So... No Freespec w/ I22?




I have a couple gravity control characters, and wanted to switch some powers and enhancements around.

But I got the message that I had no free respec available. Buh-wha? o.O

Is this an oversight, or a paradigm shift?

I know we've had issues where the freespec showed up a tad late, and I'm hoping that's what's happened again.

But with the new income model, respecs may now be considered another stream of revenue.

Was there some word one way or another in beta?

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
Is this an oversight, or a paradigm shift?
I'd say neither. Typically the free respecs went out on three occasions:

1) Anniversary
2) Winter Event
3) Massive change to an archetype or the entire game.

This is a fairly major change to gravity, but only gravity. It doesn't meet the threshold for a free respec.



Maybe they felt the changes made weren't significant enough to warrant the inclusion of a freespec.



Don't they usually come a little while after the issue itself?

Then again, I have a billion and five respecs on every character so... meh.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




I can't recall an issue that didn't grant a freespec, and I can never recall that respec showing up the day or week of an issues release.

I will admit I haven't payed much attention to freespecs in the past year or two since I have so many vetspecs.



Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
Don't they usually come a little while after the issue itself?

Then again, I have a billion and five respecs on every character so... meh.
Depends. Occasionally they are late, sometimes the devs give two a week or so apart and sometimes they don't give any.



There really isn't much incentive to give away freespecs with the Paragon market. Plus, while the improved many of the skills in Gravity and Assassin Strike, there wasn't any drastic changes made that would require revamped socketing.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
I can't recall an issue that didn't grant a freespec, and I can never recall that respec showing up the day or week of an issues release.

I will admit I haven't payed much attention to freespecs in the past year or two since I have so many vetspecs.
Oh we have had plenty of issues with no freespecs. It is just that the last 7 or 8 issues have had major system changes which brought a freespec along with them. So the freespec has never been because of the new issue but instead because of the degree of change brought with the issue.

That said they have once or twice also given one a week or two after the issue went live when they where first toying with them.

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Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
There really isn't much incentive to give away freespecs with the Paragon market. Plus, while the improved many of the skills in Gravity and Assassin Strike, there wasn't any drastic changes made that would require revamped socketing.
This. If people need a respec, it's easy enough to just buy one. I don't think they'll just be giving them away except in extreme circumstances since they need the $ from the sales.



Was kinda hoping for a freespec as well considering ill need to use one on not just my grav toons but others 2.



Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
There really isn't much incentive to give away freespecs with the Paragon market. Plus, while the improved many of the skills in Gravity and Assassin Strike, there wasn't any drastic changes made that would require revamped socketing.
The change to Assassin Strike is enough to warrant people respec'ing into it. It's a pretty major shift for the power.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
The change to Assassin Strike is enough to warrant people respec'ing into it. It's a pretty major shift for the power.
How many Stalkers didn't take Assassin Strike before the change? I'm pretty sure that the number of players that may have done such is minuscule. Most players that would opt out of Assassin Strike probably just rolled a Scrapper instead.

It just doesn't make sense to grant everyone a respec because of a handful of Assassin-Strike-ignoring-Stalkers.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
The change to Assassin Strike is enough to warrant people respec'ing into it. It's a pretty major shift for the power.
o.O There are Stalkers that don't take AS? Odd...

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Some Stalkers might not have taken AS (probably Street Justice ones, if any). More likely though is that a lot of Gravity controllers/dominators probably didn't take Dimension Shift, Lift, or Propel. All of which are fairly improved.

Personally, between all the veteran respecs, purchasable ones, respec recipes, trial respecs, other freespecs, 3 builds, etc., I don't really think there's a specific "need" for one.



Originally Posted by MortisEques View Post
o.O There are Stalkers that don't take AS? Odd...
Quite a few. Without a significant amount of defense, it's tough to pull off more than once a fight and there are, for some sets, better options for opening a fight (Kinetic's Burst, for instance, which has a 100% critical rate from Hide or Lightning Rod, which doesn't break Hide, but does draw aggro that can break Hide). I personally went without it on my Kin/Nin, using Hide/Placate for extra AoE via burst or to recharge Build Up with Concentrated Strike. The Assassin's Focus mechanic has changed it from a once-per-mob power to something people will use at almost every opportunity. That alone means sets that were light on end. reduction, which served well if you only used it here and there, may be desirable to switch for more endurance efficient slotting.

