Buy Titan Weapon Pack NOW... for FREE




Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
I would pay extra for a weapons pack sure. That would be a weapons pack with waaaay more options than 4 models for titan weapons which actually were there, most people assumed they would unlockable in game (like every other set...), not that they would be unlockable with money. Sure they free now, but after these two weeks, it won't be free anymore. And just because i can get it for free now, doesn't make it any less of a bad idea.
Theres still no model for Vanguard or Rularuu titan weapons, like there are for most other weapon sets.

Look at the newer weapon sets, Dual Blades and Dual Pistols. They came with waaay more then 6 options and no pack to buy with more models.

Ever since the market came it just seems more and more than they just add stuff and wanna charge for everything and everyone at paragon are walking around with dollar signs in their eyes. Some of the pricing in the market is just mindboggling, its as if they're trying to rip off the customers, just look at the Magic Bolero for the females, 440 points. But buy the whole magic pack its only 400, its like they're baiting people, and the pricing when report was apparently intentional.

I still havn't spent a single euro in the shop aside the free 550 points each month.
I agree it should of come with some more options.

However, what I don't really care about is new accounts after this free for two weeks having to pay for them

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I think BossTone hit upon the big one when bring up Dual Blades - most of it's models were already in game. It would be nice however if TW got a weapon or two for the following sets : Rularuu (both a blade and hammer), Celestial, Elemntal Order I'd not yet already, and Roman by/around i22 - or at least a couple towards those sets.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
I think BossTone hit upon the big one when bring up Dual Blades - most of it's models were already in game. It would be nice however if TW got a weapon or two for the following sets : Rularuu (both a blade and hammer), Celestial, Elemntal Order I'd not yet already, and Roman by/around i22 - or at least a couple towards those sets.
Well. sure they were, but at the same time. I would not mind seeing the existing weapons for Broadsword/Dualblades/katana blown up in size and made into titan weapons.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
I think BossTone hit upon the big one when bring up Dual Blades - most of it's models were already in game. It would be nice however if TW got a weapon or two for the following sets : Rularuu (both a blade and hammer), Celestial, Elemntal Order I'd not yet already, and Roman by/around i22 - or at least a couple towards those sets.
I actually don't think they were in-game as such; Issue 11 introduced both Weapon Customization and Dual Blades. But since the three sets overlap so much, it's easier to justify spending time on assets for them since they'll get used more. The TW weapons only work for one set, and they're so highly detailed that you might as well design a new character as design one of these things.

I'm puzzling over Shields, though. There were 21 unique models immediately accessible, with a bunch more unlockable at launch. I can only guess that they were really simple to make, being mostly symmetrical.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



I agree. Those models were there in beta and combined, seemed about the right amount to go live with. It appears that these four were taken away from the initial options, rolled into a skins pack and then marketed as being something 'extra' when TW went live with a tiny choice of models.

Sure, I'd pay for extra weapon skins. But the timing of this... it just smells of someone trying to squeeze more money out of players by gouging the options initially available. And I dread to think what kind of precident that sets for the future.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
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Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post

...they're charging 800 pts for a powerset. And selling the weapon skins SEPARATELY?

Lmao. Money grabbing.
The ultimate goal of any company is to make loads 'a money

I don't see how this can come as such a shock, although i will be an unhappy camper if they charge for the extra staff weapons



Originally Posted by G_Savior View Post
The ultimate goal of any company is to make loads 'a money

I don't see how this can come as such a shock, although i will be an unhappy camper if they charge for the extra staff weapons
So because its titan weapons its ok and we shouldn't be shocked. But if they'd do it to staffs you'd be upset?

Mmm... yea ok, way to stand on your feet there.



If they do for Staff what they did for Titan I'll be content. ~10 models, ~6 basic, ~4 in a pack, pack is free at launch.

If they short the number of weapons or don't make the pack free for a limited time, then that will engender some harsh words indeed. Indeed.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



They'll probably figure out a way to stop the sale of the free "extra" Staff skins for people that dont buy the set outright... if they do anything.



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
So because its titan weapons its ok and we shouldn't be shocked. But if they'd do it to staffs you'd be upset?

Mmm... yea ok, way to stand on your feet there.
... I dont even know how you came to that conclusion.
Thanks for putting words into my mouth, I guess.



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
Well. sure they were, but at the same time. I would not mind seeing the existing weapons for Broadsword/Dualblades/katana blown up in size and made into titan weapons.
Might be quick, might not. Doing this would more than likely require them doing working improving the look/skin/texture after being stretched.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
I'm okay with these types of packs, even if it wouldn't be for free at the start. As long as there's a decent variety of weapon models coming with the set itself, as is the case here.
Really, even with the bonus pack, it barely measures up to the older weapon sets. It feels more like you are paying more (not counting the limited free offer) just to get up to normal instead of paying for something extra.



Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
When I chose the Weapon Pack, it put Titan Weapons in my cart at the same time. I thought they were all like "oooh, no FREE soup for YOU!"

'Course, I was going to buy the TW at the same time, so it saved me the effort. And made me smile, thinking of the store being clerked by Soup Nazi's.

Hey, wasn't someone just asking about new alien threats??
Well I got just the pack for free. The powerset wasn't added (I don't have the points for it now anyway), and I can't 'buy' the pack again, just tried.

I hope that when I decide to get the powerset (thinking about waiting for my points because of alts and other games) I'll have the extra weapons.



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
Really, even with the bonus pack, it barely measures up to the older weapon sets. It feels more like you are paying more (not counting the limited free offer) just to get up to normal instead of paying for something extra.

