Upcoming Grav tweaks

Agent White



Hey all,

We have some more changes coming for Gravity Control in i22 to help improve the set’s control capabilities. In addition to the new Impact mechanic and the quickening of Propel (which helps soft-control from Knockback), we’ve made a major change to Dimension Shift and some minor tweaks to Wormhole.

Dimension Shift:

  • This power is now a Targeted AoE toggle. It will phase and immobilize everything within its sphere of influence, and can be sustained for up to 20 seconds. Enemies who move into the radius after the effect has begun become immobilized and phased. If the power is toggled off before its maximum duration, affected targets become un-phased shortly thereafter, allowing players to functionally control the duration of the phasing.
  • This power’s radius has been increased to 20 feet, up from 15 feet. It also no longer causes enemy NPCs to attack the user, assuming the user has not used any other attack powers on their opponents. This allows Gravity Control characters to use Wormhole as an initiation power without risking death during its attack animation.

You'll see these changes on the i22 VIP Beta soon after it goes up.



Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
Hey all,

  • This power’s radius has been increased to 20 feet, up from 15 feet. It also no longer causes enemy NPCs to attack the user, assuming the user has not used any other attack powers on their opponents. This allows Gravity Control characters to use Wormhole as an initiation power without risking death during its attack animation.
This is like GOD-LIKE buff for Wormhole. I can care less about Dimension Shift because other people just don't like hitting something that says "Unaffected" and I don't feel like explaining to them every time I use it (although that change looks interesting and allows us to de-toggle rather than waiting for 30s).

Thanks for taking the time to respond here and listening to our feedback! The wormhole change is VERY good. 20' radius and no initial aggro? HELL YEAH!

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Great Googly Moogly is this a GREAT CHANGE!! Simply removing the agro from Wormhole kicks to an MUST HAVE control- and a damn good one!

I also like the change to Dimension shift... I can see several uses for a TAoE Immob/phase, 2 off the top of my head is in the ITF- the Ambushes at the Oracle and Valley of Ambushes/Lag in mission 3...

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Excellent! Arbiter Hawk you know that we all are pretty much foaming at the mouth waiting to sink of teeth into the new changes right? haha

Thanks so much for the modification to Wormhole! I think it's time for me to make some fun mids builds!



>.> does this mean i22 VIP Beta is like today?

Edit: >.> too many choices in what to make soon sad panda



Originally Posted by GotPlentyFaces View Post
>.> does this mean i22 VIP Beta is like today?

Edit: >.> too many choices in what to make soon sad panda
If that's the case I know of a little Todd who needs to call in because "feeling DREADFULLY sick" today! mwehehe.



I was hoping the new Stalker changes and Gravity change could up tomorrow...

I am leaving for Vegas for a convention this Sunday. I want to test Stalker's change so bad.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
Hey all,

We have some more changes coming for Gravity Control in i22 to help improve the set’s control capabilities. In addition to the new Impact mechanic and the quickening of Propel (which helps soft-control from Knockback), we’ve made a major change to Dimension Shift and some minor tweaks to Wormhole.

Dimension Shift:
  • This power is now a Targeted AoE toggle. It will phase and immobilize everything within its sphere of influence, and can be sustained for up to 20 seconds. Enemies who move into the radius after the effect has begun become immobilized and phased. If the power is toggled off before its maximum duration, affected targets become un-phased shortly thereafter, allowing players to functionally control the duration of the phasing.
  • This power’s radius has been increased to 20 feet, up from 15 feet. It also no longer causes enemy NPCs to attack the user, assuming the user has not used any other attack powers on their opponents. This allows Gravity Control characters to use Wormhole as an initiation power without risking death during its attack animation.

You'll see these changes on the i22 VIP Beta soon after it goes up.
First let me say thank you! These changes are good and necessary.

I'll stop short of calling them 'enough' though, because there is one more issue that needs to be addressed: Wormhole's knockback. This doesn't belong in the power for a number of reasons:

1) The primary effect of Wormhole is the disorient component. As a result, the mitigation/soft control benefit of the knockback is essentially irrelevant since any enemy hit by the power will already be stunned. This means that the only effects of the knockback are negative (i.e. scatter).

2) The knockback is sufficiently powerful as to scatter enemies to the four winds unless they are shot into convenient terrain. Scattering the spawn so dramatically will often make a fight slower and more dangerous by making it harder to control - meaning that using Wormhole this way runs directly counter to its own ostensible purpose.

3) Mitigating the knockback in order to prevent this problem typically depends on convenient nearby terrain features (which may not exist at all). This actually introduces a new problem. The teleportation feature of Wormhole looks on paper like a useful function, allowing you to place enemies where you want them. In practice, however, the player is limited to only placing enemies into corralling terrain, meaning that Wormhole's enemy-relocation feature is all but eliminated as a positive argument.

4) Reliance on convenient terrain features may result in Wormhole being relegated to a 'situational' power, since using it without them may make things worse and elicit negative and sometimes harsh reactions from teammates (and for good reason). For a power that is obviously intended to be the primary aoe control in the set, this is clearly wrong.

Reduce the knockback magnitude to 0.67. This effectively eliminates scatter (and therefore also eliminates reliance on terrain) and restores enemy-placement as a feature of Wormhole. Since knockback is not the primary source of mitigation for Wormhole this change does not increase the degree of enemy attack/damage mitigation provided by the power; it merely ensures that it can be used for the purposes it was clearly created to perform, without having to rely on convenient geometries to negate the excessive knockback. By reducing the magnitude rather than removing the knockback effect entirely, existing enhancement slotting is unaffected; players who wish to retain the "at speed" Wormhole exit retain the option of slotting knockback enhancers to do so.



Wow, how did I forget about the horrendous knockback? I guess it has been a few years since I have played a gravity toon. Teflon hit it right on the head. Reducing the Kb would make the power a complete MUST-have and it would make Gravity an amazing set once again w/o completely relying on your level 32 Pet to seem like you are contributing at all to the team or to your solo play. Reducing the mag would not overpower the set in anyway it would actually make Gravity a contender with other amazing controller primaries like Earth Control and Plant. I think for the Control primaries we need to pour on as much efficency and followthrough as possible...Much like the changes to Energy Aura and the birth of late great sets like StJ, Time Manipulation and Titan weapons.

I think as a dominator or controller I should be able to provide as much utility and efficiency as my fellow brute, scrapper, or tank team players.

Oh, and my Level 50 Gravity/Kin does NOT use Wormhole once he get's singy unless I am playing a Cave mission and that's only if I'm in a hallway. I think that speaks volumes. Dimension Shift is a whole other animal but wormhole should be something you should be able to depend on from 26 to 53.



The Wormhole changes are nice, though WH suffers some from GC's internal inconsistencies (trying to have KB and lockdown in one set), and the other changes are small, but okay. There are still two problems not dealt with by these changes.

Dimension Shift - The toggle helps, but whatever benefit is gained by taking the mobs out of the fight is largely negated by teammates wasting attacks by trying (and failing) to take them down. Single biggest help? Make DS'ed enemies untargetable! It would be nice if you could make the status aura unmistakable, but when scrapperlock or blaster ????* is in full swing, people are just tabbing the targetting block and trying to mow down the baddies.

Propel - Impact is nice, as is the shortened animation. But seriously? The KB is useful once in a while. It really doesn't synergize with a control set that dumps heavy KB resistance on the potential targets. Thematically, a chance of a short term disorient would work (I just got hit with a forklift!?!) and would actually be of some benefit with immobilized mobs.

Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
<some snippage>

Dimension Shift:
  • This power is now a Targeted AoE toggle. It will phase and immobilize everything within its sphere of influence, and can be sustained for up to 20 seconds.
  • This power’s radius has been increased to 20 feet, up from 15 feet. It also no longer causes enemy NPCs to attack the user, assuming the user has not used any other attack powers on their opponents. This allows Gravity Control characters to use Wormhole as an initiation power without risking death during its attack animation.
*Can't remember what it's called right now.

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Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
Hey all,

We have some more changes coming for Gravity Control in i22 to help improve the set’s control capabilities. In addition to the new Impact mechanic and the quickening of Propel (which helps soft-control from Knockback), we’ve made a major change to Dimension Shift and some minor tweaks to Wormhole.

Dimension Shift:
  • This power is now a Targeted AoE toggle. It will phase and immobilize everything within its sphere of influence, and can be sustained for up to 20 seconds. Enemies who move into the radius after the effect has begun become immobilized and phased. If the power is toggled off before its maximum duration, affected targets become un-phased shortly thereafter, allowing players to functionally control the duration of the phasing.
  • This power’s radius has been increased to 20 feet, up from 15 feet. It also no longer causes enemy NPCs to attack the user, assuming the user has not used any other attack powers on their opponents. This allows Gravity Control characters to use Wormhole as an initiation power without risking death during its attack animation.

You'll see these changes on the i22 VIP Beta soon after it goes up.
Like both changes.

Would love to see more existing sets revamped like this.



These are great changes to the powerset!

I'd also like to add an 'agee with' on teflonshugenja's suggestion regarding the knockback.

I use wormhole quite a lot on my characters, but have to be very careful in its use as a direct result of the knockback feture, ergo, 1/2 the time I don't use it when I'd like to.

Please continue reviewing powersets like this that need attention and updates, ...such as assault rifle....



Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
Hey all,

We have some more changes coming for Gravity Control in i22 to help improve the set’s control capabilities. In addition to the new Impact mechanic and the quickening of Propel (which helps soft-control from Knockback), we’ve made a major change to Dimension Shift and some minor tweaks to Wormhole.

