Blaster Issues - Mezzing




Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
That raises another issue with blaster powerset combinations. Mismatched control options. There is very little reason with the possible exception of fire (Trades everything for damage) that you shouldn't be able to match the controls between primary and secondary. The combinations where you can stack the control type, be it kb, stun or hold really do considerably better than the combinations that don't.

In the case of holds you can usually fix it by taking an epic pool but there isn't anything for stuns or fear.

The secondary sets are occasionally described as utility but it seems even that is pre nerfed
IIrc the secondary sets are (mis?)described as support.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
IIrc the secondary sets are (mis?)described as support.
They are in fact melee/self-support. They were originally (for the most part) melee damage powersets but were adjusted to add support powers designed to support the blaster itself (as opposed to ally support powers).

But agonizing over how things are textually described in this game is not a particularly productive course of action.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



yay, tier 3 blasts, we love our tier 3 blasts, let's make our tier 3 blasts better
Elec Dark and AR blasters has a sad.

(Not that my idea for buffing BU&Aim was much fairer... poor AR gets no love from this board...)



Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
Elec Dark and AR blasters has a sad.

(Not that my idea for buffing BU&Aim was much fairer... poor AR gets no love from this board...)
The corresponding powers to the intermediate range single target blast for AR, Dark, and Electric are probably Flamethrower, Life Drain, and Short Circuit. I doubt any of those sets would be willing to trade those powers for tier 3 single target attacks, buffed or otherwise.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



In 862 hours = 51720 mins, one of my Blasters has spent a total of 202 mins Mezzed.

This means that my Blaster has spent less than half a percent of the time Mezzed. Infact its 0.4% of the time

Is that high? Or is that reasonable? That in every 100 mins, I would be mezzed for a total of 24s? Doesn't sound alot to me.

I take a defender, at random, 1118 hours, which has spent 141 mins Mezzed. Infact it's 0.21% of the time which is roughly 12s in every 100mins.

Neither looks like a lot.

The difference between me playing a defender and a blaster is that I am more likely to solo a Blaster as it kills quicker. I am then more likely to be teamed as a Defender, being less threatening to groups than other people including the blasters whilst I am attending to team survivability.

I see most blasters do the most amazingly self compromising things in teams. They didn't have to go and get themselves Mezzed. I therefore expect some people to be on the recieving end.

I have more lvl 50 Blasters than anything else, one just two days ago at 49 quite happily joined the Mothership Raid, and didn't die once, not once and barely got mezzed and to top it off she was the very first character to go get a bomb out of everyone on the raid. Reason being that I won't play in a self compromising way "sometimes".

I have found it difficult to come up with something to say about the Mezzing issue and it maybe because I can't really complain. I have options and I use them. It is understandable how my Blaster compares to other ATs. It is highly obvious to me why I can imagine some people on their blasters get mezzed a lot.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
In 862 hours = 51720 mins, one of my Blasters has spent a total of 202 mins Mezzed.

This means that my Blaster has spent less than half a percent of the time Mezzed. Infact its 0.4% of the time

Is that high? Or is that reasonable? That in every 100 mins, I would be mezzed for a total of 24s? Doesn't sound alot to me.

I take a defender, at random, 1118 hours, which has spent 141 mins Mezzed. Infact it's 0.21% of the time which is roughly 12s in every 100mins.

Neither looks like a lot.
The ratio of time mezzed to total time the character has been logged in is not a meaningful statistic. The question is what percentage of time spent actually in combat was spent mezzed. I would bet that neither character has spent more than ten or twenty percent of that total time actually being shot at in combat. Statistically speaking, less than half the time spent actually running missions is spent either attacking or being attacked. Travel to missions and within missions accounts for the rest. If the actual in-combat mez percentage was between two and four percent, and the defender was averaging half the time spent mez, that is in fact already significant, and probably below the average case on top of that.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The ratio of time mezzed to total time the character has been logged in is not a meaningful statistic. The question is what percentage of time spent actually in combat was spent mezzed. I would bet that neither character has spent more than ten or twenty percent of that total time actually being shot at in combat. Statistically speaking, less than half the time spent actually running missions is spent either attacking or being attacked. Travel to missions and within missions accounts for the rest. If the actual in-combat mez percentage was between two and four percent, and the defender was averaging half the time spent mez, that is in fact already significant, and probably below the average case on top of that.
This is true, but in the context of my time playing the game, it's insignificant. My results were based on what details I can achieve from the badge collecting part. I believe that it is definitely more insignificant to me than it is with other players. I am going to flat out know other people get Mezzed way more and why. It's often self inflicted, sometimes it's from the lack of completely correct team dynamics and support. Which means to me that a certain portion of the blame is on us. On the other hand some Blasters push boundaries, challenge their limits and take risks that are mathematically the best option. A General may lose many men in a day of battle with a risky manuever but that may of been the least riskiest of all other options.

