Blaster Issues - Mezzing






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Originally Posted by Quixotik View Post
So you're saying a power that requires someone take the jumping pool as a travel power and is available to all ATs equally is the answer to the possible complaints from an AT about being mezzed more than other AT?


Well, you could also be saying any number of things, but one word doesn't give a ton to go on so I'm going to interpret it as you saying that.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
[LIST][*]No other AT HAS to take Clarion to be equivalent.[*]Non-VIP blasters can't take Clarion.
Blasters don't /have/ to take clarion. I never said they did. It is a very good option for them though, as it is with many other ATs. I have clarion on 6 of my 8 toons and none of them are blasters, especially my corruptors which love having clarion. Additionally not all content favors clarion. Things like the ITF don't need any break frees or clarions at all, whereas things like the LGTF are full of mezzers where running clarion is a very good choice. You're right non-VIP can't take clarion, no AT can take any incarnate power. Without being VIP my ss/fire brute and fire/time corr isnt end sustainable, my fire/cold corr isnt softcapped, my kin corr and trollers dont have mez protection, etc. Losing incarnate powers when going f2p is a disadvantage to everyone including but not limited to blasters.

[*]Team buffs improve everyone equally. If the blaster needs team buffs to be equivalent to the base state of all other ATs then something is wrong, whether you want to admit it or not.
Blasters benefit more from team buffs than any other AT. This is actually one of my favorite qualities of them. A buffed blaster can be terrifying. Now if you're *relying* on those buffs, then that's your problem, not the AT's problem.

[*]Team buffs don't exist when the blaster is solo. The reason most ATs got buffed (controllers got containment and increased damage, Dominators got revamped and their damage was taken out of Domination and put into their secondary, even Defenders got a damage increase in vigilance while solo and on small teams) is because they had difficulty soloing things that other ATs had little or no difficulty with.
Obviously team buffs don't exist when solo. Then again I don't have issues soloing on blasters either. If you're having issues turn down your difficulty.

[*]The highest amount of defense you can get with a blaster's power sets is 21.8% vs S/L, 16.4% vs Energy, and 5.5% to every thing else. Which leaves you with 12.3% toxic resistance as the only resistance underneath. That's for a ??/devices/Mace. If you choose any other secondary subtract 5.5% from each position/type. By the way that defense won't become available until you get your epic powers, it deflects virtually no mezzes that are flung your way as most of them are ranged or AoE, and it supresses as soon as you are mezzed. So there is no ranged defense in a blaster's power set.
[*]Not all blasters have access to IOs.
Corruptors, Controllers, and Defenders only have access to similar amounts of defense depending on powersets before IOs as well. Softcap doesn't really come into play without IOs except on certain defensive powersets. Without IOs a resist shield is much more beneficial anyways, so I'm not sure why you would even take mace mastery in the first place. If you're going to use defense on a blaster you should be using IOs, if you aren't you should be using a resist shield. If you are going to use IOs and want the defense to deal with mezzes build for ranged defense, it's not that hard to get 45% ranged defense.

[*]Not all blasters have access to IOs.
Correct, but that goes the same for any other AT. If the point you want to make is blasters don't perform well without IOs then that is a fair point to make, but you can't completely disregard the blasters that do have IOs and even the non VIPs who can get liscences to use them.

[*]It takes an average of 3 single target shots to kill a mezzing minion and 6 to kill a mezzing lieutenant. Since 45% of all mez will hit you. You are still going to get mezzed even on low difficulty settings.
Shouldn't take 3 shots to kill a minion nor 6 to kill a Lt. Use your t3 blast and your melee attacks. If you fear it's going to take longer than normal to take down a troublesome target mez or knock it back first.

[*]The mobs out range the blasters. I have been killed without even being able to fire a shot, even after the defiance revamp, by range using mezzers that wouldn't close, neither my tier 1 nor tier 2 primary would reach and my tier 1 secondary certainly didn't reach.
No idea what you're trying to say here.

