City Of Heroes Freedom Friday: 2/10/12 - Did You Know That CoH Is A Clone? Neither Did I!

Agent White



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
All the Trials are already set for 8 or 12
And your comment is about as relevant as their answer. Since the question is about what will happen with future trials, what leads you to believe that making your statement about all current trials is a meaningful thing to say?



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Facebook is a great way for us to hit people who don't regularly hit the forums but check FB daily. We definitely appreciate the enthusiasm you are all showing for these weekly Q&A sessions, just remember that they're more focused on answer questions for people new to the game or who may be interested .
Mike Tuffley: After the Diabolique trial, will all Incarnate Trials going forward require multiple teams, or will the "Emperor Cole" trial (for example) have the option of being done with a team of 8?
To repeat - how about actually answering the questions that were actually asked, then instead of evasive non-answers?



The league system isn't just there for the current 4 Trials that need more than 8 people to start - future Trials will continue to have 8-16, or 12-24, with maybe a couple of 16-32s if the Battalion are very tough

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Dave Ingram: How about exploring an auction house selling cap? I don't blame people for wanting to make money, but there are groups that are controlling the prices on certain items.

City of Heroes: We have no plans for an auction house price cap.
Thank god. It always irritates me when a minority of players seems insistent that the devs need to step in and manipulate prices on the player market just because they can't afford something.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
2. Are we ever going to have a way to invite our own toons to our own SG without the help of others or an alt account?
Positron said in one of the Ustreams that he's opposed to this, because SGs are not intended to be solo content. So don't hold your breath.

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Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
Positron said in one of the Ustreams that he's opposed to this, because SGs are not intended to be solo content. So don't hold your breath.
And, yet, the answer we get when we ask for individual player housing is that we should make a solo SG and make a basic base if we want a private "house".

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
1. Seriously are there any plans to add to bases or should I just give up hope after 5 years? While the hacked telepads are nice...would have been cooler if they were actually different than the standard telepads.
We add to SG bases as time allows. over the last 2 Issues we've made some decent QOL improvements (More easily manipulation of objects in the designer and increased nodes on the telepads) and we'll most likely do more as we're able to.

When it comes to bases we tread very lightly. It's a legacy system which takes a significant amount of time to reverse engineer any time we want to do *anything* to it. Because player bases are tied to it, and subsequenty a significant investment of your time, anything we do is going to be done in a methodical and cautious manner.

2. Are we ever going to have a way to invite our own toons to our own SG without the help of others or an alt account?
It's not on a schedule right now but it's a feature we know is wanted.

3. Is customization for power pools something you are working on or do you just say "we have heard this requested a lot" as a way of just not answering or of not saying "no."
As Tunnel Rat has said both on Ustream and her all things art thread, she's investigated it. I don't know if she's scoped out the amount of time it would take or if it's been approved by production, however the FX team has done more than just nod gratuitously at it.

4. Is Force Field in the plans for power proliferation to Corruptors?
Stock Synapse answer every time he's on Ustream (he'll be there again this Wed): If it's within reason it will eventually be proliferated. It's just a matter of time.

5. Can we please get more maps...after 7 years I am tired of the same cave (I HATE YOU PURPLE CAVE MAP! ...and your ugly brother The Council Base!)...I however loved the Halloween mansion!
We're adding new maps every issue, including a new cave map with Issue 21 and (I think) another in 22.

6. When is Issue 22 going live...yeah yeah I know..but can I get a MONTH at least?

7. Are you actively working on a way to gift paragon points?
No. We know people want it, however right now it poses to much of a risk from a customer service standpoint. It's very easily exploitable by RMT'rs and opens us up to untold amounts of fraud.

8. Is the level pact issue being worked on?
Yes, although I do not expect a fix in the immediate future.

9. Can we please get pictures of costume parts in the market interface so we know what they look like before we waste our points?
The current Market interface doesn't support this. We do not have direct control over this. I imagine there's other concerns such as performance and how much real estate this would take up in the interface, but that's between our vendors and the graphic designers.

Don't forget you can always preview costume parts in the costume creator which will let you jump directly to it in the market if you don't own it. This feature was added in Issue 21 to accomodate players seeing items before they purchase them.

10. Any chance of a Hero APP set that contains a defense based shield for defenders (hero corruptors)? Please not ICE...something akin to scorpion shield would be nice...I just hate the idea of running around covered in ice.
If you've seen how frequently we're putting out Power Sets these days, you know that the likelihood of this happening is probably better now than it has been in the past. We have some plans for defensive based secondaries/primaries, however I cannot say what AT's they're for at this point.

