Blaster Issues - Mezzing




Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
If I'm fighting Lost I sure as hell will always have at least 1 breakfree on hand on any non melee AT. If you know you are going to be fighting an enemy group with mezzes on a toon without mez protection and you don't bring provisions to deal with it, then it's your own fault you died.
Or you brought break frees and ran out because you don't have that many inspirations to start with and you're running into more than one mezzer in said mission.

While it may seem invigorating to argue from a black and white perspective like this, you're ignoring a lot of the actual facts involved in gameplay to reach your "it's your own fault" conclusion.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
We already have a good mechanism for that for Blasters: Defiance 2.0. If the active mitigation mechanism is something put into most or all single target blaster attacks, its going to be in the two ranged primary attacks blasters are allowed to use when mezzed.

Currently, being mezzed means Blaster offense is degraded down to the point where you have basically two or three attacks with which to kill your attackers before they kill you, or at least last long enough for the mez to expire. With splashing counter-mitigation effects in those two powers, the equation changes to using your D2.0 attacks to simply continue to hit the most dangerous targets, and keep them from damaging you too much until mez expires. That's a significantly better option for two reasons: splashing effects mean you can affect more targets than the one or two you could normally engage with tier1/2 blasts, and offensive counter-mitigation would allow you to gain some benefit from your attacking besides maybe killing the target, which is a binary benefit: either it dies or it doesn't.

I've actually been conducting a long-term experiment on my own blaster to see if this actually works. Since I19, I've been playing a build that takes both Bolt and Blast (not all energy blasters do) and builds for ultrahigh recharge. When I do get mezzed, even if I have a break free most times I will try to see if simply using those two powers, cycled as fast as possible, can keep me alive until the mez expires. And they can. Sometimes, and if I switch from trying to kill the most dangerous target, to cycling through everyone and trying to hit as many targets as possible whether I kill them or not. The problem is that even with the ability to cycle those two powers almost by themselves without gap, they are just single targeted and their knock has only a low probability of firing. And most blasters are not going to have +150% recharge to use them that often.

But a mitigation effect that happened all the time or nearly so, that hit multiple targets with each shot, that could be fired while mezzed (as the tier 1/2 attacks can be), that I think would work for everybody.

Mez would still be dangerous. You'd lose all your defensive toggles. And mez would still negatively affect blaster performance: you'd lose all your AoEs and most of your single target damage when mezzed. But you would have a way to stay alive long enough for the mez to expire. It would be less likely to kill you.

Better yet: this is just as useful even if you are not mezzed. This is not a break out of mez power that if you're not mezzed has no benefit. You can use this *proactively* to try to *prevent* mez, by using it to go after the mezzers directly.

About the only thing its likely to not be useful for directly is boss fights where everything else is dead and its just the boss left. Which is why I've suggested that it should do one more thing: when there's only one target left and there's nothing to splash, it should turn around and hit the intended target harder. Still working out how to do that, though.
I'm not sure that I can get behind this. I'm sure it's numerically sound and I have no doubt that it could be tweaked to work BUT it would not be fun. Sure it may keep me alive, but while I'm mezzed I'm still playing a character that is level 2. That's not FUN.

For a mez solution to work for me I have to get the amount of mezzes that affect me (turn off/suppress toggles, lock me out of my 21+ other powers, prevent me from moving, etc) down to 5% or less (actually 2.5% or less since half of all the mezzes launched all ready miss) without dipping into the inspiration tray. Just like I can achieve with EVERY OTHER AT I PLAY.

If one of the goals of a blaster modification is to keep them from being abandoned as they level then they have to be not just numerically or intrinsically equivalent to scrappers but the fun factor has to be there too. I didn't level my blaster to 50 only to use the first 3 powers the majority of the time. There is no thrill or WOW factor in that.

I know exactly how I'll feel after the next pass of blaster improvements if I'm still limited to 3 powers in the majority of high level content on my blasters while all the scrapper players on the team continue unimpeded in scrapper lock. I'll still feel cheated and quite frankly I still will be cheated.

I really don't see how you can get the % of mezzes down to an acceptable level with this idea without making the thing hideously overpowered while unmezzed.

I also can't see how this will significantly speed rewards gained, especially solo, if the blaster is still limited to an average DPS that is lower than a defender due to mez.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson




lol. The stuff I posted was the result of a half hour discussion I had with a close friend over Yahoo! instant messenger back when defiance 2.0 was being put on live. Really, it is only about 70% from me, the bit about the powers recharging faster as level increases was his idea.

of course I cant prove that as I dont document discussions i have at leisure about a stupid video game. As I wrote in the other thread, i do not care that much about "credit" of such things as there is no benefit to myself about it.

my response was much more about how my voice isnt loud enough to be heard then it was about the actual idea itself. more of a musement as i read through the more recent replies here.

