Blaster Issues - Mezzing




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Positron specifically stated that in his opinion, players would perceive a buff that sometimes turns off as a penalty that sometimes turns on. And a bunch of players promptly jumped in to prove him right. And then I remembered why I cheer for the aliens in Independence Day.
The "right" answer here is that there isn't a right answer. Consider the lesson of things similar to "patrol XP"; if you give people an XP penalty, they are furious, if you double all XP requirements and give them a sometimes bonus, they are happy.

In general, withheld bonuses and applied penalties are logically equivalent, although they shift the baseline, which changes how people feel. And while it's easy to create cases in which that produces obviously bogus results, outside of contrived scenarios it may not be a bad set of heuristics. (If it were all that bad, we probably wouldn't have it.)



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
I have little faith in Posi's opinion. As I recall the tl:dr version of what he had Ex Libris post in the market forums (don't know why he didn't make the PR effort to post it himself) was merged markets = d00m. Villians had too little inf compared to heroes, blah, blah, blah. Post market merger and here we are. No d00m instead exactly what we in the market forums said would happened, happened. Inf on both sides stabilized when the ARTIFICIALLY created and maintained barriers were removed. Just the opposite of Posi's opinion on the matter.
I don't know that I would say inf on both sides 'stabilized'. I'd say the redside market was fully subsumed into the blueside market.

Whether that's good result or not is a separate question from whether that's the result they wanted; they held on hope for a long time that each side could have a functioning economy.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
I don't know that I would say inf on both sides 'stabilized'. I'd say the redside market was fully subsumed into the blueside market.
Your perception is part of the problem. Comparing red side market with blue side market was like comparing Wal-mart to a road side fruit stand. In actuality the "red side" market was not subsumed into the "blue side" market. Both markets were combined into one "Super Market". The player base perception of some (which was unreasonable) was based on what happens in the real world when there is a hostile take over of a business. The "small towns" lose what little selection they had and they pay higher prices to boot. Prices dropped and availability of goods went up on both sides.

What actually happened was more like Wal-Mart bought out a fruit store chain but instead of closing them all down they opened Super Wal-Marts at each former Red side fruit market location and made all the blue side Wal-marts Super Wal-marts too by allowing the old fruit market to reach a broader base of customers. The instant the devs combined the markets there was no longer a red side or a blue side market just a single super CoX market.

Whether that's good result or not is a separate question from whether that's the result they wanted; they held on hope for a long time that each side could have a functioning economy.
I would say that it was a very good result. Judging by the drop in chatter on the market forums it solved the issues.

Indeed, long after it was demonstrated that they couldn't the devs held onto that (unreasonable?) hope. I think that's part of the problem. The devs cling to failed ideas for oft times inexplicable reasons. I think they need to look at what the customers want and try to provide it.

If the Blaster AT was a cell phone or internet service the devs would go out of business. No one wants to pay for constant disruptions in service (think of mez that you survive as massive lag and mez or unbalanced content that you die from as a service interruption) companies that provide crappy service like that go belly up. Its the exact phenomena of blasters being created the most and also abandoned the most. The advertising is good, and the service is good at first, but the more you use it and the farther from home (or level 1 in this case) the worse the service is. People change ATs not because blasters are hard but because blaster play style/mechanics is annoying rather than fun.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
In general, withheld bonuses and applied penalties are logically equivalent, although they shift the baseline, which changes how people feel.
They are mathematically equivalent, not logically equivalent. They are only logically equivalent if we are talking about two different perspectives to analyze the same situation. They are not logically equivalent if one perspective causes the players to lose the benefit of the situation.

The logical flaw is the assumption that there are two possibilities: we get the buff and we see it as an occasional buff, or we get the buff and its seen as an occasional nerf. There is a third possibility: we don't get the buff because people see it as an occasional nerf.

You can only see an occasional buff as an occasional nerf if the possibility of actually having the buff all the time is real. That's why most people not completely insane at least come to the same conclusion that Build Up is an occasional buff, not a most-of-the-time nerf. The idea that we could just have Build Up's buff all the time, and BU actually nerfs that situation is ludicrous. But when the devs propose a possibility when its a somewhat smaller buff, people believe they are entitled to believe they could have gotten the buff all the time when that was never a possibility.

