Gender Equality in Costumes - A lack thereof

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Originally Posted by DerekStorm View Post
(It’s almost like outside of tights, your male hero has a choice between t-shirts and suits….awesome).
Nonsense! Why, in my lineup, I have:

A robot in the Baron jacket and a wide-brimmed hat
A guy in Silver Age-style tights
A guy in biker leathers
A guy in a suit and trenchcoat
A guy in red and blue power armor
A guy in red and black power armor
A guy in red and gold power armor
A guy in purple and gold power armor
...You know what, I'll just agree.

Though really, I think that's more perception based on personal aesthetic preference.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Actually it was in the costume list (likely due to someone accidentally putting it in the list too soon).
Regardless of how it got out there, it then became fodder for viral marketing. To deny that reality is to be willfully ignorant of how this community (and many internet based communities) disseminate information, bundling it with speculation as they go.

This is essentially free marketing and anticipation for Paragon Studios, at least amongst their playerbase. It creates buzz and anticipation. But if the set is misnamed as this one does, that self propagating buzz can turn on an business entity--as this and the other threads witness.

It's fine to scoff at "nerd rage" if you don't have any skin in the game, but that position stance doesn't really help marketing do its job. And for the record, I personally believe that successful sustainable marketing is not just about maximizing immediate profits but also fostering and maintaining good customer relations. Happy customers will spread the good word about your product if you do.



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Nonsense! Why, in my lineup, I have:

A robot in the Baron jacket and a wide-brimmed hat
A guy in Silver Age-style tights
A guy in biker leathers
A guy in a suit and trenchcoat
A guy in red and blue power armor
A guy in red and black power armor
A guy in red and gold power armor
A guy in purple and gold power armor
...You know what, I'll just agree.

Though really, I think that's more perception based on personal aesthetic preference.
Don't get me wrong. You can do ALOT when it comes to the actual hero-esque realm. But, super heroes aren't always being super.

Plus... if you want to roll a younger super hero... and you put him in a tank top... he suddenly becomes Stewie in that one steroids episode of Family Guy.

Apparently, all women dress scandalous and all males are buff pro wrestlers.



So, am I the only one irked by the reaction of, "we're going to stop offering unique female pieces now"? I get it, you want to avoid pissing people off, so offering the same costume pieces across the three body types is the easiest way to do it, but there's something about that answer that came off as immensely childish to me. Maybe if, for some inexplicable reason, costume designers can't design female pieces that are theme appropriate and not automatically the "sexy Halloween costume version," this would be the better choice. Otherwise, I'm left scratching my head some, since the alleged fallout of that design decision means less choices overall (which humorously has been proven inaccurate earlier in this thread, where a player ported the male pieces themselves).



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
Regardless of how it got out there, it then became fodder for viral marketing. To deny that reality is to be willfully ignorant of how this community (and many internet based communities) disseminate information, bundling it with speculation as they go.
I was just commenting on where this one originated. I agree with the rest of your post.

Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
This is essentially free marketing and anticipation for Paragon Studios, at least amongst their playerbase. It creates buzz and anticipation. But if the set is misnamed as this one does, that self propagating buzz can turn on an business entity--as this and the other threads witness.

It's fine to scoff at "nerd rage" if you don't have any skin in the game, but that position stance doesn't really help marketing do its job. And for the record, I personally believe that successful sustainable marketing is not just about maximizing immediate profits but also fostering and maintaining good customer relations. Happy customers will spread the good word about your product if you do.
I completely agree. That is what made the City Scoop so powerful: Happy customers promoting the product.

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Originally Posted by DerekStorm View Post
This thread is titled “Gender Equality”, but ninety percent of the comments are doing the exact opposite.

It runs both ways people, I mean seriously. Outside of the random people saying the men should have access the corsets and skirts being thrown about, I’ve yet to hear anything on the reverse side.
Well this'll be because men don't have the problem of being constantly offered nothing but impractical 'sexy' options for their heroes. No one is seriously arguing that the men get sexy outfits instead of badass ones to even up the scales and fix everything. They might be arguing men should get sexy costumes and I don't see why not, but the issue here is that the men are getting heroic, appropriately themed costumes in these packs and the women get sexy haloween costumes that are practically a parody of what the pack is about.

