Gender Equality in Costumes - A lack thereof

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Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
Or a little of both after making some sound judgement calls regarding the branding. i.e. if you make a princess, also make soft unarmored princely pieces with royal cloak, spotted fur collar, various crowns and doublets for him.

If you make a saloon girl, balance it out with a wild west gambler

But the "gunslinger pack" is as if they made a full "firefighter set" which consisted of a full firefighting outfit for him and a burn victim set for her. The two are thematically adjacent. But they miss two big points: some people with female characters might want to make female firefighters while other people with male characters might want access to all those wonderful icky burn scarred skin textures and scorched clothing items.

My example may be a bit severe, but it is to illustrate what I think is at play here. For me it is not gender inequity in terms of unique looks or skin vs. little skin (though this is still an issue), it is about the implied roles. If you make a pack of "soft" costume pieces that implies roles inside the saloon, spread it across both genders. (i.e. bartender/male gambler.) (Would have loved those arm garters for him BTW.) If you make a rugged pack that implies action out amongst the tumbleweed, again, spread the opportunity evenly across both genders. Hence: "chaps for girls."
Female gunslinger outfit with a breadth of more period references at

The trail cook, ranch owner and rancher outfits all say "rugged" to me. Meanwhile, with this pack while we get rugged for him, we got a combination of the saloon girl and soiled dove for her.
This illustrates how massivley FAIL the gunslinger pack is. Never mind about the saloon girl option, the male costumes look rubbish too IMO. The default looks terrible. Skulls on the shoulders? What? I can't think of anywhere else I've ever seen a gunslinger or any kind of cowboy at all wearing skull epaulettes.

Ironically, I think the best bits of the gunslinger pack are the saloon girl costume parts. They belong in a 'tarty western girl' pack though, not in a Gunslinger pack.

Those bartender/Maverick outifts are awesome, though.

Maybe we'll get a Gunslinger 2 pack, with some actual good stuff in it.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
We've been closely following your feedback regarding this topic, both here and on the Beta forums. Unfortunately Cheryl, the artist who worked primarily on the Gunslinger Character Modelling, has been extremely pressed for time creating new costume sets and as such hasn't been able to post directly on the beta feedback thread. That being said, the feedback and concerns expressed have been communicated to the art and production team.

To address a few points

We've been trying to add unique and different costume pieces for female options for the sake of overall variety, however I understand some of the concerns being expressed here, as does the rest of the Art and Production team. Moving forward, where possible, we will be making more gender neutral/male pieces created for females so as to more accurately reflect the Communities requests. Because each costume piece has to be individually created (we can't CTRL+C, CTRL+V the pieces from male to female unfortunately ), this does mean that we will be offering less overall unique options, however we feel it's important to address this concern.

If anyone took offense to our artistic choices, I apologize. It's not our intent to offend anyone.

Regarding the pretinting of costume pieces: While pretinted pieces give the artists the ability to provide some very unique materials and add more visual interest to select pieces, we don’t want to limit your creativity, either. Moving forward, we'll be offering both a pretinted and untinted option for all pieces which we choose to make pretinted.


Well, that's something that maybe gives us hope.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Personally, I have nothing against skirts, really. I just feel that women haven't gotten a decent pair of pants or a decent jacket since Day Jobs.
I just want some pants! A decent pair of pants!

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Now all we need is for the devs to release a Native American Themed set and a Construction Worker set.

Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!
Macho, macho troll (macho troll)
I've got to be, a macho troll
Macho, macho troll
I've got to be a macho!

Fix't for you

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QR: Well, color me oppositional as usual. I LIKE the female Gunslinger pieces. I am especially in love with that little neckpiece, LOVELOVELOVE! More of these pieces, please! Love the Victorian ones, and these too!

I think the pieces are beautiful, and I can always - but always - use another corset. There will never be a time when I'm not delighted to see another corset.

I don't have all of them stacked onto one character, as is my habit I piece pack-parts out, mixing and matching.

I see men and women wearing the exact same thing enough in real life as it is. Try working in a hospital! Geez. Male and female, young and old everyone has on the same thing for their class of work, right on down to the shoes.

BORING, so I don't do it in the game. I have no problems with the developers releasing a Boring Everyday Clothes pack for those of you who want to look like people you'd see on the street; just don't take my corsets and other pretty things to do it please.



On a tangent, this discussion had me remembering Community's excellent "A Fistful of Paintballs" episode from last season, particularly this exchange:

Abed Nadir: Jeff wants to see you.
Annie Edison: Yeah? And I want pants. A lot of people want a lot of things.

(Annie's costume looks more like a female version of a gunslinger, and it's from a sitcom parody of westerns.)



LOL LOL LOL on the new stuff. Wish I could provide more constructive feedback but everyone else seems to have summed it up better than I can.