[*]KB is currently bugged and not ALL blaster power sets have access to it.
All blasters have access to either knockback (energy, em, hard control (archery, sonic, psy, rad, ice, elec, dp, beam, AR, devices, /elec), or damage (fire, among others) to outright kill hazardous threats
[*]Acrobatics is not part of any blaster power set, that means that all ATs have access to it. This does not equalize the playing field.
It is available to anyone that needs it. so Yes it absolutely does help equalize the playing field.

[*]No other AT NEEDS breakfrees at anything like the rate that blasters require them. They ALL have solutions built into their power sets.
Some ATs will need as many breakfrees as blasters. Using your breakfrees isn't a bad thing, I know for a fact my kin and thermal toons (among others) chugged just as many breakfrees as my blasters did before clarion.

I never said blasters were helpless.
You certainly implied it.

They aren't even close to balanced though.
I agree they need fixing. However I won't sit idly by while other people completely overplay how bad the situation blasters are in. They /do/ need help, but it's not as bad as many people are making it out to be and mez (being completely manageable) is not the biggest issue blasters have.



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
So you're saying a power that requires someone take the jumping pool as a travel power and is available to all ATs equally is the answer to the possible complaints from an AT about being mezzed more than other AT?


Well, you could also be saying any number of things, but one word doesn't give a ton to go on so I'm going to interpret it as you saying that.
Acrobatics is an answer to issues of many powersets across many ATs not limited just to blasters before IOs come into play. Should effects similar to acrobatics be spread across more pool powers? yes, definitely, but that's more of an issue of the pool power system we currently have being so shallow.



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
I posted this before but this bears repeating here:

*Tank - Complete mez protection
*Brute - Complete mez protection
*Scrapper - complete mez protection
*Stalker - complete mez protection
*Veat - mez protection
*Kheld - Mez protection in Dwarf form and can switch forms to Dwarf while mezzed
*Master Mind - Multiple pets to absorb both the Alpha Mez and reoccurring Mezzes, 3 different secondaries that provide full mez protection vs hold, stun, and Immob for themselves and their team, and Buffs/debuffs that make it less likely to be be hit by mez
*Defender - Powerful Buff/Debuff primary that can effectively reduce the likely hood of being mezzed to 5% for themselves AND their team, 3 different primaries that provide full mez protection vs hold, stun, and Immob for themselves and their team
*Corruptor - Powerful Buff/Debuff secondary that, with the inclusion of a couple of pool powers, can effectively reduce the likely hood of being mezzed to 5% for themselves AND their team, 2 different secondaries that provide full mez protection vs hold, stun, and Immob for themselves and their team
*Controllers - Powerful AoE mezzes that can stop an entire spawn from attacking, Alpha Mez absorbing pets, Powerful Buff/Debuff secondary that, with the inclusion of a couple of pool powers, can effectively reduce the likely hood of being mezzed to 5% for themselves AND their team, 2 different secondaries that provide full mez protection vs hold, stun, and Immob for themselves and their team
*Dominators - Powerful AoE mezzes that can stop an entire spawn from attacking, Alpha Mez absorbing pets, full mez protection 65+% of the time with SO slotting only through the use of a single pool power and a cheap and universally easy to use SG base empowerment.

The blaster is the ONLY AT in the game that will get hit with 45% of all mezzes launched at them. ALL the other ATs in the game can limit being affected by mez to 5% or less.

All the other ATs in the game can use their full range of powers 95% of the time. In a late game heavy mez environment (which, with the exception of the ITF is every thing else) the blaster can potentially be locked into using only 3 powers for entire missions.

No blaster primary, secondary, or epic power set provides any kind of mitigation to any status effect: hold, stun, sleep, terror, confuse, knock back, immobilize, endurance drain, slow, -rech, defense debuff and -regen. A blaster's only recourse is to suck it up and repay the resulting debt or use a break free. Break Frees do not drop often enough nor do they have long enough a duration to be a reliable solution especially in the case of primary + secondary combinations that are single target focused.