You may complain that the men get nothing but T-Shirts and Jeans, but the last four packs have been pretty good for breaking out of this, pre-tinting and random skulls aside. All of their costumes are different, heroic looking and pretty thematic and none of them have T-Shirts and Jeans. While the women's costumes are three different variations of sexy corset wearing ladies and the CoT pack which was a good pack of which I have no complaints. There's some nice accessories in the three offenders and they're of fairly high quality, but that doesn't make it any less irritating.

Just because Comics and Film love the stripperific costumes and obsession with sexualising women it doesn't mean it's a good idea to copy them. It'd be nice if Paragon would step up and be better than this.

We're not arguing against sexy costumes ever being made. Just that constantly churning them out seemingly to the exclusion of all other things in the name of "Giving women something different" is really getting annoying and in this thread that annoyance is being voiced.

If you'd like to counter argue then go right ahead, but do it because you actually disagree with the ideas being offered. Not out of some desire to force an argument that doesn't really exist.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
E: When men get something, women get the same thing, maybe with a bow or some frills on it(roughly speaking)It's about going in two opposite directions with a theme, not a hatred of frills, lace or whatnot.
You can add that as E if you want. It's still not the solution to the problem. I know I wouldn't be happy if all my costume parts were just "guy things with bows on them." And I'd still not get any skirts, corsets, high heels, dresses, and so on. Unless you just release a whole lot of kilts and are very generous about your definition of "men's clothing." Which actually, is just the same thing as C.

Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
no, it's really not. We've had the ability to run around near-naked since the launch of the game. Still. Not. The.Point.
Yes. Exactly.

We've always been able to make naked characters and prostitutes. If the barbarian pack doesn't require men to run around pantsless then neither does the gunslinger pack do that for women. A costume part can only do what you use it for. If you use it to make a prostitute, it's not the costume part's fault.

Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
There is a problem with B and C.

If you are correct in C and including male corsets is a "huge waste of time", then B is the correct answer.

I mean, if people actually do want fewer costume choices for males, then they should have fewer.
It's not the "correct answer." I've already seen people shoot down this exact discussion. This exact topic came up already. To them it's not acceptable that their male characters just flat out get less costume parts. And really I'm not sure it's fair either (even if it's kind of realistic). What B says is that if men get pants, women get the pants too. But women still get skirts too. Men get 1 costume part and women get 2.

I don't think you'd get too far selling "Women get more parts than men from now on." As I said, they'd just anger a different set of people. That's not a solution, that's just rearranging the complaints.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



The name is part of it, but when I think of female heroes in Westerns (Calamity Jane, Annie Oakley, Cat Ballou) in action, I see them dressed in costumes more like the male costume. The may wear more frills in off time, but the only time we'd see them in something like the female costume is if they are going under cover for something.

Compare that to the steam punk costume set. Yes, there is a disparity, but the female
steam punk costume is something I have seen female steam punk heroes wear.

There are some nice pieces in the female gunslinger costume I may use in the future, but looking at the complete character, I don't see hero (or villain), I see NPC.

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I apologize if I feel that bringing up a topic and calling it "Gender Equality in Costumes - a lack thereof" means that both sides should be brought to the table equally. Imagine that. If that was not the point of this post, then I wish it would have been named different.

As for the argument not existing? I wouldn't have mentioned it if I didn't believe in it myself. I'm not throwing it out there to be a troll or to drum something up. To say that an argument does not exist because it was brought in as more of a discussion point instead of a bold statement is a rush to judgement inside of itself.

Now, I'm not trying to be snarky or disregard everyone's opinion on the constant sexy costumes, I just feel, that there is an equality issue on both sides. Does that make it equal or any better? No.

I understand the issue with the women not getting something as heroic (personally, I think the jackets are lame) as the guys. But, at the same time how many people are going to find creative ways to use the pieces in the pack? How many people would have complained if there had only be unisex chaps and stated that it's not right that women aren't allowed to explore their feminine natures through costumes?

It's a huge catch-22, that's not going to go away anytime soon, because of what is prevalent in comics. Just like the females are portrayed as scantily clad vixens, the men our portrayed as muscled tight wearing heroes. I don't think it's right either way. Where are the warrior women? Where are the everyday hero men? Where's the in-between.

We all want Paragon Studios to be more progressive. I'm on that boat of being able to move away from the norms, but honestly I'm not sure how much that's going to happen. There's a major factor and that's $$$. Yes, they can listen to the outcry and suggestions. But, at the same time timetables exist and they do need to try and make money to keep the game running. Unfortunately, the easiest way to judge what to make is based on trends and what sells in the genre. We all know what that is. It sucks. Doesn't mean it's not good business. We live the game, but they have to make money or their's no game. They make that money not only by selling these things to the VIPs but also the the Free players. It still sucks, but it's sound business.

