Gender Equality in Costumes - A lack thereof

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Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post

...added retroactively as opposed to added as additional buy-ins. Just adding the shirt, jacket, and chap options for female characters as demonstrated by Commander would be sufficient, IMPO.

Edit: and add non-pre-tinted options if feasible.
Do this and fix the clipping and I'll buy it.

I'm a bit jaded and have been since the Valkyrie set when the wings stabbed you in the back of the leg and still do. Fixing old things no longer seems a priority over marketing the next new thing ever since the advent of microtransactions.

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The art team should just run all the concept art by us first and let us vote on our favorites. That way we can provide feedback about the direction we'd like the packs to take. Of course, I'll have a moon base with that pipe-dream too.



Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
The art team should just run all the concept art by us first and let us vote on our favorites. That way we can provide feedback about the direction we'd like the packs to take. Of course, I'll have a moon base with that pipe-dream too.
This is heavily requested all the time. Sadly, it's overshadowed.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Armour, yes. Medieval armour, not so much. There's all of one set and it's older than I am. We've had a few more that look like generic metal armour (Valkyrie comes to mind), but none of it really looks medieval.
The Justice set worked for pseudo-plate mail also, and if you specifically want only one type of plate armor then you're likely to never be happy, and huge bulking plates don't mix well with other parts (which is why I don't use the Valkyrie boots or gloves most of the time, and only the smaller shoulder plates). Valkyrie works for plate over scale or just scale, the roman breastplate works to make it a lot look like plate, and if you fudge the colors and don't look to close you can pretend the scales in Valkyrie are chain mail. Some of the tech pieces work for plate over chain also, especially when you add patterns.

There are more options available than just "all of one set" - both under tights and armored tops.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
Fair enough.

Don't expect me to buy the Gunslinger pack any time soon then.

The same for me. Pushing your timetable over quality and ignoring customer feedback does no good if your customers stop buying.

Ask Netflix how well that worked for them.

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I was rerading the whole thread but when i got to page 19 i realised that it was up to 27 pages, so I just skipped ahead. Apologies if this has been said before:

If time etc is such a squeezed resource that they can't go back to the Gunslinger pack or whatever, and we're going to have to accept whatever they've got planned for the next 6 months cos they're locked into it and they cant input our feedback until then, maybe they should focus on much smaller costume sets. Like just make 3 actual gunslingers, one for male, one for huge and one for female. Then they can do a 'wild west gambler' set, with another three variants. Then a 'saloon' set, with the stripper, the bartender, and, I don't know, a huge bouncer.



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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Stars_and_Stripe View Post
Because I think it needs to be said again :-)

From the feedback thread:

as a note I do not mean unisex as "the exact same thing" but very similar pieces appropriately adjusted for each model.

Where as I appreciate that the message has been passed along to the art team. I want to make sure the message is heard. We are not saying we don't want special, "unique" or even "sexy" pieces, what we are saying is we want OPTIONS. Give us balance, the quote before illustrates how, and you could release them as two separate packs. I want both, and am willing to pay for both, if the quality is good ( and it usually is). I am pretty sure the men would like some "unique" pieces as well, the prince theme would give an opportunity for a long tunic, puffy sleeves, etc. I look forward to seeing this moving forward. I am super excited for the idea of a space themed pack.
This ^

I want to be clear: my first thought upon seeing the new female costume items in this set was: "Oh, awesome! I love the details and the quality, and can't wait to combine those items with other things to make great costumes." It isn't that the new female costume items aren't great, they are; it's just that female costume items should have variety. Ideally, I would actually love it if both men and women had a huge amount of variety in gender expression as clothing. More realistically, women get away with a lot of gender expression, and men don't really. One of the great things about playing female characters is the ability to really mix and match outfits across a broad spectrum. Some female characters dress like "bar maids", others dress rough and tumble, and many dress in between. To really hit the best spot in making the audience who play female characters happy, you have to try and spread what you make across the spectrum. I am by no means interested in seeing every female costume item set made in the future be exactly like the men's set, but by the same token not every set should be just fan service. This set was the perfect chance to throw in a total "rough and tumble" women's set, and instead it was basically just not what people were expecting.

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Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
The art team should just run all the concept art by us first and let us vote on our favorites. That way we can provide feedback about the direction we'd like the packs to take. Of course, I'll have a moon base with that pipe-dream too.
Actually, had I seen the concept art, in addition to my complaints here I would have added:

How about some mix and match pieces? Gloves with fringe? An old school rifle slung on the back? A rifle for AR? And most importantly: holsters, holsters, holsters.