And people do not do themselves any favors when they believe that anything is possible, and the devs only withhold buffs when the buffs are obviously ridiculous, or they are just being cruel.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
As you may recall, the problem with all ideas related to that in general was not that they couldn't work, but that they fell into the category of "stances" and the devs felt that players would not accept stances by any name. I suggested something similar but with a different way of handling mez protection, and it was shot down on the exact same basis.

Its an irrational limitation, but its unclear where the irrationality is more concentrated: with the devs who think the players would not accept such a solution, or with the players who would not accept such a solution.
But...But...Kheldians? Shapeshifting is basically stances, and more extreme stances than the suggested at that. Maybe I'm warped because I was playing a druid in Some Other Game and a Kheldian in CoH at the same time.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
I would say being a glass cannon part goes beyond just low def/resistance. But there is lots of room for discussion there.
The argument is that "glass cannon" isn't a viable role.

I am curious as to your impression that blasters worry less about mez than other non-melee ATs, because that is most emphatically not my experience. I play just about everything but Dominators and Stalkers and what I see is that most ATs have some way to deal with mez either proactively by mezzing and defeating the problem mobs or through some forms of self-applicable status protection, or both.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
The argument is that "glass cannon" isn't a viable role.
I think it is a viable role, it just may be that blasters as currently constituted are not suited to it, is all.

Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
I am curious as to your impression that blasters worry less about mez than other non-melee ATs, because that is most emphatically not my experience. I play just about everything but Dominators and Stalkers and what I see is that most ATs have some way to deal with mez either proactively by mezzing and defeating the problem mobs or through some forms of self-applicable status protection, or both.
*shrug* I doubt I can suitably explain my perception of it, but it remains true. It could be due to my playing blasters enough before D2.0 that I still love the improvement. (Though I will say that if "defeating the problem mob" is part of the solution - blaster, after all, is fine at that.)

In short... a mez never stops me completely and I do not have to think about that. I only need to hit a breakfree situationally. If a mez hits my corrs,trollers, or defs - I am locked down unless I hit a breakfree or someone else frees me. If domination isn't up - my doms are vulnerable.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Positron specifically stated that in his opinion, players would perceive a buff that sometimes turns off as a penalty that sometimes turns on. And a bunch of players promptly jumped in to prove him right. And then I remembered why I cheer for the aliens in Independence Day.
I am pretty sure there is a difference between Milady's suggestion and the general outcry against a buff that sometimes turns off.

People are likely to rail against stances when the stance creates a postive/negative scenario, as several of the suggestions in that time created. When "stance" A is obviously and undeniably better than "stance" B, stance B is a penalty. Hopefully, the Aliens from ID kill me, because I know I was opposed to that kind of stance situation in the past (and still am), just like I was not a fan of Domination.

Players have repeatedly shown this to be true; thus we have stacking armors in armor sets that originally had either/or choices, Instant Healing is a click, Domination's damage buff was altered so it is now always on, etc.

Yet, players will use temporary buffs (although even these are more often left out than many forum users realize), as I know people use Aim, Build-Up, Soul Drain, etc. So there is a place for those types of buffs, but to me that place is in the short duration uses, as opposed to the stance concept.

Milady's suggestion is attempting to create a situation where stance A and stance B could be seen as (near?) equal in usefulness. People would love Swap Ammo a lot more if each stance was seen as equal in usefulness. One could argue that stance B may need help or something else added, but I do not think the idea falls squarely into the area Positron was worried about.

As to the topic in general, I accept Blaster's current susceptibility to mezzing and still find fun in the D2 mechanic to help against mez. I am still not convinced it is any more useful at helping people live after a mez than D1, but it is more fun to most, I think. The one thing I'd love to see added would be to have the offensive toggles merely suppress during a mez. It would be a unique offensive benefit for blasters, both allowing the offensive toggle to instantly kick back in when the mez ends and improving blaster offense by allowing them to animate some other attack instead of turning the toggle back on (I am, of course, biased, since I heavily favor /Fire Manip).

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
*shrug* I doubt I can suitably explain my perception of it, but it remains true. It could be due to my playing blasters enough before D2.0 that I still love the improvement. (Though I will say that if "defeating the problem mob" is part of the solution - blaster, after all, is fine at that.)