I am trying to be involved inthese discussions not for fame and glory(in a stupid video game forum) but because I am strugling to remain interested in City of lately. i am melee'd out, and I have disliked the way ranged damage AT's play for a long time, despite my lengthy list of blasters and corruptors. doms and defenders too to a lesser extent. thats why i posted this afternoon daydream:

it is also why i have posted various ideas on alterations for blasters. Ranged sets have the potential to really be fun. they have flare, they have a wide array of target type, secondary effect, range and damage and most of the time all of those in one set. each ranged damage set plays differently(minus the standardization of tier one and two) and most can even be built differently to focus on one thing or another. Not that this is news to you of course, but as it pertains to me, if blast sets dont get some kind of alteration, new AT or mechanics or whatever, I am afraid for the first time in years I will consider letting my sub lapse.

there is this massive chunk of AT/powersets and whatnot there, all those different ranged damage powersets, but the current AT and AT mechanics they are useable in have flaws or required playstyle limitations etc I find distasteful enough to keep me from enjoying those sets like i could. My giant roster of ranged damage dealers only get intermittent play. if I could enjoy the AT/mechanics it would be the total opposite with my melee characters sitting around more instead.

Anyway, your voice is certainly louder then mine, as proven right in this thread hahaha. Thats the reason for the mildly sarcastic post, not some argument for intelectual rights to a stupid video game, so no need to bust out dates and get defensive.

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May the rawk be with you.

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93496 A Pawn in Time



Blasters stopped being the single target damage kings awhile ago, and their AoE damage superiority is regularly tread upon by ATs that are better at everything else. Even without going into the ridiculousness that are the VEATs, even the melee ATs are able to put out sufficient AoE damage from time to time (Elec/Shield/whatever, anybody?).

Back when Beam Rifle was in beta, I spent most of my time looking at it from a Blaster POV, and I spent a long time trying to explain that it was uniquely problematic for Blasters because it just so happened to exaggerate Blaster problems - the chief most Blaster problem being the inability to deal with mass aggro (the secondmost one being terrible powerset design: if a Scrapper got a primary that only had three ST attacks at 4s, 8s, and 12s recharge, one or two moderately long recharging AoE powers, and a bunch of situational powers, everybody would agree it sucks, but that's the par for Blasters). This is often why mezzing is a huge problem for blasters, since even with your Defiance powers, being mezzed takes away your AoE tools and detoggles/suppresses your defensive powers.

I really don't see why Blaster mods have to be so abysmal. Most of our ST mez powers aren't even perma with 100% duration slotting, let alone stackable enough to keep bosses down. Our debuffs and self-buffs are terrible (barring Build Up, but I personally feel that everybody should get the same strength build up, since you already have you damage modifier backed into your powers, so you get double penalized).

Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Just like I can achieve with EVERY OTHER AT I PLAY.


I really don't see how you can get the % of mezzes down to an acceptable level with this idea without making the thing hideously overpowered while unmezzed.
This dichotomy confuses me. On the one hand, you say that every other AT is able to handle mezzes, but then you say that giving blasters the debuff/mez effects to handle mezzes would make them overpowered. Is blaster damage really that high compared to the others? The kind of things that ArcanaVille is listing are a drop in the bucket compared to the tools that Controllers, Dominators, Defenders, and Corruptors have at their disposal.

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
Blueside: Alex Rabinovich

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Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
This dichotomy confuses me. On the one hand, you say that every other AT is able to handle mezzes, but then you say that giving blasters the debuff/mez effects to handle mezzes would make them overpowered. Is blaster damage really that high compared to the others? The kind of things that ArcanaVille is listing are a drop in the bucket compared to the tools that Controllers, Dominators, Defenders, and Corruptors have at their disposal.
Not surprised since you clipped the middle out and the chain that lead there.

I'm not a math whiz like Arcanaville is. I can't see the math in it but even I can see that if this mechanic gets the number of mezzes that affect my blasters down to the same level as those that affect all my other toons that the blaster will then be a better debuffer than a defender could hope to be and a better controller than a controller could aspire to be.

With that in mind I can see one of 2 possibilities:

1) We don't get it because it treads not only on controller, defender, and corruptor toes but on their arches as well.

2) We get a watered down version that still leaves the blaster too vulnerable to the combined lack of mez protection and meaningful mitigation and the next pass is another 2+ years out and we continue to suffer through the same issues we suffer through now and have since I2.

I am not in favor of complicated solutions. The blaster learning curve is all ready too steep for the average player. Making the fix as complicated could easily make the new player just throw their hands up in frustration and continue to abandon their blasters just as they do now.

The blaster AT should be as intuitive to play out of the box as all the other basic ATs are. For those of us that are good at playing blasters we should be able to find efficiencies that still allow us to stand out (even by a large margin) when compared to the average player.

To give a metaphor - adding a complicated solution to a complicated problem is like hiding a key to your house somewhere outside that is so counter intuitive to your thought processes that if you lock your key inside the house you'll only be able to remember where you hid the outside key 5% of the time. Then worrying that it might be too easy for someone else to find by accident and locking the key inside a box with a combination lock that you won't be able to remember the combination to before putting it in the hiding spot that you won't be able to find in the first place.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Not surprised since you clipped the middle out and the chain that lead there.
Only clipped in the quote box because I don't like massive quote repeats. The "..." is meant to imply all the stuff in between. I can assure you, I read the whole thing.

I'm not a math whiz like Arcanaville is. I can't see the math in it but even I can see that if this mechanic gets the number of mezzes that affect my blasters down to the same level as those that affect all my other toons that the blaster will then be a better debuffer than a defender could hope to be and a better controller than a controller could aspire to be.
This is what I'm saying doesn't gel. If a Blaster has the soft control necessary to deal with a spawn that has mezzers, he's got a long way to go before he can be as good as a Controller or Defender. For example, if he was able to stack enough -ToHit to floor the accuracy of an entire spawn (which is quite a strong effect, and not even necessarily what ArcanaVille was talking about, I'm using it just for example), that's something that a Radiation Defender can do with one power (which also applies a similarly sized Defense debuff) - and then the Radiation Defender has 8 other powers in his primary on top of that.

