Titan Network: SOPA Blackout




Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
I disagree, good sir. Lol.
You're free to. It doesn't make you any less incorrect through dear.

Seriously though, Anon is and has been against SOPA/PIPA before they even had names or when it wasn't exactly known. There were so many hints from such an earlier time when the Government first made a move to silence websites. They met a brick wall.
If Anon isn't actually an organization, "they" aren't against ANYTHING. They simply have varying initiatives that some people associate themselves with and some don't.

A minor threat?
If you're a member of a mexican drug cartel? Yeah.

You mean like stealing credit cards from people (not companies, not governments, not political parties, RANDOM PEOPLE)? Yeah.

Debatable. But "Do things our way or we **** your **** up" usually doesn't go over too well with the authorities. Whether they're right, wrong, or otherwise.

You only think it's minor because thats how it will be displayed to the public eye, however when you attempt to view or go to certain pages run on a Government server you might find them taken down or slowed to a standstill. Not just one but hundreds of Government pages at once, simultaneously mind you. I see how the mass majority here see Anon as a whole, and what they think of their supporters, activist, and hacktivists . It's fine for you, and the hive-mind here to be against a set of ideals but to compare it with nativity is a little narrow sighted.
Anyone can launch a DOS attack.
Almost anyone can initiate a DDOS attack.
The tools to do these have been simplified to a button-push.
Right now, a couple bucks worth of cloud compute time on multiple clouds can buy you a hellacious DDOS network. Basically point and pwn.
Hacks like the HBGary Federal don't come about because of any "elite skills". They come about because of careless security protocol, automated attacks, and stupid users.
Before the digital vandals co-opted the term, "hacktivism" was about educating the public. Not breaking things. Not thuggery.

Until you've seen what is going on behind the scenes, the beautiful combination of DDoS, BotNets, PshyCaTTs, PhishTURs, and All Colored Hats uniting in one cause, setting aside lulzy ego flame wars and nuke boxing; all to give your ''physical'' paper trail the eyebrow it deserves, it's best to not call out against it with strong negativity.
People coming together is a nice thing. Using it to hurt others ain't exactly a nice thing.

Now don't get me wrong. I have no great love of the RIAA or any of these other media middle-man groups pushing to curette our freedoms away from us. And while a vicious part of me cackles with the schadenfreude of it, a better part of me knows there's better ways to accomplish the same thing.

Anonymous didn't get SOPA/PIPA killed. Word of mouth getting people ACTIVE and INVOLVED with their government did.

All that Anonymous does is give the government something to point to and go "this is what we're trying to fight".

Especially if you don't know of the actual scale the offensive is set at.
I'm well aware of the scale of what Anonymous is and isn't doing. Probably far better than you are.

How many dedicate black box pushers to cause mayhem. It's not structureless anarchy, it's not random targets, it's not destroying mom & pop. There is a plan, each and every step of the way, spoke in multiple dialects, throughout dozens of other Countrys', from skype to Xbox to PS3 to PC to Forums to Friends to Family to Phones to Towers. It's all over. Everywhere. You may think it as minor but you're wrong. OH noes not on the internet! Yeah. On the Internet.

Yup. It all sounds very mysterious and romantic. The reality's quite a bit uglier than that.

And ask yourself. If they're capable of doing this. What else is going on that these spectacular hacks could be running cover for.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
You're free to. It doesn't make you any less incorrect through dear.
Hun, you've got a nice set but I'm not sure if you're serious.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Anyone can launch a DOS attack.
Almost anyone can initiate a DDOS attack.
The tools to do these have been simplified to a button-push.
Right now, a couple bucks worth of cloud compute time on multiple clouds can buy you a hellacious DDOS network. Basically point and pwn.
Hacks like the HBGary Federal don't come about because of any "elite skills". They come about because of careless security protocol, automated attacks, and stupid users.
Before the digital vandals co-opted the term, "hacktivism" was about educating the public. Not breaking things. Not thuggery.
You should really see how it works and what the precautionary measures to assure not being caught are. Would you like a pastebin link to explain this method aside pre-made scripts that adventures into the deep use? I like your style and would hate for the party van to visit your house.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I'm well aware of the scale of what Anonymous is and isn't doing. Probably far better than you are.
Lol. That's cute.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Yup. It all sounds very mysterious and romantic. The reality's quite a bit uglier than that.

