Buy Titan Weapon Pack NOW... for FREE




I bought both and love this set to bits. I'm particularly glad the railroad crossing sign made it off the drawing board. Now if you could add a giant STOP sign (maybe unlockable after achieving a Municipal Authority badge perhaps), I'll be all set.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Don't talk to me.
Then don't post on the forums. If you don't want people to respond to your posts then man up and put the ones you don't want to see on ignore or simply stop reading or interacting with the forums. Your choice.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Again, only some of the customers said they'd pay extra for more stuff. A small fraction.

Don't speak for everyone, please.
(bolded for my question.)

What fraction was that? Can I get your source - I'd be highly interested in what the numbers were.

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Again, only some of the customers said they'd pay extra for more stuff. A small fraction.

Don't speak for everyone, please.
Prove it. Post links to a reputable neutral third party that can provide documented proof that the number of customers who said they'd be willing to pay for extra stuff is a small fraction of the CoH customer base.

In other words, Don't speak for everyone, please.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Prove it. Post links to a reputable neutral third party that can provide documented proof that the number of customers who said they'd be willing to pay for extra stuff is a small fraction of the CoH customer base.

In other words, Don't speak for everyone, please.
Going by the logic that only a small number of CoH players actually post on these boards, and only a small number of those posters have gone out of their way to say "We'll pay money for x", that's what I was going from.

But thanks for being unnecessarily hostile.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
But there was more. They just broke them out as a separate purchase.

As others have noted, the "mistake" here may have been offering the booster immediately which makes it look like you're only getting offered half a plate for the basic price.
I think those two things aren't really connected. You can say it's only six, but I'm happily willing to bet that if a set launched with 18 immediately available choices and an extra 12 in an optional pack at launch, the exact same grievances would be aired.

By which I mean I'm indirectly agreeing that I think it was something of a faux pas to introduce the extra pack at launch. I also think that giving it for free for two weeks makes up for that faux pas, but I know others don't think so.

As for the whole "small fraction": the only quantifiable thing is how many people buy the pack. If sales drop to near zero after the free period, then it's time for marketing to look at why. If plenty of people buy the pack, then it's likely that even if it is a money grab, it's one that a lot of folks are okay with.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
But thanks for being unnecessarily hostile.
Please quote exactly what was hostile in my response to your post. I merely asked you to provide evidence to back up your statement, and gave you the same advice you gave me about speaking for other people.

If you think that is being hostile then I suggest you need to take a break, go outside, and relax for a while.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Please quote exactly what was hostile in my response to your post. I merely asked you to provide evidence to back up your statement, and gave you the same advice you gave me about speaking for other people.

If you think that is being hostile then I suggest you need to take a break, go outside, and relax for a while.
Guys, please stop. Both of you, and lets focus on titan weapons.

Group hug?



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
If you think that is being hostile then I suggest you need to take a break, go outside, and relax for a while.
You sure? I think it was "Rage!"



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Then don't post on the forums. If you don't want people to respond to your posts then man up and put the ones you don't want to see on ignore or simply stop reading or interacting with the forums. Your choice.
Yeah I know how forums work. But thanks for the heads up.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
This thread was just a heads up to grab something while it's free.

Clearly a topic worthy of rage, doom, and personal attacks.

Lol I posted in 3 topics about TW that you can get the pack for free without buying the powerset the moment it went live and nobody seemed to read it, instead discussing about how this is a ripoff and stuff so I feel your pain



the Real ripoff is that TW is only available on 3 of the 4 Melee ATs. While I "bought" the weapon skins, I'm not buying the set until it's available for all 4 Melee ATs.

While the timing is certainly questionable I wouldn't be surprised if the base models were finished and then it was decided that some extra models will be sold separately. Is that a removal of options? not necessarily. Either way we can't call it a money grab until the actual price gets listed.




Would have included the 'additional weapons pack' in with Titan Weapons at release and then introduced an additional 4 weapons later down the line for purchasing.

Now I am willing to agree with Bosstone, the models themselves (with exception the Steel bar in a boulder weapon) are quire a bit more detailed than most of the weapons we've gotten for free before, I think only the Romulus Augustus/Nictus Broadsword option is a rival in being very ornate.

Keep in mind that most of the 'ornate' designs were included in paid for packs. The weapons from the Martial Arts pack and the Valkyrie blade are more fancy than most of the unlockable ingame ones.