No matter how much people try to down play that, it's still blatantly unbalanced at best and irreparably broken at worst.
Hate to pop the bubble here...but corruptors and defenders cant cast mez protection on themselves nor other powers on themselves.....and area of effect powers wise they actualy get a smaller amount of protection then their team......thats why you for example will see some area of effect hold that doesnt effect anyone except the defender....and you only notice because their attacks cease and they stand motionless.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Acrobatics is an answer to issues of many powersets across many ATs not limited just to blasters before IOs come into play. Should effects similar to acrobatics be spread across more pool powers? yes, definitely, but that's more of an issue of the pool power system we currently have being so shallow.
It's not really all that fantastic an answer to the issue though. It's fairly limited in both the amount and types of protection it provides and on top of that it's limiting in concept as well. It was silly enough as the only way to shore up issues of a couple power sets (Fire Armor) but holding it up as the answer to a complaint being raised by an entire AT is even more so. Especially when there's so much more to control than just knockback and holds (Malta stun grenades, Rikti rifle blasts, Devouring Earth spore bursts, ect.).

I'm personally pretty ok with the attacking when held thing, but that acrobatics comment just struck me as silly.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Was this before you were high enough in level to get rooted?
No, I was 50 and running Rooted. My point in this thread is that ot's not "complete" mezz protection.

Here's the autopsy report.

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Thank you for making my point so succinctly. Yes you can use pool powers to shore up a build BUT EVERY AT can do so and it stacks with what they all ready bring to the table. Pool powers are not unique to blasters so they convey absolutely no special benefit and certainly can't be brought into a serious discussion about balance. That merely points out the seriousness of the lack of AT balance.

To give a non-random example:

  • Fighting pool gives you Tough and Weave (3 powers picks) for increased mitigation.
  • Leadership gives you Maneuvers for +defense, Assault for +damage and 42.39% placate/taunt resistance (admittedly not much help in PvE), Tactics gives you + to hit and +perception and 36.33% resistance to confuse/fear. (3 power picks)
  • Leaping gives you Super Jump (locked into this as your travel power) Combat jumping for + defense and mag 8.3 immob protection, Acrobatics gives you mag 9 KB protection (enhanceable to 10.2 with 1 SO), mag 2 hold protection, and 48.44% hold resistance. (3 power picks)
  • Medicine gives you Aid Self and interruptible self heal that also grants 48.44% resistance to stuns (2 power picks)
  • Fitness (which is now free) Gives you 48.44% resistance to sleep.
  • Epic pool gives you your defensive toggle. (2 power picks)

Slotting 2 SOs per atribute for effect (and to avoid the ED cap) you get (using Electic as the Epic for the example):

10.2% defense to all positions/types
41.7% resistance to S/L
27% resistance to energy

and costs 1.51 end per second.

1 mez drops all those numbers to 0s due to supression and all you've gained is the ability to negate a single hold. You are still going to be affected by 35% of all other mezzes thrown at you (stun is more common than hold). The mez resistance isn't all that helpful. To give an example of one of those with better numbers a 30 second Longbow Stun grenade will last 20 seconds. More than enough time for the mobs to tear out your internal organs and show them to you.

You have 10 power picks left to split between 17 remaining primary and secondary powers and 3 additional Epic powers and 43 slots left to split between them.

No other AT gives up so much to get so little.

Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Recently had a Stone/Stone Tanker held and killed fighting against +1s.
I guess you should have taken acrobatics then

Originally Posted by PsychicKitty View Post
Hate to pop the bubble here...but corruptors and defenders cant cast mez protection on themselves nor other powers on themselves.....and area of effect powers wise they actualy get a smaller amount of protection then their team......thats why you for example will see some area of effect hold that doesnt effect anyone except the defender....and you only notice because their attacks cease and they stand motionless.
It doesn't burst any bubbles.
  • Force fields, Sonic resonance, and Traps all have powers that convey mez protection on the caster.
  • Radiation Emission, Storm, and Dark can all floor an entire spawn's chance to hit.
  • Early game primarily buffing power sets like Empathy have some similar issues but do have tools to keep the caster alive. Later additions like Thermal and Cold have both buffs and debuffs to use and it isn't 100% necessary for a primary buffer to directly enter combat to still fulfill their primary function.

The notable exception to these is Trick Arrow and we know that is on the dev's radar

Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
For the same reasons Miladys_Knight discussed, blasters would be the beneficiaries of a buff to mez protection powers like Clear Mind. The devs seem to think making me cast Clear Mind 4 times instead of once in a team of five makes the game somehow better; I disagree. I don't see why Clear Mind and its clones are so much better than Speed Boost that they have to remain so limited. Make Clear Mind an AoE buff like Speed Boost, and the problem may be solved indirectly.

In addition, I'd like to see 10 seconds of mez protection added to all Aim and Build Up powers on all ATs. I first had this idea before ever playing (that other superhero MMO), and once I saw this idea in action there, I was just more convinced it's a good one. Why? Getting mezzed on any squishy is a bummer, but getting mezzed during my ten seconds to shine can be mouse-throwing, chair-kicking, wake-the-neighbors infuriating.
This presents the problem of what to do with Assault Rifle, Dual Pistols, Devices and Darkness Manipulation. The first 3 lack these powers and the final one has a recharge of 120 seconds and a duration of 30 as opposed to 90 seconds and 10 seconds for all other power sets that have these type powers.

Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
No, I was 50 and running Rooted. My point in this thread is that ot's not "complete" mezz protection.

Here's the autopsy report.
Guess you should have turned your difficulty down then.

Even with that a single break free would have solved the problem and I'm sure that you didn't consume the mountain of them in your rise to 50 that would have been required to do the same thing with any blaster that wasn't ??/dev.

(In all seriousness you have my condolances but you get the picture I'm trying to paint. The inanity of these statements when they are uttered by blaster buff nay sayers are on the level of "OMG that wasn't hemmoroid cream that was super glue" to me. Not just irritating but almost as deliberate as the person that switched the super glue in....)

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



What about adding to Defiance a +MezResist value so as you are mezzed however many stacked Defiance's you have reduces the duration by [num_defiance x MexResist].
As you are mezzed you still attack using the 3 available powers and any Defiance those attacks generate is added with their +MezResist.

The following is based on what I read from here:

Resistance to status effects follows a different formula:
SufferedDuration = AppliedDuration / (100% + TotalResistance)
So 75% resistance to Sleep duration, for example, would not cause all Sleeps to affect the character for only 1/4 of their normal durations. Their durations would be divided by 1.75, which is roughly only a 43% reduction.

More importantly, the formula means that achieving 100% or more resistance to effect durations does not cause them to end instantly. 100% resistance actually only cuts their durations in half, 200% cuts it to a third, 300% would cut it to a fourth, and so on.
So for example:
Defiance adds say +75% MezResist per stack.
If you have 4 Defiance you have (4x75) 300% MezResist.
Based on the above this would reduce the MezDuration to a quarter (so a 10s Mez lasts 2.5s).
If during that Mez you get 2 more Defiance's stacked (before any of the current Defiance expires) you would have 450% MezResist which would make that 10s Mez last only 1.8s.

~~This is obviously not counting the time it takes for you to fire those 2 attacks and the MezDuration already ticking over
Let say the Mez lasts 30s by default.
4xDefiance (300%) = 7.5s
Time taken to fire those 2 attacks = (say) 3 secs.
Remaining MezDuration = 4.5s.
Addition Defiance from 2 attacks (2x75 = 150%) = 450%
New Remaining MezDuration = 0.81s

This way you still get mezzed but by doing what Blasters are MEANT to do (attack and damage) not only do you do more damage (standard Defiance) but you also spend less time Mezzed without getting MezProtection (which is prob too much).