There's a long way to go from "useless debuff" to "Defender level", and the onus on your part is to demonstrate that anything less than Defender level would not be sufficient.

With that in mind I can see one of 2 possibilities:

1) We don't get it because it treads not only on controller, defender, and corruptor toes but on their arches as well.

2) We get a watered down version that still leaves the blaster too vulnerable to the combined lack of mez protection and meaningful mitigation and the next pass is another 2+ years out and we continue to suffer through the same issues we suffer through now and have since I2.
Again, false dichotomy. There's no in between?

I am not in favor of complicated solutions. The blaster learning curve is all ready too steep for the average player. Making the fix as complicated could easily make the new player just throw their hands up in frustration and continue to abandon their blasters just as they do now.

The blaster AT should be as intuitive to play out of the box as all the other basic ATs are. For those of us that are good at playing blasters we should be able to find efficiencies that still allow us to stand out (even by a large margin) when compared to the average player.

To give a metaphor - adding a complicated solution to a complicated problem is like hiding a key to your house somewhere outside that is so counter intuitive to your thought processes that if you lock your key inside the house you'll only be able to remember where you hid the outside key 5% of the time. Then worrying that it might be too easy for someone else to find by accident and locking the key inside a box with a combination lock that you won't be able to remember the combination to before putting it in the hiding spot that you won't be able to find in the first place.
I don't think the idea of "when I attack things, they and their friends get debuffed" is complicated at all. In fact, it's incredibly simple because it doesn't require you to do anything different than you currently are. It's certainly no more complicated than "Assassin Strike now does two different things depending on the situation, and you get stacks of a buff that makes you go into hide during combat", which was a playstyle changer for most Stalkers and includes extra mechanics for you to keep track of during combat.

For the record, I'm not married to ArcanaVille's idea in the least. The Huntsman VEAT method of "moderately good personal defense and low level passive mez protection" works pretty darn good, too. At the least, we need for the design of Blaster powersets to no longer have a "but it has to suck" rule for anything that isn't damage.

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
Blueside: Alex Rabinovich

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Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
There's a long way to go from "useless debuff" to "Defender level", and the onus on your part is to demonstrate that anything less than Defender level would not be sufficient.
All ready been done in post #12 of this thread

Again, false dichotomy. There's no in between?
Judging by the devs track record there is no in between. In fact what it looks like to me from observing for 7 years is that each department is tasked with solving each problem and then they implement ALL the solutions some of which are contradictory. A perfect example this time is enhancement converters. The new power sets make more use of set IOs that do not see much use which will raise price and market value. At the same time they add converters which will suck up all those sets and convert them into things that are used more often. 2 contradictory solutions that pull things too far in one direction. All they really needed to do was adjust the drop rates to more closely match the use rates. Something we know that they could have done simply by changing values in one of the spread sheets. Instead they had 2 departments working on the same issue. That seems like a waste of time to me.

Blasters need to be correctly modified this time so that they don't have to suck for 2 more years.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Judging by the devs track record there is no in between. In fact what it looks like to me from observing for 7 years is that each department is tasked with solving each problem and then they implement ALL the solutions some of which are contradictory. A perfect example this time is enhancement converters. The new power sets make more use of set IOs that do not see much use which will raise price and market value. At the same time they add converters which will suck up all those sets and convert them into things that are used more often. 2 contradictory solutions that pull things too far in one direction. All they really needed to do was adjust the drop rates to more closely match the use rates. Something we know that they could have done simply by changing values in one of the spread sheets. Instead they had 2 departments working on the same issue. That seems like a waste of time to me.
Back in 2005 I made a frustrated comment in a team (friends, we teamed daily for a few months straight, my most teamiest time ever) that got quoted on the forum by one of my teammates (who hasn't played in ages).

Anyway, what I said then has been quoted in a few places as "Kali's Law" and "Kali's Corollary." Anyway:

Kali's Law: If the Devs have 3 solutions, any one of which could fix the problem, the Devs will institute all 3.

Kali's Corollary: When the Devs institute a change that actually fixes a problem, they will not roll back previous changes that are now unnecessary.
I don't think both of these are nearly as true as they seemed at the time, but it does still seem to happen, and by far not just in City of Heroes.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Suggested this in the general forum's blaster thread, but nobody seemed to notice:

What if dropping a foe while mezzed granted an auto break-free?



Ok, my further journey on a ranged only blaster.

I am now at 22 nearly 23 and did both Positron 1&2 and while Positron 2 was very smooth and no defeats - Positron 1 was ugly.

I was defeated 4 times - 2 were straight up lag deaths where I got mapservered and came back dead - so really don't count. 2 were team wipes where because I was prepared with 5 purples I died last! In fact I thought for a minute I would win but then a hold stuck in both occurrences and I died.

I exited those TF's at 22 and now started back on the road solo with Tips. Council I was able to roll fairly easy I found in fact the Knockback I deliver on an Energy/Ice is very much what keeps me alive. I am still running at 0x3 + bosses and the hardest ones to fight are Aracnos by far. So many holds, stuns and immobilizes.

Ice patch and Chilling embrace really help and once I get Shiver I expect to notice a real difference. So far 8 deaths in 22 levels and all of them since level 13. Two were network related deaths that I could not have avoided.