There's a good deal more detail and effects on these new weapons than on those for the older sets.
There's a lot of overlap between the older weapon sets, and a lot were lifted from assets already in game.
Most of the other weapons were created especially for weapons customization, so there was a good deal of time and resources allotted for them.

If you want to compare it with something compare it with beam rifle. How many models did that launch with? and most of those were taken from assets already in game too. I wouldn't mind a pack with some beam rifle models in.

@True Metal
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I grabbed mine!

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I think an additional pack is a good idea

the devs need to see what people are actually willing to pay for. Will they pay for extra storyline missions (First Ward), powersets, weapon skins, costume parts, pets, etc.

if you don't like it don't buy it. The devs will no doubt pay attention to where the money is



They've just came up with a way to separate VIP players from their accrued Paragon Points.

First it was costume sets that were available for a limited time. Now it's Power Sets with the additional weapon skins available for a limited time for free.

So now that I have over 800 PP accrued do I finally buy Street Justice or do I buy Titan Weapon with the "free" weapon pack and wait another couple of months?

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Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Money grabbing.
And this is bad? Why?

Paragon making money seems like a very good thing to me.

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Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
And this is bad? Why?

Paragon making money seems like a very good thing to me.
Read the rest of my posts. I explain why it's bad. But to reiterate: it's free this time so that we don't object, and so that we get used to the idea of paying extra for these things. This sets a precedent for the future that will allow them to start charging for weapon skins. The next powerset that is due for release is staff fighting - you can almost guarantee that there will be extra skins for sale, but they won't be free. But by that point no-one will complain because the precedent of charging more for something which should be included in the 800pt powerset purchase is now part of the customer psyche.

And please remember there is a difference between making money and money grabbing. E.g. Paragon Studios starts being greedy, so Xanatos cancels his subscription. They haven't made any money, but they have tried to "money grab".



They've just came up with a way to separate VIP players from their accrued Paragon Points.
What? The sheer volume of items hitting the market in the last couple of months has already outpaced what a VIP is getting in their stipend, even at 550 points. The powersets alone have ensured that, before we get into any kind of costume sets or consumables.



Personally, I think we're going a little too far with the outrage. Numerous people - myself included - have been asking for "weapon booster packs" for a long time now, and this is essentially it. Sure, it might not have been the best place to start, but if it means a more substantial weapon pack later down the road, with a couple of weapons for every set, then why not? I'd buy that. I've been saying since day one of Beam Rifle that I'd buy the set only if I could use its weapons on Mastermind Robotics Pulse Rifle attacks, which I couldn't last I checked.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Read the rest of my posts. I explain why it's bad. But to reiterate: it's free this time so that we don't object, and so that we get used to the idea of paying extra for these things.
I don't know what game you've been playing but this game has been charging us for extra costume pieces for years. Not only are we already used to paying extra for these things, we've been telling the devs we'd pay cash for these things if they'd put them in the store ever since they sold the first booster pack years ago.

This sets a precedent for the future that will allow them to start charging for weapon skins.
That precedent was set years ago when they started selling costume boosters to the game. Weapon skins are no different than the other costume skins they sell.

And please remember there is a difference between making money and money grabbing.
Selling the players exactly what they've been asking them to sell isn't money grabbing by any definition of the word.

E.g. Paragon Studios starts being greedy, so Xanatos cancels his subscription.
Buh-bye. The doors out is on the left, don't let it hit you in the butt as you leave. Oh and in case you forgot you can play for free now so threats to cancel subs have no meaning. Everyone knows the rage quitters will keep playing and buying stuff on the market.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Personally, I think we're going a little too far with the outrage.
It's the Internet Sam. Rage and vent is what people do here. I just finished beta testing another MMO in a galaxy far far away and there are people nerd raging on their forums about the length of time future server maintenance will take in a game that hasn't even launched yet and has no regular server maintenance schedule posted.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
So now that I have over 800 PP accrued do I finally buy Street Justice or do I buy Titan Weapon with the "free" weapon pack and wait another couple of months?

Personally I like Street Justice more, and the animations for Titan Weapon attacks look stupid for some of the weapons.



Originally Posted by Mordakar View Post
What? The sheer volume of items hitting the market in the last couple of months has already outpaced what a VIP is getting in their stipend, even at 550 points. The powersets alone have ensured that, before we get into any kind of costume sets or consumables.
Oh so true - I spent all the points I started with Beam Rifle, the Hoverboard and some costume sets, then I bought 1200 extra and got more auction house slots. When I thought I was done and could wait for TW (didn't care about StJ) I was all like 'oooo shiny autumm aura for my new plant/storm' and then 'ooo that gunslinger gun is perfect for my DP/Dark corr' and 'my new Katana needs to start with the Vanguard blade' (all like, 60, 80 point purchases).

Now I have 300 points left, not that I'm anxious for TW since while I liked it on beta, I'm not usually a melee player and have many alts to level (including my BR toon lol), but I'd guarantee you that if I was awarded 1600 points I'd buy the double enhancement tray for example (or was it 800, 1200? - I have it on beta where everything is 0 points and it's so nice).

So yeah they found out how to make us spend money since the start.

And then there's the uninformed crowd (not saying that in a bad way, most ppl don't read the forums or use mids to understand IOs deeply) - I saw a level 10 /EA Scrapper with some bonuses, one of them was a Karma -KB protection. I asked why she had a -KB IO on a /EA toon and she said 'oh I returned to the game, haven't played since i8, and I saw that was the only defense set they had and I had some free points so I bought the Karma set'. Now imagine when the player sees something he/she really wants like TW or whatnot, she'll probably spend money for that because she bought unnecessary stuff without knowing beforehand.