So... No Freespec w/ I22?




Well, it has had the opposite effect for me; I've simply stopped respeccing nearly as much as I used to. I've several characters that I'd like to change, but I'm going to simply live with their defects indefinitely. Which also means fewer IOs on the market, since I'm either leaving them in place or destroying them with a replacement, instead of swapping them out in respecs. I have no intention of ever actually paying money for a respec.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I think changes mades to gravity control and stalkers, and putting the ATOs in game is enough reason to get a freespec.
But they are being a little greedy in general since we got the Paragon market...



Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
Yes, I agree.

They should.

Glad to see you coming around to this side of the argument.
Sadly for you. I don't. The changes made aren't all that encompassing to give a free respec to every character. Adding in new IOs, for that build you thought was good already, that's not a reason for free respecs.

Mind you, if they gave them, I wouldn't be all that upset.

Though I have to ask, when Freedom came around, all old characters got vet reward respecs again (at least I know I did on my DB/WP who had used them all before) why are your old characters without respecs?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Well, it has had the opposite effect for me; I've simply stopped respeccing nearly as much as I used to. I've several characters that I'd like to change, but I'm going to simply live with their defects indefinitely. Which also means fewer IOs on the market, since I'm either leaving them in place or destroying them with a replacement, instead of swapping them out in respecs. I have no intention of ever actually paying money for a respec.
Well considering that the devs intentionally placed the price of respecs high enough to discourage people from buying them willy nilly because they want to reclaim some enhancements, yet low enough to be affordable for people serious about wanting to do a respec I think you'll find that your not buying respecs is working as the devs intended.

So please keep boycotting purchased respecs.