Calling the next Travel Power




Roller Skates.

Make it not as fast as Super Speed but with a slight +Jump, so it falls in between SS and Ninja Leap both for speed and jump height.



just the other day I saw some thug ride into a conference room on his motorcycle

if thugs can do it, I don't know why players' couldn't




Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



We just got the fire and ice costume packs. My guess is a fiery comet or ice slick type travel power ala Ice Man.

Wouldn't be too hard. Take power slide's stance and glow, color it and allow it to be used in the air.

Easy peasy!

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
Absolutely. That would be a whole lot better for those characters based off of magic immulating a witch or warlock.

Current active characters: Dragon Maiden (50+3 Brute SS/WP/PM), Black Widow Maiden (50+1 Night Widow), Catayclasmic Ariel (50 lvl Defender - Kin/DP), Quantumshock (50 lvl Elect/Energy/Energy), American's Defender (38 lvl Tanker - SD/Mace), Spider-Maiden (15 lvl Corruptor - RB/PD) & Siren Shrike (15 lvl Defender - Sonic/Sonic). My entire stable.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post

We already have Power Slide that uses standing animations so why couldn't that have been altered to use Rocket Board with flying? Then they could have added/sold a whole bunch of variations of what we were standing on as costume choices, and because it would use currently existing travel powers they wouldn't have needed to add new animations or detoggling.

They already did this with Wings, Boots, and animated Back Packs.
The reason I suspect?

Wings, boots, and Backpacks are part of the character model. The Rocket Board is instead, a power animation effect. It's not a persistent object.

They can get away with this on the power slide animation because, well, for one, it's -wide-. If the character stops moving and attacks, their feet simply go to the normal "standing" option for the attack. Since it's an "energy-ish" effect, and it's not defined well enough to cause an issue.

With the Rocket Board, this would most likely result in your character stepping "off" of the board in a best case scenario, worst case scenario, it'd spin and twitch to try and keep the same feet position. And to my knowledge, no power in the game currently does that. And it'd look fairly horrible.

There's also the fact the Rocket Board -flies- which means the character would attempt to use "flying" animations for it attacks. This would result in the character looking like it's either jumping off the board and floating to attack, or the board tilting at unnatural angles to stay locked to the feet.

I suspect this also applies to the Carpet, as you would be jumping and playing a flying animation while on the flying object, which would result in "why is the character using the carpet if it can fly?"

Coyote is even simpler. Your entire character model is overlapped and changed, if you could attack with the coyote, you'd see melee characters with floating swords, or invisible weaponry, and attack animations impacting nowhere near where the coyote is standing.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
I agree that we probably won't ever see a motorcycle. Strafing and jumping just wouldn't work.
Hagrid disagrees.



Yeah motorcycles.. no. Having spent my time in wow i have seen my share of motorcycles on rooftops, motorcycles on mailboxes, motorcycles driving around in circles.

Though i have to predict as some one else did..more shape changing next will be a bird. It is a common enough super power.



I'm pushing for a Zamboni with the Ice Slick Path Aura.

No, not really.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Super Segway

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
That is what I came to say.
If I had to bet, I'd go with broomsticks being the next in line... Although another animal transformation option (or more) could certainly slip in beforehand.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I hope for an Eagle-form travel power...

Dad! The guy from Labyrinth totally turned into an eagle!
--Hank Venture, The Venture Brothers

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post
We just got the fire and ice costume packs. My guess is a fiery comet or ice slick type travel power ala Ice Man.

Wouldn't be too hard. Take power slide's stance and glow, color it and allow it to be used in the air.

Easy peasy!
Prestige Power Slide needs to be made available to the Market as it is already, first, but I'm totally with you for ice sliding.



Originally Posted by QuarriosSoul View Post
Prestige Power Slide needs to be made available to the Market as it is already, first, but I'm totally with you for ice sliding.
Don't hold your breathe on Power Slide. Posi has said that certain people at NCSoft would have to stop working for the company before we'll ever see Power Slide get re-released.

So if it ever does show up again that means "someone" got fired or quit their job.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
So..... we could have catgirls that actually turn into cats.....
<brain splodes>
THIS I would buy!

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
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Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
I hope for an Eagle-form travel power...

Dad! The guy from Labyrinth totally turned into an eagle!
--Hank Venture, The Venture Brothers
Too bad it was actually an owl. I should know, because Labyrinth is one of my favorite movies.



Sit + Fly = Invisible Jet. New Travel Power done!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Don't hold your breathe on Power Slide. Posi has said that certain people at NCSoft would have to stop working for the company before we'll ever see Power Slide get re-released.

So if it ever does show up again that means "someone" got fired or quit their job.
Which is sad, because I'd like to see it hit the market.

Don't get me wrong. I have it on my main and, now premium, account (which I let slip when they allowed for additional slots on servers, so it's seeing use that it wouldn't have before Freedom). My wife and son have it (because I bought them an old copy of the DVD edition on discount forever ago) so I have no real stake in it either way.

I just hate the idea of something really cool in game that someone could have to complete just that 'one' concept they have is totally denied them for just not being in the right place at the right time. Maybe I'm sensitve to that from stuff outside the game, but it doesn't make any sense to deny someone something for the sake of 'exclusivity'. I've had it all this time prior, and if someone wants to pay for it now, who am I to argue? More importantly, how does that keep me from enjoying having it now?

Put it all up for sale, I say. It already exists and if it makes Paragon more money by putting out there for those who want to pay it- goodie for them I say!

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
it doesn't make any sense to deny someone something for the sake of 'exclusivity'.
Especially since they used to sell a pack that had the collectors edition goodies at cons and stuff for a while after the DvD had stopped being made.

I sincerely hope that this policy gets changed.



Tron Light Cycle!

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Originally Posted by QuarriosSoul View Post
Prestige Power Slide needs to be made available to the Market as it is already, first, but I'm totally with you for ice sliding.
I have power slide on my accounts, but rarely use it because you cannot alter the color and purple just doesn't fit with the majority of my costume color schemes.

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I sincerely hope that this policy gets changed.
I have no problem with things being exclusive in MMOs as long as they don't become -permanently- exclusive. Most people (Devs and players alike) mistakenly assume exclusivity implies permanence right or wrong.

So letting things like the Power Slide be exclusive for a year or two was plenty of time for it to be "exclusive". The reasonable time period for that has long since passed.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



As a power slide owner, I have no problem with it being made available.

Now heroclix are a different matter altogether! Mine mine mine!

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