City Of Heroes Freedom Friday: 2/10/12 - Did You Know That CoH Is A Clone? Neither Did I!

Agent White



Adam Kouceila Tribeche: what's so good about city of heroes?

City of Heroes: We are the #1 super heroic MMORPG in the world, with 7 years of content, millions of character costume combinations, hundreds of Archetype and Power Set combinations to create the Hero or Villain YOU want to be, and much much more. And best of all: you can play for FREE, all the way to level 50!

Adam Kouceila Tribeche: but how does it differ from your everyday wow clone except from the super hero aspect?

Brian Hitsman: Didn't City of Heroes come out before WoW? Wouldn't that make WoW a Clone of CoH?

Noelle Turner: It's a LOT different from WoW. For one, the instanced missions make that whole 'everyone fighting for the same objective' a lot less prevalant. It's also a lot more creative with the huge costume creation options. (I'm sure others can give other good answers)

City of Heroes: Both games are substantially different, both in terms of gameplay, content, and focus. I would suggest you download the game and give it a try; you can get started by clicking the "PLAY FREE NOW!" link on the left.


Paul Richardson: Any news on Quivers?

City of Heroes: None just yet.


Russ Petersen: Are any of the Valentines going to be 'canon', for example Positron+Numina or Citadel+Luminary, which seemed to be fairly serious? Or should they all be treated as just for fun?

City of Heroes: Some of the Valentines are serious, such as Positron and Numina. There are some that are just for fun in canon, but I'm sure that, during Spring Fling, all the NPCs sending Valentines would think of them as serious!


Rich Raymer: I thought the voiceover was the most welcome part of the new tutorial, but have been disappointed that the devs haven't kept using this new dimension in more mishes, esp. the SSAs. Are their plans to continue using Vos? If not, why not?

City of Heroes: The voiceover during the Galaxy City tutorial was something we wanted to help guide new players who might not be accustomed to reading pop-up tips in the UI. At this time, we're not adding VO to current content; however, we may explore some uses for it in the future.


Derek Brown: Can we have a costume design contest that awards fab o lus prizes, like a new computer and the like?

City of Heroes: Costume contests judged by the Paragon Studios dev team occur every month, and we give out NPC costume codes to all semi-finalists, and VIP game time to the top 3. Bigger prizes, such as computers or other schwag, are given out at events like the Freedom Player Summit, conventions, and Meet & Greets.


Dan-Sara Stephens: Why can't I have seriously fat or skinny characters? There are plenty of comic characters to back it up.

City of Heroes: There are no plans to create any further body types. A lot of time and resources would need to be devoted to creating additional model rigs, as all animations would need to be redone to match the body, and all costume pieces that exist in the game would also need to be remodeled.


Sean O'Donnell: Any more shoulder pet options coming & maybe for males too? My pirate needs a parrot

City of Heroes: It's something we've heard requests for.


Ahmad Ford: Will Dark Astoria provide Tip Missions and will they be specific to the Dark Astoria zone?

City of Heroes: I do not believe so, however I will double check.


Harold Alston: Will there be Praetorian Arachnos? or am I being impatient?

City of Heroes: You'll have to wait and see on that one.


Carolann Quinn: There has been a demand for jeans and open shirts since the beginning of the game. I would like to hear from the devs why the Pocket D pack a) is called a Valentine's Pack when there isn't even a heart in it and b) why is it a limited time thing when it is something that has been needed?

City of Heroes: The Pocket D pack is called the Pocket D Valentines Pack as its release coincides with the holiday.


Crystal Bundy: If you previously bought City of Heroes: Going Rouge, before City of Heroes Freedom was released, on a free account, are you still able to access Going Rouge?

City of Heroes: If you have previously purchased anything for City of Heroes, you are already a Premium player. If you purchased Going Rogue, you will have access to features from Going Rogue.


Dave Van Domelen: I noticed in beta that Death From Below will now spawn AVs for a four-person team. Is this on purpose? I hope so...I think the main reason people eschew the teamup teleporter system for DfB is that you currently can't get AVs (and associated rewards) with fewer than 6, so people pre-form to ensure 6-8.

City of Heroes: I believe that's intentional. Please note that, as with everything on VIP Beta, this is subject to change.