Someone, should lead a consolidated thread, like the one in the Tanker section controlled by Aett, where ideas for changes can be splashed unbiasedly for the Devs to thumb the ideas up or down imo. It'll keep things simple.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
This is true, but in the context of my time playing the game, it's insignificant. My results were based on what details I can achieve from the badge collecting part. I believe that it is definitely more insignificant to me than it is with other players. I am going to flat out know other people get Mezzed way more and why. It's often self inflicted, sometimes it's from the lack of completely correct team dynamics and support. Which means to me that a certain portion of the blame is on us. On the other hand some Blasters push boundaries, challenge their limits and take risks that are mathematically the best option. A General may lose many men in a day of battle with a risky manuever but that may of been the least riskiest of all other options.
I don't think that line of thought is valid. There has never been an unplayable set in the history of this game. Back in the day we used to street sweep SR scrappers in racetrack paths around contacts so we could keep buying lucks from them, because our defenses at release were almost zero. They were so bad the devs *doubled* them after release to fix the problem and that was still not enough.

But I did it, and so did lots of other players, not all in the same way, but we did. So if the devs basically removed all the defense from SR, would you say that part of the problem was the devs reducing those defenses, and part of the problem was the players not adapting to not having any defense anymore? Because I'm not kidding about the zero defense thing. We used to have about 30% slotted defense at a time when even con Bosses had 75% base chance to hit. In todays terms that would be like having 5% defense against that boss, and zero against the +1 bosses that used to spawn at the end of some missions which you could not turn off.

Someone, should lead a consolidated thread, like the one in the Tanker section controlled by Aett, where ideas for changes can be splashed unbiasedly for the Devs to thumb the ideas up or down imo. It'll keep things simple.
Right now I'm more interested in the discussion than just listing ideas. If someone else wants to do that they're welcome to do so, but I am keeping track of all of the ideas presented and they'll eventually find their way into a large analysis post of mine regardless. But actually prompting the devs to do anything about it is probably at least a few months away, and not every problem has been completely hashed out yet in my opinion. I would currently rather promote discussion than terminate it.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



When I remember how practically broken this game was at launch (both for what players could and could not do), I'm amazed we all still play it! While the aging process has had some ups and downs, I can still say that this game has improved by leaps and bounds and is still getting better, for the most part.

I'm enjoying all these discussions, if nothing else because they're coming up with some good ideas, rather than just arguing about how well Blasters are doing. Some interesting concepts have come up out there. I particularly like the proactive approaches that don't just ask for "moar damage!" I find Blasters to be tactically fun and interesting now, and adding abilities to make them even more proactive appeals to me (though I hope we keep in mind the many ambushes we get in game and the need for Blasters to deal with them).

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I don't think that line of thought is valid. There has never been an unplayable set in the history of this game. Back in the day we used to street sweep SR scrappers in racetrack paths around contacts so we could keep buying lucks from them, because our defenses at release were almost zero. They were so bad the devs *doubled* them after release to fix the problem and that was still not enough.