Most deaths I got were from being immobilizes in Line Of Sight (LoS) and ganked when I could not get them on the Ice patch.



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
All ready been done in post #12 of this thread
Um, what you did was list what everybody had in terms of mez mitigation. You didn't say anything about (a) what was necessary in order to provide the mez mitigation we feel is sufficient, and (b) where that point lies in comparison to Defenders.

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
Blueside: Alex Rabinovich

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I really REALLY like the idea of adjusting the tier 1 and 2 powers when mezzed. I am kind of curious as to why I haven't read a suggestion to have a damage boost while mezzed. Something on the order of bumping the damage of the tier 1 and 2 to the tier 2 and 3 and maybe a recharge buff as well. Think about it as the blaster's rage at being helpless and frustration being channeled into the tier 1 and 2 attacks.

I think I would prefer to keep the AoE soft control idea to one specific type. I'd think either knockback or terrorize would fit thematically as well as keep it from being over powered. Knockback is a detriment on teams mostly, especially since you can't move to position mob movement, so it would hardly be considered over powered and can be explained as the added oomph due to the frustration and rage of the mezzed blaster. A terrorized mob can still fight back occassionally and can be explained as panic that this blaster who is supposedly controlled is now frothing at the mouth and dealing just as much damage in a frantic manner.

I wouldn't make it a 100% proc, however, more like 50% to 60%. If there is a recharge buff when mezzed you'll get proc's enough to survive while still being able to take down mobs but you're not going shut down all damage.

That's what I would like, a 50% to 60% soft control AoE proc with a damage and recharge buff so you aren't completely gimped. Mez would still mean something but it would be much easier to work through. At the very least it wouldn't be such a deadly impediment.



Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
Um, what you did was list what everybody had in terms of mez mitigation. You didn't say anything about (a) what was necessary in order to provide the mez mitigation we feel is sufficient, and (b) where that point lies in comparison to Defenders.
Read the whole thread. It's in there.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Read the whole thread. It's in there.
I did before, and I just did again (and the curt non-answers aren't particularly helpful towards having a discussion). You talk primarily about a handful of data points (Blaster without pools, Blaster with pools, Blaster with mag 4 mez protection, other ATs), and give a lot of analogies for why you feel as you do about the suggestions given, but I do not see what I'm asking for. I mean, if, for example, every Blaster was suddenly granted Darkest Night as a bonus (and nothing else in addition), would that (a) prevent a sufficient amount of mez, without (b) stepping on Defenders' toes? (b) is highly unlikely, since nobody has accused Soul Mastery Brutes from taking over from Defenders, even though they get the debuff in addition to their own survivability - because Defenders have a lot more to them than just what that one power can provide. As for (a), well, that depends upon the discussion of just how much mez is acceptable - given that we've stated that Defenders and such are doing "fine" in terms of mez, even though they still get mezzed, that amount is something above zero.

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
Blueside: Alex Rabinovich

Got a Mids suggestion? Want to report a Mids bug?



Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
I did before, and I just did again (and the curt non-answers aren't particularly helpful towards having a discussion). You talk primarily about a handful of data points (Blaster without pools, Blaster with pools, Blaster with mag 4 mez protection, other ATs), and give a lot of analogies for why you feel as you do about the suggestions given, but I do not see what I'm asking for. I mean, if, for example, every Blaster was suddenly granted Darkest Night as a bonus (and nothing else in addition), would that (a) prevent a sufficient amount of mez, without (b) stepping on Defenders' toes? (b) is highly unlikely, since nobody has accused Soul Mastery Brutes from taking over from Defenders, even though they get the debuff in addition to their own survivability - because Defenders have a lot more to them than just what that one power can provide. As for (a), well, that depends upon the discussion of just how much mez is acceptable - given that we've stated that Defenders and such are doing "fine" in terms of mez, even though they still get mezzed, that amount is something above zero.
I wasn't being curt. I have all ready given the answers to your questions. I doubt restating them will give you more clarity but:

Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
The blaster is the ONLY AT in the game that will get hit with 45% of all mezzes launched at them. ALL the other ATs in the game can limit being affected by mez to 5% or less.

All the other ATs in the game can use their full range of powers 95% of the time. In a late game heavy mez environment (which, with the exception of the ITF is every thing else) the blaster can potentially be locked into using only 3 powers for entire missions.

No blaster primary, secondary, or epic power set provides any kind of mitigation to any status effect: hold, stun, sleep, terror, confuse, knock back, immobilize, endurance drain, slow, -rech, defense debuff and -regen. A blaster's only recourse is to suck it up and repay the resulting debt or use a break free. Break Frees do not drop often enough nor do they have long enough a duration to be a reliable solution especially in the case of primary + secondary combinations that are single target focused.

No matter how much people try to down play that, it's still blatantly unbalanced at best and irreparably broken at worst.
Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Slotting 2 SOs per atribute for effect (and to avoid the ED cap) you get (using Electic as the Epic for the example):

10.2% defense to all positions/types
41.7% resistance to S/L
27% resistance to energy

and costs 1.51 end per second.

1 mez drops all those numbers to 0s due to supression and all you've gained is the ability to negate a single hold. You are still going to be affected by 35% of all other mezzes thrown at you (stun is more common than hold). The mez resistance isn't all that helpful. To give an example of one of those with better numbers a 30 second Longbow Stun grenade will last 20 seconds. More than enough time for the mobs to tear out your internal organs and show them to you.

