Upcoming Grav tweaks

Agent White



I watched the UStream today, and Arbiter Hawk mentioned a few changes coming for Grav in I22.

  1. Shorter animation and faster projectile speed for Propel.
  2. New mechanic called Impact that will cause enemies under the effect of Gravity Distortion to take greater damage from Lift and Propel.
  3. Upped the damage scale on Controller and Singularity lift, Dominator's already use the proper scale.
That list looks pretty good for controllers, but I don't think it addresses Dominator gravity issues. What do you think?



Good. I like all new mechanics.

But, meh.



Well, any buff is a buff.

This buff seems to benefit Controller way more than Dominator. Even with 2s propel, it is still not worth it to use. I guess it really depends on the bonus damage from Impact.

The set's biggest complaint is still Dimension Shift. If they can't do anything about it, they should at least swap position with Wormhole.

I find Gravity pretty unique already and my Gravity/Fire is my only perma-dom. I may make a Gravity controller now...

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



These are really fixes for controllers. Gravity's shtick was already single target damage (and obviously way more so now) and on dominators, your secondary more than covers that.

The real issue with Gravity is that wormhole is clunky, dimension shift is almost completely worthless, and it wastes two power slots that could be decent control powers on ST attacks that 'control' with a one-time knockback effect.

Unfortunately I don't have strong hopes for them to go back and revise it since after all this time the only thing they could come up with was "just give it more damage, that is obviously the problem."

It would be nice if Impact was granted to more powers than just the single-target hold, and was relevant to more than two single-target attacks. I guess maybe chaining Gravity Distortion, Lift, and Propel will be a decent ST chain... if you're a controller.



Don't worry, I'm sure whatever changes are made to Gravity for our sake will be something super special that's coming after these changes. Any day now.



I'm not sure what Dom-specific changes you could or should make for Doms that wouldn't also be good for controllers. The low AoE control of the set and late availability of Wormhole hurts Controllers too. And Dimension Shift is just as useless for Controllers as it is for Doms.

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I got all excited and now I'm just limp.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
I'm not sure what Dom-specific changes you could or should make for Doms that wouldn't also be good for controllers. The low AoE control of the set and late availability of Wormhole hurts Controllers too. And Dimension Shift is just as useless for Controllers as it is for Doms.
Why shouldn't it be good for both? I don't have anything against controllers.

I was just commenting that these changes are almost completely worthless for Dominators.

But an easy change would be to expand the impact of impact, if you will. A mechanic that's triggered by a single power and affects only two is kind of lame anyway.
And as you say, Gravity is weak in control and that hurts controllers as well as dominators.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
I'm not sure what Dom-specific changes you could or should make for Doms that wouldn't also be good for controllers. The low AoE control of the set and late availability of Wormhole hurts Controllers too. And Dimension Shift is just as useless for Controllers as it is for Doms.
You could make the propel changes for Controller Gravity and do something useful for its wretched control aspect for dominators.



I did make a suggestion to add Impact in Wormhole because domination + wormhole will make sure things get stunned for a while. There is really no reason to use Hold to get Impact and then use Lift/Propel. If Wormhole can grant impact, then we can at least save one less Hold.

And since Impact is only triggered by Lift and Propel, it won't be overpowered if more foes are suffering Impact. It just makes other Gravity friends do impact damage more easier.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Aww, man. I got all excited about things, like... DS being useful and Wormhole having a wider radius.


@Amarlex in game, on the Virtue server.



I am disappointed.

Instead of Impact I would have preferred a gimmick that would basically do splash control. We have splash debuffs on Poison, another heavily single target set, so why not with control? If you're creating localised fields of anti-gravity or increased gravity then it makes sense that things in the extreme vicinity would also be affected.

For example, you use Gravity Distortion and anything within 5 to 10 feet get hit by a weaker magnitude Hold for a few seconds. Same for Lift and Crush, and possibly the AoEs. There would be a clarifier that means a single target can only be affected by the splash once. For balance purposes, those affected by the splash controls should not take the same amount of damage as the initial target, so either half the damage or no damage at all depending on the magnitude of the splash control.

This would make Singularity a lot better, the controls overall a lot better, and would give Wormhole's teleport a use because it would allow for targets to be bunched up in tight groups so they can be easily affected the splash controls.



Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
I am disappointed.

Instead of Impact I would have preferred a gimmick that would basically do splash control. We have splash debuffs on Poison, another heavily single target set, so why not with control? If you're creating localised fields of anti-gravity or increased gravity then it makes sense that things in the extreme vicinity would also be affected.