In short... a mez never stops me completely and I do not have to think about that. I only need to hit a breakfree situationally. If a mez hits my corrs,trollers, or defs - I am locked down unless I hit a breakfree or someone else frees me. If domination isn't up - my doms are vulnerable.
I don't think it's true at all, not in a general, objective sense. I learned a lot about learning to deal with mezzing with my first character, due to the way Dark Armor's toggles worked (that is, you had to choose a shield to resist damage or a shield to protect you from hard mezzes), and I spent most of my time with Dark Embrace up.

I mean, my D3 rarely gets mezzed at all. I don't need to carry many break frees with her because Most mobs can't even hit her. My Fire/Kin controller is similar, but for different reasons and has click mez protection (not Clarion) when I need it. My Ill/Rad is again similar, but yet again for somewhat different reasons. She practically never gets mezzed, and when she it only lasts for a short period of time. My Bots/Storm MM rarely gets mezzed because hardly anything actually shoots at her, and she has so many tools to handle mobs that even when they do they have relatively little success.

The other day my D3 actually got hit with sleep, and then I had to wait much of the full duration because the mob that did it was still debuffed too much to actually hit me.

I'm trying to understand how "hardly ever getting mezzed and having options even when mezzed" is worse off than "getting mezzed but being able to use your three weakest attacks." How does that correlate with "The worst performing AT across the board?" I mean, I could take on a full Malta spawn with my DM/DA scrapper pre-stacking armor, pre-endurance resistance, in the days when Malta sappers would often spawn in pairs. I've survived while all of my teammates got drained of end, detoggled, mezzed, and defeated, and then finished off the spawn. But this doesn't mean I had less trouble with end drains or mezzing than other scrappers, it just meant I had developed a playstyle around that weakness that compensated for a lot of the set's shortcomings. I have no illusions that /DA was equal to any other scrapper set at the time (Invulnerability, Regeneration, Super Reflexes).

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
The argument is that "glass cannon" isn't a viable role.
Glass Cannon blasters are viable. Way before incarnates my fire/em blaster (built entirely for +rchg and +dmg with no defense) came very close to soloing the LGTF, and the only reason I didn't finish it was because the Honoree stalled me out with his Unstoppable (at which point I promptly gave up, since I was going for master and I hadn't died up until that point, I didn't feel like completing it without master). And that's probably the most difficult situation for a glass cannon blaster, on teams (especially those with good support) a glass cannon blaster will be able to perform just as well or better than a softcapped blaster.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Glass Cannon blasters are viable. Way before incarnates my fire/em blaster (built entirely for +rchg and +dmg with no defense) came very close to soloing the LGTF, and the only reason I didn't finish it was because the Honoree stalled me out with his Unstoppable (at which point I promptly gave up, since I was going for master and I hadn't died up until that point, I didn't feel like completing it without master). And that's probably the most difficult situation for a glass cannon blaster, on teams (especially those with good support) a glass cannon blaster will be able to perform just as well or better than a softcapped blaster.
This is the same mistake so many people seem to make. A lot of this discussion is centered around how blasters are less viable than other ATs while leveling up. Expensive IO builds and anecdotes about personal exceptions don't counter that, especially when other ATs can achieve similar goals with less effort and cost.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I'd like to think that we can agree that part of the problem is perception. Some Blaster players think that Mez is the issue. Some think that too little damage is the issue. Some don't even think there IS an issue. In that regard we need to agree to disagree and move on I think.

I don't have the Dev's data so I can't say whether Blasters are underperforming or not. I know that with Defiance the way it is now they're a LOT more playable. But then I'm not a twitch gamer who builds his toons with 15 billion Inf either.

The biggest problem with Mez, and not just for Blasters, is its pass/fail nature. Either it's on or it isn't. I see THIS as being the big issue. No player enjoys watching his toon stand and sleep because he burned all his Break Frees and nobody has any Awaken powers. Being mezzed isn't just about defeats, damage does that, but it's about the helpless and boring feeling of being perma-stunned to death and not being able to DO something about it.

Rather than changing Blasters to deal with Mez why not change Mez to be what it always should have been; A series of debuffs that negatively affect the character but leave them free to act?

Example: Sleep currently puts the character out until he wakes on his own or gets hit for damage. Wouldn't it be better if Sleep acted as a debuff, reducing the character's recharge time due to sluggishness? Or debuffing Accuracy because they're sleepy? Instead of standing like a goon when Stunned why not have it act like an Accuracy and Damage debuff because you can't focus as well while Stunned?