You have 10 power picks left to split between 17 remaining primary and secondary powers and 3 additional Epic powers and 43 slots left to split between them.

No other AT gives up so much to get so little
Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
  • Force fields, Sonic resonance, and Traps all have powers that convey mez protection on the caster.
  • Radiation Emission, Storm, and Dark can all floor an entire spawn's chance to hit.
  • Early game primarily buffing power sets like Empathy have some similar issues but do have tools to keep the caster alive. Later additions like Thermal and Cold have both buffs and debuffs to use and it isn't 100% necessary for a primary buffer to directly enter combat to still fulfill their primary function.

The notable exception to these is Trick Arrow and we know that is on the dev's radar
Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
1) I do NOT think that blasters NEED more damage. They need the ability to hang fire and apply the damage they all ready have.

2) I do NOT think that blasters NEED more defense or resistances. I get that they are supposed to be glass cannons and I can and do roll with that too.

3) Blasters are the ONLY AT that are forced into combat and incoming mezzing attacks by their very design yet have absolutely no ability to avoid or escape mez in their power sets (defiance does NOT count. It does not help you avoid nor does it help you escape.)

I'm not even asking for the world when it comes to mez protection. All I have ever advocated is mag 4 protection. Just enough to avoid 1 application of mez so that I CAN hang fire long enough to kill the mezzer without having to resort to break frees and so that I can keep what little defense/resistance/secondary effects I get from various toggles without them being suppressed or detoggled.

That would still not be BALANCED since the other ATs that are forced into combat by their design still have all these things AND MORE but it would be enough to make the difference. I'm not even asking for even footing. I'm pretty sure that I could manage with just a toe hold.
Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Total focus nerf comes to mind, Power Boost's KB removal nerf, Acrobatics nerf all relatively recent and if not targeted directly at blasters (we know that 2 of the three were for sure) then targeted in such a way to adversely affect blasters the most while potentially "looking" even handed.
The total Focus nerf that was being discussed is that a mag 4 control was taken away from blasters BECAUSE IT STEPPED ON CONTROLLER TOES. Yet the Mag 4 Hold in Seismic Smash remained for Brutes and Tanks. We know for certain that the devs don't care if tanks, brutes, scrappers step on defender/controller toes only blasters. We also know that it doesn't matter if any other AT steps on blaster toes so that blasters have no unique tools.

I thought of a possible measuring stick that we can use as comparison. A way to self data mine as it were. All the characters are mine so there is no variance in skill.

Here is a sample of my level 50s listed in order of creation (I know there is a way to find out how many hours a charcter has logged. I don't remember how though. If someone can remind me I'll resort the list in order of hours logged):

Character -- Debt Badge -- Mez Badge

Defender Emp/Dark/Dark -- Level 6 (Max) -- 61.46% of level 3
Defender FF/Psi/Psi -- Level6 (Max) -- 67.89 of level 2
Scrapper Dark/Regen -- Level 6 (Max) -- 72.11 % of level 2
Controller Earth/Storm/Fire -- Level 6 (Max) -- 73.83% of level 2
Blaster Energy/Energy/Force -- Level 6 (Max) -- 73.66% of level 5
Controller Earth/TA/Primal -- Level 6 (max) -- 96.36% of level 2
Blaster Arch/Dev/Munitions -- Level 6 (Max) -- 80.40% of level 4
Tank Fire/Fire/Pyre -- Level 6 (Max) -- 47.11% of Level 1
Scrapper BS/Shield/Body -- Level 6 (Max) -- 91.67% of level 1
Controller Plant/TA/Fire -- Level 6 (Max) -- 96.96% of level 2
Blaster Sonic/Ice/Elec -- Level 6 (Max) -- 67.42% of level 4
Blaster Energy/Elec/Fire -- Level 6 (Max) -- 40.91% of level 4
Controller Ice/Rad/Ice -- Level 6 (Max) -- 68.56% of level 2
Dominator Mind/Ice/Fire -- Level 6 (Max) -- 97.47% of level 1
Blaster Rad/Fire/Mace -- Level 6 (Max) -- 33.63% of level 4

Now that I look at it I realize just how shocking the differences are and I wonder just how many of those mezzes were cut short because they resulted in my defeat. The results here might show that I was less affected by mez than I actually was. I was clearly hit by far more mezzes on my blasters but if they were cut short by my defeat then the problem is even worse than these numbers show.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



I still think my idea of helping Blasters ESCAPE mez rather than ignore it has merit :

What about adding to Defiance a +MezResist value so as you are mezzed however many stacked Defiance's you have reduces the duration by [num_defiance x MexResist].
As you are mezzed you still attack using the 3 available powers and any Defiance those attacks generate is added with their +MezResist.

The following is based on what I read from here:

Resistance to status effects follows a different formula:
SufferedDuration = AppliedDuration / (100% + TotalResistance)
So 75% resistance to Sleep duration, for example, would not cause all Sleeps to affect the character for only 1/4 of their normal durations. Their durations would be divided by 1.75, which is roughly only a 43% reduction.