Again, unless they are seriously toying with tech that will within 15 months lead to players being able to use Maelstrom's 2 state holsters with weapons holstered and drawn, there is no reason I can think of that this set did not include at least one holstered pistol for each character model.

I would also have advised that if dusty, rugged gunslinger is what they really weren't going for, then I would've suggested they go full rodeo or full saloon & riverboat casino. And if they did go for either of the latter, I'd suggest that they rename the set for marketing purposes from the get go.

I am already saddened that in the coffee talk, Zwil is stating they will be making sets less unique in the future. I think the wrong message may have gotten across. I think what I stated in a prior post in this thread really summarizes the problem: The art direction should look at these concepts and think about a male and female casting and costuming of the SAME ROLE, rather than thinking of casting two different characters, one male and one female, in the SAME PLAY. i.e. How would you cast and costume a female King Lear or how would you cast and costume a male Ellen Ripley, maintaining key aesthetic and conceptual traits without simply phoning it in with straight cross-dressing. It's clear to me that somebody in the art department gets this concept, otherwise the Fusionette/Fusion continuum would not have been so well maintained. Same concept. Apply it to costume packs.



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
It's clear to me that somebody in the art department gets this concept, otherwise the Fusionette/Fusion continuum would not have been so well maintained. Same concept. Apply it to costume packs.
I think that is a fantastic analogy, actually.

We were expecting and wanted Fusionette/Fusion. Instead we got Fusionette/Faultline.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
I think that is a fantastic analogy, actually.

We were expecting and wanted Fusionette/Fusion. Instead we got Fusionette/Faultline.
^ Agreed

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If your argument is the female costume is slutty or sexist and therefore shouldn't exist at all, then I'm compelled to state that the players that actually like it and don't think its particularly sexist should not feel the need to justify themselves or their preferences to anyone.

You have a right to not like them, and ask for alternatives. You do not have the right to denigrate the people who like what you don't like. That's a general rule, and not one specific to costume parts. For some reason, however, people often seem to think their moral compass is superior enough to exempt them from this rule when it comes to costumes.
Not my argument.

I can say that whoever decided it was a good idea to present these particular male and female sets as equivalent and equal was wrong.

I don't have a problem with sexy pieces and sexy options. I have a problem with *only* sexy pieces and options. I would have much less of a problem if, say, the pack was doubled up the way the Steampack was, with two full costumes on male and female avatars, with one being the sexy thing that females got. If there had been a practical cowgirl outfit to go with the sexy saloon girl outfit, I wouldn't be arguing nearly so vehemently.

But that's not what we got. What we got was *only* the sexy option for female avatars, one that was clearly modeled on something other than a gunslinger or cowperson. One that was modeled on what you could euphemistically call a 'saloon girl.' If that had been one of two or more options, it wouldn't bother me. But it's not.

And more than one person looked at that and decided that was a good idea. I don't judge people for the entertainment they consume - some people love stuff that I'm not into, and that's okay. But I can absolutely call out the people that create it, and that's what I'm doing here.

If the people who created this want to engage in discussion, I'm all for it. If you want to use the costume on your character, go for it.

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Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
But...but... a waist sash!!!!

Of course it's probably the only piece I'd use regularly, but still... I can already do armor quite well. How long have people asked for sashes?

Edit: not to mention the long skirt...
Robes already have a cloth belt similar to that. To be clear: I'm not saying that costume wouldn't be nice. I AM saying that it wouldn't be welcomed in a "Knight" pack. If it were in a "Medieval Fashion" pack, then great!

"Knight", like "Gunslinger", comes with some pre-built expectations that had better be IN the pack.

Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
We were expecting and wanted Fusionette/Fusion. Instead we got Fusionette/Faultline.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Well, while i don't mind the skimpy costumes, i do think the costumes should reflect the theme of the pack.

Gunslinger was epic fail in that aspect. Wouldn't have minded so much if they'd called it "wild west" or something instead.

For the knight pack, i do hope we get some proper armor, but i also hope they add a skimpy chainmail bikini as well, just for ***** and giggles.



Yeah most of this could have been solved with a name change.

Calling it Gunslinger was...yeah...that was a bad idea.

Calling it something like "Wild West Saloon" would have probably been better.