And ask yourself. If they're capable of doing this. What else is going on that these spectacular hacks could be running cover for.
Somewhere out there a conspiracy theorist just looked up the sky and said, '' Someone said something deep just now. ''

One never knows what the person on the other end is into. What they love to tinker in, what they themselves have orchestrated, and what the other may be part of. Having a child may damper the extremities of involvement but not necessarily the depth of knowledge.

You're adorkable!



Anonymous is one of the reasons there needs to be a cyber police agency working under a mandate set by a governing body for the internet. A perfect(or mostly perfect) analogy for what I see on the internet is the colonization, expansion, and revolution of the US. The US government found Cyber Space. There was a mass amount of people that colonized the new space and in doing so it has become impossible to govern through the normal government because the US government doesn't understand the conditions the colonists live under and while there may be agencies (like the US Cyber Police) that try to police the internet they are working under a broken mandate and in a very small territory. This means that the rest of the Internet is working more the West. Each Site has their own codes and mandates that people follow while you then have a group like Anonymous who while shouting freedom, wield guns, hurt people, and steal from people, and while they may be said to do some good because they are largely focusing on those who they don't agree with, towns that are imposing some restrictions or Fortresses created by the British (US government) they do these harmful things and violate their own "it's all about freedom."

In the end this whole "we're all about freedom" thing is nonsense because if you impose your will on a person (a site in this case) that has made a decision so that they will stop that decision then you are not about freedom. You are a tyrannical group that can and should not abide.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
And to just further everything along a little bit:

This is what the MPAA says about politicians who take their money


You take our money, you do what we tell you do; or we will destroy you.

Yeah, democracy at its finest (and the UK is going a similar way as well >.<)
Wow. What a total numpty.

Oh, and Lullipop? You sound like a zealot. You know, one of those deeply disturbing, 'golden smiley' level 'right against all the odds forever' kind of people who sounds like they are on more stuff than Charlie Sheen on his birthday. Just pointing how it comes across to Joe average,

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Anonymous is one of the reasons there needs to be a cyber police agency working under a mandate set by a governing body for the internet. A perfect(or mostly perfect) analogy for what I see on the internet is the colonization, expansion, and revolution of the US. The US government found Cyber Space. There was a mass amount of people that colonized the new space and in doing so it has become impossible to govern through the normal government because the US government doesn't understand the conditions the colonists live under and while there may be agencies (like the US Cyber Police) that try to police the internet they are working under a broken mandate and in a very small territory. This means that the rest of the Internet is working more the West. Each Site has their own codes and mandates that people follow while you then have a group like Anonymous who while shouting freedom, wield guns, hurt people, and steal from people, and while they may be said to do some good because they are largely focusing on those who they don't agree with, towns that are imposing some restrictions or Fortresses created by the British (US government) they do these harmful things and violate their own "it's all about freedom."

In the end this whole "we're all about freedom" thing is nonsense because if you impose your will on a person (a site in this case) that has made a decision so that they will stop that decision then you are not about freedom. You are a tyrannical group that can and should not abide.
What do destruction of the environment and slaughter of the natives and destruction of culture represent in that analogy?


Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
What do destruction of the environment and slaughter of the natives and destruction of culture represent in that analogy?

Well if I really wanted to push it to that extent one might say that the nerds that were first adopters of the internet pre whenever mainstream knowledge of the internet occurred...

Cyberspace as created
Nerds came adopted and started using it (becoming like the natives)
Mainstream america discovered it and started colonizing (becoming colonists)
Expansion lead to rogue groups forming (Old west Cowboys)
US tries to govern colonists but finding it only pisses them off or that their governing is incompetent (making them like the british)

The next step if for a revolution to occur that sets up a government to handle the new world...

Though the cowboys if the analogy was perfect would come after the revolution, but I'm sure there were groups before the revolution that were around... can't think of names or what not but i'm sure they were there.

As far as destruction of culture... Well that's more or less seen in the net speak we see today. Newb, N00b, troll, smileys... they've been coopted by the masses but they also been greatly destroyed because most people don't use nor understand the difference between a Newb and N00b and most use the word Troll wrong... and smileys are now largely hated if they aren't graphical, defeating their purpose, plus there is the whole usage of LOL, LMAO, IMO, etc. One might consider this somewhat the same as the "fake Indians" where they look like they came from nerds, but more than likely are misunderstood or bastardized versions or made up because it looks like something a nerd would do almost like a mockery.