Maybe +75% MezResist is too much? Im sure this could be balanced better or even have the value based on the amount of +Dam Defiance grants:
Damage Bonus = 6.6% * Activation Time / Area Modifier
Area Modifier = 1 + (0.15 * radius) - ( 0.0003667 * radius * (360 - arc) )



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
I like how you don't mention anything about defiance in your post or anything about clarion or anything about team buffs or anything about ranged defense or anything about killing the mezzers first or anything about mezzing/kbing the mezzers first or anything about acrobatics. All of which can reduce the number of break frees you need to use for when you actually do /need/ to use one, so the number of break frees you need becomes a reasonable amount.
All of which would be relevant to a class on playing blasters optimally, and none of it (except for "defiance" which is a blaster feature added specifically because blasters were datamined to have the worst performance in the game, with no evidence yet that it completely resolved the issue much less in any way reversed it) relevant to whether blaster archetype design has issues.

The fact that the problems blasters are handed sometimes have solutions is completely irrelevant to the question of whether they are handed too many problems. Workarounds are what players do until the devs solve the problem. Balancing is what the devs are supposed to do so the players don't have to.

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Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
So you're saying a power that requires someone take the jumping pool as a travel power and is available to all ATs equally is the answer to the possible complaints from an AT about being mezzed more than other AT?


Well, you could also be saying any number of things, but one word doesn't give a ton to go on so I'm going to interpret it as you saying that.
Yes, Acrobatics. By the time you get there you have some protection to all but Sleep and Stun.

You want making a Tankmage to be easy? I have no problems with mezzing on my Blasters. If they didn't get mezzed occasionally the game would be no challenge and thus, no fun.

All Blaster powersets, except Archery, get pretty good damage and mez mitigation from secondary effects like slows, knockback, holds. After that it's up to the player to play in a way they defeat the Boss quickly with those secondary effects well-timed to keep the Boss off-balanced. I dunno what they were thinking about with Archery getting no secondary effects and still being able to work, but maybe they will fix that one day.


"I did not say this. I am not here." -Guild Navigator



Originally Posted by Quixotik View Post
You want making a Tankmage to be easy?
Where was I talking about tank mages? I pretty much just think acrobatics is a lousy method of providing knockback and mag 2 hold resistance.

Personally I'm pretty 'meh' on the whole mez issue for blasters, but let's assume the devs datamine that blasters do spend too much time mezed for a second. Do you really think they'd consider the solution to the problem as simple a thing as just telling all the blasters that they need to take super jump as their travel power?

I dunno what they were thinking about with Archery getting no secondary effects and still being able to work, but maybe they will fix that one day.
You know archery has a single target stun and an AoE with a 50% chance to knock back right? I think that's about on par with rad blast. Fire is the one without any real mitigation secondary effects in it's power ... well aside from Rain of Fire's ability to make enemies run.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



I thought Archery had increased recharge as it's secondary effect...
Always thought AR had increased accuracy built in as well...
Makes me curious why I thought such things.

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IMO, mez protection for blasters needs a mega overhaul, to the point all the current inherent mechanics go out the window and something new comes into play. Just what that is is obviously a much contested issue.

that being said, if we come to find ourselves totally unable to remove our thought patterns from 7 years of history and simply cant think of a better way to do things then defiance, some other things should occur. if we remain true to the "use these 3 attacks while mezzed" idea, then IMO we should be allowed an immense increase in allowable custimization of the 3 powers we come to rely on so heavily. if, solo, i am to remain locked into a power bolt-power blast-power bolt-power blast-etc themed attack chain due to inherent mechanics, then I think i should be able to customize more then color on these powers.

