Name for sale -Freedom Arbiter Death




Anybody on Virtue want to pay 2bil for Lord Darkity Dark?

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
Kudos for the honesty. And, no, no one thought you got 2 billion, just thought you believed we were very gullible, so nice of you to set the record straight (I am being serious).

I don't want to put you down because I did poke previously, but just to clarify for you, I think the post turned into something big because the name wasn't overly original or interesting to most people, so it was funny to, at least, me to see someone selling something that wasn't coveted.
Speaking of gullible, did you know if you say the word "gullible" slow enough it sounds like "oranges?"



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Speaking of gullible, did you know if you say the word "gullible" slow enough it sounds like "oranges?"
I once encountered a great prank: in my high school physics classroom, someone from the previous year had written "GULLIBLE" on a piece of paper in large letters, and taped it to the ceiling. I noticed this during class one day, but my attempts to get people to believe me and look that, yes, "gullible" really was written on the ceiling met with little success.



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Really? How much inf? If you give me 3-billion inf I promise to stop being greedy. PM me to set up a time to meet in game, or you can just e-mail it to my global. Thanks!
You're being greedy by asking. Hope you're joking. I guess some people here ARE pretty gullible.

Be sure to drink your



Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
You're being greedy by asking. Hope you're joking. I guess some people here ARE pretty gullible.
Hear that sound? That one that went right above your head?

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
You're being greedy by asking. Hope you're joking. I guess some people here ARE pretty gullible.
Heh some definitely are.



Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
You're being greedy by asking. Hope you're joking. I guess some people here ARE pretty gullible.
And this, class, is irony. It will be on the test.



In other news, I have a new character to play as a result of this thread.

I hadn't played a Soldier of Arachnos VEAT yet (I prefer Widows) so, after mulling it
around awhile, I thought it might be fun to actually create "Arbiter Shmarbiter"
from my earlier joke post.

Unsurprisingly, his backstory describes his life as a former Arbiter fed up with all
the bureaucracy and paperwork associated with managing the politics, intrigue,
and general riff-raff in the Rogue Isles.

It also makes mention of the frustration and irritation of having to tolerate those
prissy "Destined Ones" (most of whom should be taken down a few pegs)

Going rogue from the Arbiters has liberated him from that drudgery.

Now, he's slapping punks upside the head with his battle mace whenever they
need it without having to fill out all those pesky forms - in triplicate.

He's around L10 or so now, and I smile about this thread whenever I play him.

Fun is where you find it...


PS> It was either play the toon, or sell the name for two beeelyon inf

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Glad to be able to inspire folks!

P.S., it looks like this thread will not die. (And no one is going to buy the name.)

In which case I will have fun with it as well. Just following Danica Patrick's new Honey Badger advice!



Gaze into the face-shield of Death!



Yeah? Well it's better than gazing into the face shield of Arbiter Dark Death LORD!

*munches popcorn*



Global- @SailorET, Justice Server
Sheryl Fiero, 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Louise Fiero, 50 Merc/Traps MM
Various assorted alts
Proudly serving in our military so you don't have to.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
I'll bid 1 Hydraulic Piston for the name.

I've been looking for a name to match my character concept:

too cute

Enjoy your day please.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Name sold 2 bilion, thanks for the input.
No, you misunderstood me, I said the name made me vomit 2x, bile!

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
No, you misunderstood me, I said the name made me vomit 2x, bile!
This from a guy with 3 characters with Gulzow in them? Not sure if you're serious...



A) You don't like it, take it up with Ellis Island. The family's kinda been stuck with it for at least 4 generations.

B) Three? Pffffffft. More like 7. And that's just on Victory.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Let me get this straight. You named 7 characters Gulzow something, and the inspiration there was "somebody mispelled our family name over a hundred years ago"

I know Arbiter Death is lacking in subtlety. that is the point. The first time I painted what I actually like my art instructor almost locked up. He was kind, but it was forced. Good news: He had already given me a lot of the tools I need to keep painting what he considers drech. My art deals a lot with death, necrosis, supernatural influences, and it aint subtle.

Granted I cannot point to a 4 generation clerical error as my muse and ridicule anyone who does not have that high bar standard. Just sayin'.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Let me get this straight. You named 7 characters Gulzow something, and the inspiration there was "somebody mispelled our family name over a hundred years ago"

I know Arbiter Death is lacking in subtlety.
I think you've missed the point. That name is trite and cliche. When we get the darkness control set, the servers will be awash in characters named Dark Lord, Dark Prince, Lord of Darkness, Dark Master, etc, etc. A name like Arbiter Death is really only suitable for a joke character. Now, to be fair, I do make joke characters. I have already grabbed the name 'Dark Lord Darkness'.

Gulzow, on the other hand, is unique. It tells you instantly that you're dealing with a specific person (or someone deliberately copying their name).

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I think you've missed the point. That name is trite and cliche. When we get the darkness control set, the servers will be awash in characters named Dark Lord, Dark Prince, Lord of Darkness, Dark Master, etc, etc. A name like Arbiter Death is really only suitable for a joke character. Now, to be fair, I do make joke characters. I have already grabbed the name 'Dark Lord Darkness'.

Gulzow, on the other hand, is unique. It tells you instantly that you're dealing with a specific person (or someone deliberately copying their name).
Spartplow is unique too. Does that make it great? I just typed thatrandomly, I can generate a few hundred more "unique" names if you want to buy those? Cheaper by the dozen.

Give you an idea where I am coming from. The last thing you want to hear in a critique is " Well....that is...unique..."

yes, Arbiter Death is not "Wonderfully imaginative beyond all ken, the start of a new movement". However, as you can see by the comments in the thread, it provokes a great reaction. If what you are doing creates a visceral reaction, even or especially negative, you are on to something. Just sayin.

ps, how does Gulzow tell me that the person I am dealing with is any more a specific person than Spartplow, or Catgirl23, or Arbiter Dark Death Lord? Can you explain that one to me? I missed that lesson.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Let me get this straight. You named 7 characters Gulzow something, and the inspiration there was....

I think he's saying the inspiration was "it's my name."



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I think you've missed the point. That name is trite and cliche. When we get the darkness control set, the servers will be awash in characters named Dark Lord, Dark Prince, Lord of Darkness, Dark Master, etc, etc. A name like Arbiter Death is really only suitable for a joke character. Now, to be fair, I do make joke characters. I have already grabbed the name 'Dark Lord Darkness'.
i grabbed 'Darklord Kittyskull'. See, his head is a skull with cat ears and whiskers, and he's a lord of darkness and stuff.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i grabbed 'Darklord Kittyskull'. See, his head is a skull with cat ears and whiskers, and he's a lord of darkness and stuff.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i grabbed 'Darklord Kittyskull'. See, his head is a skull with cat ears and whiskers, and he's a lord of darkness and stuff.
You know, in retrospect, that name might actually fit my character concept better. Can I buy it off of you?



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
I think he's saying the inspiration was "it's my name."
Preeeeetty much.

The only real question is whether the OP was being obtuse intentionally or genuinely oblivious.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!