More importantly, the formula means that achieving 100% or more resistance to effect durations does not cause them to end instantly. 100% resistance actually only cuts their durations in half, 200% cuts it to a third, 300% would cut it to a fourth, and so on.
So for example:
Defiance adds say +75% MezResist per stack.
If you have 4 Defiance you have (4x75) 300% MezResist.
Based on the above this would reduce the MezDuration to a quarter (so a 10s Mez lasts 2.5s).
If during that Mez you get 2 more Defiance's stacked (before any of the current Defiance expires) you would have 450% MezResist which would make that 10s Mez last only 1.8s.

~~This is obviously not counting the time it takes for you to fire those 2 attacks and the MezDuration already ticking over
Let say the Mez lasts 30s by default.
4xDefiance (300%) = 7.5s
Time taken to fire those 2 attacks = (say) 3 secs.
Remaining MezDuration = 4.5s.
Addition Defiance from 2 attacks (2x75 = 150%) = 450%
New Remaining MezDuration = 0.81s

This way you still get mezzed but by doing what Blasters are MEANT to do (attack and damage) not only do you do more damage (standard Defiance) but you also spend less time Mezzed without getting MezProtection (which is prob too much).

Maybe +75% MezResist is too much? Im sure this could be balanced better or even have the value based on the amount of +Dam Defiance grants:

Damage Bonus = 6.6% * Activation Time / Area Modifier
Area Modifier = 1 + (0.15 * radius) - ( 0.0003667 * radius * (360 - arc) )



Originally Posted by cybermitheral View Post
I still think my idea of helping Blasters ESCAPE mez rather than ignore it has merit :

What about adding to Defiance a +MezResist value so as you are mezzed however many stacked Defiance's you have reduces the duration by [num_defiance x MexResist].
As you are mezzed you still attack using the 3 available powers and any Defiance those attacks generate is added with their +MezResist.

The following is based on what I read from here:

So for example:
Defiance adds say +75% MezResist per stack.
If you have 4 Defiance you have (4x75) 300% MezResist.
Based on the above this would reduce the MezDuration to a quarter (so a 10s Mez lasts 2.5s).
If during that Mez you get 2 more Defiance's stacked (before any of the current Defiance expires) you would have 450% MezResist which would make that 10s Mez last only 1.8s.

~~This is obviously not counting the time it takes for you to fire those 2 attacks and the MezDuration already ticking over
Let say the Mez lasts 30s by default.
4xDefiance (300%) = 7.5s
Time taken to fire those 2 attacks = (say) 3 secs.
Remaining MezDuration = 4.5s.
Addition Defiance from 2 attacks (2x75 = 150%) = 450%
New Remaining MezDuration = 0.81s

This way you still get mezzed but by doing what Blasters are MEANT to do (attack and damage) not only do you do more damage (standard Defiance) but you also spend less time Mezzed without getting MezProtection (which is prob too much).

Maybe +75% MezResist is too much? Im sure this could be balanced better or even have the value based on the amount of +Dam Defiance grants:
I don't know. My numbers look so bad comparatively that I think we need to scrap the current defiance and start completely over. 4 of the blasters were created after D2.0 if they are better at all it has to be just marginally. I think anything that is based on the current set up will fail miserably.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



I am having some second thoughts on blasters and Mez.

I have my Energy/Ice blaster to 25 now thanks to a Synapse TF and I had one defeat and that was intentional. I pulled what I call a veteran nuke in one of the large open warehouses - popped 2 purples herded a huge group and self-destructed and Returned to battle.

What has me rethinking a solution is that other than mezzes I fear nothing as a blaster. Yes, if I set the game too hard I can get defeated but I can also slaughter things very efficiently. In the Synapse I felt sorry for 2 titan weapons brutes as I was wiping out the groups before they could even swing and in some cases I slowed attacking so they could get some kills.

If I had mez protection - as long as I played a secondary with some mitigation - I would never die solo and it would be hard to kill me in a team. I don't want to make blasters CoH easy mode. I like the fact I can use skill and timing to win. I let the aggro magnets get hit and then I light up the bad guys. Counting to 3 or 4 then loosing the gates of hell is fun and I have found if you take the thought that you want to take the LAST 2/3rds of the enemies health to heart you rarely are in danger and you get almost all of the kills.

Solo is where I would like to see a slight change. I would like some form of escape mechanism using defiance. Similar to how defenders get Corr damage solo - I would see us be able to escape and fight. But I think in a team setting - we are not that disadvantaged when viewing the battle in 2 parts opening volley and finishing volley. Let the controller and melee start the fight - you finish it.



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
I wasn't being curt. I have all ready given the answers to your questions. I doubt restating them will give you more clarity but:

The total Focus nerf that was being discussed is that a mag 4 control was taken away from blasters BECAUSE IT STEPPED ON CONTROLLER TOES. Yet the Mag 4 Hold in Seismic Smash remained for Brutes and Tanks. We know for certain that the devs don't care if tanks, brutes, scrappers step on defender/controller toes only blasters. We also know that it doesn't matter if any other AT steps on blaster toes so that blasters have no unique tools.
Thank you for humoring me, but you're right, it still doesn't answer my question of "how do we know for certain that it isn't possible to give Blasters enough soft control" - especially since I'm asking about what you think re:stepping on toes, not what the Devs think... I think we can agree that the reasoning for the Total Focus nerf was a silly one, and I often feel like it was just Blasters getting caught in the "we need to nerf Energy Melee" mess. Furthermore, I think that there is still room to discuss the issue of mag 4 controls with the devs and convince them that, no, it doesn't step on Controller toes - the fact that Seismic Smash still exists as it does is evidence of that.

