So... No Freespec w/ I22?




Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
While I was personally affected by that, I refrain from asking for a respec for adjusting to replacing those HOs. Rednames told us long ago that using HOs that way was a mild exploit, and that some day it would change. I feel for people who might have done it because the game allowed it, but I'm not sure that one warrants a freespec on its own based on its "exploity" nature. That's just my opinion, though.
I completely understand that and i did know it was somewhat of an exploit. My only argument against it (while maybe not the best one) is that is went on for a long time,and as you know i'm not talking about months but rather years. If it would have only gone on for a short time i'd be fine with the lack of a free respec. But i have 3 and 4 year old toons that used it. Can't say that i'm happy about it but i suppose it is what it is.

"while some people would say fish, cow, ambush!"-Ice9



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Keep the 3 HO's in the power and replace the procs?

I'm not saying it won't suck, but, what got done doesn't require a respec, it requires 6 new enhancements.
Also you can get enhancement unslotters for like if you're trying to swap out a purple or something.

Still, though...... I've become accustomed to these freespecs, kind of like a seagull that becomes accustomed to tourists giving out bread crumbs. Several of my toons were allowed to languish in a poorly configured state for over a month in anticipation I wouldn't have to use up one of their "built in" respecs.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Some 8 year old characters just maybe have gone through them all. And even with all those options, they gave out free respecs with just about every Issue, even if there weren't changes made to powers before the Market was in play.

When the Devs change powers, we shouldn't have to spend cash to adjust. Period.
Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Based on the original philosophy behind why "freespecs" existed, we should not be expected to pay real-world money to adjust when you guys need to make changes to the game, whether you're buffing or "nerfing" something. If you expect us to do that, expect a lot less graciousness from players (from those who ever offer you any) when you make balance changes. If you expect me to pay to adjust, then expect me to expect less need for adjustment from you.
ZM and Uber pretty much summed up my thoughts. Not providing a freespec when meaningful changes have been made to an archetype, and when a powerset shared by two other archetypes has been pretty sizably re-designed, seems to represent a change in the apparent philosophy of the game's management that I find disheartening.

Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Yes, it can be troublesome for older characters and we shouldn't have to pay to adjust to game changes, but when they can profit off it, which route do you think they would prefer?
I've tended to dismiss claims that the Freedom model has led to "money-grubbing" tactics, but if this really is about trying to make people pay for more respecs (and I've seen no evidence to the contrary, like a statement that, "We plan to issue one for the anniversary and don't want to give them out too close together") then I guess my friend who wants me to start beta-testing other games gets his wish. I'll head down to Gamestop with my $5 tomorrow.

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Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
ZM and Uber pretty much summed up my thoughts. Not providing a freespec when meaningful changes have been made to an archetype, and when a powerset shared by two other archetypes has been pretty sizably re-designed, seems to represent a change in the apparent philosophy of the game's management that I find disheartening.

I've tended to dismiss claims that the Freedom model has led to "money-grubbing" tactics, but if this really is about trying to make people pay for more respecs (and I've seen no evidence to the contrary, like a statement that, "We plan to issue one for the anniversary and don't want to give them out too close together") then I guess my friend who wants me to start beta-testing other games gets his wish. I'll head down to Gamestop with my $5 tomorrow.
But the change wasn't meaningful in a way that requires a free respec. It made a change to a few mechanics, only one of which effects an attack, and it's one attack that can easily have it's IO's overlayed with others.

The arguement of "Well I don't want to lose those enhancements" is not a reason for a free respec.

Nor is the arguement of "I don't want to lose my HO's that I used in a way that wasn't intended." more so if you knew it wasn't intended (which anyone who used them that way, I find it hard to believe they didn't know).

Now if they decided to, that's awesome! But this issue really didn't warrant it based on changes made. It's no different than you slotting the wrong enhancement into a power and regretting it. You're build should for the most part have the same slots in the same powers (exceptions of course) after the respec.

But free stuff is free stuff.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
But the change wasn't meaningful in a way that requires a free respec.
But it was. Some builds skipped AS completely; some slotted it in a way totally incompatible with its new use. Many Grav builds skipped powers that have been drastically revamped and are now worth using. These were totally valid build choices (even if you, personally, would not make them) which have changed dramatically in light of the changes. Plus, Incarnate powers are now obtainable by people who didn't want to do trials, and those can totally transform a build. ATOs can require significant build alteration. Oh, and KM got gutted in PvP, so the people who did that (as few as they may be) probably want to respec, too.
Sure, not EVERY build needs a respec. Not every build needed to grab a travel power at level 4, or take a travel t5, but we got a freebie for that anyway.