Tier one and two blasts do not grow enough with the character. Certainly, enhancment slotting grows them for a while, but as a character approaches lvl 25 or so, the powers are basically peaked out. Some alteration to function can be achieved with set bonuses, like excessive rech bonus or the like, but even this does not alter the animation times or rooting times or secondary effects.

Maybe those things should change as level increases. maybe animation time should slowly reduce for tier one and two attacks on blasters so that when mez becomes so common, you have grown those powers to compensate. maybe while defiance is in effect under mez, secondary effects of those powers should be magnified, or made 100% chance. More secondary dot dmg for fire, 100% chance of knockback for nrg blast, greatly increase endo drain/transfer on elec blast, etc. More effects, and animation time reductions. The higher level you get, the more important position becomes to survival, and reduction of cast time and root time would accomdate this.

basically, if the blaster AT stays the course on defiance/mez, then the blaster AT really should allow the tier one and two powers to grow to a power peak that is significantly higher then current, and significantly higher then other AT tier one and two comparitively as the other AT are not so heavily reliant on those powers.

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Or we could just make it simple and give the blaster enough mez protection to ignore 1 application of mez and be done with it.........

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Or we could just make it simple and give the blaster enough mez protection to ignore 1 application of mez and be done with it.........
Or not do anything with mez at all.
and up the DPS to the point where ppl seem to want it to be.

This is why I don't like the multiple threads. It is all connected.

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Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Or not do anything with mez at all.
and up the DPS to the point where ppl seem to want it to be.

This is why I don't like the multiple threads. It is all connected.
They tried that with defiance 2. It didn't work. To me that says the approach to solve the problem was from exactly the wrong direction.

Sometimes adding MOAR of what you all ready have in abundance exacerbates the problem and it rarely solves it.

If your house is cold and uninsulated you can do one of 2 things. Insulate to make it warm (add mitigation) or turn up the heat (add damage). The first solution has a high one time cost that solves the problem permanently. The second solution solves the problem temporarily. At least until your lights and gas bill arrives and you have a different and potentially worse problem. That you can't afford to fix.

I still think my solution from the closed beta of D2.0 is the way to go. It fixes the issue for every one.

Make defiance a 0 recharge offensive toggle. When it's toggled on it gives the blaster 25% more damage and 25% more recovery. When it's toggled off it gives the blaster mag 4 mez protection and 25% more regeneration instead.

Boom fixed. Part time (and VERY low value) mez protection OR a damage increase and the player chooses the one they want. If you never get mezzed you'll always have it on and you'll have all the extra damage you want. Those blasters that have a hard time with mez give up the damage bonus. The mechanics of the toggle solve the problem for the new or inexperienced blaster player because its coded as an offensive toggle and when they get mezzed it drops and the mag 4 mez protection kicks in.

No extra defenses or resistances added so the blaster stays a glass cannon they just get to keep the cannon part in either scenario. It's a simple solution and solves the problem for both the blasters that want more damage and the blasters that think they have enough damage they just need to be allowed to apply it more often.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
They tried that with defiance 2. It didn't work. To me that says the approach to solve the problem was from exactly the wrong direction.
A bit of a logical leap there, because the damage scale wasn't adjusted as significantly as is being proposed elsewhere.

Risk:Reward is always going to put pressure on leaving the Blaster mez exposed.

Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Make defiance a 0 recharge offensive toggle. When it's toggled on it gives the blaster 25% more damage and 25% more recovery. When it's toggled off it gives the blaster mag 4 mez protection and 25% more regeneration instead.
Hardly 'boom', but a worthy idea in the mix... and a linked solution that fits the idea of keeping the overall discussion coherent and whole rather than scattered and disconnected.

Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
If you never get mezzed you'll always have it on and you'll have all the extra damage you want. Those blasters that have a hard time with mez give up the damage bonus. The mechanics of the toggle solve the problem for the new or inexperienced blaster player because its coded as an offensive toggle and when they get mezzed it drops and the mag 4 mez protection kicks in.
Ah... to work like that the level of the protection would need some serious analysis, because that runs the risk of having your cake and eating it too.