Or as mentioned better yet create two Wild West packs a "Gunslinger" one and a "Saloon" one, I'd have bought both.

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Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Yeah most of this could have been solved with a name change.

Calling it Gunslinger was...yeah...that was a bad idea.

Calling it something like "Wild West Saloon" would have probably been better.

Or as mentioned better yet create two Wild West packs a "Gunslinger" one and a "Saloon" one, I'd have bought both.

I 100% agree that *some* of the complaints could have been avoided had we called this the "Wild West Pack" or something along those lines. Not all, or even most, but some.

It's a lesson learned in marketing of Market sales and one we'll carry forward when discussing the name for future costume packs.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Not my argument.
If its not your argument, stop saying it, and there's no problem.

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Robes already have a cloth belt similar to that. To be clear: I'm not saying that costume wouldn't be nice. I AM saying that it wouldn't be welcomed in a "Knight" pack. If it were in a "Medieval Fashion" pack, then great!

"Knight", like "Gunslinger", comes with some pre-built expectations that had better be IN the pack.

I've used the cloth belt. And the rope belt. But it's not at all like, say, the sashes the Carnies have.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



I like the pack a lot. The pieces are very well done, and I will use them. Pre-tinting doesn't bother me too much though I understand why it does for a lot of people. (The belt/sash/bow thing for females for example, winds up being tri-colored because of tinting, it would be limited to two colors without.)

It's not a gunslinger pack for females. That's the fail, and also the unspoken "guys can be heroic, girls can be sexy/work in the sex trade" message, however unintended. Maybe they should have done a gunslinger pack and then a saloon pack. More money for them doing that anyway.

But the costume pieces themselves are very nice. All these posts about "they need to take their time" and "more quality, less quantity" don't really make sense to me because I haven't had any issues with the quality of the recent costumes, and in fact most people want more quantity -- as in, more rugged/non-sexy female options or porting some of the male options to female, etc.

But yeah, bustle skirt listed under "gunslinger". >.> Like I said, a gunslinger pack with gunslinger outfit for both genders, and a saloon pack with gambler/saloon outfits for each gender, and no one would have complained.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
It's a lesson learned in marketing of Market sales and one we'll carry forward when discussing the name for future costume packs.
Especially since the majority of pre-marketing of this set, prior to the exclusive print release of the saloon gal concept illustration, was simply the verbal leak of the name "Gunslinger."

That gave the more attuned and devoted player base plenty of time to ruminate on what would comprise the "Gunslinger" set. Most your marketing here was viral. I suppose with being an internet company, you face that risk with ANY set. So precise, concise evocative is pretty key for y'all.

Speaking of which, FWIW, before people get too far ahead of themselves with the medieval/knight pack that has been mentioned repeatedly upthread, know that the ONLY confirmation we have of this are blank pieces that have slipped into live and test. And the set is currently titled "Chainmail."



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I 100% agree that *some* of the complaints could have been avoided had we called this the "Wild West Pack" or something along those lines. Not all, or even most, but some.

It's a lesson learned in marketing of Market sales and one we'll carry forward when discussing the name for future costume packs.
You could have used my Gunslinger/Ginslinger Pack suggestion... (Admittedly i suggested it a bit after the release.)

If you release a Gunslinger 2: Now it's in the saloon! pack with chaps for the ladies and a fancy bartender/gambler shirt for the men and maybe a stained buckskin tunic for the huge i would buy it in a second. Yes, it involves separate pieces for the different genders, but fancier saloon wears suggest more definite gender roles than the occupation of gunslinger would. Gunslinger as an occupation implies practical trail wear with a certain badassitude for both genders. Saloon has more period-and-gender-specific implications.

Or, as Organica put it while i was composing my post:
Originally Posted by Organica View Post
It's not a gunslinger pack for females. That's the fail, and also the unspoken "guys can be heroic, girls can be sexy/work in the sex trade" message, however unintended. Maybe they should have done a gunslinger pack and then a saloon pack. More money for them doing that anyway.

But the costume pieces themselves are very nice. All these posts about "they need to take their time" and "more quality, less quantity" don't really make sense to me because I haven't had any issues with the quality of the recent costumes, and in fact most people want more quantity -- as in, more rugged/non-sexy female options or porting some of the male options to female, etc.

But yeah, bustle skirt listed under "gunslinger". >.> Like I said, a gunslinger pack with gunslinger outfit for both genders, and a saloon pack with gambler/saloon outfits for each gender, and no one would have complained.