Stephen Manning: How do you feel about the changes to gravity control on beta largely done or still work to be done with the set?

City of Heroes: We're evaluating player feedback on these changes.


Chad Taylor: Any plans to update the AE system. such as putting in the new powers for custom critters or color customization of NPC powers?

City of Heroes: There are always plans to add to Mission Architect. There is no current ETA at this time, however.


Dan-Sara Stephens: Last time I tried to get this in, what about more social non-fighting zones. In Pinnacle and Exalted, you NEVER see anyone in Pocket D. I think it just doesn't fit with characters. Some people would rather meet in a coffee shop or a dingy bar. I love the easter egg in Faultline, but it's just so hard to get there.

City of Heroes: It's an interesting idea. The question would be if players would end up using those areas, versus Pocket D. Would there be enough players who'd like such an area to warrant its creation?

Editor's Note: Make a poll!

Michael Stancel: I could see a coffee shop working...or, if nothing else, make some of those pinball machines in Pocket D actually -playable-!

City of Heroes: Making the pinball machines playable isn't feasible, unfortunately. It would require a ton of new tech; creating the code for a working pinball game, all new art assets for it, and the tech to layer it over the player's UI.


Erik Ottosen: How long until Paragon Studios tries its own Kickstarter to fund a development surge for some ludicrously gigantic feature like full vehicles, an expansion in scale ranges for existing bodytypes, or something like that?

Heck, you already have Positron's Flowbee for a $5000+ reward! (I mean him providing a haircut with it, not selling it, obviously)

City of Heroes: We have no plans for any Kickstarter fundraising.


Shin Zuer: 1) How about large tails or scalable tails to fit large body size characters ? My real big reptile beast looks pretty weird with such a small tail.

2) Will Assault Rifle ever get customizable weapon effects ? 2a. Beyond colors ,effects to change to different looks ie.... laser blast look, plasma look etc.... with corrosponding sounds

3) Bases. When will we see another prestige price drop for rooms/items?

3a) Why can't the textures, furniture,consoles, weapon racks, plants etc... Everything in the game be made to be used in Base building ? I mean it's hard to build living quarters when the only beds are straw or a bloody gurney .

Thank you

City of Heroes: 1) We may look into more animal parts (including tails) in the future.

2) For Assault Rifle FX customization, you may wish to post in the All Things Art FX thread in the City Life section of the official forums.

3) Regarding bases, there's nothing planned for changes to drop prestige costs, however it's not out of the question.


Joe Curreri: Any way we can get more aerial fights in-game with the NPCs? Only a rare few fly up into the air chasing after you but what about taking on foes already flying around up there? Maybe some floating platforms or something?

City of Heroes: Interesting idea.


Harold Alston: Will all of the Task Forces be revamped like the Positron TF?

City of Heroes: We'll be sure to let players know of any updates to existing Task/Strike Forces.


Ahmad Ford: Will we ever be able to have a Doppelganger power (temp or perm)?

City of Heroes: It's something players have asked for.


Joe Curreri: On another note, I remember a comment about whips being too hard to do because of the requirement to hang the whip somewhere on the body. But what about doing something similar to the Constrictor who has retractable whips coming out of his wrists - like so.

City of Heroes: A retractable whip would be much like the element whips, in look.


Toni Jones: Why can't VEATs have more than one VEAT costume? I'd like to have more than one widow costume on my widow.

City of Heroes: Unfortunately, there are technical limitations that prevent VEATs from having multiple VEAT costumes.


Kheprera von Drakan: Any chance of a Ustream chat with the mahvelous Dink?

City of Heroes: Dink may show up one of these Community Coffee Talks! That's part of the fun of our Ustream chats: you never know who is going to drop in.


Daniel Smith: Do you have some Staff Fighting weapon skins ready to put out after launch?

City of Heroes: Staff Fighting has a lot of potential costume options.


Mike Speer: Any plans to add more NPC transformation powers to the Paragon Market any time soon? hint hint

City of Heroes: We will put more NPC costume changes in the Paragon Market™ in the future.


Chance Minnett Watchel: Will we ever see powersets based on some of the mastermind primary attacks (swarm blasts and whip attacks)?