Let me be clear that Held and Immob should remain the same. However there are defenses against Immob (Combat Jumping) and you can still attack while Immob'd. Held should remain Held if for no other reason than players can still use it against the enemy and I don't see a problem with having a few powers that shut a character down. However there are so MANY currently that players are becoming frustrated.

And this goes for both sides as well. How many players take a Sleep power, especially the big area Sleeps? Not very many. Wouldn't you at least consider it if it worked as a debuff instead of a 'they're out...DON'T throw your 9-damage area Immob on them!' power?

Don't fix the symptom, fix the problem.

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Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
Example: Sleep currently puts the character out until he wakes on his own or gets hit for damage. Wouldn't it be better if Sleep acted as a debuff, reducing the character's recharge time due to sluggishness? Or debuffing Accuracy because they're sleepy? Instead of standing like a goon when Stunned why not have it act like an Accuracy and Damage debuff because you can't focus as well while Stunned?
Minor correction: Sleep puts the character out until said character takes damage or is healed. It's one of the easiest status effects to respond to, since you don't need a status protection-type buff to remove it, just a heal.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
This is the same mistake so many people seem to make. A lot of this discussion is centered around how blasters are less viable than other ATs while leveling up. Expensive IO builds and anecdotes about personal exceptions don't counter that, especially when other ATs can achieve similar goals with less effort and cost.
1) You said glass cannon blasters. By that I assume you mean blasters built for +rchg and +dmg with no defense. If you just meant Blasters without defense, you should have said that.

2) You said glass cannon blasters flat out were not viable. They are and I provided an example.

3) Both discussion about blasters with IOs and blasters without IOs is important, you can't just ignore a major part of the game.

4) Even on just SOs (and comparing said blaster to other ATs with SOs also) a blaster will do just as well on teams as any other AT, even if they are built entirely for dps with no mitigation powers.

5) A blaster shouldn't be having any issues when soloing on missions set for 1 player, regardless of being IO'd or not. If you want to make a case against blasters not being able to solo missions set for x8 without IOs (since other ATs can) then that's fair up to the point that soloing on x8 is technically above balancing standards.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
1) You said glass cannon blasters. By that I assume you mean blasters built for +rchg and +dmg with no defense. If you just meant Blasters without defense, you should have said that.
I meant the role that blasters were designed for in teams. I didn't mean high-end IO builds. I shouldn't have had to specify that I meant "blasters without defense" or anything else, because "glass cannon" is a design goal for the entire AT, and such was the context of the discussion in which I posted that. I am not able to predict how egregiously other people are going to misinterpret my words, so I am not going to try to preemptively correct them.

Further, I am curious how you could manage LGTF, especially the AV and EB fights, without dying once, without any defenses, and without any mez protection.

2) You said glass cannon blasters flat out were not viable. They are and I provided an example.
I said it's not a viable role, and I do not believe it is. It's the only role designed/intended to require support in CoH currently. This doesn't mean it's impossible to play a blaster solo or on teams and make any progress, but it does mean that blasters are dealing with imposed limitations that no other AT has to be designed around. There's a reason said AT was found to be the lowest performing across all aspects of the game when the devs decided to upgrade defiance.

3) Both discussion about blasters with IOs and blasters without IOs is important, you can't just ignore a major part of the game.
But you are ignoring a major part of the game, when you say blasters have no problems because you can spend billions of influence to produce a functional character. This is like arguing that blasters are fine with mezzing because you can take Clarion at 50.

4) Even on just SOs (and comparing said blaster to other ATs with SOs also) a blaster will do just as well on teams as any other AT, even if they are built entirely for dps with no mitigation powers.
It depends on the teams. But blasters require the support on teams that other ATs do not, and that support is not always guaranteed, and less support can (and in reality, does) mean a dramatic drop in performance.

And blasters do much worse solo than other ATs.