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Originally Posted by Organica View Post
(The belt/sash/bow thing for females for example, winds up being tri-colored because of tinting, it would be limited to two colors without.)
The biggest problem actually with the pretinting folks are encountering is that the piece is now two color when you try to make it monochrome--especially in the bib and the bustier where we get the barber stripes. That and it can't be made white--especially the dress train which just ends up looking grey and dirty when you try.

And to reiterate my comments a few pages back this could be solved via good workflow and properly structured source files where pretinted surface patterns, like the stripes, are kept on separate layers from modeling shadows. Turn off pattern details, export a compressed texture. Turn on pattern details, export another compressed texture. Tag and name both properly in your build. Two options. One with stripes and pretinting on the dress train. One without.




I would like to point out that despite my complaints about this costume set, I really did like the female costume items included in it. My complaints relate far more to an overall costume issue than to this pack specifically. It's just that this pack created a good time to talk about that issue. I love the details and textures used in the items in this pack, and thought that the overall design was really nice; it looked like a lot of extra work went into this costume set, and I feel bad if I didn't get that across initially. As a professional creative, I understand that it can be terrible to create something and then have such a harsh response from the people you made it for; I'm sure that was hard for your designer.

I just want to make clear that I agree with other community members that overall, women's outfits trend too much toward fanservice. It isn't that women's items can never be sexy, or that they should be exactly the same as the men's items, or that they should be less original, just that they shouldn't always be fanservice.

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Originally Posted by Organica View Post
But the costume pieces themselves are very nice. All these posts about "they need to take their time" and "more quality, less quantity" don't really make sense to me because I haven't had any issues with the quality of the recent costumes, and in fact most people want more quantity -- as in, more rugged/non-sexy female options or porting some of the male options to female, etc.
We are being told that the pre-tinting and patterns can't be fixed due to them not setting aside time for revisions due to feedback. That is a quality issue. If the items remain in their current state, the perceived quality of the pieces drops due to the fact that we can't use these parts in more ways with existing pieces.

They might be the most spectacular pieces in the gaming industry, but if they can't be combined with existing pieces their worth plummets in a game based on the foundation of this game's character creator. This game's strongest asset is the #1 costume creator in the MMORPG field. Pretinting the costume pieces, and allowing them to continue to be pretinted (or have clipping issues that another poster pointed out) detracts from the quality of the product.

Are the parts good? For the most part, yes. Are they the quality I expect in a paid costume part? No. I seriously expected better.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
Especially since the majority of pre-marketing of this set, prior to the exclusive print release of the saloon gal concept illustration, was simply the verbal leak of the name "Gunslinger."

That gave the more attuned and devoted player base plenty of time to ruminate on what would comprise the "Gunslinger" set. Most your marketing here was viral. I suppose with being an internet company, you face that risk with ANY set. So precise, concise evocative is pretty key for y'all.
Actually it was in the costume list (likely due to someone accidentally putting it in the list too soon).

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



This thread is titled “Gender Equality”, but ninety percent of the comments are doing the exact opposite.

It runs both ways people, I mean seriously. Outside of the random people saying the men should have access the corsets and skirts being thrown about, I’ve yet to hear anything on the reverse side. I’m of the opinion that there’s already a lack of individuality given to the costumes of male toons to begin with. The useable pieces are pretty far and between (take the hair options for an example), and there are only so many times you can use the tank top and t-shirt. If your character isn’t in a niche type of scenario, you have to work extra hard just to get out of the t-shirt and pants realm (It’s almost like outside of tights, your male hero has a choice between t-shirts and suits….awesome). Speaking of which, I was slightly offended when someone mentioned a wardrobe consisting of a few pairs of pants and some shirts….

Do I want my men to be wearing skirts and bras? No. Heck, I don’t even want to see the women wearing some of the scandalous things they do (or get with the “Gunslinger” pack.) What I want is true equality, not in the style of what they’re wearing. Because, honestly there are some things that work on one model that won’t work on another one. I would at least like a bit of equality with the amount of pieces given. If it’s gender neutral and easily ported, do it (this goes both ways) But, don’t lose sight of individuality.

There’s probably more, but I’m at work and my mind is jumbled. I’m just not a fan of arguments without counterpoints. And I’m not a fan of rants without a counter argument to create an actual discussion….