I would say being a glass cannon part goes beyond just low def/resistance. But there is lots of room for discussion there.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
They tried that with defiance 2. It didn't work. To me that says the approach to solve the problem was from exactly the wrong direction.

Sometimes adding MOAR of what you all ready have in abundance exacerbates the problem and it rarely solves it.

If your house is cold and uninsulated you can do one of 2 things. Insulate to make it warm (add mitigation) or turn up the heat (add damage). The first solution has a high one time cost that solves the problem permanently. The second solution solves the problem temporarily. At least until your lights and gas bill arrives and you have a different and potentially worse problem. That you can't afford to fix.

I still think my solution from the closed beta of D2.0 is the way to go. It fixes the issue for every one.

Make defiance a 0 recharge offensive toggle. When it's toggled on it gives the blaster 25% more damage and 25% more recovery. When it's toggled off it gives the blaster mag 4 mez protection and 25% more regeneration instead.

Boom fixed. Part time (and VERY low value) mez protection OR a damage increase and the player chooses the one they want. If you never get mezzed you'll always have it on and you'll have all the extra damage you want. Those blasters that have a hard time with mez give up the damage bonus. The mechanics of the toggle solve the problem for the new or inexperienced blaster player because its coded as an offensive toggle and when they get mezzed it drops and the mag 4 mez protection kicks in.

No extra defenses or resistances added so the blaster stays a glass cannon they just get to keep the cannon part in either scenario. It's a simple solution and solves the problem for both the blasters that want more damage and the blasters that think they have enough damage they just need to be allowed to apply it more often.
As you may recall, the problem with all ideas related to that in general was not that they couldn't work, but that they fell into the category of "stances" and the devs felt that players would not accept stances by any name. I suggested something similar but with a different way of handling mez protection, and it was shot down on the exact same basis.

Its an irrational limitation, but its unclear where the irrationality is more concentrated: with the devs who think the players would not accept such a solution, or with the players who would not accept such a solution.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
I still think my solution from the closed beta of D2.0 is the way to go. It fixes the issue for every one.

Make defiance a 0 recharge offensive toggle. When it's toggled on it gives the blaster 25% more damage and 25% more recovery. When it's toggled off it gives the blaster mag 4 mez protection and 25% more regeneration instead.

Boom fixed. Part time (and VERY low value) mez protection OR a damage increase and the player chooses the one they want. If you never get mezzed you'll always have it on and you'll have all the extra damage you want. Those blasters that have a hard time with mez give up the damage bonus. The mechanics of the toggle solve the problem for the new or inexperienced blaster player because its coded as an offensive toggle and when they get mezzed it drops and the mag 4 mez protection kicks in.
This seems too much. The toggle should be a toggle that grants mez protection when toggled. This way the blaster is actively dealing with their circumstances rather than having the game automatically handle it for them.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
As you may recall, the problem with all ideas related to that in general was not that they couldn't work, but that they fell into the category of "stances" and the devs felt that players would not accept stances by any name. I suggested something similar but with a different way of handling mez protection, and it was shot down on the exact same basis.

Its an irrational limitation, but its unclear where the irrationality is more concentrated: with the devs who think the players would not accept such a solution, or with the players who would not accept such a solution.
The obvious reply is domination. Players never liked it, not because it was a mode, but that it was a situation where they got nothing when it wasn't active and it was significant effort to get to where you could keep it permanently active.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
The obvious reply is domination. Players never liked it, not because it was a mode, but that it was a situation where they got nothing when it wasn't active and it was significant effort to get to where you could keep it permanently active.
Positron specifically stated that in his opinion, players would perceive a buff that sometimes turns off as a penalty that sometimes turns on. And a bunch of players promptly jumped in to prove him right. And then I remembered why I cheer for the aliens in Independence Day.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Hence my suggestion that could be worked 2 ways:

1. add a point of mez resistance for each time you use a level one or 2 power
2. 3 uses of a 1 or 2 level power in a row grants you 5-10 seconds of breakfree and this is very similar to the Momentum power.