Still Titan weapons does come with a fairly puny amont of models at its base so rather than pulling models away and then releasing them as a paid for pack, just include the models in the first place, then in a month or so, crank out a weapons pack.

I am disappointed at the lack of a Vanguard and Rularuu option for Titan weapons though.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
the Real ripoff is that TW is only available on 3 of the 4 Melee ATs. While I "bought" the weapon skins, I'm not buying the set until it's available for all 4 Melee ATs.

While the timing is certainly questionable I wouldn't be surprised if the base models were finished and then it was decided that some extra models will be sold separately. Is that a removal of options? not necessarily. Either way we can't call it a money grab until the actual price gets listed.
Oh don't start that, somebody will come and say TW is not Stalkerish, then someone else will say that DB and Katana are not Brutish and it will be all doom again

(I'd have bought the powerset even thought I'd have to spend money for it and haven't been playing much lately if it were available to Stalkers btw)



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Oh don't start that, somebody will come and say TW is not Stalkerish, then someone else will say that DB and Katana are not Brutish and it will be all doom again

(I'd have bought the powerset even thought I'd have to spend money for it and haven't been playing much lately if it were available to Stalkers btw)
Didn't mean to start that argument up again sorry.

So yeah Titan Weapons Pack now available for 0 Paragon Points.

Whatever your opinion on the pack it's silly not to take advantage of this deal.(unless of course you have no plans to get TW ever)



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
That and too many people can't read an opinion they don't like without dismissing it as "whining" to make themselves feel better (or try to shame the other guy into silence... or both)
Granted. That covers both sides, though - the dissatisfied and the "fanboys". Kinda comes down to extremism on one side clashing with extremism on the other, and both generalizing the other side by their extremists.

...seems to work like politics and religion that way. ><

Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Yeah I know how forums work. But thanks for the heads up.
Then I'd suggest you take the advice you gave to me earlier.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Still Titan weapons does come with a fairly puny amont of models at its base so rather than pulling models away and then releasing them as a paid for pack, just include the models in the first place, then in a month or so, crank out a weapons pack.
I referenced this briefly before, but I think the amount of detail and variance of designs may make the set feel more limiting in some ways. If I'm making a guy with a sword, there's a number of swords to choose from and they're all "swords" for most purposes. Especially if I'm just looking for a sharp bit of metal and not some tech blade, you could remove any particular sword and I could find another "close enough" for my concept.

On the other hand, a giant jet turbine on a stick or torn up railroad signal pretty much defines the character rather than the other way around. You need (or at least I need) a fairly narrow concept to go with most of the weapon designs. So you mentally eliminate the ones that are way off concept and feel as though there's less options than the list shows.

I'm not saying this as some grand criticism or anything, just pointing out some issues of perception perhaps they didn't consider.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
I referenced this briefly before, but I think the amount of detail and variance of designs may make the set feel more limiting in some ways. If I'm making a guy with a sword, there's a number of swords to choose from and they're all "swords" for most purposes. Especially if I'm just looking for a sharp bit of metal and not some tech blade, you could remove any particular sword and I could find another "close enough" for my concept.

On the other hand, a giant jet turbine on a stick or torn up railroad signal pretty much defines the character rather than the other way around. You need (or at least I need) a fairly narrow concept to go with most of the weapon designs. So you mentally eliminate the ones that are way off concept and feel as though there's less options than the list shows.

I'm not saying this as some grand criticism or anything, just pointing out some issues of perception perhaps they didn't consider.
Yeah, if I had one criticism about the set, this would be it.

Battle Axe
Axes - 12

Broadsword, Katana, Dual Blades
Swords - ~44

War Mace
Maces/Hammers - 19

Titan Weapons
Axes - 2
Swords - 4 (counting Garage Brand)
Maces/Hammers - 3 (counting the concrete pole)
??? - 1 (railroad sign)

I'm not too concerned about the initial offering, but I'm hoping we'll see extensive additions to the Titan Weapon set over time. It's a lot of work for a single set, understandably so, but that one set covers a looooooooot of very different concepts. I love the detailed models, but having to spread design and production time among various types of weaponry means there's not a lot of choices within a particular concept, and the weapons can get pigeonholed.