Might buy a piece or two but whole set....nope.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
If anyone took offense to our artistic choices, I apologize. It's not our intent to offend anyone.
I also wanted to comment on this. Zwill, I don't think as many people here are offended as they may seem. We just tend to be a bit more of a... Vocal community. However, even if we do our best to be objective and see things from your perspective, the constant deluge of corsets for women just make your art team look bad. They're better than this. I know they can do better. They HAVE done better. Even absent of accusations and offences, we're getting almost the same costume for women for nearly the third time. The second time for sure, if you don't count Barbarian. From a fairness standpoint and from a creativity standpoint, this just makes the art team look bad.

It feels like you guys pick a costume set with a clear idea of what the male model will wear, then give the female model whatever is "womanly" and still at least somewhat relates to the topic at hand. I'm sure that's not how you do it, but again - that's what it looks like, and that makes the team look bad even when the actual end result of their work is good.

And that's before we get into pre-tinting.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Demonic_Gerbil View Post
Hey Zwillinger! Tell Cheryl that the Gunslinger set turned out pretty great and not to worry because haters gonna hate no matter what.
Because that's TOTALLY what's going on.

We're all trying to tear Cheryl down, it's a concerted plan.

It's not dissatisfaction of a long-awaited feature, which proves to be dissatisfaction symptomatic of a long and ongoing problem. Certainly not. :/

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No, wrong. Not everyone sees it like that; a "constant deluge of corsets" is delightful, after having waited for them literally years and years.

Corsets make the art team "look bad"?! I don't see it, sorry.

Starting to think there's some truth to the old saw that if the developers started passing out twenty-dollar bills, people would fuss because they were not in sequential order.



I've been playing around with the new female pieces this morning, just to see what I could do with them that *didn't* look like a Hollywood wild west call-girl, and while I did come up with some interesting looks it was much harder to use some of the bits than it ought to have been.


In a few cases, the models simply don't fit my character properly. I ran into placement problems with the regular belt, the new top and the corset on the Unquiet Bride, who has a fairly slight build and relatively small breasts. While they were somewhat better on Li'nai, who's both more muscular and... err... "better endowed", lets say ... the fit was still oddly off. Someone really needs to give these pieces another look, to correct the placement and fit if nothing else.

I love the bustle. I'll just come right out and say that... I love it and I was looking forward to using it, the new hair, the lace neck-piece and the bow with veil on the Bride. It very much fits her general "look", after all... But I ended up completely unable to use it. I just flat-out could *NOT* get it to look good with anything I wanted to pair it with.

The pre-tinting and the stripes are beyond obnoxious when you try to color the piece white.

(This is what I ended up with for the Bride, by the way.

It did use the bow, top and neck piece even if the bustle didn't work out. She looks a little like loli-bait, I'm afraid... which is a whole different can of worms. People are going to start accusing Nemissary of being a perv at this rate. o_0)

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Feedback threads are useful.

We'll make changes where we are able to, such as the case with the COT revamp. In the event we don't act on it, we still store feedback in the collective data banks for future reference. Just because we don't make an immediate change to something doesn't mean we aren't listening (P.S. We are ), it just means that we didn't immediately act on it, for whatever reason.

Sometimes things take awhile to change one way or the other. Sometimes they don't change at all. Sometimes they change immediately. It's a part of the creative process when working on live product. We are listening and taking your thoughts into account. Sometimes we just have different viewpoint, and sometimes those viewpoints change .
Thanks for addressing my concern Zwill.

In that case, and in closing, I truly hope this issue is addressed sooner rather than later, and that more parts are added retroactively as opposed to added as additional buy-ins. Just adding the shirt, jacket, and chap options for female characters as demonstrated by Commander would be sufficient, IMPO.

Edit: and add non-pre-tinted options if feasible.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
No, wrong. Not everyone sees it like that; a "constant deluge of corsets" is delightful, after having waited for them literally years and years. Corsets make the art team "look bad"?! I don't see it, sorry.
It does when they're put in a costume set instead of what the set is named after. The set wasn't called "Gunslingers and Can-Can Dancers," it was called "Gunslinger," which none of my female characters can benefit from. I have more corsets than I know what to do with, and I'd personally want them punctuated by something else at least every other set. Because this set is less Gunslinger and more "Steampunk Again," at least for women.

There's nothing wrong with corsets, high-heeled boots or skirts, not on their own. What's wrong with this picture is they don't belong in this set. They could create a second Cyborg set and put skirts and corsets in there and you can still make the same argument as you are now. No, corsets are not bad in and of themselves. In THIS set, they are bad, specifically because this is now the third time my female characters are getting a corset when the set's marketing had me expecting something else. Like a longcoat.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



The hyperbole regarding strippers and prostitutes has gotten out of hand. Are many of the new pieces sexy? Sure. But that doesn't necessarily equate to strippers or prostitutes. Strippers and prostitutes would be lucky to dress so well.