But the addition of Assassin's Focus doesn't just affect AS. With a reliable method to get good damage out of AS, many people are considering dropping Placate from their build.



In addition to Stalkers that have skipped AS, many have slotted it in a way that is now woefully insufficient. After all, why bother slotting it for accuracy, endurance, or recharge if you use it only once in a fight, with Build Up? Throw 2-3 plain damage enhancements in there and call it a day. That does not at all cut it now that you want to use the power all the time.

I'm rather surprised that we didn't get a freespec, considering the Stalker changes, the Grav changes, and the ATOs prompting a lot of people to change their builds (not strictly an i22 feature, but still). I have enough vetspecs, and use them rarely enough, that this isn't actually a problem for me personally, but I was rather surprised.



Add the hami's change too to the list.

There has been a freespec in every issue since I've joined, for what I've thought of as less dramactic issues, so imo its more likely an oversight.

I'm not fussed personally, but I have the advantage of being a vet with a stack built up.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



I wouldn't be terribly surprised if they're simply delaying the respec. There are still some proposed changes to Gravity and Dark Affinity that didn't go live. I was actually surprised that i22 hit without those being implemented and tested.



I kinda wonder if the last change to DS is actually going to happen or not. There was quite a hullabaloo over it in the Feedback Thread... making it phase teammates was somewhat less than popular, to some and to some they trumpeted as the best thing since... Power Customization.



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
There has been a freespec in every issue since I've joined, for what I've thought of as less dramactic issues, so imo its more likely an oversight.
There hasn't been a freespec for quite some time from what I recall. We haven't had a significant powers change that warrant one in several issues from what I remember. Issue 21 didn't have any significant power changes...only new ones. Issue 20 didn't either. 20.5 had the change to the group buffs instead of the single target for several of the buff powers, but I can't recall them issuing a freespec for that since they were all positive changes. Issue 19 had the inherent fitness which issued them, but since then I can't remember anything. Granted I could be wrong about this, but I try and pay attention to them.

They have a policy of announcing them about a week before they are issued so people can clear them out if they want to get the new one.

Also the policy of issuing them at all might have changed completely with Issue 21 and the hybrid model.

That being said...the changes instituted in this issue would warrant them in the past, at least for stalkers and gravity characters. The changes could have a big impact on whether or not players would choose those powers. Surprised there isn't one.



I'm pretty sure i21 came with a respec, because I'm pretty sure I used it for the travel pool changes. One relatively recent issue gave us TWO freespecs a week apart, but I don't recall if that was i19 or i20. Or maybe i18?



You will get one during the Anniversity, i am sure of it, but it hasn't come yet.

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So what I take from the replies here is that there was no official word one way or another about a freespec for I22 and that we're all just speculating based on our individual experiences from past issues.

I've also got ~ a half dozen vetspecs sitting around on my characters so it's not that big a deal. But I am curious about the rationale one way or another. Guess I'll drop Zwill a line.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
So what I take from the replies here is that there was no official word one way or another about a freespec for I22 and that we're all just speculating based on our individual experiences from past issues.
Not individual experiences, no. There was actually at one point a developer statement about when freespecs could be expected. It was made when one of the issues was launched without a freespec.

The statement said essentially that freespecs are given when the changes to the game merit it, or as a special bonus to celebrate certain events, such as the winter event and the anniversary.

This year, however, I don't think we got a freespec with the winter event.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Depends. Occasionally they are late, sometimes the devs give two a week or so apart and sometimes they don't give any.
With the changes to Stalkers and Gravity Control, I think giving one makes sense.

I changed up my Stalkers' slotting significantly, because AS as part of my attack chain calls for something rather different than AS as an opening move.

It's been typical in the past to give everyone a respec even if only some characters/powersets/ATs changed.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA