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  1. Menrva Channel

    Farewell Folks

    I just wanted to drop a note here for my VG/VB friends who weren't around last night when I signed off for the last time. This week wasn't going to allow me to spend any more time than I did in my City, so I had to say good bye.

    Thank you all so much for letting me hang with you (fighting crime, causing crime, just being awesome, you name it)! It took me a while to open up but you guys really welcomed me into the fold. I cannot express how much I appreciate it. Especially SS, who first introduced me to VG.

    Also, to any Devs, if you're still out there--thank you. Especially Hitstreak and Zwill. You guys are awesome and I wish you both the best of luck.

    I also wanted to share the only parting shot that made me happy. My main bad boy broke into the base hero side to leave a message.

    This can also be viewed at my DA page:

    So once again, thank you to all the awesome folks who I didn't get to see before I went. I hope we can find a way to stay in touch. Stay Frosty guys.
  2. Fourth time is the charm. Thanks guys!
  3. This was a really tough choice because I really like B, but I also love C. These are some great designs!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I want all three in a Rocket Pack Pack!!!

    If I can't have all three then I like B best.
    I concur. All three would be great, but I prefer B (it was a really tough toss up between A and B).

  5. (600 words on the dot: if it had a title it'd be "A Modest Proposal")

    ‘The Greatest thing you’ll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return.’ He hated that song. He hated that phrase. As he set the blanket down on the island north of the Ouroboros tower, he hated the very concept of love. Of course, the beautiful girl making his palms sweat as he laid the blanket out in front of the waterfall disproved that. The fact of the matter was, from the moment he first laid eyes on her in Mercy, he was smitten. Today would be the day—he was about to undertake the greatest challenge he had ever faced in his life. It wasn’t staring down Manticore’s drawn bow, or telling Mr. Holier-than-Thou where to stick it, or backstabbing his patron (been there, done that, none were pleasant). He was about to ask the woman of his dreams to marry him. If this didn’t seem like it required great courage and determination, Brent dared anyone to try it.

    Dinner was excellent. The blonde with winter blue eyes was enjoying herself. This did little to ease the anxiety Brent, known in the R.I. as Seteh Siphon, felt. At that moment, he’d rather have been fisticuffing with Marauder. The meal ended, silence fell. Knowing it was time, Brent moved to the rock’s edge trying to let the sound of water sooth his nerves.

    “Brent, is everything okay?”

    “Yeah, I uh…” Brent coughed. Way to start that speech moron, he thought. “Cecilia, I—did you like dinner?” Strike one.

    “It was great,” the blonde chuckled.

    “I thought it might be nice to come here…” Brent hesitated.

    “You have a knack for picking location.”

    “Yeah… I… wanted it to be special.”


    “Yeah,” Brent drew a deep breath. “I… Celia, we’ve been together some time now…”

    “We have.” She nodded.


    “And?” She offered. Strike two. Brent took a deep breath. Here went nothing.

    “When I came here, I was alone in the world. I didn’t think I needed any one—I didn’t want to depend on anyone because I thought attachment made you weak… then you came into my life.—And—well, I won’t deny that you are my weakness and any opponent of mine could easily use you against me… Of course, then they’d die a long, /slow/ painful death,” Brent rambled. Cecilia smiled. He coughed, continuing, “But I’ve learned that sometimes, a weakness really isn’t a weakness.” Idiot… He tried again. “Sometimes, what is /considered/ a weakness is really a strength—it makes you better, it gives you something worth fighting for—a reason to live… And… I see that now. You’ve become that strength, that reason and… and…”

    “And…” Cecilia encouraged him, her heart pounding. He turned to face her.

    “I don’t care what I have to do to protect you, I just want you with me. You’ve become my reason to live, to fight—to keep going, no matter what the odds. I love you and—it would be an honor if—what I mean to say is…“ Brent took a deep breath. This was it. He took her hand, dropping to one knee. “Will you marry me?”

    “Oh Brent,” Cecilia was tearing up. Brent panicked inwardly. “Of course!”

    “Really?” Brent blinked. She nodded. He grinned like an idiot. “Great!”

    “Oh Brent!” Cecilia laughed. Brent pulled out the ring, slipping it on her finger. He stood, taking a step back—forgetting just how close to the edge he was. He wasn’t sure of the physics, but he ended up in the Ouroboros Tower pool, sputtering. But she had said yes. That’s all he cared about.