Hmn. Well played, sir. That actually stands up to scrutiny better than I thought XD

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Hmn. Well played, sir. That actually stands up to scrutiny better than I thought XD
It took me a few minutes to come up with the idea of Nerds being Natives ^.^ I never would pushed the analogy to that level normally but it works well enough. You should gib me moneys for coming up with that.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Hun, you've got a nice set but I'm not sure if you're serious.
As a heart attack, while skydiving.

You should really see how it works and what the precautionary measures to assure not being caught are. Would you like a pastebin link to explain this method aside pre-made scripts that adventures into the deep use? I like your style and would hate for the party van to visit your house.
As I said. I my understanding of this (and of obfuscating my origins) probably better than you do. I don't mean (much) to be condescending, but I've been teaching this stuff for years.

And while you're looking at simple one or two layer obfuscation and plausible deniability, I'm looking beyond that. Note: I never said I'd be paying for said cloud time with my own funds.

As for having the FBI give me a visit. Been there, done that. My bosses were like "Ooh! Show us the badge! Show us the badge!"

A couple years prior to that, my local hacker group was graced with a visit from the FBI because one schmuck who'd been to one or two of our meetings was doing stupid **** like blowing up transformer stations and storing cyanide on one of the local tram lines.

If it weren't that these people were SERIOUS, we'd have been laughing at them for some of the stuff they were asking us. And we had some fairly poorly undercover personnel at our meetings for the next couple years just in case one of us turned out to be the next Tim McVeigh.

Lol. That's cute.
Trust me (or not), you happen to be the target of something like this, it's anything but cute. But if you don't want to take the word of a mostly anonymous person on the internet that part of his job involves this stuff, feel free. I don't require your belief to get through the day.

Somewhere out there a conspiracy theorist just looked up the sky and said, '' Someone said something deep just now. ''
Nah. Just having a naturally low level of trust in just about everything.

One never knows what the person on the other end is into. What they love to tinker in, what they themselves have orchestrated, and what the other may be part of. Having a child may damper the extremities of involvement but not necessarily the depth of knowledge.

You're adorkable!
Sorry, but anyone who thinks that Anonymous is Robin and his Merry Men or attempts to portray them as such is either unknowledgeable or being disingenuous. There's actually a couple other options, but they're a bit more offensive.

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Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Well if I really wanted to push it to that extent one might say that the nerds that were first adopters of the internet pre whenever mainstream knowledge of the internet occurred...

Cyberspace as created
Nerds came adopted and started using it (becoming like the natives)
Mainstream america discovered it and started colonizing (becoming colonists)
Expansion lead to rogue groups forming (Old west Cowboys)
US tries to govern colonists but finding it only pisses them off or that their governing is incompetent (making them like the british)

The next step if for a revolution to occur that sets up a government to handle the new world...

Though the cowboys if the analogy was perfect would come after the revolution, but I'm sure there were groups before the revolution that were around... can't think of names or what not but i'm sure they were there.

As far as destruction of culture... Well that's more or less seen in the net speak we see today. Newb, N00b, troll, smileys... they've been coopted by the masses but they also been greatly destroyed because most people don't use nor understand the difference between a Newb and N00b and most use the word Troll wrong... and smileys are now largely hated if they aren't graphical, defeating their purpose, plus there is the whole usage of LOL, LMAO, IMO, etc. One might consider this somewhat the same as the "fake Indians" where they look like they came from nerds, but more than likely are misunderstood or bastardized versions or made up because it looks like something a nerd would do almost like a mockery.
Actually, you're looking at a repeat of US aboriginal displacement.
While the US may not be able to shut down the Internet as a whole, they can make interoperability as painful as possible unless people step up and put the government in its place via legitimate means.

And yeah, blowing the sites of people who're offensive to you off the internet doesn't fall under "legitimate means".

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England might be bad about now...
But I'm STILL glad I don't live in the States >_>

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
England might be bad about now...
But I'm STILL glad I don't live in the States >_>
It's essentially same **** different meridian.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Actually, you're looking at a repeat of US aboriginal displacement.
While the US may not be able to shut down the Internet as a whole, they can make interoperability as painful as possible unless people step up and put the government in its place via legitimate means.