5) A blaster shouldn't be having any issues when soloing on missions set for 1 player, regardless of being IO'd or not. If you want to make a case against blasters not being able to solo missions set for x8 without IOs (since other ATs can) then that's fair up to the point that soloing on x8 is technically above balancing standards.
I believe this is called a false dilemma. The difficulty options range from -1 to +4, from 1 to 8 players, whether you face bosses solo and whether you face AVs solo. The question isn't whether blasters can solo on 1 and have troubles on 8, but whether blasters can make use of those options to a degree similar to other ATs, or if they're restricted due to certain difficulties other ATs can typically handle and blasters cannot.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
I don't think it's true at all, not in a general, objective sense. I learned a lot about learning to deal with mezzing with my first character, due to the way Dark Armor's toggles worked (that is, you had to choose a shield to resist damage or a shield to protect you from hard mezzes), and I spent most of my time with Dark Embrace up.

I mean, my D3 rarely gets mezzed at all. I don't need to carry many break frees with her because Most mobs can't even hit her. My Fire/Kin controller is similar, but for different reasons and has click mez protection (not Clarion) when I need it. My Ill/Rad is again similar, but yet again for somewhat different reasons. She practically never gets mezzed, and when she it only lasts for a short period of time. My Bots/Storm MM rarely gets mezzed because hardly anything actually shoots at her, and she has so many tools to handle mobs that even when they do they have relatively little success.

The other day my D3 actually got hit with sleep, and then I had to wait much of the full duration because the mob that did it was still debuffed too much to actually hit me.

I'm trying to understand how "hardly ever getting mezzed and having options even when mezzed" is worse off than "getting mezzed but being able to use your three weakest attacks." How does that correlate with "The worst performing AT across the board?" I mean, I could take on a full Malta spawn with my DM/DA scrapper pre-stacking armor, pre-endurance resistance, in the days when Malta sappers would often spawn in pairs. I've survived while all of my teammates got drained of end, detoggled, mezzed, and defeated, and then finished off the spawn. But this doesn't mean I had less trouble with end drains or mezzing than other scrappers, it just meant I had developed a playstyle around that weakness that compensated for a lot of the set's shortcomings. I have no illusions that /DA was equal to any other scrapper set at the time (Invulnerability, Regeneration, Super Reflexes).
This response is all over the map, and I have had some trouble responding to it. I know that when my non-melee ATs get mezzed, they are... mezzed (specific power combinations beging besides the point). Except for my blasters - they have freedom of action all the time. That was my point, and my only point.

I have no data mined information, nor will I gather any, for that means in game play viability. I have neither the time nor the inclination to go run SO only builds of different power combinations across multiple ATs against exactly the same mission/opposition.

My perception, as firmly stated as perception, remains that I feel that the current blaster mez mechanic is fine. I have even offered a possibility of why I feel that way. Telling me my perception/feeling is not true in an objective sense is redundant and pointless, but succeeded in making me smile.

Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
This is the same mistake so many people seem to make. A lot of this discussion is centered around how blasters are less viable than other ATs while leveling up. Expensive IO builds and anecdotes about personal exceptions don't counter that, especially when other ATs can achieve similar goals with less effort and cost.
Yet, in your previous post you offered anecdotal evidence. I do not see why then discounting a contrary anecdote is somehow a valid stance to take.

Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
And blasters do much worse solo than other ATs.
In your experience. Others have offered their own experience to the contrary.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post

In your experience. Others have offered their own experience to the contrary.
I think all our experiences are irrelevant. If the data shows that they are harder to solo the Devs will adjust that. Just like they did last time. There were people screaming bloody murder on the forums that blasters didn't need adjustment, and that didn't matter when they made the changes they did. There are also people saying stalkers didn't need that much. Also irrelevant as Stalkers are about to get a major buff come issue 22.

I think it's more time-use effective to put forth ideas that the devs could use to improve blasters, as to avoid having to do this all over again in 2 years if they don't get the next buff right . . . if they decide that blasters need buffs.

EDIT: Also tired of seeing all the discussion of how top IO'd builds let you do this or that. I think THAT is particularly irrelevant in a game where the devs keep saying "SOs are not needed at all." Also keep in mind this is NOW a game where a significant number of players MIGHT NOT HAVE access to IOs OR the Incarnate buffs. Just saying.

