Titan Network: SOPA Blackout




Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Meh. But I'm cute, so it levels out. The playing field is even.

The only posts I've read by you have been based on the premise of, "Hey everyone!~ Look at me! I'm a girl! Did you guys catch that?! I'm a GIRL you guys!"

I personally suggest that you at least consider bringing some insight into your forum contributions. Having one Golden Girl is bad enough, and in defense of all her useless snarky posts, she at least knows pretty much everything about COH lore. I don't see an excuse for you.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
I won't change my views, personally. I have seen the good that comes with the ''terrorism'' and it will prevail but everyone will believe it was democracy that saved the day without giving headway to those behind the scenes doing the taunting. I won't really go into it since Tony has most of your support (being your game, forums, yadda yadda) but I believe Anon is getting everything they deserve; including just desserts. It will be some time from now when the FBI comes knocking but what they do until then amuses me to no end. I personally laugh at all angles, for my view of life might be a tad cynical.

Your views, and those others who ''put down'' anon's actions are nice, for you and yours. I'll keep to mine as seeing them in the right, and as for taking things down, well, being of a strategic mind with a slight '' see the world as pawns'' kind of ordeal; friendly fire happens all the time. Meh. Oops.

Anon will always be anon in the public eye, be it good or bad. I'll support them through thick and thin. They're adorable to me.

New-frog to a Chan Girl M00t's Angyl is like tossing charcoal in a pond and expecting it to turn the water into gold. Sense none? Common not found.
1. My view of this has nothing to do with me "supporting Tony", or this being "my game" or whatever. I don't even see how that factors into anything.

2. Thanks for reinforcing my point.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
pics or it didn't happen
No no, I'll vouch for her. She's very cute. She did post a cosplay picture a little over a week ago, and she also posted a some pictures on Faces. That's really her. While I disagree with her on some things, that part is true. At the risk of encouraging her on tangents that I disagree with, to be honest, I kind of like her posts. They're usually from a different angle--sometimes amusing, sometimes insightful--but hardly ever outright bad. But then, I like Golden Girl's posts a lot, too.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I like Golden Girl's posts a lot, too.
Your website is dead to me, DEAD!



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post

New-frog to a Chan Girl M00t's Angyl is like tossing charcoal in a pond and expecting it to turn the water into gold. Sense none? Common not found.
I'll admit it was kind of a jerk thing of me to say, but I'm tired of people worshiping 4chan and feeling just because they lurk it frequently that they're apart of this big family and are "legion". Don't get me wrong, I love anonymous and I don't find 4chan nearly as revolting as most do. But the "LOL IM A /b/TARD HURRRRR" is -_-;.

And no I'm not breaking rules 1&2.




Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
As far as destruction of culture... Well that's more or less seen in the net speak we see today. Newb, N00b, troll, smileys... they've been coopted by the masses but they also been greatly destroyed because most people don't use nor understand the difference between a Newb and N00b and most use the word Troll wrong... and smileys are now largely hated if they aren't graphical, defeating their purpose, plus there is the whole usage of LOL, LMAO, IMO, etc. One might consider this somewhat the same as the "fake Indians" where they look like they came from nerds, but more than likely are misunderstood or bastardized versions or made up because it looks like something a nerd would do almost like a mockery.
Or perhaps more directly relevant: Endless September.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
The only posts I've read by you have been based on the premise of, "Hey everyone!~ Look at me! I'm a girl! Did you guys catch that?! I'm a GIRL you guys!"

I personally suggest that you at least consider bringing some insight into your forum contributions. Having one Golden Girl is bad enough, and in defense of all her useless snarky posts, she at least knows pretty much everything about COH lore. I don't see an excuse for you.

I love being put into an ''ignore'' category. It's spacious. Should look into placing me there, I find it quite a homestead.

Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
No no, I'll vouch for her. She's very cute. She did post a cosplay picture a little over a week ago, and she also posted a some pictures on Faces. That's really her. While I disagree with her on some things, that part is true. At the risk of encouraging her on tangents that I disagree with, to be honest, I kind of like her posts. They're usually from a different angle--sometimes amusing, sometimes insightful--but hardly ever outright bad. But then, I like Golden Girl's posts a lot, too.
I try not to step on TOO many toes but when I strongly believe in something, or strongly disagree with another person's subject I'm not going to pull punches. I don't see the point. I may not dress my posts up with elegance, may lack frugal symmetry, but in the very least I bring a lighter side to my own personal opinions. Thank you for being polite about my lack there in of your own objections and style.

I'm sure we'll agree on a topic in the future, but this one I stand by. We're mostly on the same side, just on a different spectrum; my side of the street comes with greener grass tho. Lol.

Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
I'll admit it was kind of a jerk thing of me to say, but I'm tired of people worshiping 4chan and feeling just because they lurk it frequently that they're apart of this big family and are "legion". Don't get me wrong, I love anonymous and I don't find 4chan nearly as revolting as most do. But the "LOL IM A /b/TARD HURRRRR" is -_-;.

And no I'm not breaking rules 1&2.
I personally find /toys/ more appealing than I do /b/. Though there is plenty good throughout the sea of trolls. It's a fun place to be at times, lots of laughs.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
I try not to step on TOO many toes but when I strongly believe in something, or strongly disagree with another person's subject I'm not going to pull punches. I don't see the point. I may not dress my posts up with elegance, may lack frugal symmetry, but in the very least I bring a lighter side to my own personal opinions. Thank you for being polite about my lack there in of your own objections and style.
Remember this is the "friendliest MMO b-board around!" LOL

For what it's worth, I find you to be quite a nice person around here. Your posts on this board are quite a refreshing addition. Don't let the local men's club get you down.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Remember this is the "friendliest MMO b-board around!" LOL

For what it's worth, I find you to be quite a nice person around here. Your posts on this board are quite a refreshing addition. Don't let the local men's club get you down.
Thanks, Coyote.

I come from WoW's Beta days thru today, so I'm not a softy when it comes to a mass majority mind-meld. I'm used to it, and have learned how to navigate veteran waters with ease. In honesty, with WoW there's more of a younger crowd so it's easier to place them on a shelf to gather dust, but I can tell I'm going to have to polish my thesaurus here. All the oldbies seemed to of gathered in CoH, and they have a pretty mean bite.

Good thing I have an endless supply of tough leather gloves, and a basket full of bait just for the occasion.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Thanks, Coyote.

I come from WoW's Beta days thru today, so I'm not a softy when it comes to a mass majority mind-meld. I'm used to it, and have learned how to navigate veteran waters with ease. In honesty, with WoW there's more of a younger crowd so it's easier to place them on a shelf to gather dust, but I can tell I'm going to have to polish my thesaurus here. All the oldbies seemed to of gathered in CoH, and they have a pretty mean bite.

Good thing I have an endless supply of tough leather gloves, and a basket full of bait just for the occasion.
The "oldies" would say "asbestos underwear."

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Or perhaps more directly relevant: Endless September.
I've heard of that before... I always find it a good thing that things my brain spit out has been thought up before. Thanks

Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Thanks, Coyote.

I come from WoW's Beta days thru today, so I'm not a softy when it comes to a mass majority mind-meld. I'm used to it, and have learned how to navigate veteran waters with ease. In honesty, with WoW there's more of a younger crowd so it's easier to place them on a shelf to gather dust, but I can tell I'm going to have to polish my thesaurus here. All the oldbies seemed to of gathered in CoH, and they have a pretty mean bite.

Good thing I have an endless supply of tough leather gloves, and a basket full of bait just for the occasion.
Personally, I find you largely vapid, but that's hardly the worst thing you could be. I could also list a few people that have worst things to be >.> but I also think we all have our own roles and that you should just be yourself... I've been in quite a few social circumstances on both sides of the fence at one time or another and i've found that it really doesn't matter because people are going to hate/love you regardless of how you act and there will always be people on both sides of the fence.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
I've heard of that before... I always find it a good thing that things my brain spit out has been thought up before. Thanks

Personally, I find you largely vapid, but that's hardly the worst thing you could be. I could also list a few people that have worst things to be >.> but I also think we all have our own roles and that you should just be yourself... I've been in quite a few social circumstances on both sides of the fence at one time or another and i've found that it really doesn't matter because people are going to hate/love you regardless of how you act and there will always be people on both sides of the fence.
Even us dull knives have a place in the kitchen.

btw, ''largely vapid'' is a bit of an overture, hun.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
That word... I don't think it means what you think it means...



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
That word... I don't think it means what you think it means...
Pretty sure I used it as well as you did vapid.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Pretty sure I used it as well as you did vapid.
You are taking the word vapid as meaning boring which is synonymous with the word dull, but vapid is usually used as pertaining to mental dullness as in a a vapid blonde... or lacking in mental sharpness. ie dull or vapid.

Overture indicates an introduction of some sort and your usage of the word makes no sense in any fashion.



Man, this thread is not even /popcorn worthy. . .



Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
Man, this thread is not even /popcorn worthy. . .
I was thinking the same thing. Time for a change of pace.

If this doesn't work, I don't know what will.


Also on Steam



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The "oldies" would say "asbestos underwear."

And the "fogies" would say "asbestos longjohns".

Damn... Just gave myself away.


Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Meanwhile, Talking Points Memo has published a fascinating overview of the opposition to SOPA/PIPA, "How The Web Killed SOPA and PIPA", gathered from interviews with both Hill staffers, Web companies, and online advocates.

Its account of the behind-the-scenes struggle makes for gripping reading, especially how the Senate pulled a bait-and-switch with PIPA early on, how the SOPA supporters' plans to rush the bill through committee and bring it to a vote were fended off, and how Internet activists at places like americancensorship.org and fightforthefuture.org coordinated the resistance to the legislation that culminated in Blackout Day.

Incidentally, it concludes that since Congress will only continue to propose laws pandering to copyright industries at the expense of the Internet, what we really need is a User’s Bill of Rights.



SOPA/PIPA are dead...but hello ACTA...8 out of 11 countries have signed it...



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
You are taking the word vapid as meaning boring which is synonymous with the word dull, but vapid is usually used as pertaining to mental dullness as in a a vapid blonde... or lacking in mental sharpness. ie dull or vapid.

Overture indicates an introduction of some sort and your usage of the word makes no sense in any fashion.
Hence the '' even dull knives..'' but I wouldn't of expected an American or a follower of it's showmanship to catch on. Nothing against Americans, surely (my husbands one), but the twists of proper English and words as a whole make me giggle. Overture is meant thrice ways from sunday, hun. This is just another example of British vs American literature in today's world. I won't mock you, just mildly poke you with the wrong stick until you bruise.

Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Meanwhile, Talking Points Memo has published a fascinating overview of the opposition to SOPA/PIPA, "How The Web Killed SOPA and PIPA", gathered from interviews with both Hill staffers, Web companies, and online advocates.

Its account of the behind-the-scenes struggle makes for gripping reading, especially how the Senate pulled a bait-and-switch with PIPA early on, how the SOPA supporters' plans to rush the bill through committee and bring it to a vote were fended off, and how Internet activists at places like americancensorship.org and fightforthefuture.org coordinated the resistance to the legislation that culminated in Blackout Day.

Incidentally, it concludes that since Congress will only continue to propose laws pandering to copyright industries at the expense of the Internet, what we really need is a User’s Bill of Rights.
Now that is lovely. I thoroughly enjoyed it, glad you're staying ontop of the Legal side of the news.

Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
I was thinking the same thing. Time for a change of pace.

If this doesn't work, I don't know what will.
Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
Man, this thread is not even /popcorn worthy. . .
I'm sorry for the pointless banter between the other person, and myself.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
SOPA/PIPA are dead...but hello ACTA...8 out of 11 countries have signed it...
Yeah, talk about the next Coming Storm...



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Overture is meant thrice ways from sunday, hun.
Yeah... see, you used overture wrong. And then you tried to use slang which apparently doesn't exist or you got wrong and actually meant something else. What you mean is "Look seven ways for sunday" or "look nine ways at thrice" which if I take that you meant those when you said Overture you're still using the word wrong, but even worse is what you are saying and trying to do which is explain something by using slang that you know isn't used in america, nor commonly even in Britain, and getting that wrong as well.

Which all goes to show what i said to be fairly true, but I would add in a few more negative things, but I won't...cuz I'm nice.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Yeah... see, you used overture wrong. And then you tried to use slang which apparently doesn't exist or you got wrong and actually meant something else. What you mean is "Look seven ways for sunday" or "look nine ways at thrice" which if I take that you meant those when you said Overture you're still using the word wrong, but even worse is what you are saying and trying to do which is explain something by using slang that you know isn't used in america, nor commonly even in Britain, and getting that wrong as well.

Which all goes to show what i said to be fairly true, but I would add in a few more negative things, but I won't...cuz I'm nice.
Considering I'm British, grew up in Britain, I would say your knowledge is limited on that subject. Either that, or my Great Grand Parents, Grand Parents, Parents, and my generation (not limited to just my family..) is wrong. If that is the case then I will send them all a personalized note to have them corrected immediately. Not to mention all the political standees, and news networks who have uttered such a phrase from time to time. All this just for you, love.

Nice cover up for sure. Though it doesn't help your cause any, but then again I understand why being wrong on the internet may hinder your e-cred or e-rep. I'm sorry for pointing out those flaws, and to make up for it here's a picture to help calm your e-rage.