their Claw Swipe power.
Fortify Pack
PBAoE, Pets +Defense, +Regeneration, consumes all charges of Pack Mentality
You command your beasts to fight more defensively. Using Fortify Pack will prevent your pets from benefiting from Pack Mentality for 60 seconds. The number of charges of Pack Mentality you own when activating this power will determine the potency of the Defense and Regeneration buff that will be granted to your pack. Additionally, simply owning this power grants your beast pets attacks a chance to critically hit that scales with the amount of Pack Mentality owned by the Mastermind. Recharge: Very Long
Designer's Comments: After playing with Beast Mastery for a bit you'll quickly realize that the summoned beast henchmen are very offensively focused and if left unprotected and unsupported can be defeated fairly quickly. This is where Fortify Pack comes in. This power consumes all active stacks of Pack Mentality on the user and prevents both the Mastermind and beast henchmen from generating further stacks of Pack Mentality. In exchange, it grants a sizeable defense and regeneration boost for your beast henchmen for 1 minute. This buff scales with the number of stacks of Pack Mentality consumed. So, if at all possible, it's best to use Fortify Pack when you have a full stack of 10 Pack Mentality. Fortify Pack is intended to be a defensive tactical shift and gives your pets some additional staying power in tough situations. Also, as an added bonus, simply purchasing it gives your pets a 2% chance to critically hit per stack of Pack Mentality.
Summon Dire Wolf
Summon Dire Wolf
You call upon the aid of the fabled Dire Wolf. It has powerful bite and breath attacks. Unlike wolves and lions, the Dire Wolf has some limited ranged attacks. The Dire Wolf has good defense to Melee, Ranged and AoE attacks and good resistance to Cold damage. You may only have 1 Dire Wolf under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon another Dire Wolf the power will fail. Dire Wolf attacks have a chance to build a charge of Pack Mentality. Pack Mentality is a Damage buff aura that radiates from the Mastermind and can stack up to 10 times. Recharge: Very Long
Designer's Comments: The Dire Wolf provides a good amount of area of effect damage with Chilling Howl , Freezing Roar and Terrible Howl as well as having some survivability boosting tools with the slow effect caused by its breath attacks, the terrorize effect from Terrible Howl and Will of the Wild for a sizable boost to hit points and damage resistance. A well supported Dire Wolf will lead the Mastermind to success.
Tame Beasts
Ranged, Upgrade Beast Henchmen
Tame Beasts will permanently teach the most deadly and ferocious powers to all of your Beast Henchmen. The Tamed Beasts will gain new abilities and powers. The powers gained are unique and dependent upon the type of Beast Henchman that is Tamed. Tame Beasts only works on your Beast Henchmen and you can only Tame your Beast Henchmen once with this power. Recharge: Moderate
Designer's Comments: The most powerful Beast Mastery pet powers are granted by Tame Beasts. So, make sure you don't pass up this or Train Beasts.
Tips and Tricks
To help you get started with Beast Mastery I've compiled some useful tips and tricks that may suit your play style or perhaps will help you define your own preferred method for enjoying the set.
Natural, Mutation and Magic origins more easily fit the idea of a master of beasts. Although one could easily imagine a Science origin character being infused with pheromones (or something along those lines) to grant a measure of animal affinity. Technology origin characters might be a bit trickier, but devices might be built to allow the Mastermind to communicate with beasts. However, I am sure you all can come up with much more creative character origins than I can. As always I look forward to seeing the crazy, stunning and otherwise creative characters you all create! Beast Mastery will be available as a purchasable powerset in the Paragon Market.
Kevin Callanan
Community Specialist
Paragon Studios