City of Heroes: A whip power set is something we've previously explored, but due to animation issues with a physical whip, we do not have any plans to pursue a whip power set at this time. However, we have stated that if we were to look at doing a whip power set, one way to do it would be using the same type of elemental whip FX as the Demon Summoning Power Set.


Kheprera von Drakan: When will the new CM be introduced?

City of Heroes: We'll introduce him Soon™.

Editor's Note: CM? Community Manager? Is Zwill leaving? Say it ain't so!


Mike Speer: I would like to see an option for turning the graphics off completely on powers. A perfect example is Hasten. I love the power but the fire hands on my Ice Blaster just sucks. Any chance this can happen? or at least let us change the color?

City of Heroes: Regarding Hasten and other Power Pool customization, this is something we've been hearing our players on. (Namely Hasten's effects)


Veigo Newtreeks: what Shin Zuer said: How about large tails or scalable tails to fit large body size characters ? My real big reptile beast looks pretty weird with such a small tail. OR a slider for them to make them longer than they are now. Ditto with wings and arms (arms to be more beasty when using beast run)........

most of my questions are still mainly for the design team:

will there be an option to keep the other wings open (like phoenix/celestial when not in flight) and still flap when in flight? there was a bug on Beta just before Freedom launched that I really liked where they were open.

City of Heroes: Adding a slider to tails would take a lot more resources than making a fixed-size larger tail, for those who want that option. With wings being "open" yet flapping, we may explore some options along those lines.


Erik Ottosen: The Valentine's promo tool's pretty awesome. Any chance we could see something like it turned into a permanent promo app?

Also, given that there are few game balance reasons for it (since the game economy is, correct me if I'm wrong, global for all servers), will we ever see a cross-server partying/PvP option of some sort?

City of Heroes: We may look into other ways to use the Valentines app. (Not for Valentines, specifically, but for other customizable cards)

Cross-server teaming is something we've looked into, and would like to continue to explore.


Indigo Zellazi: Would you accept an application from someone who has drawn most of their lives and hasn't gone to college for game design? If so, where would you send the application?

City of Heroes: Be sure to watch our careers page! There is currently a 2D/UI artist position open!


Dave Ingram: How about exploring an auction house selling cap? I don't blame people for wanting to make money, but there are groups that are controlling the prices on certain items.

City of Heroes: We have no plans for an auction house price cap.


Daniel Lovero: Oh and as far as the tribute to Statesman pack...what exactly is the non-combat pet that comes with it? I can't imagine any pet that would go with a statesman pack.

City of Heroes: We'll announce more about the Freedom Phalanx costume at a later date, as well as announcing the upcoming pet.


Brian Hitsman: Any plans to have Heroclix Figures made again? (Specially since they have added Special Powers.)

City of Heroes: There are no plans for further Heroclix figures. This makes the older ones nice collectibles!


Wendy Schmidt: I am a long-time subscriber - is there an easy way to figure out in the shop whether an item (for me, usually a costume option) is something you already have? I mean, I KNOW for sure I have the Barbarian option, I do remember purchasing it, but in the shop it stills shows available that I could click on it to buy it.

City of Heroes: This is functionality that we want to bring to our users, but there are a lot of moving parts involved. To prevent players from purchasing items that they already own, if you have purchased a one-time, account-wide item (for example a costume piece), even if the Paragon Market™ still shows the option to purchase it you will not be able to go through checkout.


Dallas Bloom: Any chance of the character models getting an upgrade in the near future? While the newer costume parts hide some of the flaws, they really are starting to show their age.

City of Heroes: Aside from Ultra Mode and newer pieces sporting new tech, there are no plans to further upgrade the models themselves.


Tim Lehnerer: Is there any chance that the different skin textures (bioluminescent, organic armor, fire/ice, etc.) could be combined with things like the Hellenic sandals?

City of Heroes: Those options would have to be created along with the piece, but we may look into doing more of that in the future.


Shane Semones: What, if anything, can you tell us about the grey'd out incarnate powers? (ie Omega)

City of Heroes: Nothing, at this time. Sorry! We'll reveal more about further Incarnate Abilities at a later date.


Ivan Turgenev: Jumping on the Issue 22 ETA bandwagon. I have a baby to manage. Can you tell me when (after April 2012) you'll be releasing Issue 22 so it's convenient to me?