I mean, hey, Zwill has spoken, the odds of getting a freespec now are approximately zip. But I don't at all think it's consistent with what the threshold has been in the past. I don't know that it's some nefarious plot to sell more respecs, or if this is even indicative of a long-term policy change, but it doesn't seem to match past behavior.



There's an issue here: Not the lack of a freespec per se, but the fact that we've had a one freespec (sometimes even 2) since I7.

It's become expected - often for fewer changes than we're experiencing here.

If we're not getting a freespec that's ok in one sense. It's expected, but not guaranteed... but the lack of notification jars somewhat.

Sure, Paragon don't owe us a freespec but they fact they are not giving us one and not telling us is poor form.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
The arguement of "Well I don't want to lose those enhancements" is not a reason for a free respec.
Why not? Respecs are to change your build. If they didn't consider enhancements to be part of that then why when they created the Respec and enhancements were cheap did they include a tray to save 10 of them?

Now a days many players spend weeks and months to get a single "Purple" or HamiO or they spend REAL money to buy enhancements on the market. Far more time and money then is spent on the character. This may not be YOUR or my play style but it is the play style of many in the game and is in fact a play style encouraged by the Devs.

Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Nor is the argument of "I don't want to lose my HO's that I used in a way that wasn't intended." more so if you knew it wasn't intended (which anyone who used them that way, I find it hard to believe they didn't know).
Do you honestly find it hard to believe that players would come to the forums looking for a quick and easy build to make and then just follow the directions without hours more research?

Or do you believe that all such builds would contain a disclaimer saying "WARNING THE BUILD CONTAINS EXPLOITS"?

Check out "Local mans" highly popular (221 replies) very detailed guide "A Local Guide to Ill/Rad Controllers". Yet for all the detail no mention that this was an exploit! I'm SHOCKED.

From the guide "O Sets: Defense Debuff, ToHit Debuff Sets. At levels 47-50, the ideal slotting for RI is 3 Enzyme Hami-O's. RI is the perfect power for Enzymes (ToHitDebuff/DefenseDebuff/EndRdx), and no other power makes better use of Enzymes than RI -- 3 Enzymes will cap all three aspects of this power. The other nice thing about using Enzyme HO's is that you can take 3 slots out of RI and put them in some other powers without any loss whatsoever (other than set bonuses)."

Once again just because you knew it was an exploit, doesn not mean that every other player has the time, access and skill to know that.

Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
It's no different than you slotting the wrong enhancement into a power and regretting it.
You honestly think that someone who slots a power and then later has the power changed on them is the same as someone who mis-slots a power?



Originally Posted by Cathulhu View Post
From the guide "O Sets: Defense Debuff, ToHit Debuff Sets. At levels 47-50, the ideal slotting for RI is 3 Enzyme Hami-O's. RI is the perfect power for Enzymes (ToHitDebuff/DefenseDebuff/EndRdx), and no other power makes better use of Enzymes than RI -- 3 Enzymes will cap all three aspects of this power. The other nice thing about using Enzyme HO's is that you can take 3 slots out of RI and put them in some other powers without any loss whatsoever (other than set bonuses)."
Er... that use of Enzymes ISN'T an exploit. It's debuff enzymes in a debuff power, exactly as they're supposed to be used.

I agree with the rest of your post, though.



I certainly hope they pass out some respecs considering the state of Dark Affinity. Both Fade and Soul Absorption are slated to change. The 15 second duration Fade that's on live right now is one that I can easily see many skipping only to be frustrated when it receives its buff.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
But the change wasn't meaningful in a way that requires a free respec.
The stalker change, maybe. The gravity changes, less so.

And we've not been given a reason, so your proclamation that the change "wasn't meaningful in a way that requires a free respec" is (a) your opinion, which is no more or less valid than anyone else's, and (b) a subtle but important mischaracterization of what it was I actually said. See, I never used the word "require". You're welcome to look back at what you quoted, even. I'd appreciate you not putting words in my mouth.

It made a change to a few mechanics, only one of which effects an attack, and it's one attack that can easily have it's IO's overlayed with others.

The arguement of "Well I don't want to lose those enhancements" is not a reason for a free respec.

Nor is the arguement of "I don't want to lose my HO's that I used in a way that wasn't intended." more so if you knew it wasn't intended (which anyone who used them that way, I find it hard to believe they didn't know).
You might consider using multi-quote, because you're suggesting by quoting me that my feelings on the matter have anything to do with Hami-O's. They do not. They have to do with my feeling that something in the management philosophy of the game has changed based on this decision.

I don't need the respecs. It's not about needing them. It's not even about wanting them. It's about feeling that my spending extra money is seeming more important than the psychological contract that's developed between me and the makers of this game over the past seven years.