One of the big things we need to do is convince the Devs that their perception of what steps on the toes of defenders and controllers is a mess when it comes to Blasters.

I thought of a possible measuring stick that we can use as comparison. A way to self data mine as it were. All the characters are mine so there is no variance in skill.

Here is a sample of my level 50s listed in order of creation (I know there is a way to find out how many hours a charcter has logged. I don't remember how though. If someone can remind me I'll resort the list in order of hours logged):

Character -- Debt Badge -- Mez Badge

Defender Emp/Dark/Dark -- Level 6 (Max) -- 61.46% of level 3
Defender FF/Psi/Psi -- Level6 (Max) -- 67.89 of level 2
Scrapper Dark/Regen -- Level 6 (Max) -- 72.11 % of level 2
Controller Earth/Storm/Fire -- Level 6 (Max) -- 73.83% of level 2
Blaster Energy/Energy/Force -- Level 6 (Max) -- 73.66% of level 5
Controller Earth/TA/Primal -- Level 6 (max) -- 96.36% of level 2
Blaster Arch/Dev/Munitions -- Level 6 (Max) -- 80.40% of level 4
Tank Fire/Fire/Pyre -- Level 6 (Max) -- 47.11% of Level 1
Scrapper BS/Shield/Body -- Level 6 (Max) -- 91.67% of level 1
Controller Plant/TA/Fire -- Level 6 (Max) -- 96.96% of level 2
Blaster Sonic/Ice/Elec -- Level 6 (Max) -- 67.42% of level 4
Blaster Energy/Elec/Fire -- Level 6 (Max) -- 40.91% of level 4
Controller Ice/Rad/Ice -- Level 6 (Max) -- 68.56% of level 2
Dominator Mind/Ice/Fire -- Level 6 (Max) -- 97.47% of level 1
Blaster Rad/Fire/Mace -- Level 6 (Max) -- 33.63% of level 4

Now that I look at it I realize just how shocking the differences are and I wonder just how many of those mezzes were cut short because they resulted in my defeat. The results here might show that I was less affected by mez than I actually was. I was clearly hit by far more mezzes on my blasters but if they were cut short by my defeat then the problem is even worse than these numbers show.
You should definitely try and get this with the hours logged. That's from talking to Civilians whose name begins with M. Those are some pretty serious numbers up there, especially given that the various levels of the mez badge are exponentially bigger than the previous.

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Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
I'm not sure that I can get behind this. I'm sure it's numerically sound and I have no doubt that it could be tweaked to work BUT it would not be fun. Sure it may keep me alive, but while I'm mezzed I'm still playing a character that is level 2. That's not FUN.

For a mez solution to work for me I have to get the amount of mezzes that affect me (turn off/suppress toggles, lock me out of my 21+ other powers, prevent me from moving, etc) down to 5% or less (actually 2.5% or less since half of all the mezzes launched all ready miss) without dipping into the inspiration tray. Just like I can achieve with EVERY OTHER AT I PLAY.


I really don't see how you can get the % of mezzes down to an acceptable level with this idea without making the thing hideously overpowered while unmezzed.


I also can't see how this will significantly speed rewards gained, especially solo, if the blaster is still limited to an average DPS that is lower than a defender due to mez.
1. The effect I'm describing would work mezzed or not mezzed. So if you want to reduce the amount of mez that affects you shoot the mezzers. Preferably first. This is in fact superior to a mez-breaking solution because mez-breakers presume you get mezzed in the first place before they have any benefit. Counter-mez (and counter-debuff) can theoretically be used to prevent mez, and it adds an element of skill to that effectiveness.

2. The key to balancing this is duration. Controller and Defender debuffs and control have long durations: it lets them hit targets with control or debuffs, and then go do something else for a while, or in combination with the fact that they also have AoEs with these effects, hit many different targets with those effects. Short duration effects essentially only affect the target with you're actually shooting at the target. Stop shooting at that target and they would then be quickly free to act. How *many* critical threats you could neutralize with this effect would then come down to skill, and build. Which is exactly what you want it to come down to anyway.

3. If it reduces the time spent mezzed, specifically by giving better options to prevent mez offensively and breaking chain mez when the situations encourages it, it'll improve performance. But as to this point specifically, the current version of the idea also includes a small damage increase in the form of boosting single target damage when splash targets don't exist. Separate from that, I would want to improve sniper attacks and better normalize tier 3 single target blasts, both of which would nominally improve offense and therefore overall performance.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
1. The effect I'm describing would work mezzed or not mezzed. So if you want to reduce the amount of mez that affects you shoot the mezzers. Preferably first. This is in fact superior to a mez-breaking solution because mez-breakers presume you get mezzed in the first place before they have any benefit. Counter-mez (and counter-debuff) can theoretically be used to prevent mez, and it adds an element of skill to that effectiveness.

2. The key to balancing this is duration. Controller and Defender debuffs and control have long durations: it lets them hit targets with control or debuffs, and then go do something else for a while, or in combination with the fact that they also have AoEs with these effects, hit many different targets with those effects. Short duration effects essentially only affect the target with you're actually shooting at the target. Stop shooting at that target and they would then be quickly free to act. How *many* critical threats you could neutralize with this effect would then come down to skill, and build. Which is exactly what you want it to come down to anyway.

