Name for sale -Freedom Arbiter Death




Originally Posted by Ape_of_wrath View Post
Just wanted to point out. That's a DC comics villain :-)
Baron Blood is also the name of a Marvel villain (a Nazi vampire from the Invaders series). It would be sad if someone paid for a name only to have it genericized. Do these names sales come with a warranty?



Wait, wait.

I was super serious about that Hydraulic Piston.



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post



And another thing.

Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Wait, wait.

I was super serious about that Hydraulic Piston.

You would have lost anyway. I was totally prepared to go as high as a small purple and two kinetic weapons.



Originally Posted by DJ_Korith View Post
Arbiter Darkskull Evil Death Guy
Darn it, too many letters! I'll settle for Arby Dskull Evo Def G. The badass gangster from the mean streets of Mercy.



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I think most of us HIGHLY doubt that it was bought at all, even for much less. Personally, I think the OP is trying to save face by proving all of us wrong who are mocking him.
Indeed. In fact the first 4 letters that entered my brain after he claimed to have sold it were LI_R but I decided that shenanigans was less provocative.



There was a thread up earlier (in discussions, I think) that has apparently since been deleted, where the OP admitted that he's keeping the name.

So, OP, I am willing to raise my bid to TWO [Hydraulic Pistons] and a [Temporal Tracer]. My final offer.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
There was a thread up earlier (in discussions, I think) that has apparently since been deleted, where the OP admitted that he's keeping the name.
A /getglobalname on Freedom says Arbiter Death belongs to @Snarky, and a forum search shows that B_C has claimed that as his global before. So either he sold both his character and his global name, or made it up to save face.

Personally, I don't think it was a great* name in the first place, but I also don't think it's fair to object to selling names in general as some in this thread have done. I've got a couple names I really like, but can't quite make the concept work, or don't like how the character plays, or whatever, so I'm basically sitting on those names forever. If somebody wants the name Bloody Murder on Freedom, for example, too bad, I got here first and sooner or later I'll figure out how to make that name work. But if someone offered me some compensation I'd consider it - they'd get a name they clearly want that otherwise might have been taken forever, I'd get some inf, everyone's happy. In fact, selling a desirable name makes sure that it ends up in the hands of someone who really wants it, rather than someone (like me) who tags the name and sits on it forever without really using it.

*Arbiter and Death are good names by themselves - cliche, yeah, but they're used so often precisely because they're good. However, combining them just seems like "trying too hard to be cool".



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
Maybe, except for Arbiter Dark Death LORD!
Now that's a name I'm going to try.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
A /getglobalname on Freedom says Arbiter Death belongs to @Snarky, and a forum search shows that B_C has claimed that as his global before. So either he sold both his character and his global name, or made it up to save face.

Personally, I don't think it was a great* name in the first place, but I also don't think it's fair to object to selling names in general as some in this thread have done. I've got a couple names I really like, but can't quite make the concept work, or don't like how the character plays, or whatever, so I'm basically sitting on those names forever. If somebody wants the name Bloody Murder on Freedom, for example, too bad, I got here first and sooner or later I'll figure out how to make that name work. But if someone offered me some compensation I'd consider it - they'd get a name they clearly want that otherwise might have been taken forever, I'd get some inf, everyone's happy. In fact, selling a desirable name makes sure that it ends up in the hands of someone who really wants it, rather than someone (like me) who tags the name and sits on it forever without really using it.

*Arbiter and Death are good names by themselves - cliche, yeah, but they're used so often precisely because they're good. However, combining them just seems like "trying too hard to be cool".
At the risk of keeping this thread going. sigh. Yes, the name is still mine. Seriously, did anyone think that I got 2 Billion for a name?

Not sure why the other thread got deleted. It was a thoughtful discussion about names, marketing, etc. Quite philosophical.

This degenerated into flame war tantrum mess while the posts were still in the single digits, yet is still here.

I guess we know what types of threads are preferred.

PS Stone. Thank you, a generous offer. I'll keep the name though. In replying in the other thread I realized having a 50 VEAT in my stable is maybe useful somewhere down the line (I leveled a crab in the first week of VEATs, never played him again.) Unless someone really wants it (really doesnt seem likely...)



Well at least it's nice to know that my thread really did exist for a short while and had some replies. I never saw any of it -- I posted on my break at work, went home, looked for it and nothing was there. No clue why it was deleted, though I did know it was kind of a touchy subject for some people, but that's why I thought it would be an interesting topic to discuss. Meh.

Guess I'll need to start a joke thread next time... maybe a "top ten rejected names to try and sell".

(I could be enticed to give up "Dark Dr. Dark", my dark-themed defender, who's on Guardian I think... lol.)

