Retro Sci-Fi Results and Plans




Hi Folks,

First of all, thanks for taking the time to provide us your input on the upcoming Retro Sci-Fi costume set! Dink has been looking forward to making this set, and just so you know, you’ll probably get a couple of bonus items in addition to the ones you voted for.

Without further ado, here’s what we’re planning to build and why!

Bubble Helmet B – This will be a detail 2 option in the standard heads category. Several hairstyles and head details are going to clip with it, but figure we’ll let you guys be the arbiters of what works there. We’ll likely make a version of this that does not include the vox-box on the collar detail.

Rocket Pack B – We’re going to build the B option, per your request. Because B and C share some very similar geo and it’s a very small leap, we’ll also be making option C. Obviously this does not directly reflect voting, but it’s bonus because of ease of implementation.

Space Suit B – We’re going to build Space Suit B. I haven’t quite worked out whether the shoulders will be a separate shoulder detail or built into the suit (that’ll sort that out over the course of building the suit.) Additionally, we’ll do our best to provide glow and non-glow versions of this suit. We also saw your request for the chest detail from Suit A as well, so we’re going to make that a stretch goal. You might get a little something-something from C as well (not the full suit, just a piece or two possibly), but we’ll let that be a surprise.

Ray Gun B – Ok, this is where things get a bit interesting, like the rocket pack, B and C share a lot of similar geo. We plan to build B both with and without the fin and with and without the glow on the rings, and because of that we’ll also build C with and without the fin. This will require us changing the shape of C slightly, giving it a back end more similar to B in order to minimize the extra work involved.

Ray Gun Rifle A – We’re going to build Rifle A, given the feedback about Rifle C we’re going to see what we can do about incorporating aspects of that Rifle into A as well. Specifically we’re going to try to incorporate the muzzle, stock, and the canister on top into a separate version of this gun.

What about the dress?!

It’s being built, with some additional components and pieces you haven’t seen, Dink is hard at work. She is also providing a new face or two as well.

Lastly, we recognize that people have very different ideas about rings, not rings, glow, and not-glow. Where possible we are going to try to provide as many with and without options as possible within the set.



C was the clear winner for me, so it's nice to see that although many others didn't agree, we'll still be getting some of the options from that set.



Looking forward to the finished product! I'm intrigued after reading all of this.



Yeah definitely looking forward to it.

I just need to get my beam rifle up a little higher in level. >.>

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Thanks for the update!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Very nice to hear. Most of my favorites were the winners. Woo Hoo.

Since this seems to have gone so well, perhaps we can use the voting format on future additions to the game.

Keep up the good work, give us a shout when these are in the store.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.




The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



any chance you could link to the winners so we could see them?



Thanks for the update. I just want to mention that, even though we haven't seen the finished product yet, this is already the best costume bundle you guys have ever made. The level of player input and developer communication has been amazing. I hope this becomes a regular thing. Good show, Paragon.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Clockwork O1 View Post
She is also providing a new face or two as well.
Can you pass on the suggestion that normal mapped faces really need some kind of subtle expression to add life to them? A totally neutral expression makes them look too robotic.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Thanks for the update and for going with combining bits of all of the concepts.



Very pleased to see Ray Gun C going make an appearance.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
Since this seems to have gone so well, perhaps we can use the voting format on future additions to the game...
We plan on continuing this process with a select number of items. While this definitely was a fun exercise, and is something we want to continue, it's not feasible to do it for *everything* we put in game.

In summary: Some, not all .

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Can you pass on the suggestion that normal mapped faces really need some kind of subtle expression to add life to them? A totally neutral expression makes them look too robotic.
I'm sure that Dink is reading, but I'll pass that suggestion along just in case.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



ZOMG the pressure I hope this set turns out like you want! I have finished the female and (if I do say so myself) think she turned out pretty darn cool!

I am so excited to be working on this set (being an old movie buff)

Golden Girl: I gave the face a bit of a smile and toned down the normal map so it is more subtle. She, of course, is sporting the 50's look (Ann Francis comes to mind)



I think you should be renamed Dink the Magnificent....