IOs should not be completely ignored when thinking of balance, but it's NOT the BASELINE of balance. Talking about soloing +4/x8 with a 10 billion inf build is great, but it always starts at "what can this AT do with just SOs" first.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I think all our experiences are irrelevant.
At this point in the discussion, I agree, and that was indirectly my point in the quoted text.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
I'd like to think that we can agree that part of the problem is perception. Some Blaster players think that Mez is the issue. Some think that too little damage is the issue. Some don't even think there IS an issue. In that regard we need to agree to disagree and move on I think.
That has always been true in the past, and it has largely contributed to the *actual* problem I think Blasters have, which is that every archetype has, over time, gained capability in at least two different areas based on their functional definition, as the devs see those archetypes. One of those things is offensive output, due to the "every archetype should be able to solo at a reasonable pace" design rule. And one or more other things based on the individual archetype's specific design imperatives.

Blasters had only one design imperative. Be the best at damage. And when the devs added the rule everyone must be able to solo well they in effect undercut that rule. Without that rule we could enforce it by giving everything else low or lower damage. With the rule we cannot.

Blasters have no other design imperative, except for the overall design rule that says they cannot be datamined to severely underperform everything else.

Look at how the devs have approached Stalkers, Dominators, Kheldians, and Tankers over time. They have always asked, and usually answered publicly, what those things are supposed to be, or what they used to be and what the devs are now trying to make them. We know Tankers aggro role, Dominators past domination dependence and their now more stable damage dealing design, we know the prior reliance on stealth and current focus on burst damage of stalkers. There are people that argue with those design decisions, but we know what they are because they guide the devs in telling them what those things should have, and what the devs should buff when they feel the archetype needs a boost.

When Blasters were reviewed for D2.0, we found out what the devs believe Blasters to be, because I explicitly asked the question and got an authoritative answer, at least at that time. Blasters are supposed to be damage dealers. Not ranged damage dealers or melee damage dealers or AoE damage dealers. Damage dealers.

Wait: not "the best damage dealers?" Not once did I see any developer make that claim. But scrappers are damage dealers, dominators are damage dealers, stalkers are damage dealers, brutes are damage dealers. Are blasters explicitly supposed to be the best damage dealers?

Technically yes, because they do nothing else. However, even the devs are extremely cautious to put that down on paper, because in practice it would be extremely difficult to buff blasters in a way that would make this obvious. They are worried about giving anything too much damage.

However, there is an unspoken additional Blaster design imperative that I've never heard a dev explicitly state, but I have seen used to justify changes or a non-changes in the past. And that is this one: Blasters are supposed to be vulnerable.

And that is the Blaster problem. Maybe someone thinks they underperform. Maybe someone else thinks they perform fine. What is definitely true is the devs would not be comfortable with a change to Blasters that made them not vulnerable. That is not true for any other archetype.

Is the issue mezzing, or snipes, or damage, or melee secondary focus? Those are symptoms of the problem, not the problem. The problem is that the one thing the devs believe Blasters should have is something they are not willing to ensure they have the most of. And the only other thing they really think about Blasters collectively is that they should be vulnerable.

The problem that needs to be solved is that Blasters need a new definition, one that doesn't suck. Right now Blasters are not vulnerable to mez because there's a numerical or quantitative or balance-specific reason. Its because someone has to be, and Blasters are the vulnerable archetype, so they volunteer. Does that mean making Blasters less vulnerable to mez would "fix" them? Not necessarily. Its just one symptom in a long laundry list of symptoms, all of which end up saying the same thing: Blasters must be vulnerable. That's why the original tier 9 blasts crash: because we can't have Blasters killing Lts without being vulnerable for half a minute. We can have scrappers killing everything in sight with impunity for *three minutes* before they have to pay with a crash, but three seconds is all Blasters get. And everyone knows why sniper blasts don't do more damage: because one-shotting an Lt would be horribly unbalanced. Being totally invulnerable to LTs is okay, but one shotting them from long range is out of the question for blasters. They wouldn't be vulnerable any more. And that's why Blasters, even when the devs had overwhelming evidence that mez was causing them to horribly underperform, only got a *hedge* against mez. If it was determined that *tankers* underperformed because of mez they would have been given mag 50 protection the next day. If Controllers were determined to underperform because of mez they almost certainly would have been given actual mez protection.

We don't actually know if D2.0 goes far enough to solve the underperformance problem. But that's the point: if it was any other archetype, the devs would have made sure they did enough to solve the problem. As long as Blasters are the only archetype that simultaneously is the only one known to have severely underperformed in the past and yet is also apparently the one one that is too dangerous to buff in any more than a moderate capacity, they will have problems. Because that *is* a problem.