City of Heroes: Can't say just yet.


Mike Tuffley: After the Diabolique trial, will all Incarnate Trials going forward require multiple teams, or will the "Emperor Cole" trial (for example) have the option of being done with a team of 8?

City of Heroes: There will be Incarnate Trials that you may want to have multiple teams on.


If player models aren't being upgraded, will you be using tech like normal mapping on other areas apart from the face to give the impression of more curves and less straight lines? The lack of curves is quite noticable when using traditional spandex superhero outfits, but is hidden when using thing slike armor, or anything else that hides the body shape.

City of Heroes: We might look into normal mapping on areas other than player faces.


Kerissa Thorson-Shaepe: I have heard a few dif ppl/places that there is some way to use/convert rewards merits (from finishing arc, doing TFs and the like) into something that you can use to pay for some ViP time or some thing like that, but i have not seen anything in game any whaere that talks about this is it just rumor or is there a way to pay for your acct by playing the game???

City of Heroes: You cannot use in-game rewards to purchase VIP game time.


Damond York: Is there anything you can comment on the further opening of the incarnate trees? Secondly, are there any plans for proliferating Spines to Brutes? Lastly, are there any plans in future to expand voice interactions in the game like it is in the tutorial zone?

City of Heroes: Can't comment on future Incarnate progression at this time. Spines has a chance of being proliferated. There are no current plans for future voice overs, but it's not off the table.


Mark J. Brown: Any chance on a new skin options. Like a new market purchasable pack. Skin that is actually transparent or ice. Stone skin, crystalline skin, metal skin, etc.

Just seems we need better skins and color options for those skins. Guess this would be in line with "upgraded character models" question.

I'd buy a "skins pack.". =D

City of Heroes: Many of those options are currently available. There are stone skins, gleaming metallic skins, and the new Fire and Ice Tier 9 VIP rewards has costume options that allow your character to have skin of magma and ice, with volcanic rock and icy crystals jutting out from your body.


Noelle Turner: Any possibility you can look into the baggy jeans from the D-pack for the slimmest male body style? The men suddenly have mega-girl hips and no thighs. IT's... Very weird looking.

City of Heroes: We can take a look at it. Skinny jeans are pretty fashionable these days, though...


Mike Tuffley: Is there any chance of making an animation for Beast Mastery wolf pets so that they can catch the [Flying Disc] as well?

City of Heroes: We know a lot of players want their German Shepherds, wolves, and even other players with the Coyote Travel Power to be able to catch the flying disc. We are aware of the request.


Joseph Cohen: I'm sick in bed with what appears to be the flu. Can you have Numina or some other healing capable hero come to my house and heal me real quick?

City of Heroes: No need to ask a member of the Freedom Phalanx, just pop a Respite and Catch a Breath; you should be good to go.

Joseph Cohen: Then how about one of those free computers you rarely give away. Laptop. Then I could just play in bed and save the Respite for fighting crime!? :P

City of Heroes: You should take a break from fighting crime if you have the flu. You need the rest, and your fellow heroes will thank you to not pass it along.


Mike Latheron: Any plans for fleshing out some of the Enhancement sets? Either adding more flexibility (like an accuracy/range or something similar to a set like posi's blast), or more options for certain types of power effects? Accurate defense debuffs for example only has two possible sets to choose from, as does accurate healing. Dont get me wrong, the sets are nice, but with more powersets being released all the time, a bit more variety would be nice instead of having to slot the same sets time and again with minimal variation for maximum effect.

City of Heroes: No plans I can mention at this time, however we're always thinking up new ideas.


Guy Coburn: A while ago, there were discussions on the forums about changing Rock Armor to allow customization of Granite Armor. There were discussions about changing Granite from a forced model to an armor set similar to the other armors, where it is added on to the character. Is this still being considered?

City of Heroes: It's still under consideration. Granite Armor customization was one of the standout things players asked for, so we've been taking a look at it.


Luke Johnson: Where the heck are my keys?

City of Heroes: Where did you last see them?


With so many zones for the lower levels, are there any plans to revamp some of the less used ones into higher level zones where there's a bigger need for more variety? For example, Perez Park as a 30-40 zone?