But I did it, and so did lots of other players, not all in the same way, but we did. So if the devs basically removed all the defense from SR, would you say that part of the problem was the devs reducing those defenses, and part of the problem was the players not adapting to not having any defense anymore? Because I'm not kidding about the zero defense thing. We used to have about 30% slotted defense at a time when even con Bosses had 75% base chance to hit. In todays terms that would be like having 5% defense against that boss, and zero against the +1 bosses that used to spawn at the end of some missions which you could not turn off.
I really do not know how you've gone from what I have said, to what you are saying now. You are saying that Blasters are doing the equivalent of the same thing? Going from one contact to another and filling up on Break Frees? I could never be bothered with that. I wouldn't bother. As a SR in the days before the defense changes I wasn't running around getting lucks either. If a Warhulk was about to explode I would remove myself from being inside of its AoE. If I know an NPC likes to open with an AoE mezz as a Blaster I'll either allow it to happen without being in the position of its effect on other people first or aim to do it before it does me. The problem that was with Defense, is and always will be in mind a far greater problem than Blasters and Mezz issues. Mostly, I see someone do something and die, they didn't have to do it, but they did anyway. A Dev can design an AT to be played a certain way that works with all other ATs and works solo, but we do what we like.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Right now I'm more interested in the discussion than just listing ideas. If someone else wants to do that they're welcome to do so, but I am keeping track of all of the ideas presented and they'll eventually find their way into a large analysis post of mine regardless. But actually prompting the devs to do anything about it is probably at least a few months away, and not every problem has been completely hashed out yet in my opinion. I would currently rather promote discussion than terminate it.
Usually an idea can be placed, someone else can contest it. The person with the idea may go "Oh" and change or decide to drop the idea or be adamant about the idea. If they refine or are adamant then it will add to the list, if they drop the idea then they won't add it to the list and the list is shorter. It's all about a place where Devs can simply take the list, and between themselves, as they are players, except players with better inside knowledge use abit of common sense to vote out what definitely won't happen, look into what might happen and possibly get the jist of a problem or many problems and address it or all of them in a single buff. I think it'll save time and so more gets done over time.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



New Dawn you play careful and don't get mezzed much - this is my surprised face :0

I could run solo at 0x0 and never die all the way to 50 I don't doubt. I used to play the game hardcore where death is real. You die you re-roll. The blasters do get mezzed more often than any other character. Milady's Knight showed his mez stats and it was telling that in every single case the blasters were far more mezzed.

If you are not applying your damage enough to draw the ire and mezzes - you are playing a far different game than most blasters. Make a Beam blaster and watch what happens when Disintegration spreads. It is blaster dinner bell time. So do you not take Disintegrate? It really boosts your damage and cutting beam + spread Disintegrate is a wonderful thing - but it draws aggro.

That's just one set - Fire with its DoT holds aggro. Ice with its slows holds aggro. You see it isn't the players alone who say they under perform. We have had stats from the devs showing it in the past and the changes made were quite small. I would ask you if you are mezzed on a defender how often was your aggro high enough to lead to your death? How often was it high enough on a blaster?

See the difference?



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
If you are not applying your damage enough to draw the ire and mezzes - you are playing a far different game than most blasters. Make a Beam blaster and watch what happens when Disintegration spreads. It is blaster dinner bell time. So do you not take Disintegrate? It really boosts your damage and cutting beam + spread Disintegrate is a wonderful thing - but it draws aggro.

That's just one set - Fire with its DoT holds aggro. Ice with its slows holds aggro. You see it isn't the players alone who say they under perform. We have had stats from the devs showing it in the past and the changes made were quite small. I would ask you if you are mezzed on a defender how often was your aggro high enough to lead to your death? How often was it high enough on a blaster?

See the difference?
I think you've assumed wrong perhaps and tried to make a point about it. I have every type of Blast. I don't sit at 0x0. I was 49 on a Mothership full of Mezzers and barely got mezzed, I even took the first bomb. I think Blasters are most likely to get mezzed, and if I look at how often I am mezzed on all my Characters my Blasters would have the most but I don't have issue with it.

Have you ever soloed 5 Fake Nems together that are +3 to you with a Blaster? Have you ever played as the team Tank with a Blaster on TFs, you rely on damage to get and keep attention, I can tell you. I am not playing safe all the time, sometimes I do take calculated risks, relying on others is a calculated risk in itself.

I've already said in this thread within the past couple of days why it is my Defender would have less threat and so spend less time mezzed. I'd never sit in melee rockin da aura. There is no rocket science to it and yet there is nothing in me to complain about how often I get mezzed in comparison to my other ATs. It's just one of those things thats relative and completely understandable.

NPCs tend to have super long range mezz attacks. Blasters can't beat them on it and properly kite all the time. I'd expect Blasters to mimic the ranger class to be true. Kiting/Controlling thru cripples and handicapping, trapping perhaps which Devices does. I'd expect a Blaster to be able to get the upperhand on other ATs with first blood being superbly well ranged, then on having the edge to keep it perhaps unless its safe to close and spike damage. Not some tankmage that shrugs every Mezz off.

My PVP experience of Controller versus Blaster makes things look even to me anyway so maybe in PVE its the NPCs whose controls need -ranging beneath that of Blasters control range. Blaster control range say 80, NPC control range 70. Something like that. That will reduce things abit but do nothing about player error.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I think you've assumed wrong perhaps and tried to make a point about it. I have every type of Blast. I don't sit at 0x0. I was 49 on a Mothership full of Mezzers and barely got mezzed, I even took the first bomb. I think Blasters are most likely to get mezzed, and if I look at how often I am mezzed on all my Characters my Blasters would have the most but I don't have issue with it.