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I get mezzed with my other toons (Defenders, Corrupters, some MM's, etc.) and its never really a problem with those any more than it is with my Blaster. Sure its annoying but c'mon...every AT has a weakness of some kind. Paragon Inspirations LTD needs our support, there's an overstock situation on breakfrees!



Originally Posted by Crysys View Post
I get mezzed with my other toons (Defenders, Corrupters, some MM's, etc.) and its never really a problem with those any more than it is with my Blaster.
Has that always been true?

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In the past year I've built 6-7 new toons to 50 and at least another dozen into the mid 30's. Blasters, Defenders (only a few...not my fave AT), Corrupters (several) and MM's (several). Although its true I have some combo's available to me that provide mezz protection (/Traps for example), I tend to not go that direction. Mezz just isn't game breaking for me. Any more than being attacked is game breaking. I get mezzed, sometimes I die from supplemental attacks. I get attacked without being mezzed, sometimes I still die. But mezzing me as a blaster doesn't mean I'm dead any more than mezzing me as any other AT without mezz resistance. Nor do I notice a higher % of getting mezzed between playing a Blaster vs those other AT's. Now or in the past.

You would know better than I but I don't think the game discriminates vs. Blasters by applying a higher Mag mezz to the Blaster AT versus others, does it?



the mez protection issue isn't unique to blasters, many other AT's face the same problem, and to be specific here, its really in an issue in the 40+ game, you can get around it before then.
Looks at Malta for example,
-Sappers - ok, they are at least PIA to everybody
-Malta Stun Grenades, it wouldn't be so bad except for the 45 sec durations
-Malta Gunmen, their ST Holds also being on the longish side

I do understand why maybe you do see a lot of mez in the 40+ range, back before CoV, the devs I'm sure noticed that once a scrapper or tank got their mez protection, being mezed was a non-issue for the most part. So I can imagine the thought was increasing the number of mobs who could mez, as well as their durations. It would force scrappers and tanks to need CM or some other mez protection buff, while making everyone else needing to team with a melee to absorb the mez, remember States( the dev, not the NPC), was very kean on making people team, thankfully I think the current team has grown beyond that.

What I think is needed is a new power pool, lets call it Discipline. its powers would grant low level passive mez protection and resists( I'm thinking at the level SoA get)



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
This response is all over the map, and I have had some trouble responding to it. I know that when my non-melee ATs get mezzed, they are... mezzed (specific power combinations beging besides the point). Except for my blasters - they have freedom of action all the time. That was my point, and my only point.
That's not much of a point when other ATs have many tools to prevent mezzing in the first place. This is why I questioned your claim that blasters are better off with mezzing than other ATs, because it seems that other ATs tend to be less likely to be mezzed. That the effects may be more severe isn't particularly relevant if they're not getting mezzed as often in the first place.

My perception, as firmly stated as perception, remains that I feel that the current blaster mez mechanic is fine. I have even offered a possibility of why I feel that way. Telling me my perception/feeling is not true in an objective sense is redundant and pointless, but succeeded in making me smile.
In the sense that it very likely does not reflect overall blaster performance, yes. My point in posting an anecdote about playing /Dark Armor was not, in fact, to provide anecdotal evidence about how /Dark Armor performed when it was still at its worst. Rather, it was to point out that my play experience with /Dark Armor didn't mean it didn't need adjustments.

In your experience. Others have offered their own experience to the contrary.
Actually, that wasn't my experience. That was datamined information from the devs, at the time when they revamped Defiance.

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Originally Posted by Crysys View Post
In the past year I've built 6-7 new toons to 50 and at least another dozen into the mid 30's. Blasters, Defenders (only a few...not my fave AT), Corrupters (several) and MM's (several). Although its true I have some combo's available to me that provide mezz protection (/Traps for example), I tend to not go that direction. Mezz just isn't game breaking for me. Any more than being attacked is game breaking. I get mezzed, sometimes I die from supplemental attacks. I get attacked without being mezzed, sometimes I still die. But mezzing me as a blaster doesn't mean I'm dead any more than mezzing me as any other AT without mezz resistance. Nor do I notice a higher % of getting mezzed between playing a Blaster vs those other AT's. Now or in the past.

You would know better than I but I don't think the game discriminates vs. Blasters by applying a higher Mag mezz to the Blaster AT versus others, does it?
Is that a yes?

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)