City of Heroes: This may have been talked about during a Ustream, but this has been something we've looked at. There are many zones set up for lower levels within the same range; we want to evaluate some of these zones in the future.


Kerissa Thorson-Shaepe: I am wondering what to do if someone(I) have already purchased the science pack, but can't get any of the features, re: size and gender change, to work when I am in the costume screen; My husband purchased the pack a LONG time ago, and can't get the same features to work for some of his toons...

City of Heroes: Please visit a super tailor to access the gender change feature.


Max Porteous: Can you be persuaded to STOP using Normal mapping on faces, and instead use high res textures like were used on the Praetorian Clockwork, Bio Luminescent and Organic Armour faces? Those were incredible, high quality faces, while a lot of players (myself included) feel the Normal map faces take a flying leap into the middle of Uncanny Valley.

City of Heroes: We've also heard this request from a lot of our players, who dislike the normal mapping on faces.

Max Porteous: So, can we see less use of Normal mapping (on faces, it looks great on the new PD pack Jeans) and more use of high quality textures like on the Bio-lum and Organic Armour faces? A lot of the old faces could really use some high-res love after eight years =P

City of Heroes: Going forward, we'll look into more high-detail faces; we likely will not go back and update the old faces, because some players enjoy the 'legacy' look of the original faces.


Ryan Kwong: Wonder is there going to be a cat travel power, or make and energy power set2 for range, like 1 hand blast or twin shot blast, shower energy blast,

City of Heroes: There are one-handed blast animation options for certain powers. As for the cat, all I can say is that now that we have a four-legged rig in game, we can do a lot of things with it.


William Lupo: i mean come on you could have waited till episode 7 to kill Statesman... Back Alley Brawler would have been a better bet.. how you gonna run Statesman Task force if he is dead?????

City of Heroes: Beginning in Issue 23, someone else will be handing out Statesman's Task Force.


Will the old starting contacts that are now just hanging out at City Hall ever be given new mission content?

City of Heroes: Maybe!


Mike Tuffley: Is there any reason now not to make a purple recipe set for healing? I asked this at a convention and they said they wanted to be careful of exploits in health. But most people just use PROC IO's in health, and now we have incarnate powers throwing a lot of those reasons seemingly out the window.

City of Heroes: It may be something we look at again. We still always want to be conscious of potential balance issues.


Kerissa Thorson-Shaepe: Would you Please... come up with a few perks for your long term player, those of us who have been here since 04/05 (now that vert rewards are tied to Paragon rewards thinks like the t9 armor can be obtained by anyone that spends cash at hte store. and there is little to nothing that long time verts get that new player cant get just by spending money to buy it all up ?

WHY did you have to go and make the Roman gaer a pack ppl can buy and then use at lvl one it nice to have some things you have to earn in game......

City of Heroes: Players still have the option of acquiring the Roman costume options in-game. In fact, there are certain Roman costume pieces which can only be obtained in-game, and not through the Paragon Market. As for Veteran-specific rewards, all rewards are now tied to the Paragon Rewards Tree. It is possible for a player to make their way up the Paragon Rewards Tree through the purchase of Paragon Points to obtain Paragon Rewards Tokens; however, our Veteran players will often have accrued Paragon Reward Tokens through time subscribed versus Paragon Points purchased.


Chris Blossom: are their any plans to make a trial or tf regarding the prison in brickstown? just thought that would be a fun tf if their was heroes beating up a bunch of AV villians trying to escape. And are their any plans to continue the long over due Coh comic book story line where yall they left off in the rikti war zone?

City of Heroes: Neat idea for a trial. Sounds like a higher-level Outbreak/Breakout. As for the comic book, we will likely not be continuing it.


Noelle Turner: Any chance we'll see a better 'checklist' of the badges we've acquired? Like 'you learned THIS about the Lost at the sewer entrance' history plaque, etc etc.. You killed this one, this one and this one, for the Praetorian AV (yes I know Null does this already) or 'you've achieved this, this and this, towards your accolade?

City of Heroes: We have the collection system now for badges.

Noelle Turner: Okay I am looking at the badge thing again, to be sure. It's still the same 'you've seen 1 out of 4 locations' I was specifically fishing for telling us WHICH locations we've seen or WHICH badges we've acquired towards an accolade. Example: "You have clicked plaque at the Lost sewer." "You have achieved "defeat 100 Paragon Protectors" towards Conspiracy theorist. Make more sense?