That's not a small thing, to me.

Now if they decided to, that's awesome! But this issue really didn't warrant it based on changes made.
In your opinion.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
The arguement of "Well I don't want to lose those enhancements" is not a reason for a free respec.
And you can state this because ... right, you can't. You don't have any inside track to that. Saying we can overlay IOs is no better an argument than saying we could buy a respec on the in-game market. In order to adjust to changes made to our powers by the devs we are having to expend our own resources. That's not how things have been done for quite some time, and if it's the new direction, it's not one I support.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Cathulhu View Post
You honestly think that someone who slots a power and then later has the power changed on them is the same as someone who mis-slots a power?
You have the power, you have it slotted, weren't respecs originally for changing powers, not keeping the enhancements?

You know, back in the day when you didn't care if you lost your enhancement cuz you'd just buy a new one.

And just handing out free respecs, that just seems to go against the whole "Here we've put them in the market to make more money"

More so when there are free ones for being a vet, free ones to be found in game, and ones to be bought on the market.

Not saying I wouldn't pass it up. But I wouldn't expect them anymore. And like I (believe I) said, re were reissued new ones with Freedom. With the game it is today, I have to ask, do people need /that/ many respecs?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
And you can state this because ... right, you can't. You don't have any inside track to that. Saying we can overlay IOs is no better an argument than saying we could buy a respec on the in-game market. In order to adjust to changes made to our powers by the devs we are having to expend our own resources. That's not how things have been done for quite some time, and if it's the new direction, it's not one I support.
Expand resources like enhancements which, you can always reobtain if you just reslot over them.

Respec, you get a trial to run three times, not to mention vet specs. You get plenty from those, and freedom re-newed them.

So, Freedom came out, you respeced that old stalker who used those three trial respecs, and have no vet specs left? Even with all the build help available to people, that wasn't available way back when?

*shrug* I just don't see why they should be expected to give them out. More so when they've released issues without giving a free one, even when powers had changes in the issue.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
In your opinion.
Apparently that opinion is shared by the devs.

Now while I agree a freespec would be nice I'm not going to get upset that they didn't give one out this time.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Apparently that opinion is shared by the devs.
That's one possible interpretation of their actions. The other is that they choose not to give the free respec because they'd rather "encourage" purchasing respecs for real money. It saddens me that my inclination is to be more prone to believe the latter than the former, but that's where I find myself. I'd be satisfied with just about any explanation; no explanation is not something I view as acceptable, given the past few years' history surrounding this issue.

I stand by my previous statement that this represents a violation of the psychological contract that exists between the devs and the players, and that it concerns me as such.

If there's some piece of explanation that I've missed (I've looked at the dev and community digests, but don't frequent the "Freedom Friday" thing or have time for the Ustreams) I'd be fine with being educated on the topic. All I'm finding in my (admittedly cursory) searches is a lot of wind, and Zwill's "Sorry, not this time" up-thread.

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Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
That's one possible interpretation of their actions. The other is that they choose not to give the free respec because they'd rather "encourage" purchasing respecs for real money. It saddens me that my inclination is to be more prone to believe the latter than the former, but that's where I find myself. I'd be satisfied with just about any explanation; no explanation is not something I view as acceptable, given the past few years' history surrounding this issue.

I stand by my previous statement that this represents a violation of the psychological contract that exists between the devs and the players, and that it concerns me as such.

If there's some piece of explanation that I've missed (I've looked at the dev and community digests, but don't frequent the "Freedom Friday" thing or have time for the Ustreams) I'd be fine with being educated on the topic. All I'm finding in my (admittedly cursory) searches is a lot of wind, and Zwill's "Sorry, not this time" up-thread.
Does it help at all that my psychological contract says "they want my money and I'm giving it to them"?

We didn't always get a free respec with every issue, even with issues with powerset changes.

Paragon Studios is a business.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Does it help at all that my psychological contract says "they want my money and I'm giving it to them"?
If you regularly hold the position that you're satisfied when businesses, even ones you like to patronize, start charging you for things which used to be complimentary, then more power to you, but I don't think you're very typical.

That those once-complimentary things weren't always available doesn't change the overall perspective.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Why should PLAYERS have to spend a Respec they have earned with time and money to fix character issues caused by the Devs changes?

Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
You have the power, you have it slotted, weren't respecs originally for changing powers, not keeping the enhancements?