Do I wish there had been chaps and such for women? Most definitely. But that doesn't mean I dislike the parts they gave us. Well, okay, I do dislike the stripes on the bustle, which irk me quite a bit because I'd use it in a heartbeat on one character if it was a solid color. But I'm quite pleased that they've added so many new corsets/chest details lately, as well as a few new skirts, and those great bustles. The Bolero Jacket from the steampunk pack is wicked awesome. These pieces really given women more options, both sexy (if you wear the corsets by themselves) and not-so-sexy (when you combine them with less revealing chest patterns or jackets).

What would have helped this not feel so repetitive would be had they changed up the order of what packs we got, so that all the new corset pieces didn't come out one-after-another. But that doesn't mean I dislike them. I love them, and would never get rid of them.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
It shouldn't really be called a gunslinger pack because the female costume set can't really be genuinely called a gunslinger costume. That's as far as one should go. Going farther and calling the other costume "sex worker" is, whether you intend it or not, an insult to the people who saw that costume as anything other than that, and thought that while it was not a gunslinger costume, it was a nice non-prostitute costume option besides. Its an unnecessary slam, when its not relevant to whether the devs genuinely delivered on their gunslinger pack to both (character) genders.
I feel the same way. This is much more a marketing failure than an art failure. On the art front, the pieces are pretty good. But whoever decided on the name "Gunslinger" was just looking for a flashy heroic name, ignoring the fact that name misrepresents a good bit of what's in the pack.

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
What's interesting to me is that all the people saying that this is a sexist pack designed by perverts didn't know until now that it was, mostly, designed by a woman.

I'm split on "gender equality." I know how much work it takes to make costume parts. And the only actual options are:

A) Everyone gets the same costume parts, which means no more skirts/frill/lace or girly stuff.

B) Everyone gets the same costume parts, and then women get girly stuff, meaning men just get less costume parts period.

C) Everyone gets the same costume parts including girly stuff, so men get corsets and high heels that are a huge waste of developer time for incredibly narrow appeal.

D) Everyone gets close to the same stuff, but sometimes women just get girly stuff instead.

Logically, none of those options will please people. Someone will always be displeased. Someone will always feel cheated. So I don't have a problem with this pack as-is. I like the girly stuff (and I'm a girl myself). Yes I'd like some chaps to go with them, but I'm not going to outright call this pack sexist. We've had some of both packs -- heck even the OP points it out.

I can even see why they have a fascination with corsets as people pointed out. It's because up until now we didn't have any. So they're adding a bunch because it's an as of yet untapped area. It's possible you don't like corsets, but there are people out there who have been wanting corsets for years and finally get some options.

I can't even suggest how the devs could do "better" in the future. There's nothing "better" to strive for. All they can do is shift their current goal and disappoint a different subset of people. Sure, they could start giving women pants all the time, but enough rounds of that and I'd personally make a "Where Are My Frikkin Skirts At" thread.
Well stated.




Sorry for the double post, but something just occurred to me. If there is a feeling that women need more skirts, thigh-high high-heel boots and corsets... Well, that's just fine. Make a set that's a lot of that. Call it... I don't know. High fashion? Cosplay? Whatever you call it, just make a whole set that's mostly that and get it all out of the way in one big clump. Throw in a few jackets, pants and pairs of sensible shoes and you're pretty much golden.

This would also be the perfect opportunity to give men a few more regular articles of clothing. Maybe a few pairs of shoes, a few pairs of shorts, some more t-shirts, maybe a jacket or two that isn't uniform or suit, like a baseball jacket or a Elvis jacket or maybe an actual long coat. Maybe a non-veteran trenchcoat? Some blouses might be in order, too, and we have only a single cardigan that I'm aware of, if it's not actually a woven vest. Maybe a turtleneck or two.

My point is that if regular clothes for women are all people are getting out of these sets... Then why not get that in its own set? It would be more appropriate, I'd know what I'm getting into before I buy it and it would make sense. Then when we get that out of the way we won't have to go through this again with new cosplay sets.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Stonehead View Post
The hyperbole regarding strippers and prostitutes has gotten out of hand. Are many of the new pieces sexy? Sure. But that doesn't necessarily equate to strippers or prostitutes. Strippers and prostitutes would be lucky to dress so well.
That's what saloon girls were, in a lot of Old West saloon, that's the problem. At best they were showgirls, at worst "working" girls. The entire point of many of their dances was so women could lift their skirts and wave them at the faces of saloon attendees. That's where the resentment comes from.

Men get to be adventurers, women get to be exotic dancers. That's not fair.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
(This is what I ended up with for the Bride, by the way.