I may have gone off on a tangent here and rambled, but it's how I feel.



I agree completely with DerekStorm. I'm a woman and I like my characters to have some substance and look good doing it. I don't want all of my women to wear thongs and gravity-defying shirts. I was overjoyed when I got the barbarian pack because I could make it gothic and look like it physically works. Unlike some, I do like the bows and girly outfits, but I don't want them to all have v-neck shirts down to the waistline or tiny titty strips. Most of my characters are pretty average teenagers or in their 20s and like to wear nice shirts and skirts or pants. Some have better fashion senses too.

Which gets me on another subject. I don't always like rping women. nearly half of my characters are men. The problem with that? If they're not business workers or the tights-wearing kind, all they have are t-shirts for casual wear. Even for my office worker, he wears the same vest three times because the others just suck and he's not wearing a metallic steampunk vest to work ktxh. But for the others, like my guys in high school and college, what do they have to wear? T-shirts.

I'd really like variety in my packs else I just don't feel like it's worth the points to spend. Martial arts pack? bought without question. Barbarian pack? bought for my female characters. None of my males used a thing in that pack (not that there was much to use). Gunslinger? bought that blouse because it was cute. That's it. Granted there were more men costumes in this pack than most (like the wedding pack with only one male costume in it) but the problem is I can't mix & match them and I don't have any cowboys.

tl;dr: I'd like to see more casual clothes and equality between men and women and for the love of god, no more slutty outfits and spandex.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
That's not exactly true. They stopped and fixed the CoT costumes when we were in an uproar. They have gone back and made a multitude of changes to the Keyes Island trial thanks to our feedback as to reasons people did not want to run it.
They made some very positive changes to the Steampunk set and some changes to the Animal set. Which makes it disappointing that the response to this set is "Yeah, maybe but don't hold your breath". And perplexing because the same issues from the Steampunk set (mainly pretinting) occurred again in this set which makes you wonder what kind of notes they're keeping over there.

On an ironic note, I figured some of the Saloon girl bits would work nicely with my character Prairie Blaze. But the sleeves don't work with jackets and the belt doesn't work with jackets (and is pretinted to the point of never matching the rest of the outfit anyway) so there really wasn't a single part usable for a girl from out on the plains.

Edit: I tried the ringlets but they made her look like a giant version of Nellie Oleson.



As a female player, I personally don't particularly care about how many female characters/avatars we have running around in 'scandalous' outfits. I play my fair share of female characters. And my fair share of female characters have their own fair share of scandalous outfits (which again, doesn't bother me).

If we're complaining about how all the women get slutty outfits, maybe we could avoid this if we cut down on the number of female characters. Go through the game whether you're on an RP mission or not and chances are the women you do see, are going to be dressed slutty. If you want them to stop making them, stop using them. If you boycott them then it'll make more sense. Complaining about it when the majority of our female characters are a bit slutty (whether it's male players or female players who - like me, just really don't care, in moderation) seems to be a bit silly.

Like Plum Whine, I play a lot of male characters as well. I'm also going to agree with Derek Storm up above who brought up a good point that when it comes to men's costumes in general, there's a very clear view that the developers favor the women over the men.

Let's consider we can accumulate five costume slots per character (without the use of the Paragon Market). Let's also consider that I have an average number of maybe eight male characters. That is forty costume slots total. Of these forty costume slots, some are set aside for heroic costumes (whether they're actual heroes or simply 'acting' as one), and some are casual/formal clothes.

You can only use the same type of vest/shirt combination before you get tired of using it. Let's count how many times we see boys using the baron jacket? (It's a good jacket, one of my favourites.) Not all styles work on all body types, unfortunately. You can take a costume from one character/avatar and put it on another with a different body type (sculpture, et cetera) and watch it clip.

Just because it may work for you (in general), doesn't mean it'll work for everyone. Personally, I'd like to see some new male hairstyles, and I'd like to see some costume packs come out that give a little more to men as opposed to six new chest pieces for women and three for men. The male characters are severely gypped in comparison to women.