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by Clockwork O1 View Post
Hi Folks,

First of all, thanks for taking the time to provide us your input on the upcoming Retro Sci-Fi costume set! Dink has been looking forward to making this set, and just so you know, you’ll probably get a couple of bonus items in addition to the ones you voted for.

Without further ado, here’s what we’re planning to build and why!

Bubble Helmet B – This will be a detail 2 option in the standard heads category. Several hairstyles and head details are going to clip with it, but figure we’ll let you guys be the arbiters of what works there. We’ll likely make a version of this that does not include the vox-box on the collar detail.

Rocket Pack B – We’re going to build the B option, per your request. Because B and C share some very similar geo and it’s a very small leap, we’ll also be making option C. Obviously this does not directly reflect voting, but it’s bonus because of ease of implementation.

Space Suit B – We’re going to build Space Suit B. I haven’t quite worked out whether the shoulders will be a separate shoulder detail or built into the suit (that’ll sort that out over the course of building the suit.) Additionally, we’ll do our best to provide glow and non-glow versions of this suit. We also saw your request for the chest detail from Suit A as well, so we’re going to make that a stretch goal. You might get a little something-something from C as well (not the full suit, just a piece or two possibly), but we’ll let that be a surprise.

Ray Gun B – Ok, this is where things get a bit interesting, like the rocket pack, B and C share a lot of similar geo. We plan to build B both with and without the fin and with and without the glow on the rings, and because of that we’ll also build C with and without the fin. This will require us changing the shape of C slightly, giving it a back end more similar to B in order to minimize the extra work involved.

Ray Gun Rifle A – We’re going to build Rifle A, given the feedback about Rifle C we’re going to see what we can do about incorporating aspects of that Rifle into A as well. Specifically we’re going to try to incorporate the muzzle, stock, and the canister on top into a separate version of this gun.

What about the dress?!

It’s being built, with some additional components and pieces you haven’t seen, Dink is hard at work. She is also providing a new face or two as well.

Lastly, we recognize that people have very different ideas about rings, not rings, glow, and not-glow. Where possible we are going to try to provide as many with and without options as possible within the set.
Yes! Yes!

This is what I like to see. Communication. You asked, we spoke, you then show the results and how it's going down.

This is good. And I hear Zwill on the 'not possible all the time'. That's fine too. Everyone likes a surprise now and then But more of this is a goooood good thing.

Keep on rocking.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Healix View Post
I think you should be renamed Dink the Magnificent....
I second this notion.

All those in favour?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



This whole process has been full of win,... my monies will be yours.



Jay may have been sexy.

But Dink is the F*****G EMPRESS!

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation



This sounds like a fantastic set! Thank you for taking the extra time to toss in the extra items. Thank you also for giving us all the differing options - it sounds as if many parts will have a broad variety of uses because you went the extra mile with this stuff!

Seems like it will be a "must-have" set for me, even though I have no sci-fi characters at all. Not because I buy every set (I don't), because of the large variety of really interesting, customizable elements that can be utilized on a wide range of characters.


Am really crossing my fingers that everything is universally usable with everything else we've already got, and not, for example, unusable with jackets option, or something. It sounds like this is exactly where you're going with this, saying that the helmet will be available with all the hairstyles, with a heads-up on clipping with some styles. If so, your team(s?) might just have come up with the best bundle to date.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
We plan on continuing this process with a select number of items. While this definitely was a fun exercise, and is something we want to continue, it's not feasible to do it for *everything* we put in game.

In summary: Some, not all .
So we'll never get a poll for choosing the XP rate from the AE?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
ZOMG the pressure I hope this set turns out like you want! I have finished the female and (if I do say so myself) think she turned out pretty darn cool!

I am so excited to be working on this set (being an old movie buff)

Golden Girl: I gave the face a bit of a smile and toned down the normal map so it is more subtle. She, of course, is sporting the 50's look (Ann Francis comes to mind)
This is how i imagine you being introduced at the office

just replace Doink with Zwill and it it all makes sense

Dink love the name btw.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I second this notion.

All those in favour?

Anyone who names themselves "Dink" is automatically magnificent. But doing good stuff on top of that name? Another title is definitely in order! "Dink the Magnificent" It's got a good ring to it!