For example, you use Gravity Distortion and anything within 5 to 10 feet get hit by a weaker magnitude Hold for a few seconds. Same for Lift and Crush, and possibly the AoEs. There would be a clarifier that means a single target can only be affected by the splash once. For balance purposes, those affected by the splash controls should not take the same amount of damage as the initial target, so either half the damage or no damage at all depending on the magnitude of the splash control.

This would make Singularity a lot better, the controls overall a lot better, and would give Wormhole's teleport a use because it would allow for targets to be bunched up in tight groups so they can be easily affected the splash controls.

Speaking of Tighter control, if the knockback from WH were removed, a little larger targeted aoe, and you could just place them somewhere, that would help. They scatter so bad, even if u try to contain them with the aoe control. if the power stays, increase the mag of the disorient as well. When electric ccontrol came out, it just made gravs short comings, that more obvious.



Random obscenely long CD not fixed on AOE hold. Set still has terrible AOE. Dimension Shift still not a toggle.

No bueno.



I've posted in controller forum that I think the Gravity change should be different for Dominator.

For Controller, the set was designed to have two more regular attacks than other control sets so the new change will make Lift and Propel do a lot more dps than before. Propel change is huge for controller before epic blasts come into the picture.

For Dominator, this change will only increase Lift's "Impact" damage. We don't know how much Impact damage is going to be but Propel is still not good enough unless you are /Earth. Those that took Propel for "theme" reason got a big buff but overall, the new changes don't benefit Dominator as much.

I was really hoping they can increase Wormhole's radius to 20'. If they can do that, then I'll forgive Dimension Shift. Each AT has different needs so they should buff different things IMO.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.




Please buff Ice Control.



Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
hehe, I see you really approved the new changes for Dominator. :P

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
hehe, I see you really approved the new changes for Dominator. :P
I can relate, I didn't approve them even for controllers lol



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
I can relate, I didn't approve them even for controllers lol
Well, let's just say with the new change, I may be more interested in making a controller but the change does almost nothing for my dominator. My gravity is Grav/Fire and there's no way new Propel can match /Fire's range attacks even with impact bonus.

I can see the direction of this buff for Controller since the set is known for having two "regular attacks" (lift and propel) and yet those two attacks had problems. One dealing less than what's intended for and two taking too long and hitting mostly "corpses".

I just wish they could buff Gravity for dominator too. As fancy looking as Propel is, adding more damage in a control set just doesn't mesh well with an AT with an Assault secondary.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I just wish they could buff Gravity for dominator too. As fancy looking as Propel is, adding more damage in a control set just doesn't mesh well with an AT with an Assault secondary.

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I hope that they know what they're doing...



If you want any grav changes, you'll have to hope for it to be ported to scrappers or blasters. That seems to be the key to getting sets buffed.

Please buff Ice Control.



Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
If you want any grav changes, you'll have to hope for it to be ported to scrappers or blasters. That seems to be the key to getting sets buffed.
Based on what? Melee sets I'll agree with. Melee is getting a disproportionate amount of attention lately with EA changes, SJ, TW, Staff Fighting, Stalker changes, and recently Synapse came out to say "we're (the Dev's) going to have a talk about Tanker's".

Blaster's? I don't know, since I've only been back after a prolonged absence for a couple of months, but Blaster's appear to be largely unchanged since last I left. The secondaries are a cluster, and they still live or die (typically die) almost purely by the amount of mez thrown their way. What happened to Blaster's (outside of maybe Defiance 2.0) that puts them on a pedestal even remotely near melee? (I'm honestly asking because I really don't know.)

In any case, I digress. My Grav/Kin currently sits shelved, and even with the changes to Lift and Propel, probably still won't find himself resurrected. Wormhole needs to stun when it hits, or suppress agro until after it teleports. And to hell with Dimension Shift, Black Hole, and any other steamer like them. My jaw almost hit the floor when I read Arbiter Hawks statement that "Oh it's awesome in PvP". PvP? You're serious? CoX is still around and kicking despite PvP, not because of it.



I don't know how the devs came to the conclusion that Grav's problem was lack of damage, but I'll say this for the change: Singy is officially the single best pet available to Doms.

Grav remains one of my favorite sets once it gets Singy because Singy throws so many controls, you spend much more time assaulting than controlling. Heck, throw on a few +Def bonuses, and you can (almost) forget your primary and just assault as Singy holds aggro and controls for you. As of I22, Singy will be killing stuff too. Bonus.

The downside of the set, of course, is getting to 32, as the set has a very poor low level experience.

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Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
The downside of the set, of course, is getting to 32, as the set has a very poor low level experience.
That's really one of my biggest beefs with Gravity.

The set overall might have enough control (If you use Fire as the minimum control guideline) but GETTING to the level at which the set starts to perform "adequately" (if still clunkily... Wormhole) is problematic and only serves to turn many people off to the set from the get go.

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