Dimension Shift:
  • This power is now a Targeted AoE toggle. It will phase and immobilize everything within its sphere of influence, and can be sustained for up to 20 seconds. Enemies who move into the radius after the effect has begun become immobilized and phased. If the power is toggled off before its maximum duration, affected targets become un-phased shortly thereafter, allowing players to functionally control the duration of the phasing.
  • This power’s radius has been increased to 20 feet, up from 15 feet. It also no longer causes enemy NPCs to attack the user, assuming the user has not used any other attack powers on their opponents. This allows Gravity Control characters to use Wormhole as an initiation power without risking death during its attack animation.

You'll see these changes on the i22 VIP Beta soon after it goes up.

Oh one more thing, don't forget to check Singularity's activation time in Immb and Hold powers. I think it is still using the old long animations. :P

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post
These are great changes to the powerset!

I'd also like to add an 'agee with' on teflonshugenja's suggestion regarding the knockback.

I use wormhole quite a lot on my characters, but have to be very careful in its use as a direct result of the knockback feture, ergo, 1/2 the time I don't use it when I'd like to.

Please continue reviewing powersets like this that need attention and updates, ...such as assault rifle....
Right now we're not planning on changing the knockback to knockdown in Wormhole. The KB actually synergizes really well with the new Dimension Shift, since you can grab a bunch of enemies and throw them into your Shift's sphere. I also just think the power feels/looks a lot cooler as "throwing enemies around with gravity" rather than "dropping enemies somewhere else with teleport", which keeps it much more in Gravity's kit. The scatter effect of the KB is easy to contain with environment if the player desires to contain it, and if they don't, the stun duration is long enough such that it's still a very effective control power.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Oh one more thing, don't forget to check Singularity's activation time in Immb and Hold powers. I think it is still using the old long animations. :P
I believe these are fixed in the future as well.



now if you just switch wormhole and dimension shift in the power order the set would be great



Originally Posted by Gearsinger View Post
I watched the UStream today, and Arbiter Hawk mentioned a few changes coming for Grav in I22.

  1. Shorter animation and faster projectile speed for Propel.
  2. New mechanic called Impact that will cause enemies under the effect of Gravity Distortion to take greater damage from Lift and Propel.
  3. Upped the damage scale on Controller and Singularity lift, Dominator's already use the proper scale.
That list looks pretty good for controllers, but I don't think it addresses Dominator gravity issues. What do you think?
It doesn't do everything we all wanted, but wow, just fixing propel is a great great start!

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Originally Posted by arbiter hawk View Post
i believe these are fixed in the future as well.
cool beans!

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I'll add my voice to those who are liking these changes and I hope some of the other "older" and "somewhat annoying" power sets/individual powers will get some looking at like this.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
Right now we're not planning on changing the knockback to knockdown in Wormhole. The KB actually synergizes really well with the new Dimension Shift, since you can grab a bunch of enemies and throw them into your Shift's sphere. I also just think the power feels/looks a lot cooler as "throwing enemies around with gravity" rather than "dropping enemies somewhere else with teleport", which keeps it much more in Gravity's kit. The scatter effect of the KB is easy to contain with environment if the player desires to contain it, and if they don't, the stun duration is long enough such that it's still a very effective control power.
*Sigh* Ok, I will try to like it...and keep an open mind but It's going to be tough for me to get use to using Dimension Shift. There's only a few things in this game that have high KB that I care for....and now you have a phase AND high kb....oof.

It's going to be interesting Arbiter trying to get all of us Old Schoolers to actually like Dimension Shift.

I'll cross my fingers about DS and WH being switched a year or two from now.



Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
I'll add my voice to those who are liking these changes and I hope some of the other "older" and "somewhat annoying" power sets/individual powers will get some looking at like this.
Yeah I agree. As much as I like using new sets, I think it is better for the game when most sets are balanced against each other.

One thing I forgot to ask is what made the dev to look at Gravity again? I am just curious. Is it because of Dark Control?

Hopefully they can look at Ice Control in the future. :P I think that set can use a little bit love.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
the quickening
There can be only one!



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Yeah I agree. As much as I like using new sets, I think it is better for the game when most sets are balanced against each other.

One thing I forgot to ask is what made the dev to look at Gravity again? I am just curious. Is it because of Dark Control?

Hopefully they can look at Ice Control in the future. :P I think that set can use a little bit love.
I think they've hinted to maybe looking at Ice control in the future. I think Earth, Fire, Plant, Elec and Mind are fine as is.



Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
Dimension Shift:
  • This power is now a Targeted AoE toggle. It will phase and immobilize everything within its sphere of influence, and can be sustained for up to 20 seconds. Enemies who move into the radius after the effect has begun become immobilized and phased. If the power is toggled off before its maximum duration, affected targets become un-phased shortly thereafter, allowing players to functionally control the duration of the phasing.
Any thought to my suggestion from a while back to make dimension shift debuff regeneration to zero if and only if it shifts the target. That way if you shift a target so that you can't attack it, at least it doesn't regenerate while shifted. Allowing the critters inside the power to regenerate while shifted is in effect a win for them. If the power stopped regen at the same time it prevented us from damaging the targets then it would be a form of combat "pause" rather than an actual shelter for the targets.

Targets that resist the shift should also be unaffected by the -regen for the duration of the power.

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