Retro Sci Fi Costume Set: Rocket Packs! - Vote for what we make!




I like A cause it looks like a baby raptor pack fromt eh Sky Raiders<3

[member of NeXt Gen][Member of LEGION]



B has some nice symmetry. (PS: That's a great [pick up line if anyone wants to use it).

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
First Choice: Option B
Second Choice: Option C

Can we have BOTH B and C?

Way in last place: Option A

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



A. I couldn't help myself.

Now B taunts me from the shadows...

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



I've got at least one character that's been waiting literally 7+ years for some kind of rocket/jet pack costume item. Sure there are plenty of temp powers that can substitute for it, but getting one as a costume item will be awesome.

I voted for option B because that'd probably be the most widely versatile one but I'd be happy with A as well. Getting option B with and without rings would be good too. Option C looks a bit more like strapping a cartoonish bomb to your back than a rocket pack, but as I implied above I'd probably use it regardless.

After looking at option A I was thinking that if the pylons actually slid back into the pack when standing on the ground that would be really cool. That way it would look more like option B when not flying - the pylons would pop out only when in flight.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Liked the look of A, But it might be as big as the wing radier pack and if thats the case No.,

B is My Vote it is more incline like the existing rocket pack which I love. A retooled jingle jet would also look great, otherwise I choose you Picka... I mean B

by Star Ranger 4
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Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

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Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Voted for A cause it kinda reminds me of the Martin Jetpack:

That's one sleek, sexy piece of hardware right there.
I have saved your image for later reference, it's not retro, but it is cool. You can console yourself by knowing it's in our thoughts.



Originally Posted by Clockwork O1 View Post
I have saved your image for later reference, it's not retro, but it is cool. You can console yourself by knowing it's in our thoughts.
I like it and I'm glad you're considering it, but that particular "jetpack" is much more than just a backpack-sized device. The pilot literally straps into it and flies it like a miniature helicopter. It's much larger than any of the other backpack-based temp flight powers you've done so far.

If you seriously managed to replicate the appearance of this device then any argument you might have against being able to give us other vehicles like motorcycles will make absolutely no sense.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Clockwork O1 View Post
I have saved your image for later reference, it's not retro, but it is cool. You can console yourself by knowing it's in our thoughts.
WIN! I'd love a jet pack like that.

As for the poll, I voted A. Seems the most versatile, and I would rather devote what time they have to making a costume-piece jet pack to something I can use across multiple concepts, as opposed to something specifically styled for Retro Sci-Fi.

Honestly, I like the rings on all of the other costume polls save for this. If there is one piece in the set that should be more general in design, it should be this one considering how long people have been requesting it.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



B Please.

Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules.



Originally Posted by SmegHead View Post
I vote for this one. Barring that, it's A, because the rings ruin B for me. However, I 100% agree with this: "I think it's a bit silly that we can't get just two options for a jetpack seeing as it's probably THE most requested back detail that's ever graced the suggestion forum..." But I do appreciate that you're seeking customer feedback in advance, so kudos for that.



I REALLY like A but B looks cool too.. Please say this will not be another jump pack/ steam jump knock off but an actual jet pack to use to fly with.

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Originally Posted by Feyhd View Post
A, it reminds me of the nacelles on the USS Enterprise 8)
I hadn't noticed that... but now I am even more glad I picked A!



Too difficult to choose... but, B looks very cool



I voted for C on the cotume because of the rings (though I hope they add B's glowy parts to it)

However I went with A on the Rocket Pack, because we currently have no jetpack back options, and I think it would be the most versatile. If we had more jetpack options, I would have gone with B as well.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



A, in my opinion. C's a bit too silly for most toons I have, and not a fan of the goofy rings myself. Yes I know it's stereotypical retro space, but hey, I may just want the jetpack or something and not the whole set.



I personally would much prefer A, but B fits the pack concept better IMO so it got my vote.

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Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



B is cool, but I have to go with A. A is a dead ringer for the classic Buck Rogers jet pack, and I think the more compact design of B might not stand out well as part of a costume.

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



Originally Posted by SkyStreak_TM View Post
For the love of all that is good and wonderful in the world:

I don't feel quite so strongly but I do tend to agree.



As soon as I saw B I was like "OH DEFINITELY THAT ONE!", but then I saw C and thought... "Oh, man... that'd be such a great retro rocket pack!!".
I decided to go with B, but I would so love to see C and feel bad that the design is getting left behind!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I voted for B because if I were to buy a retro sci-fi pack, I'd want that one to be included.

That said, A is a very nice, relatively simple jetpack. I hope we're getting some bogstandard jetpacks somewhere along the line before we get loads of specialised themed ones.

Soyeah, B please. But more jetpacks in general please also.



voted A