Those are some of the questions I would ask.
The devs spend a lot of time answering concerns and responding in the beta forums. This is the content they're currently working on and thus requires the most direct interaction. When they have time they answer questions in the non beta forums, but that is less frequent.

Keep in mind that I do a Ustream broadcast every week. Each Wednesday at 10:30 AM Pacific you can join us and ask your questions in real time as we usually have a developer stop by and chat for awhile. We always dedicate the last 15-20 minutes to Q&A and we rarely shy away from any questions, so long as they're asked in a respectful and non trollish manner. We also record and archive each episode, so as long as you don't mind sitting through a bit of tangenting, there's usually some decent information to glean from them on a weekly basis.

On a broader scope: If we can provide a more detailed answer, we will. If we can answer it, but only in general terms, we will. It's my belief that it's just as important to acknowledge a concern or a request as it is to provide a specific detail regarding it which is why we will always acknowledge a question as a known quantity when it's appropriate for us to do so.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Possible. Are they showing Second Skin again?
Hey Z, nah it was a show about video game addiction. I wrote that at the start before they showed your wife and twins going through a scary birth deal.

I was VERY impressed by the way you stayed so calm on camera when talking about such a serious thing. Kinda put the online gaming with your buds into perspective.

Cheers on your 61 levels marathon man.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
The current Market interface doesn't support this. We do not have direct control over this. I imagine there's other concerns such as performance and how much real estate this would take up in the interface, but that's between our vendors and the graphic designers.
Wait, what? There's a third party contractor doing your online sales?

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Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Hey Z, nah it was a show about video game addiction. I wrote that at the start before they showed your wife and twins going through a scary birth deal.

I was VERY impressed by the way you stayed so calm on camera when talking about such a serious thing. Kinda put the online gaming with your buds into perspective.

Cheers on your 61 levels marathon man.
Ah then it was Second Skin.

I think it was Current TV that bought the rights for it and renamed it something much more sensational like "My Gaming Addiction". I was a bit disappointed at that because I felt the original title was more evocative and less tabloid-ish. C'est la vie.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Wait, what? There's a third party contractor doing your online sales?
No, we work with a vendor to build the Market Interface and implement the Paragon Market into the game. The actual "running of the store", i.e.; putting up items on a weekly basis, inventory, etc, etc is all done by the business team here at Paragon.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
The actual "running of the store", i.e.; putting up items on a weekly basis, inventory, etc, etc is all done by the business team here at Paragon.
You forgot to mention them twiling their moustaches as they set the prices.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You forgot to mention them twiling their moustaches as they set the prices.
It's a given.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
We add to SG bases as time allows. over the last 2 Issues we've made some decent QOL improvements (More easily manipulation of objects in the designer and increased nodes on the telepads) and we'll most likely do more as we're able to.

When it comes to bases we tread very lightly. It's a legacy system which takes a significant amount of time to reverse engineer any time we want to do *anything* to it. Because player bases are tied to it, and subsequenty a significant investment of your time, anything we do is going to be done in a methodical and cautious manner.

It's not on a schedule right now but it's a feature we know is wanted.

As Tunnel Rat has said both on Ustream and her all things art thread, she's investigated it. I don't know if she's scoped out the amount of time it would take or if it's been approved by production, however the FX team has done more than just nod gratuitously at it.

Stock Synapse answer every time he's on Ustream (he'll be there again this Wed): If it's within reason it will eventually be proliferated. It's just a matter of time.

We're adding new maps every issue, including a new cave map with Issue 21 and (I think) another in 22.


No. We know people want it, however right now it poses to much of a risk from a customer service standpoint. It's very easily exploitable by RMT'rs and opens us up to untold amounts of fraud.

Yes, although I do not expect a fix in the immediate future.

The current Market interface doesn't support this. We do not have direct control over this. I imagine there's other concerns such as performance and how much real estate this would take up in the interface, but that's between our vendors and the graphic designers.

Don't forget you can always preview costume parts in the costume creator which will let you jump directly to it in the market if you don't own it. This feature was added in Issue 21 to accomodate players seeing items before they purchase them.

If you've seen how frequently we're putting out Power Sets these days, you know that the likelihood of this happening is probably better now than it has been in the past. We have some plans for defensive based secondaries/primaries, however I cannot say what AT's they're for at this point.

The devs spend a lot of time answering concerns and responding in the beta forums. This is the content they're currently working on and thus requires the most direct interaction. When they have time they answer questions in the non beta forums, but that is less frequent.