Have you ever soloed 5 Fake Nems together that are +3 to you with a Blaster? Have you ever played as the team Tank with a Blaster on TFs, you rely on damage to get and keep attention, I can tell you. I am not playing safe all the time, sometimes I do take calculated risks, relying on others is a calculated risk in itself.

I've already said in this thread within the past couple of days why it is my Defender would have less threat and so spend less time mezzed. I'd never sit in melee rockin da aura. There is no rocket science to it and yet there is nothing in me to complain about how often I get mezzed in comparison to my other ATs. It's just one of those things thats relative and completely understandable.

NPCs tend to have super long range mezz attacks. Blasters can't beat them on it and properly kite all the time. I'd expect Blasters to mimic the ranger class to be true. Kiting/Controlling thru cripples and handicapping, trapping perhaps which Devices does. I'd expect a Blaster to be able to get the upperhand on other ATs with first blood being superbly well ranged, then on having the edge to keep it perhaps unless its safe to close and spike damage. Not some tankmage that shrugs every Mezz off.

My PVP experience of Controller versus Blaster makes things look even to me anyway so maybe in PVE its the NPCs whose controls need -ranging beneath that of Blasters control range. Blaster control range say 80, NPC control range 70. Something like that. That will reduce things abit but do nothing about player error.
I don't think this is the average experience for a Blaster. Simultaneously soloing multiple +3 Fake Nemesis on a Blaster requires (a) very high defense IO build, (b) Incarnate powers (e.g. Barrier), (c) popping Lucks like Bubble Bobble, or (d) some combination of all of the above.

Also, not every Blaster can operate at 80' all the time, nor should they - that turns all their melee and PBAoE powers into situational ones, and no other AT has that many situational powers.

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
Blueside: Alex Rabinovich

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Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
I don't think this is the average experience for a Blaster. Simultaneously soloing multiple +3 Fake Nemesis on a Blaster requires (a) very high defense IO build, (b) Incarnate powers (e.g. Barrier), (c) popping Lucks like Bubble Bobble, or (d) some combination of all of the above.

Also, not every Blaster can operate at 80' all the time, nor should they - that turns all their melee and PBAoE powers into situational ones, and no other AT has that many situational powers.
Sadly thats how I tend to build/play my blasters.

I just dont like melee and I build purely for ranged attacks with the occasional nuke thrown in for fun. Its why I feel like I am playing with only 1 powerset half the time on a Blaster cause I just think its silly to get into melee with such a fragile AT. I take whats useful at range in the secondary (attacks like psychic scream, buffs like build up and powerboost as well as mez's like dark pit or scare) and eschew the melee attacks where possible. I end up with lots of pool power utilities like fighting pool powers, stealth, hasten, sometimes medicine, etc. The APP's are also a big part of any blaster I make.

Whats funny is this style of play actually works for me but I feel like I should just play a corruptor and have more useful stuff from my secondary and better values from the pool powers.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
I don't think this is the average experience for a Blaster. Simultaneously soloing multiple +3 Fake Nemesis on a Blaster requires (a) very high defense IO build, (b) Incarnate powers (e.g. Barrier), (c) popping Lucks like Bubble Bobble, or (d) some combination of all of the above.

Also, not every Blaster can operate at 80' all the time, nor should they - that turns all their melee and PBAoE powers into situational ones, and no other AT has that many situational powers.
I wasn't looking to convey an average experience for a Blaster, I was looking to show that I don't play things "safe" replying to someone who looked to imply I might of been. The Fake Nem bit was a bit of maths, actually more maths, not (a), not (b), as far as (c) goes, well okay I might of had some on me, not many, not planned, and used them. Definitely not (d) and there is an (e) missed off.

If someones Blaster can not operate at 80' all the time, that's their choice. Why can't they be able to operate at that range and still have melee and PBAoE attacks to use when safe to do so? I have builds like that. All powers are situational, all there for a reason. If I wanted a Petless MM and nothing but powerpool powers and can't do stuff then whose fault is that? I'd say I would be, I wouldn't ask the Devs to turn the game upside down over my choice.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



So after many pages of constructive conversation we are now finding 2 people with multiple BILLION influence, merits and other stuff builds saying I can do this - so all blasters are ok.

Seriously, before you post again take build 2 and fill it with SO's and try any of the stuff you do now and get back to us.