And yeah, blowing the sites of people who're offensive to you off the internet doesn't fall under "legitimate means".
Well the thing is that people don't seem to have a good symbolic understanding of what the net is. I personally think if we look at it from a philosophical point of view the net is more or less a 2nd space which we haven't so much created as much as we have gained new senses and abilities for. Especially when you look at things like the idea of virtual reality.

That being the case it is painfully obvious that a governing body is necessary as there must be with all interactions between sentient beings... ie government is an extension of morality and ethics which are simply a method for trying to live together in groups while creating the most happiness, more or less.

The primary problem comes from Anarchy and Archaic Government trying to exist side by side and rule over the same people promulgating different ideals and life styles. You can't exactly oppress people while at the same time they are experiencing absolute freedom. So the only option is for the archaic Governments is to restrict freedoms in the anarchic space as much as possible through means in the physical space. ie. Freedom of speech must be silenced via limiting the ability to coordinate, congregate, and converse... It's pretty easy to shut people down when noone knows that is what you're doing and likewise it is easy to keep people from revolting when the methods in which they can communicate become corrupted so as to not allow them to do so openly.

Of course this assumes a hostile physical space government, which one can easily do when you look at what the secondary result of the the Cyber Space anarchy is... which is a lack of borders and a way for the masses to communicate not only across boreders but to many more people. This allows for ideas to develop faster and people to recognize corruption by way of getting more of the picture and taking in more perspectives, but also removing the borders that our physical selves create as well... A person is a person on the internet and they aren't japanese, mexican, british, french, etc... so we have single world anarchy which seeps into the physical world where people start to realize "even though there is a physical border and we have different governments...it's the same stuff" which then ferments revolution, violent or peaceful, which spells the end of the archaic governments because they simply do not work in a world where cyber space exists... so in a way SOPA, PIPA, OPEN, the DMCA, are all more or less weapons that are being targeted at the is Cyber Space in a war that is happening but it's a quiet war due to our limited senses on the net.

There is really only 1 way to make both sides happy and that is a government body in or for cyberspace that understands the world that it is in and for. Whether that is by the coming together of the archaic governments or formulated by the citizens only time will tell...

And what i mean by understanding could be taken a lot of place, but as pertaining to SOPA what one must understand is that the modern world dictates that product that can be infinitely copied has no intrinsic value and once something is on the internet it belongs to the public as there is no other way for the net to work.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
ie government is an extension of morality and ethics which are simply a method for trying to live together in groups while creating the most happiness, more or less.
I really, really wish that was true. Honestly.

But it's not. Not the way it is at the moment.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I really, really wish that was true. Honestly.

But it's not. Not the way it is at the moment.
It is... but you really have to look at the core of how government came to be...

Through Aggression. A guy takes command by way of power over someone else, or a group of others. This group takes over another group which then is subjugated to the previous tier. In this formulation each level has codes of interactions with each member of the same level which are different than the code that governs the interaction of the higher or lower group... you're thinking this isn't ethical, but it is. Basically we are interacting based on the greatest happiness which is you get to live provided you serve me because you living make you happy and you serving me makes me happy.

Through Protection. Someone is attacking. We need to band together to keep that person from harming us. In this formulation everyone plays an equal role so we see no stratification. You protect me from that way and i'll protect you. from this way. This creates a reciprocation and we now do what's best for the whole. ie I'm happy because i'm alive and you're happy because you're alive.

The tricky part is that groups tend to merge and mix and switch so basically the stratification of the aggressive government has the equality of each person at each level. Today we stratify differently and we recognize groups within stratus that are more or less favored... and if you imagine them as individuals rather than groups you see that politics is just ethics between groups and/or codified ethics.