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
At the risk of keeping this thread going. sigh. Yes, the name is still mine. Seriously, did anyone think that I got 2 Billion for a name?
Kudos for the honesty. And, no, no one thought you got 2 billion, just thought you believed we were very gullible, so nice of you to set the record straight (I am being serious).

I don't want to put you down because I did poke previously, but just to clarify for you, I think the post turned into something big because the name wasn't overly original or interesting to most people, so it was funny to, at least, me to see someone selling something that wasn't coveted.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
Maybe, except for Arbiter Dark Death LORD!
I think that's too long. However, I did make a placeholder toon last night to grab the name Dark Lord Darkness.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
There was a thread up earlier (in discussions, I think) that has apparently since been deleted, where the OP admitted that he's keeping the name.

So, OP, I am willing to raise my bid to TWO [Hydraulic Pistons] and a [Temporal Tracer]. My final offer.
That's too rich for my blood, Stone - I fold.

Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :



I did a search for the name Arbiter Death and the first result is a page from "The Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Server" (or some such site) where someone (other than the OP I'm presuming, but who knows) has created a rather extensive bio for a character they created on Virtue with that name.

So someone out there liked the name and spent a lot of time developing a character around it. Maybe if that player ever wants to migrate to Freedom he/she'll be willing to buy the name?



Originally Posted by Archiviste View Post
That's too rich for my blood, Stone - I fold.
Well, I considered attempting to bid my enzyme, but everyone knows those are worthless now.

Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post

This degenerated into flame war tantrum mess while the posts were still in the single digits, yet is still here.
Seriously, though--we were mostly teasing you. I doubt anyone was half as serious as the OP in the thread that Organica started.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
I do not rolling on Freedom hardly at all, yet have this kinda cooll name, up for auction, whats your bid? name is "Arbiter Death"
Greedy much?

Free the name up if you aren't using it... what a jerk thing to do.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post

Not sure why the other thread got deleted. It was a thoughtful discussion about names, marketing, etc. Quite philosophical.
If a thread is deleted, especially if it is one you started, send a PM to one of the OCR team asking why it was deleted. They are never deleted without reasons.

They will tell you exactly why it was deleted and often tell you exactly what section of the currently posted Message Forum Rules and Guidelines that it violates.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



It isn't that great of a name for starters. And people paying inf for names is probably one of the top 5 most ridiculous things I have seen on the forums. I would gladly give people inf if they would just stop being greedy. I will take the high road and just point and laugh at your ridiculous offer.


Be sure to drink your



Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
I would gladly give people inf if they would just stop being greedy.
Really? How much inf? If you give me 3-billion inf I promise to stop being greedy. PM me to set up a time to meet in game, or you can just e-mail it to my global. Thanks!

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
At the risk of keeping this thread going. sigh. Yes, the name is still mine. Seriously, did anyone think that I got 2 Billion for a name?

Not sure why the other thread got deleted. It was a thoughtful discussion about names, marketing, etc. Quite philosophical.

This degenerated into flame war tantrum mess while the posts were still in the single digits, yet is still here.

I guess we know what types of threads are preferred.
No, I don't believe anyone posting in this thread believed you got 2 infl for the name, but why did you feel the need to lie/sarcasm your way out of it? Why not just own up to a mistake?

As to why it was met with much resistance, you should have searched around and read this thread here first:

The poster there did a similar advertisement and got met with similar resistance. I don't think there's much wonder why they are getting responded to similarly.

Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)



Originally Posted by Red_Raccoon View Post
I did a search for the name Arbiter Death and the first result is a page from "The Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Server" (or some such site) where someone (other than the OP I'm presuming, but who knows) has created a rather extensive bio for a character they created on Virtue with that name.

So someone out there liked the name and spent a lot of time developing a character around it. Maybe if that player ever wants to migrate to Freedom he/she'll be willing to buy the name?
If they got that much love going for it I would give it to them. I have about 4-5 names I use a lot, and would love them on every server. I would love to have these on each server. Yet it seems that ain't gonna happen.



Originally Posted by flipside View Post
No, I don't believe anyone posting in this thread believed you got 2 infl for the name, but why did you feel the need to lie/sarcasm your way out of it? Why not just own up to a mistake?

As for my first post, I thought the idea was funny - I've never ever had any issue
coming up with a name of any of my many toons, so I find it amusing that someone
would actually buy a name in the first place.

As for selling names, I have no issue with selling any in-game resource or commodity,
for in-game inf/items, to a willing buyer.

Now, if you're deliberately camping names of known players, and selling those,
that crosses my personal threshold for griefing. YMMV.

And, of course, selling in-game stuff for RL cash is a huge NO.


PS> I missed seeing the *deleted* thread <shrug>

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.