I also have a radically over-powered blaster at 50 who while he doesn't put out the same damage as a sonic/ice, can stand toe-to-toe with most anyting in the game and I actually survived against a fully ticked off Recluse in the STF and took the last 1/4th of the first tower down solo after the team was wiped. Finally Recluse landed one on me and I was dead.

But I survived a fully buffed Recluse for about 90 seconds.

This is NOT the experience that most blasters can achieve and definately not prior to having Incarnate powers and a fully IO'd build. I have been trying many different blasters over the last 2 months and you try rolling up a blaster and actually do missions not DFB and DiB to 22 and see how you do.

It is far harder than just about any other AT and the 20-25 range is really tough as you don't have an answer with few attacks at this level. I see such utter nonsense again and again telling people stay at range - if you do you only have a few powers to spam over and over again and you need to ignore most of your secondary. This is ok with you?

If I build a corr or dom or defender I take most of the secondary in some cases all of it. On top of that I take the most powerful of the Primary as well. If you think a blaster can compare to a fully kitted Fire/Dark corr or Fire/Kin corr then logic is not a strong suit for you.

I am currently trying a Beam/Energy blaster and while he so far is fun I only have a couple secondary powers and almost every primary. That is a problem.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
If someones Blaster can not operate at 80' all the time, that's their choice.
Not entirely. A lot (most?) of blaster primaries can't put together a full attack chain at 80' due to their 'heavy hitting' single target attack being 40' or 50'. I suppose it's possible to fight strictly at or above 80', but on average you'd be limiting yourself a bit unless you build for a lot of recharge.

Now if you bring that in to 40' then most any blaster should be able to operate effectively since it gives people more than two single target attacks, a snipe and one AoE to play with.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I wasn't looking to convey an average experience for a Blaster, I was looking to show that I don't play things "safe" replying to someone who looked to imply I might of been. The Fake Nem bit was a bit of maths, actually more maths, not (a), not (b), as far as (c) goes, well okay I might of had some on me, not many, not planned, and used them. Definitely not (d) and there is an (e) missed off.

If someones Blaster can not operate at 80' all the time, that's their choice. Why can't they be able to operate at that range and still have melee and PBAoE attacks to use when safe to do so? I have builds like that. All powers are situational, all there for a reason. If I wanted a Petless MM and nothing but powerpool powers and can't do stuff then whose fault is that? I'd say I would be, I wouldn't ask the Devs to turn the game upside down over my choice.
Well, yes, I did leave off hover as an option, which was kind of silly of me, given that back when the RWZ test of "3 +4 Rikti bosses, no temps, etc." (before Incarnate powers existed), I was the second one to be able to manage to do it with a blaster (that I know of): the first guy did it with a ton of trip mines, I did it with my Energy/Energy/Electric Blaster and Hover (the fact that Hover no longer suppresses with Mez made this possible). It just took so long that most of the time, I failed due to the bosses running away or even despawning mid-combat (something I'd never actually seen happen before).

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
Blueside: Alex Rabinovich

Got a Mids suggestion? Want to report a Mids bug?



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
If someones Blaster can not operate at 80' all the time, that's their choice. Why can't they be able to operate at that range and still have melee and PBAoE attacks to use when safe to do so? I have builds like that. All powers are situational, all there for a reason. If I wanted a Petless MM and nothing but powerpool powers and can't do stuff then whose fault is that? I'd say I would be, I wouldn't ask the Devs to turn the game upside down over my choice.
Also, I think it's rather disingenuous to compare petless Masterminds with "Blasters who want to use their secondary regularly".

Global @Diellan - 5M2M
Mids' Hero/Villain Designer Lead
Virtue Server
Redside: Lorenzo Mondavi
Blueside: Alex Rabinovich

Got a Mids suggestion? Want to report a Mids bug?



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I really do not know how you've gone from what I have said, to what you are saying now. You are saying that Blasters are doing the equivalent of the same thing?
No, I'm saying what I explicitly said, which was that offering an example of making something work does not say anything about whether or not its designed appropriately. That should have been obvious, since I said that explicitly.