The reason that government is so bad today is because we're so far removed from the protection/aggression forms that a lot of stuff gets wonky and also because people and groups have agendas that are hidden that don't understand that mutual progress results in greater mutual happiness and/or they don't care and just want power.

the latter group is really the most dangerous people because they don't really care as long as people bow to them which results in them corrupting and destroying the foundations because all they want is something that will never happen for them because their priorities is the power and not the responsibility that comes with it.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post

The reason that government is so bad today is because we're so far removed from the protection/aggression forms that a lot of stuff gets wonky and also because people and groups have agendas that are hidden that don't understand that mutual progress results in greater mutual happiness and/or they don't care and just want power.

the latter group is really the most dangerous people because they don't really care as long as people bow to them which results in them corrupting and destroying the foundations because all they want is something that will never happen for them because their priorities is the power and not the responsibility that comes with it.
Ahh...England. Where the Government seems more concerned with the budget and their own wallets than the welfare of it's people...


Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I really, really wish that was true. Honestly.

But it's not. EVER.
Fixed that for you.

Government is a necessary evil (emphasis on evil). Only because anarchy is simply freedom for someone to impose their desires on you if they're stronger.

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Wow. What a total numpty.

Oh, and Lullipop? You sound like a zealot. You know, one of those deeply disturbing, 'golden smiley' level 'right against all the odds forever' kind of people who sounds like they are on more stuff than Charlie Sheen on his birthday. Just pointing how it comes across to Joe average,
Meh. But I'm cute, so it levels out. The playing field is even.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Sorry, but anyone who thinks that Anonymous is Robin and his Merry Men or attempts to portray them as such is either unknowledgeable or being disingenuous. There's actually a couple other options, but they're a bit more offensive.
I would love to hear them sometime over coffee, or tea. Maybe a side of spotted dick, and gobblets. You don't strike me as the type who fancies crumpets with raspberry filling, or strawberry iced toffins.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Ahh...England. Where the Government seems more concerned with the budget and their own wallets than the welfare of it's people...

Bankrupt governments tend to do a poor job of providing welfare.

And speaking of tangents, I think Lulipop is on drugs.


Also on Steam



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Meh. But I'm cute, so it levels out. The playing field is even.
Yeah but you're married and have a kid right?

That sorta nullifies the cute field pretty thoroughly.

I would love to hear them sometime over coffee, or tea. Maybe a side of spotted dick, and gobblets. You don't strike me as the type who fancies crumpets with raspberry filling, or strawberry iced toffins.
Don't drink coffee. If I want sugar and caffiene, I drink cola.
Don't drink tea. Dislike the taste of it too.
Never had spotted dick. Nor been to the UK.
Never had a crumpet nor a toffin.

I'm your stereotypical geek-eater. Looks down at the spare Bigfoot tire...


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Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
Bankrupt governments tend to do a poor job of providing welfare.

And speaking of tangents, I think Lulipop is on drugs.
Hmn, bankrupt...owait, they still have all our damn money...
Believe me, our government can ALL go find a nice deep hole to go fall into. They're all crooks and thieves, and we'd be better off rid of all of them so some new, young bloods could get in. People with new ideas and that rarest of super powers; common sense.

(And then they'd probably all end up as bad as the last lot, because Politicians it seems are, by default, scumbags. Buuuut I can dream, right?)

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Since I won't get the chance to brag afterward, I'd just like to take this opportunity to remind folks how I called this thread being locked due to political flame wars.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Back on topic, Gamasutra published a cautionary piece "SOPA's Not Dead Yet: The 6 Things Every Game Developer Needs to Know" on Friday. Among other things, it highlights another bill under consideration that's supposed to be an alternative to SOPA/PIPA called OPEN - the Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act. While it's considerably better than SOPA/PIPA (not very hard) in terms of avoiding abuse of its enforcement, it does have a lot of the same ill-defined technical language, so there's room for improvement. On the plus side, the MPAA hates it.



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
And speaking of tangents, I think Lulipop is on drugs.
I think you're a billionaire.

Any allegations, even as an opinion, about drug use is usually found offensive. Redact that comment please, unless you're referencing medicinal use only as a possibility.

Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Back on topic, Gamasutra published a cautionary piece "SOPA's Not Dead Yet: The 6 Things Every Game Developer Needs to Know" on Friday. Among other things, it highlights another bill under consideration that's supposed to be an alternative to SOPA/PIPA called OPEN - the Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act. While it's considerably better than SOPA/PIPA (not very hard) in terms of avoiding abuse of its enforcement, it does have a lot of the same ill-defined technical language, so there's room for improvement. On the plus side, the MPAA hates it.
Good read. Thank you for posting that.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Meh. But I'm cute, so it levels out. The playing field is even.
pics or it didn't happen