You know, back in the day when you didn't care if you lost your enhancement cuz you'd just buy a new one.
The evidence suggests that Respecs were for changing powers AND keeping enhancements. After all they made the design decision and spent coding time to allow you to keep 10 of your enhancements in your enhancment tray during a Respec. If they had felt that saving enhancements was not part of the Respec it would have been easier and cheaper to not have put that feature in since this was "back in the day when you didn't care if you lost your enhancement." Why spend money for a feature nobody cares about?

Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
And just handing out free respecs, that just seems to go against the whole "Here we've put them in the market to make more money"
I agree, and thats the point. They seem to be changing policy and withholding a Respec so they can force players to pay cash. That is the reason people are complaining. It appears we are now being charged for what used to be free. I support charging for new content that would have never been available pre Freedom. I may think a Frisbee Power is a waste of my money but I when I see someone use it because it means another happy player and more money to make stuff I might want. I oppose for what was once free since it will reduce the incentive to play and is one more step towards making other stuff no longer free.

Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
More so when there are free ones for being a vet, free ones to be found in game, and ones to be bought on the market.

Not saying I wouldn't pass it up. But I wouldn't expect them anymore. And like I (believe I) said, re were reissued new ones with Freedom. With the game it is today, I have to ask, do people need /that/ many respecs?
The Devs need to change powers to make the game better, both for player enjoyment and/OR player retention. However such rule changes penalize players in many ways, some not so obvious.

They can change enhancement slotting for an effective build.
They can change the order you take powers for exemplaring purposes.
They can change the other synchronizing powers you take and when you take them.
They can change the concept, looks, and feel of powers in ways that will make some Roleplayers tear their hair out.
They can affect PvP.

These issues and probably others are the result of the Devs actions, not the players.

The Respecs you mention require time and/or money and that's assuming you have not already used those Respecs for one of the reasons they were intended for. And by using one you no longer have it available at a later date for when you do screw up and need it.

And that's the point.

Why should PLAYERS have to spend a Respec they have earned with time and money to fix character issues caused by the Devs changes?



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
That's one possible interpretation of their actions. The other is that they choose not to give the free respec because they'd rather "encourage" purchasing respecs for real money.
Riiiight, that's why the devs have half a dozen different ways for players to get respecs other than buying them from the market with real money. Not to mention multiple builds.

Edit: Oh and when they have given out freespecs due to major changes to power sets, they gave them to every character on our accounts regardless of whether or not they were affected by the change, yeah that screams that they are just after money.



A store-bought respec was one of the oldest options for purchase, and along with renames and server transfers, and predates Freedom by quite a bit. Freespecs have been given out in the past when a store-bought respec was one of the few offerings they had for micro-transactions, so I'm a little less inclined to assign devious motives for not getting one now.

The store-bought respec is there either for convenience (trading money for time saved), or for players that wanted to change a build so often that they've exhausted the other available options.

As others have mentioned, I would think the changes to stalkers, gravity sets, Hamidon enhancements, and the introduction of archetype enhancement sets would be enough of a reason for a freespec to be granted. They may also want to look at it as an opportunity to encourage the use of other store-bought enhancements too, though I personally won't take it that way.



I feel like I'm the last person who would be accused of going out of my way to see the worst in the devs. Given that, the lack of a freespec for changes this significant is eyebrow-raising. I have more respecs per character than I could use if I wanted to so in that sense I don't care one way or the other but if freespecs are done as a thing that is given out, that would be worrisome. That said, I don't think that this one data point is enough for us to say that they will never give out another freespec or that they would only do so grudgingly. We don't know what they're doing in April, for example.

If respecs go on sale in the market in the next couple months for 50% off, that's where you might consider complaining loudly on the forum. Failing that, well, there've been other issues that lacked freespecs and the sky didn't fall then.



I'm sort of holding out hope that maybe there will be a freespec once they get out the rest of the i22 changes (some of the Grav and Dark changes that rednames were planning didn't make it into this build). Zwillinger didn't technically deny this:

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Currently, there are no plans to issue a free respec coinciding with the launch of Issue 22.

My apologies to anyone who may be disappointed by this.
I'm probably wrong, but it would be nice.

The changes to certain self-rez powers also require a respec to take advantage of, which has somehow avoided mention in this thread so far; in fact, trying to respec my /WP scrapper to grab the no-longer-trash Resurgence is how I discovered we hadn't gotten a freespec.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
The changes to certain self-rez powers .
What changes were these?



The Peacebringer, Regen, and Willpower self-rezzes gained 15-second damage immunity, turning them from glorified Awakens into usable combat rezzes. It's buried in the patch notes somewhere.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
The Peacebringer, Regen, and Willpower self-rezzes gained 15-second damage immunity, turning them from glorified Awakens into usable combat rezzes. It's buried in the patch notes somewhere.
Ah, cool.