I prefer number 2 but one works as well.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
This seems too much. The toggle should be a toggle that grants mez protection when toggled. This way the blaster is actively dealing with their circumstances rather than having the game automatically handle it for them.
You are actively handling the situation. When you toggle the power ON you are selecting a very blastery damage buff and a recovery buff to help fuel the extra "hot lead" slinging.

You can also actively drop the toggle to turn the damage buff off and the mez protection on. Power sets that have other offensive toggles (like /fire's Hot Feet) would benefit from not having to be detoggled from the mez to have the mez protection kick in.

Running it the other way as you suggest means that if you are mezzed you are still stuck since toggles can't be turned on or off while mezzed. It would sharply curtail the usefulness of the power.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Positron specifically stated that in his opinion, players would perceive a buff that sometimes turns off as a penalty that sometimes turns on. And a bunch of players promptly jumped in to prove him right. And then I remembered why I cheer for the aliens in Independence Day.
I have little faith in Posi's opinion. As I recall the tl:dr version of what he had Ex Libris post in the market forums (don't know why he didn't make the PR effort to post it himself) was merged markets = d00m. Villians had too little inf compared to heroes, blah, blah, blah. Post market merger and here we are. No d00m instead exactly what we in the market forums said would happened, happened. Inf on both sides stabilized when the ARTIFICIALLY created and maintained barriers were removed. Just the opposite of Posi's opinion on the matter.

On top of that I find that Posi's opinion on the sometimes buff issue to be off by a wide margin since mez is a penalty that frequently turns an entire AT off. Not to mention that, unless I am mistaken, Momentum in Titan Weapons is a "stance" and I don't hear any players complaining about the time that momentum is down. Swap Ammo in Dual pistols is also a stance. People DO complain about that, not because they get to choose but that none of the choices are as good as what you would have if the power set had been built as those before it and hadn't sacrificed performance for "gimmick."

Defiance as a toggle "could" be seen in the stance light because what the devs would do with it is fix it (or break it depending on your point of view) so that it only worked 1/2 the time. I'm proposing a toggle that is a buff in one state but a different yet equal value buff in the opposite state. There's no nerf you just have to select which buff you want by turning the toggle on or off.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Momentum's not really a 'stance' as defined by other games. You can't control it. You might as well call current Defiance a stance. And people do dislike Momentum shutting off; for some people it's a dealbreaker.

Swap Ammo is definitely a stance power though, and I don't think players have an issue with the concept so much as the execution.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Stances i think would be accepted no problem for new powersets or even a new AT, provided they are done correctly. A revamp of an old AT like a blaster would have to be done perfectly though or there would be big time backlash. Blasters are too established for players to absorb a half *** stance system.

For instance, kheldians. Once some of the "clear cut roles" of the form toggles was blurred together a tad, people warmed up to the AT a lot more. There is more room to improve IMO, but as time goes on I think the devs are learning how to do stances better. I think the initial failures and complaints of things like khelds and swap ammo are what make them hesitate to add something as big as an AT inherent stance toggle to blasters(or tankers, thats been brought up since I2)

Swap ammo itself isnt really hammered on by the player base so bad, just the perception that most of the ammo types effects are totally underwhelming. The effects are probably balanced on paper, but in actual play people just use fire for the MOAR dmg because the other effects just dont seem useful enough "so why not just add dmg" as it were. The execution of the swap ammo toggle itself I think is received well, its just the execution of the ammo effects that isnt.

Anyway, I wouldnt rule out a blaster stance as a fix. heck it might even be the easiest way to balance the AT for solo vs team situations.

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