Name for sale -Freedom Arbiter Death




Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Preeeeetty much.

The only real question is whether the OP was being obtuse intentionally or genuinely oblivious.
I think the OP, who incidentally is a pretty cool guy, is just getting a little frustrated and flustered at his embarrassing thread not going away. This thread's turned into a swarm of stinging comments - poor guy's caught swatting at them, but that just makes the swarm angrier.

Yeah, it was funny, silly and a little ridiculous to sell the name. The OP admitted it, and probably knew it after the first few responses. Lets move on, or at least pick on a new target to make fun of.

You can make fun of my obsession with knights/paladins/templars if you'd like? Incidentally, anyone have the name "Crusader" available on any server?

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Sorry. Anytime I see a name like Arbiter <name>, I immediately think of someone completely lacking in imagination.
My friend and I who have a crab and bane spider pair named Arbiter Operative and Operative Arbiter are offended by this remark.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Thanks for the props. I can be a butthead, I'll admit it though lol. In this case the question was a slightly obtuse statement. But I actually like Chad Gulzow-Man (at least what I know of him from his posts) and was trying not to be a complete butthead. He's needling, I'm needling back.

In the beginning I did want the thread to die. 1) i obviously wasnt gonna sell the name. 2) The flack is pretty impressive.

But at this point I am kind of turning the thread to debate and philosophy. I am an art student (part time lol) and enjoy a roiling critique more than a boring one.

Let's discuss names. I think Arbiter Death is a good name. Unimaginitive? Some good arguments have been made in this thread it is very unimaginitive. Uninspired? again, i've heard some stinging criticism. But look at Spider-Man. Really. I am trying to find names that fit my concepts, are short, and fit well into the Super Genre. Granted Arbiter Death looks auto generated, but don't most of the great Supers of the Gold and Silver. I love the incredibles, but Fro-Zone? Really! And indeed, Incredible.

So, the thread shows no sign of going away, and I am trying to enjoy it. I will try to hang back from being overly critical, but you can expect a sideways dig at any name you post here. Fair is fair after all. Defend your choice, and please, offer an intelligent critique of mine. It can only help.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
But look at Spider-Man.
Spider-Man is a very, very, very different case. It was created when superhero named were supposed to be simplistic and usually describe the hero's powers. If a comic came out today as spider-man, without some creative marketing, it would be universally panned.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



If people are selling names, I'll buy Anansi on virtue. Reason. My OC is an Anansi and I recreated her in CoH cause I'm sad like that.

But I'm only offering a couple of hundred mil for it. Or fairy wings.



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
I think he's saying the inspiration was "it's my name."
I know, right? Someone seems incapable of grasping the obvious.

Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Preeeeetty much.

The only real question is whether the OP was being obtuse intentionally or genuinely oblivious.
At this point, does it really matter?

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I know, right? Someone seems incapable of grasping the obvious.

At this point, does it really matter?
This intuitive and thoughtful discussion from the creative person that brought us Ironblade.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
This intuitive and thoughtful discussion from the creative person that brought us Ironblade.
Which was obviously such a cool name, that the devs created an in-game temporary weapon with the same name.... YEARS later.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Which was obviously such a cool name, that the devs created an in-game temporary weapon with the same name.... YEARS later.
"According to Buck Salinger, it's a well known fact that Fey creatures such as the Fir Bolg, Red Caps and Tuatha fear iron more than any other substance. This Iron Blade you recovered may be of some use against them. You may carry it for 3 days before returning it to the village." -Parawiki

I really think they were just using "Iron Blade" as a description based on the fact that according to mythology Iron weapons do more damage to certain creatures.

But you could be right. The Devs may have read one of your posts and ripped off your creativity and never gave you due credit. Brother i feel your pain.



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
Spider-Man is a very, very, very different case. It was created when superhero named were supposed to be simplistic and usually describe the hero's powers. If a comic came out today as spider-man, without some creative marketing, it would be universally panned.
But this is the line of conversation I would be interested to see pursued. How are we with saying the simplistic formulaic iconic names of yore are pretty much in hindsight as horrific as black&white TV Supermans long johns? A version of which were pretty much copied exactly for Capt. America's recent big screen outing, at least tailoring wise!



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
My friend and I who have a crab and bane spider pair named Arbiter Operative and Operative Arbiter are offended by this remark.
Okay, I actually laughed out loud at that. Mad props.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
But you could be right. The Devs may have read one of your posts and ripped off your creativity and never gave you due credit. Brother i feel your pain.
Read the EULA sometime. Anything you create, say or do in game becomes their intellectual property.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Funny story about my name... I managed to get out to Comic Con this year and met a bunch of the devs, including Matt "Positron" Miller. I introduced myself to him, and he recognized me from the forums, and then he saw my name tag...

Matt: "Wait. Your name is actually 'Chad Gulzow,' and your character name is 'Chad Gulzow-Man?'"
Me: "Yup!"
Matt: ... *gives a look that says, "It is taking all the tact I have to not facepalm right now"*

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Funny story about my name... I managed to get out to Comic Con this year and met a bunch of the devs, including Matt "Positron" Miller. I introduced myself to him, and he recognized me from the forums, and then he saw my name tag...

Matt: "Wait. Your name is actually 'Chad Gulzow,' and your character name is 'Chad Gulzow-Man?'"
Me: "Yup!"
Matt: ... *gives a look that says, "It is taking all the tact I have to not facepalm right now"*

Okay, now that's cool.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
"According to Buck Salinger, it's a well known fact that Fey creatures such as the Fir Bolg, Red Caps and Tuatha fear iron more than any other substance. This Iron Blade you recovered may be of some use against them. You may carry it for 3 days before returning it to the village." -Parawiki

I really think they were just using "Iron Blade" as a description based on the fact that according to mythology Iron weapons do more damage to certain creatures.
Clearly not. If it was just a description, it would not be capitalized. It's a proper name.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Matt: "Wait. Your name is actually 'Chad Gulzow,' and your character name is 'Chad Gulzow-Man?'"
Me: "Yup!"
Matt: ... *gives a look that says, "It is taking all the tact I have to not facepalm right now"*
Hey, I recall feeling that way when I found out the same thing years ago (except that Posi has WAAY more tact than I ever could)!

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Read the EULA sometime. Anything you create, say or do in game becomes their intellectual property.
No it doesn't. You can't *give away* your IP rights. It's simply not an option. The EULA just says you "give them rights to the extent the law allows", and the law doesn't allow handing over rights without a specific signed agreement.

In practice, they have a non-exclusive license to use anything you submit (without which they would not be legally allowed to say, send the image of your character and the text you type in to other people's computers).

Character index



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Read the EULA sometime. Anything you create, say or do in game becomes their intellectual property.
But you use your own real name in game!

Uh oh.....