City of Heroes: I understand what you're asking. It's something I can ask about.


Simon McCoy: Are we ever going to get Crey style Backpacks?

City of Heroes: You may wish to post in the NPC Conversions thread in City Life.


Now that there's a 4-legged rig, will any cats and dogs be added to the civillians walking around the city?

City of Heroes: Unlikely. There are already a ton of pets roaming Paragon City, Praetoria, and the Rogue Isles; there will be even more come Beast Mastery.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Thanks for posting!
About the answers... Well, Im dissapointed as always.
Nothing new and a lot of "we heard players may want this" same old crap.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Kheprera von Drakan: When will the new CM be introduced?

City of Heroes: We'll introduce him Soon™.

Editor's Note: CM? Community Manager? Is Zwill leaving? Say it ain't so!
He's not, 7deCoeur is leaving/has left. Technically, they hired/are hiring a new ASSISTANT CM, according to Zwill's post.

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Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



We got a sneak peak of him, I believe, during the Ustream

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Thanks for posting!
About the answers... Well, Im dissapointed as always.
Nothing new and a lot of "we heard players may want this" same old crap.
QFT a bunch of nothing being said. Always makes me think I am reading a politician's answers. I realize they can't say/answer most questions, but it is like reading a script with 4-5 predetermined responses:
We have heard the players ask for this...
Check out/post in the forums...
We'll let you know...

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
QFT a bunch of nothing being said. Always makes me think I am reading a politician's answers. I realize they can't say/answer most questions, but it is like reading a script with 4-5 predetermined responses:
We have heard the players ask for this...
Check out/post in the forums...
We'll let you know...
Makes you wonder why they even bother doing it.

Seriously what's the point in having any kind of Question and Answer session if they never give any REAL ANSWERS.

Just don't even bother.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



As someone who was entirely sick of the sucking void of silence that used to exist, I'm very much glad they DO do these talk sessions.

Not least because, actually, you can pick up hints here and there where the Evil Black Pebble (yup, you're a full AV now, well done ) may have stopped them saying anything concrete but...Come on 'Hmn, that's interesting' to an idea smacks of 'soon™' to me.

And nice to see a request and acknowledgement of lessening of normal maps on faces. High res yes, normal map no.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Makes you wonder why they even bother doing it.

Seriously what's the point in having any kind of Question and Answer session if they never give any REAL ANSWERS.

Just don't even bother.

That they are seen to be doing something papers over the fact they say very little

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I lol'd at the question about price caps.


Also on Steam



The WoW clone comment is hilarious. Kids these days! Remember when everything was an EverQuest clone? Or an Ultima Online clone? Technically, the first MMO to go 3D was Meridian 59, so I guess we're all M59 clones!

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
That they are seen to be doing something papers over the fact they say very little
Part of it is just the questions being asked. If it isn't announced yet, they can't talk about it, so asking for "New power/costume/zone" that hasn't even been teased is a pretty fruitless pursuit.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Mike Tuffley: After the Diabolique trial, will all Incarnate Trials going forward require multiple teams, or will the "Emperor Cole" trial (for example) have the option of being done with a team of 8?

City of Heroes: There will be Incarnate Trials that you may want to have multiple teams on.
And... CoH displays amazing dexterity by deftly answering the exact opposite question to the one actually asked.

I give it a 9.5.



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
The WoW clone comment is hilarious. Kids these days! Remember when everything was an EverQuest clone? Or an Ultima Online clone? Technically, the first MMO to go 3D was Meridian 59, so I guess we're all M59 clones!
City of Heroes is really just a backgammon clone when the get right down to it.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
And... CoH displays amazing dexterity by deftly answering the exact opposite question to the one actually asked.

I give it a 9.5.
All the Trials are already set for 8 or 12

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Ahmad Ford: Will Dark Astoria provide Tip Missions and will they be specific to the Dark Astoria zone?

City of Heroes: I do not believe so, however I will double check.
Regular and Valentine Tips are disabled to do in DA, but, they will drop there.

DA will have repeatable mission givers, like Newspaper/Radio missions, or Borea in RWZ.