(By the way, I'm not arguing against women and their skanky outfits versus men and their heroic outfits. It's true that women get a lot of apparel that can potentially be scandalous. It's true that men do get a lot of apparel that can be potentially be heroic. But we're creative people. We can work around this kind of thing. Want to make a girl less skanky? Put her in tights (and no, I don't mean fishnets). Want to make a guy less heroic? You get the picture.)

If you'd like to counter argue then go right ahead, but do it because you actually disagree with the ideas being offered. Not out of some desire to force an argument that doesn't really exist.
Now, as I see it, the title of this thread is "Gender Equality in Costumes - A lack thereof". The above quote rubbed me so immensely wrong. Derek Storm brought up an excellent point. And I'm pretty sure we're not restricting this thread specifically to how so many people are upset with how the developers are categorising women's outfits to be more 'harlot' and less 'heroic' versus men who are getting to be more portrayed as 'classic superheroes'.

And if we are restricting this thread to that line of thought, then perhaps the thread should have been titled "Female Equality in Costumes - A lack thereof" instead. So I think all of the 'forcing an argument that doesn't really exist' is a load of shiitake mushrooms.

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Originally Posted by Paula View Post
We can't even choose chaps and dusters as options. I object to making the Saloon Tawtsy as the default selection to begin with, but making it the only option is just tastelessly clueless.
Speaking of default options, let's assume I'm a new player how just loaded up CoH for the first time, and I think a gunslinger girl* sounds cool. I know I can customise my costume no end, but for a basic start, I see a "Gunslinger" option in the costume sets list. Hey, cool!

GUH! What the hell am I looking at?

I promise you, I made no choices on this character except for the costume set. That's what I got. Now I'm sure that the buttcape/belt not glitching would make it a less awful suprise, but still. Really not a good impression of the game!

(*Not the loli anime kind... ugh)

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Originally Posted by FoxLee View Post
GUH! What the hell am I looking at?
Yeah, I kinda hinted at that problem a few million posts upstream. That was a bit of a surprise to me also.

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Originally Posted by FoxLee View Post
I promise you, I made no choices on this character except for the costume set. That's what I got. Now I'm sure that the buttcape/belt not glitching would make it a less awful suprise, but still. Really not a good impression of the game!

(*Not the loli anime kind... ugh)

On the other hand, a LOT of this would have been bypassed had the default costume just used white leggings instead of bare legs. Neither of these parts is part of the actual Gunslinger pack. The apron-and-bow-butt-cape could just as well have been over tights. No matter what you put it over, that piece did not come with the set. Which is part of why people calling this a "prostitute" pack puts my nerves on edge. It takes two clicks to cover the legs, they are not baked bare.

ADDENDUM: I should add that, specifically, where I most often run into trouble costuming female characters in CoH is from the knees down. That's a problem of scale. Dresses have to be short for animation reasons. That leaves the length of the leg bare. The way the leggings work, only the top of the legs down get covered. The problem becomes covering the rest of the leg; you almost always have to use either boots or long tights. What you can't do is have long leggings that extend into a sensible shoe. All of this combined is what leads to the "loli" look. The dress is too short, the boots are too long. I honestly don't know a way around it. I would love full dresses and skirts but I doubt we'll see it in the lifetime of this game.

Men in big boots aren't considered to be stripperific by most people. Although I'm convinced by this thread that most posters have never actually seen a male stripper. Played for laughs, kind of, with my Pinball character.

Although IMO the joke is really on anyone who thinks they look macho in leather chaps.



Wait, wait wait.

Players can go in and edit the costume files? I mean, sure, it takes work, I don't doubt but... we have the technology for just ANYBODY to tinker with what the costume pieces look like and such?

Why aren't the devs letting us DO that? I mean, maybe just accept submissions, and even if they want to sell them, still. I mean IMVU and Second Life are nothing BUT letting players make costumes and such, and they've got a bajillion options. If the tools exist for people to make costume pieces and files on their own, why are the devs not taking advantage of this?

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Why aren't the devs letting us DO that?
They don't on official forums. I've heard from a few people who have hacked things to let them use mob models, for example.