That all said, I was heartened to see two Titan Weapon swords in the Fire/Ice concept images which looked absolutely amazing. I'd love to see more like that.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
Didn't mean to start that argument up again sorry.

So yeah Titan Weapons Pack now available for 0 Paragon Points.

Whatever your opinion on the pack it's silly not to take advantage of this deal.(unless of course you have no plans to get TW ever)
Oh I was kinda joking because there's another thread talking about Stalker theme and whatnot and I was the one who said 'yeah DB is so Brutish, Lightning Rod is so Stalkerish'.

Anyway you're right, I'm not even sure I'll get the power set (although I found it very fun in Beta) because I haven't been playing much and favor ranged toons (and Stalkers), and even then I haven't leveled my BR toon past 30 which is the only set I bought, but I logged in just to get the weapon pack in case I buy it later. Even not being a melee fan I found TW plenty fun.



If you actually look at the weapons in the set vs. the weapons in the pack, you'll notice that the weapons in the pack are far more intricate and, I dare say, far more fiddly to develop. The energy mace has a lot of mesh detail and an unusual effect, the Meath Scythe has a very specific wet meat sheen to it, plus a very elaborate texture, the evil sword has an animated scrolling runes texture and the Advent Children Fusion Sword is slightly bugged and missing a piece of texture at the top of its hilt, but is otherwise fairly complex.

Also, Titan Weapons is probably the first new set we've ever gotten since Power Customization that didn't have any weapon models it could borrow from anywhere. While anyone could argue the same about Dual Blades and weapon customization in general, that was a whole issue and many sets shared the same weapons anyway. And the sets that didn't? Well, how many weapons do Axe, Mace and Archer have, anyway? How many weapons does Assault Rifle have? And a lot of THOSE are NPC item ports. In fact, when Thugs first came out, I'm not sure if it had a single original weapon in the whole set.

When Dual Weapons came out, BABs started a weapon suggestions thread and precisely NOTHING from that thread ever came to pass. The set rolled with the same set of weapons as Thugs, plus a few mods for the Automatic. A few months later, we got a couple of what look like Colt revolvers, plus mods for those guns that had laser sights to be available without laser sights, like the Match Compensators. Hell, Robotics Masterminds used to have all of TWO weapons for their entire set - the blocky low-res pulse rifle and a set of bagpipes.

If booster packs is what it takes for the art team to make more weapons, then I will gladly pay for them. Like I said - my weapon users' weapons are AT LEAST as important to their overall design as the whole rest of their costumes. If anything's worth paying money for, that is.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I think the other issue is that this weapons set has LESS options than the older set like Dual Blades.
Correct! This is why people have a problem with this. The Titan Weapons power set comes with four options, if I remember correctly, which is far, far less than any other weapon power set ever released before. At minium a new weapon power set should come with eight to ten options minium, not four.

This is just another cheap marketing ploy.

I was going to buy Titan Weapons, but now after seeing this level of greed on the part of Paragon Studios, I have decided not to.

Founder/Leader of the JUSTICE F0RCE



Originally Posted by Acroyear2 View Post
The Titan Weapons power set comes with four options, if I remember correctly, which is far, far less than any other weapon power set ever released before.
Six: Razor Sword, Minotaur Axe, Rocket Hammer, Railroad Crossing Sign, Garage Band, Pulled Sign Post. And that's not "far, far less" than other sets. Like I said, Mastermind Robotics had two until recently, Archery still has four or five, Assault Rifle has what it borrowed from Masterminds, which is three weapons, plus the original Assault Rifle, plus the low-res untintable props stolen from in-game. Katana still has around six, not counting unlockable ones, too.

Weapons in this game have a very small, sad, limited repertoire. About the only ones with a decent number of options are Broadsword and Shield Defence, and Shield Defence only really counts because you can mod the shields themselves.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
That all said, I was heartened to see two Titan Weapon swords in the Fire/Ice concept images which looked absolutely amazing. I'd love to see more like that.
Speaking of which, I kind of hope they find a way to put those into the fire and ice melee options as well.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
This thread was just a heads up to grab something while it's free.
This thread is a slap in the face of... threads that slap in the face!

And shoot the messenger! AND the piano player!

THAT should teach you to try and be helpful!

(I dunno if I will ultimately play TW or not, but I snagged the freebie just in case. Thanks! )

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."