Indigo Zellazi: Would you accept an application from someone who has drawn most of their lives and hasn't gone to college for game design? If so, where would you send the application?

City of Heroes: Be sure to watch our careers page! There is currently a 2D/UI artist position open!
There's actually two job positions for 2D/UI. Praised be Statesman's Ghost! Maybe we can get the interface into the 21st century!

Ryan Kwong: Wonder is there going to be a cat travel power, or make and energy power set2 for range, like 1 hand blast or twin shot blast, shower energy blast,

City of Heroes: There are one-handed blast animation options for certain powers. As for the cat, all I can say is that now that we have a four-legged rig in game, we can do a lot of things with it.
Beast Mastery already has lionesses. So... I'm guessing other cat models are around the corner.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
There's actually two job positions for 2D/UI. Praised be Statesman's Ghost! Maybe we can the interface into the 21st century!
Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god. Oh thank god. I'm sorry, whoever has been doing the UI work for the last...two years or so...but you really should stick with your day job. And I'd be kind of horrified if UI work was your day job. I'm so sorry.

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Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
There's actually two job positions for 2D/UI. Praised be Statesman's Ghost! Maybe we can get the interface into the 21st century!
Those are for their next gen project

EDIT: By the way, they've change the wording now - a couple of days ago, the recruitment section was talking about a "next gen MMO" and "an exciting new IP" - now it's been changed to "a next gen project", with no mention of the IP.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
All the Trials are already set for 8 or 12
Yeah, it's the "or 12" part that was being asked about. You may have noticed that more than 8 means multiple teams. ":P" back at you.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Beast Mastery already has lionesses. So... I'm guessing other cat models are around the corner.
Lions around the corner? GET IN THE CAR



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
I lol'd at the question about price caps.
I lol'd at the vet reward snob. As if more than a handful of players can afford the hundreds of dollars it takes to buy their way up to tier 9.



*Inserts comment regarding how Freedom Friday's target audience isn't the veteran players and forum goers, but rather players who have been away from the game and/or new players.*

Facebook is a great way for us to hit people who don't regularly hit the forums but check FB daily. We definitely appreciate the enthusiasm you are all showing for these weekly Q&A sessions, just remember that they're more focused on answer questions for people new to the game or who may be interested .

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



I think I just saw you on TV man.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
I think I just saw you on TV man.
Possible. Are they showing Second Skin again?

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Insomnia? Hope you don't have an early start Z!

Don't know Second Skin...

but the totally need to start showing reruns of Win Ben Steins Money!

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
*Inserts comment regarding how Freedom Friday's target audience isn't the veteran players and forum goers, but rather players who have been away from the game and/or new players.*

Facebook is a great way for us to hit people who don't regularly hit the forums but check FB daily. We definitely appreciate the enthusiasm you are all showing for these weekly Q&A sessions, just remember that they're more focused on answer questions for people new to the game or who may be interested .
I miss the monthly letter....just saying.

So...any plans on something similar for people who frequent the forums?? (Aside from player summit) I have loads of questions I would like to ask, but when the Q&A is going on.

1. Seriously are there any plans to add to bases or should I just give up hope after 5 years? While the hacked telepads are nice...would have been cooler if they were actually different than the standard telepads.

2. Are we ever going to have a way to invite our own toons to our own SG without the help of others or an alt account?

3. Is customization for power pools something you are working on or do you just say "we have heard this requested a lot" as a way of just not answering or of not saying "no."

4. Is Force Field in the plans for power proliferation to Corruptors?

5. Can we please get more maps...after 7 years I am tired of the same cave (I HATE YOU PURPLE CAVE MAP! ...and your ugly brother The Council Base!)...I however loved the Halloween mansion!

6. When is Issue 22 going live...yeah yeah I know..but can I get a MONTH at least?

7. Are you actively working on a way to gift paragon points?

8. Is the level pact issue being worked on?

9. Can we please get pictures of costume parts in the market interface so we know what they look like before we waste our points?

10. Any chance of a Hero APP set that contains a defense based shield for defenders (hero corruptors)? Please not ICE...something akin to scorpion shield would be nice...I just hate the idea of running around covered in ice.

Those are some of the questions I would ask.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!