3. If it reduces the time spent mezzed, specifically by giving better options to prevent mez offensively and breaking chain mez when the situations encourages it, it'll improve performance. But as to this point specifically, the current version of the idea also includes a small damage increase in the form of boosting single target damage when splash targets don't exist. Separate from that, I would want to improve sniper attacks and better normalize tier 3 single target blasts, both of which would nominally improve offense and therefore overall performance.
The idea would be actual control or soft control, rather than mez resistance, correct? I'm seeing that bandied around in this thread, but from what I remember in similar Kheldian threads, your resistance, even if it's 100%, only would let you resist have of the mez power's duration. So mez resistance isn't a good thing to go for. Hopefully I'm remembering that right. I do like the idea of some kind of proactive mitigation, as it fits well with the AT and could mesh okay with what Defiance can already do.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
3. If it reduces the time spent mezzed, specifically by giving better options to prevent mez offensively and breaking chain mez when the situations encourages it, it'll improve performance. But as to this point specifically, the current version of the idea also includes a small damage increase in the form of boosting single target damage when splash targets don't exist. Separate from that, I would want to improve sniper attacks and better normalize tier 3 single target blasts, both of which would nominally improve offense and therefore overall performance.
Shouldn't we also be concerned about normalizing the tier 1 secondary in that case? Their range, recharge, and cast times are all over the map. Also some have a projectile that has a fixed speed while others do not.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Shouldn't we also be concerned about normalizing the tier 1 secondary in that case? Their range, recharge, and cast times are all over the map. Also some have a projectile that has a fixed speed while others do not.
There's lots of things I would like to do, but the shorter the list is and the less time it takes, the more likely it can happen. In the grand scheme of things, I think, say, improving and partially normalizing the tier 3 single target attacks would have a greater impact on blasters than adjusting the tier 1 secondary power, although that's still open for debate.

One of the reasons I'm more focused on those powers is because they beg the question "what's the point of a 40' range attack?" Archery doesn't really have one, and neither does Dark Blast or Ice Blast. The interesting question is what are those attacks getting back for giving up half the normal range of blaster single target attacks? In the case of Blaze, the answer is obvious: its getting very high DPA. Although the attack follows the same formula as every other single target attack, completely separate from its DoT it casts very fast, and thus has exceptionally high DPA. That means if you're willing to attack from within its range, your single target offense will likely be much higher.

But that's not generally true. The question is: should it be true? And if its not, should those powers really give up all that range? Power Burst, for example, seems to have basically given up its range for nothing. Cosmic burst at least gets a guaranteed mag 3 stun, but is that enough considering that its the only soft control Radiation Blast gets outside of the low percentage knock in Haze? Did Cosmic Burst really get a mag 3 stun in exchange for its low range, or was the set due that much stun anyway and it was just put into Cosmic burst so the power wouldn't seem as bad?

That situation is something I would like to think through carefully.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
But that's not generally true. The question is: should it be true? And if its not, should those powers really give up all that range? Power Burst, for example, seems to have basically given up its range for nothing. Cosmic burst at least gets a guaranteed mag 3 stun, but is that enough considering that its the only soft control Radiation Blast gets outside of the low percentage knock in Haze? Did Cosmic Burst really get a mag 3 stun in exchange for its low range, or was the set due that much stun anyway and it was just put into Cosmic burst so the power wouldn't seem as bad?

That situation is something I would like to think through carefully.

That raises another issue with blaster powerset combinations. Mismatched control options. There is very little reason with the possible exception of fire (Trades everything for damage) that you shouldn't be able to match the controls between primary and secondary. The combinations where you can stack the control type, be it kb, stun or hold really do considerably better than the combinations that don't.

In the case of holds you can usually fix it by taking an epic pool but there isn't anything for stuns or fear.

The secondary sets are occasionally described as utility but it seems even that is pre nerfed



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
That raises another issue with blaster powerset combinations. Mismatched control options. There is very little reason with the possible exception of fire (Trades everything for damage) that you shouldn't be able to match the controls between primary and secondary. The combinations where you can stack the control type, be it kb, stun or hold really do considerably better than the combinations that don't.

In the case of holds you can usually fix it by taking an epic pool but there isn't anything for stuns or fear.
I don't think this is as big of a problem because of the generally melee-restricted nature of the secondary attacks. If you're at range, you can't stack those effects with ranged attacks, and if you're in melee you're still fine if you can stack the effects with melee attacks, and in melee the melee attacks should generally be the better option anyway (if they are not, then that makes the melee attacks pointless because they are never the best option).

There is one specific problematic area that I do think has some issues worth looking at, and that's endurance drain. The devs see drain as all or nothing and so make the best draining powers have short range or point blank range, and most of the players see drain as all or nothing and assume that anything short of leveraging everything is not worth pursuing. So endurance drain stacking is significant because even in the primary a lot of it is in a PBAoE.

However, I think either way some of that would be collaterally addressed by adding splash counter-mez into ranged attacks. If there are synergy deficiencies in certain effects, those would be the strongest candidates to add to splash counter-mez. Even if the splash is short duration, stacking it onto a longer duration mez that already exists in the blaster sets would mean that the longer duration mez would in effect elevate the splash mez to being able to affect higher ranks.

I do want to avoid making synergy so strong that anything besides the synergistic combination seems worthless by comparison. If stacking synergy has a benefit, there should be some alternate benefit to having a variety of mez effects instead.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)