Originally Posted by DerekStorm View Post
It runs both ways people, I mean seriously. Outside of the random people saying the men should have access the corsets and skirts being thrown about, I’ve yet to hear anything on the reverse side. I’m of the opinion that there’s already a lack of individuality given to the costumes of male toons to begin with.
In that case, let me reiterate my long-term harping on how lame it is that our male characters...
  • ...Look like pro athletes even at lowest physique setting
  • ...Have heads that, even at max sliders, are too small to make them youthful-looking unless you opt for one of the (roughly) three "voluminous" hairstyles.
  • ...Even at the lowest slider settings, have chins and cheekbones you could use to cut glass.
  • ...Have hairstyles that are 90% boring short-back-and sides, buzzcuts or crazy punk stuff - even after the barbarian pack.
  • ...Have a run animation that looks stiff and robotic, and looks way better when used on women.
  • ...Have voices make them sound like giant black men even if they're little white boys.
  • ...Have about four faces that aren't breathtakingly ugly (or completely alien). Fewer if they're adults.
  • ...Have permanent hyper-muscled textures on their arms and legs that, if they are not built like bulging steroid abusers, make their limbs look like they're made of wood.
  • ...Are still being deprived of perfectly valid unisex options like martial arts bracers, the tribal belt, and headbands.
How's that?

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Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Which is part of why people calling this a "prostitute" pack puts my nerves on edge. It takes two clicks to cover the legs, they are not baked bare.
To be fair, I don't think people are calling it a prostitute pack because it has bare legs, I think they're calling it that because saloon girls were, if not prostitutes, certainly the "easy"
women of their day. Tights doesn't change the fact that the costume portrays a character that would traditionally be an actual prostitute. Given that, I think the nickname is rather fair.

All of this combined is what leads to the "loli" look.
Ah, no, you misunderstand me - I was referring to the title Gunslinger Girl, a decidedly creepy anime about little girls trained to be gun-toting murderers for their beloved daddy figures. Man, I draw hentai and I still felt like I needed a shower after two episodes. *shudder*

The Girl Your Mother Warned You About

Primary Virtue ~ Secondary Guardian



As a guy who has a number of female toons, I find it infuriating that so many good parts are only available on male and huge bodies.



Originally Posted by CapnGeist View Post
Wait, wait wait.

Players can go in and edit the costume files? I mean, sure, it takes work, I don't doubt but... we have the technology for just ANYBODY to tinker with what the costume pieces look like and such?

Why aren't the devs letting us DO that? I mean, maybe just accept submissions, and even if they want to sell them, still. I mean IMVU and Second Life are nothing BUT letting players make costumes and such, and they've got a bajillion options. If the tools exist for people to make costume pieces and files on their own, why are the devs not taking advantage of this?
There was a good size modding community in this game up until the lawsuit with Marvel was settled. From what I understand the settlement had the provision that players of CoH would not be able to edit costume files since we might infringe on Marvel characters.



No, no, I'm not saying they should let us go nuts.

I'm saying the devs should say "Send us your best costume pieces that you have made on your own, and if we like them, we'll put them in the market and give you... 1 paragon point per sale." Gods know the IMVU/SL method lets you do copyrighted stuff far too easily.

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Originally Posted by FoxLee View Post
In that case, let me reiterate my long-term harping on how lame it is that our male characters...
  • ...Look like pro athletes even at lowest physique setting
  • ...Have heads that, even at max sliders, are too small to make them youthful-looking unless you opt for one of the (roughly) three "voluminous" hairstyles.
  • ...Even at the lowest slider settings, have chins and cheekbones you could use to cut glass.
  • ...Have hairstyles that are 90% boring short-back-and sides, buzzcuts or crazy punk stuff - even after the barbarian pack.
  • ...Have a run animation that looks stiff and robotic, and looks way better when used on women.
  • ...Have voices make them sound like giant black men even if they're little white boys.
  • ...Have about four faces that aren't breathtakingly ugly (or completely alien). Fewer if they're adults.
  • ...Have permanent hyper-muscled textures on their arms and legs that, if they are not built like bulging steroid abusers, make their limbs look like they're made of wood.
  • ...Are still being deprived of perfectly valid unisex options like martial arts bracers, the tribal belt, and headbands.
How's that?



Devs: You need to step up.

This is the moment for you to step forward and show your commitment to treating your female customers with respect.

You must have female versions of things like a gunslinger outfit. This is really unacceptable.

David, we know you know better than this.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
Devs: You need to step up.

This is the moment for you to step forward and show your commitment to treating your female customers with respect.

You must have female versions of things like a gunslinger outfit. This is really unacceptable.

David, we know you know better than this.
well, they're getting another person to help w/ costume designs...but I'd say throw two more people in there to help.