Retro Sci Fi Costume Set: Rocket Packs! - Vote for what we make!




Rocket Pack Pack sound like the best option here.

The Legendary Cosmological Prince Reigar 53rd Illusion Control/Storm Summoning/Primal Forces Mastery/Incarnate

It's a dark and story night. That means something bad is happening out there



I voted B but... wow, I've been wanting costume jetpacks for so long, just knowing something is coming make me silly happy.

Global name: @k26dp



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
What kind of retro space pack requires fewer rings!? What planet are you from? Nofunlandia?!?
Laughed hard at "Nofunlandia".

Voted "B", it is the only way!

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I chose A because it has less dork than B. Yeah... it's the rings. I'd pick B if not for them.

I forgot to say that I really hope they have the same tech as the rocket boots do so that when you activate a flight power some sort of thrust appears and when you deactivate the flight power the thrust deactivates as well. Otherwise I will kind of be disappointed.

"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.

"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.



Originally Posted by Clockwork O1 View Post
I have saved your image for later reference, it's not retro, but it is cool. You can console yourself by knowing it's in our thoughts.

Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I like it and I'm glad you're considering it, but that particular "jetpack" is much more than just a backpack-sized device. The pilot literally straps into it and flies it like a miniature helicopter. It's much larger than any of the other backpack-based temp flight powers you've done so far.

If you seriously managed to replicate the appearance of this device then any argument you might have against being able to give us other vehicles like motorcycles will make absolutely no sense.
This is quite true. The image doesn't give any indication of the scale, which is substantially larger than any "backpack" option could realistically be.

Superheroes don't have to give a crap about physics though, so it'd work just as well scaled down to half (or less) of the actual size.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Ashlocke View Post
I chose A because it has less dork than B. Yeah... it's the rings. I'd pick B if not for them.
(totally stealing here..)

What kind of retro sci-fi fan thinks rings=dork? What planet are you from? Nofunlandia?!?



voted B cause well can you say rocketeer? knew you could

OTOH I'd change my vote to A if those pods sucked in and 'stowed' next to the body when you were not flying, and extended out and started thrusting when flying or hovering.. that would totally sell me on that design



Choose B. Would be awesome if the rings had like electricity running across them like tesla coil-ish... cant wait



How about a rocket with a saddle we can ride on the back of instead of a rocket that rides on our back?



Originally Posted by Manic_Aggressive View Post
How about a rocket with a saddle we can ride on the back of instead of a rocket that rides on our back?
That'd be in the ACME pack, not the retro sci-fi pack (I am totally down for a silly ACME pack, btw. Deadpool fans rejoice!)

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Gah, A and B are both great ... but since I have to choose 1, I'll say "B" by a narrow margin.
Pssst - make both!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I want all three in a Rocket Pack Pack!!!
I agree, partly because I like them all and partly because I want to go around saying "Rocket Pack Pack." This time around, I voted for A because it looked slightly more versatile than B, but I very nearly clicked B instead.

(Incidentally, if the devs were somehow able to come up with a way to select different MM henchmen really fast and released Beastly Mastery around the same time, they could release a Pack Pack. If a new buff set were introduced to allow costume details, such as rucksacks, on the animal henchmen, they could create a Pack Pack Pack.)

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I want all three in a Rocket Pack Pack!!!

If I can't have all three then I like B best.
Right. And THEN I'm making a Beast Mastery Mastermind. Beast Mastery can stack "Pack Mentality" up to ten times.

And THEN I'm going to hover over enemies doing costume changes every 30 seconds while my minions perform my patented Rocket Pack Pack Stacked Pack Mentality Attack.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
And THEN I'm going to hover over enemies doing costume changes every 30 seconds while my minions perform my patented Rocket Pack Pack Stacked Pack Mentality Attack.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



B for best.



B is way too concept limiting it something strictly out of the jetsons Vote A everybody



my vote is B

Nuclear Annihilation: 50. (Rad/Rad) Corruptor.
Quasar Eclipse: 50 Warshade.
Humanoid No. 7: 50 (Invuln/SS) Tank.



B reminds me of The Rocketeer, good stuff



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I want all three in a Rocket Pack Pack!!!

If I can't have all three then I like B best.
I concur. All three would be great, but I prefer B (it was a really tough toss up between A and B).



hard to choose 1.
can we have all?



Originally Posted by Feyhd View Post
A, it reminds me of the nacelles on the USS Enterprise 8)
I agree Wholeheartedly!!!!!!!!!!!

The two most abundant elements in the known universe: Nitrogen and stupidity.



I like A & B, but I guess if I had to choose, I'd say B.



The retro-rings are nice on B, but A seems to have less "ow I'm burning my legs" risk

@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"



OMG, could you imagine if the rocket pack actually looked like the saucer section and nacelles from the Enterprise, and your body was that middle part!!!!!!!

The two most abundant elements in the known universe: Nitrogen and stupidity.