Usually an idea can be placed, someone else can contest it. The person with the idea may go "Oh" and change or decide to drop the idea or be adamant about the idea. If they refine or are adamant then it will add to the list, if they drop the idea then they won't add it to the list and the list is shorter. It's all about a place where Devs can simply take the list, and between themselves, as they are players, except players with better inside knowledge use abit of common sense to vote out what definitely won't happen, look into what might happen and possibly get the jist of a problem or many problems and address it or all of them in a single buff. I think it'll save time and so more gets done over time.
My model for issues and ideas lists is the Scrapper one, and the Scrapper one is explicitly for fairness only moderated by exempting the genuinely ridiculous and limiting debate to allow ideas to be expressed fairly.

I'm not quite there yet.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
If someones Blaster can not operate at 80' all the time, that's their choice. Why can't they be able to operate at that range and still have melee and PBAoE attacks to use when safe to do so? I have builds like that. All powers are situational, all there for a reason.
Unless they have massive amounts of invention-powered recharge, its unlikely you have builds like that that aren't severely penalized for being at range. Most blaster primaries cannot make full attack chains at 80 feet of range. Most cannot even get remotely close.

Archery has three single target attacks with that range and one AoE. Energy Blast has only two single target attacks and one AoE with that range, not counting sniper attacks. Only one Blaster primary has more than three single target attacks with 80 feet of range or more - Psychic Blast - and only two Blaster primaries have five or more offensive attacks with 80 feet of range or more of any kind, single target or AoE - Psychic Blast and Beam Rifle.

To say all powers are situational masks a huge quantitative difference in situationality. All my scrappers have at least four, often five attacks. *All* are usable in melee range, which I have to be to have effective offense as a Scrapper. They may be situational, but they are all situational in the same way in large sense: they are all useful only in melee range (most of them anyway: some have actual range). So its easy to satisfy that one primary situation: just be in melee range.

Blaster ranged offense is not singularly situational in that sense. The range of blaster primary attacks is not consistent: some attacks are good from 80 feet, some from 60 feet, some from 40 feet. To use them all you generally have to be within 40 feet of the target. Critter base movement speed is 21 feet per second, which means the range at which most blasters have the full use of their primaries is 1.6 seconds of distance (melee range is generally 7 feet). That's on the order of the average cast time for blaster primary attacks. In effect, when I'm in range of Power Burst, the critter is essentially in melee range, because unless I knock them out of it they will be in melee range and able to attack with melee attacks before I finish activating Power Burst. Its even worse for Shout. And even if you get something like a guaranteed stun in the attack like Cosmic Burst, the odds of having only a single target in that range when you engage is not high, but that's only a single target attack.

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Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
Also, I think it's rather disingenuous to compare petless Masterminds with "Blasters who want to use their secondary regularly".

You think that was disingenuous? Blappers had the choice. Petless MMs had the choice. Yeah I think you are just trying out a new word. Pompous is a rarely used word that just came to me.

My blaster didn't use hover, that would be disingenuous.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
No, I'm saying what I explicitly said, which was that offering an example of making something work does not say anything about whether or not its designed appropriately. That should have been obvious, since I said that explicitly.
I thought there was a tangent somewhere and I still do not see a connection between what I said and what you replied with.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
My model for issues and ideas lists is the Scrapper one, and the Scrapper one is explicitly for fairness only moderated by exempting the genuinely ridiculous and limiting debate to allow ideas to be expressed fairly.

I'm not quite there yet.
I do not go into Scrapper section much. I do feel that a Dev can look at an idea and within a sec go "Nope" and move onto the next one. Some silly ideas if you stare at them long enough might spark a good one. I just get sick of any arguing in the Tank section quickly which is why I like it. Aett is being impartial, putting anything there and it won't take a dev too long to read. What does take too long to read is pages of arguing over something.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Unless they have massive amounts of invention-powered recharge, its unlikely you have builds like that that aren't severely penalized for being at range. Most blaster primaries cannot make full attack chains at 80 feet of range. Most cannot even get remotely close
I plucked the 80ft versus 70ft as an example not something that's fixed. It wasn't really me saying it had to be 80ft. It could be 70ft and 60ft. I don't care. The important bit was the bit of extra range with controls in comparison to NPCs range of controls. The principle, the idea or whatever rather than the exact figures.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
So after many pages of constructive conversation we are now finding 2 people with multiple BILLION influence, merits and other stuff builds saying I can do this - so all blasters are ok.
Yeah I am not one of them but once we have all the incarnates in place and people with them I wonder if all ATs would look like eachother as in a walking living breathing I WIN BUTTON or will Blasters still be in dire need of something. I'd like to see changes to nuke crashes, maybe nukes despite mezzes, maybe nukes cancel out mezzes as well. The force of the blast interrupts the controls of the people around you.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.