Keep in mind that I do a Ustream broadcast every week. Each Wednesday at 10:30 AM Pacific you can join us and ask your questions in real time as we usually have a developer stop by and chat for awhile. We always dedicate the last 15-20 minutes to Q&A and we rarely shy away from any questions, so long as they're asked in a respectful and non trollish manner. We also record and archive each episode, so as long as you don't mind sitting through a bit of tangenting, there's usually some decent information to glean from them on a weekly basis.

On a broader scope: If we can provide a more detailed answer, we will. If we can answer it, but only in general terms, we will. It's my belief that it's just as important to acknowledge a concern or a request as it is to provide a specific detail regarding it which is why we will always acknowledge a question as a known quantity when it's appropriate for us to do so.
Zwill - thank you for replying...truth be told I didn't actually expect a reply - my hope was maybe someone who could go/does go to the UStream would maybe ask one of my questions (OK not the i22 one though). Regarding bases - yeah I know they are fragile and the designer who did them has not been around for ages...I guess I was just hoping more in game items that we see in missions would be ported in - something I know we have been asking for a long time. I see all these cool things in missions and I just imagine what I could do with them in my base. I wish I could attend a UStream, but like many people I work Mon-Fri 8A-5P, but I will gladly call off one Wednesday since you agreed to pay my salary that day (I deciphered your code and saw that you said that in your message, but don't worry I won't tell anyone how to decipher your code!)

So you read it here first people.... Issue 22 is going live on February 28th! (Hides decoder ring)

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
I wish I could attend a UStream, but like many people I work Mon-Fri 8A-5P...
Obvious at work! Who needs productivity! (The preceding is meant in a joking manner. Please do not lose your job because you were watching War Witch and I talk about donuts).

So you read it here first people.... Issue 22 is going live on February 28th! (Hides decoder ring)

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
No, we work with a vendor to build the Market Interface and implement the Paragon Market into the game. The actual "running of the store", i.e.; putting up items on a weekly basis, inventory, etc, etc is all done by the business team here at Paragon.
Ah, OK. I suppose if you ever hired your own 2D/UI coders who were fluent in Flash, you could do that work yourselves, eh?

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Ah then it was Second Skin.

I think it was Current TV that bought the rights for it and renamed it something much more sensational like "My Gaming Addiction". I was a bit disappointed at that because I felt the original title was more evocative and less tabloid-ish. C'est la vie.

Yeppers that was the show. I am a TOTALLY camera shy person, I find it interesting how comfortable the younger generation is in front of the camera. Cheers.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Yeppers that was the show. I am a TOTALLY camera shy person, I find it interesting how comfortable the younger generation is in front of the camera. Cheers.
Well, to be fair, I was a Drama major in college.

And called me the "younger generation"! How nice!

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
When it comes to bases we tread very lightly. It's a legacy system which takes a significant amount of time to reverse engineer any time we want to do *anything* to it. Because player bases are tied to it, and subsequenty a significant investment of your time, anything we do is going to be done in a methodical and cautious manner.
Zwill is not just blowing us off when he says this. There are bases out there that have tens of thousands of elements, and are incredibly complex. By this time base designers have cumulatively spent centuries editing these bases. Making changes to the software that cause "minor" changes to the way things plot or stack would result in thousands of hours of effort for base designers to rework their bases.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Thank god. It always irritates me when a minority of players seems insistent that the devs need to step in and manipulate prices on the player market just because they can't afford something.
The hilarious part of this complaint is that there is already a price cap on the market.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
No, we work with a vendor to build the Market Interface
You should fire them and get someone who knows what they're doing.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Damn Zwill, you're such a jerk. Coming in here being all reasonable and forthcoming and honest with your answers. I mean, how dare you not let us sit and stew in our pointless nerd rage and indignation.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
The hilarious part of this complaint is that there is already a price cap on the market.
The fact that the buyer determines the price more than the seller is control enough. It's not the sellers that are inflating the prices, it's the buyers.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Obvious at work! Who needs productivity! (The preceding is meant in a joking manner. Please do not lose your job because you were watching War Witch and I talk about donuts).
The other obvious answer: Most of the weekly Ustreams are recorded and are available for viewing at your leisure fairly soon after they're finished.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Thanks for posting!
About the answers... Well, Im dissapointed as always.
Nothing new and a lot of "we heard players may want this" same old crap.

Yep I feel the same way. You know what is weird, their competition is more open on projects to their players than the ones on this game.