It did use the bow, top and neck piece even if the bustle didn't work out. She looks a little like loli-bait, I'm afraid... which is a whole different can of worms. People are going to start accusing Nemissary of being a perv at this rate. o_0)
Not bad. Your inability to use the new bustle (and cape train) in white because of the pretinting demonstrates precisely my feedback with images on the previous page.

I also think this character demonstrates an example of a costume that could benefit from the option I also suggested in that same post: a version of the new bustle sans cape train. Those bows would carry her decorated bridal look even further. Especially if the bows could be colored a nice accent color, say pink or powder blue. Further, such a bustle would allow one to mix and match the new bustle (without the cape train) with the original wedding back bridal hair with the veil cape.



Tried messing with the pieces a bit last night, and the pretinted stripes on the female pieces just kinda killed any design I had going. I'd be happy if they just removed the stripes completely.

But, we're already at the 'this is what you get, we're too busy to change anything, get back to us in 6-8 months and maybe we'll take a look at it' point, complaining anymore hardly seems useful. 30 pages here, 27 pages in the feedback topic, and they're just gonna tell us to go take a hike.

REALLY great customer relations they have here lately. They've just got SO MUCH stuff they're working on, that they aren't allowed to stop for a few days to fix something that their customers are unhappy about. Great company policy there. Then in 6-8 months, you'll just say that you're too busy working on Issue 24 and 25 or whatever and STILL can't stop to fix the stuff we're unhappy about.

I don't envy you, Zwil. It seems to me they just tell you to placate the seething masses and tell them they'll fix it later when they have no intention to do so. If you can't change anything by the time we actually see it, maybe you guys should make the effort to give us a peek at what you're working on while it's still in a phase that things can be changed. That way you can avoid all this backlash and release stuff that people actually want to buy.

Lately, it seems like NCSoft/Marketing is in charge of everything lately and that their way of doing business is to just ignore us completely. Kind of a 'we'll release what we want and you'll like it or else!' way of thinking. But, I'm tired of complaining. It's obvious it's not getting us anywhere, you guys don't listen. You just feed us some lines and move on. *sigh*

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



Sorry for the double post, but something just occurred to me. If there is a feeling that women need more skirts, thigh-high high-heel boots and corsets... Well, that's just fine. Make a set that's a lot of that. Call it... I don't know. High fashion? Cosplay? Whatever you call it, just make a whole set that's mostly that and get it all out of the way in one big clump. Throw in a few jackets, pants and pairs of sensible shoes and you're pretty much golden.

This would also be the perfect opportunity to give men a few more regular articles of clothing. Maybe a few pairs of shoes, a few pairs of shorts, some more t-shirts, maybe a jacket or two that isn't uniform or suit, like a baseball jacket or a Elvis jacket or maybe an actual long coat. Maybe a non-veteran trenchcoat? Some blouses might be in order, too, and we have only a single cardigan that I'm aware of, if it's not actually a woven vest. Maybe a turtleneck or two.
Actually, what I'd like to see is a removal of the Showgirl costume from the Gunslinger pack, and it replaced with an actual female Gunslinger set.

Then open up costume sets like the Showgirl, and street clothes, and casual wear, and clothes that don't fit in sets as -single items-.


Have "Mix and Match" sets options, where you purchase the set item, then get to pick 4/5 items to create your own costume bundle. You still get the benefit of a discount, and you can price the single items higher because the 'bundle' option exists.

Then just release costume sets that don't fit into a male/huge/female set as single items... and let us choose to buy them.

Like we were led to believe we could when this system was announced. I mean this "A la carte" system is turning into "Pick the meal deal you want". And that's a shame! It's avoidable!

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Originally Posted by Shadowblaze View Post
But, we're already at the 'this is what you get, we're too busy to change anything, get back to us in 6-8 months and maybe we'll take a look at it' point, complaining anymore hardly seems useful. 30 pages here, 27 pages in the feedback topic, and they're just gonna tell us to go take a hike.
It's mismanagement, plain and simple. Post feedback revision time is not scheduled into their workflow currently. Zwill all but came out and stated that. This is at best an oversight with the establishment of Freedom.

The Paragon Store transforms their development model to more significantly lean on revenue streams from the sale of virtual fashion items than it has over the past 7 years. If they are going to function as a virtual fashion retailer, they need to re-examine this workflow and resource budgeting. The artists need time to address concerns as thoroughly as they did with the CoT pack. Snow Globe hit the nail on the head with the Open Letter to Paragon: Quality is key here.

In my experiences, immediately addressing revisions can be healthy for an overall workflow and save artist time/money in the future:

- First, you ask the artist to do revisions while a project and the working files are still pretty fresh in their mind. The edits are exponentially quicker for most artists to do when they don't need to refamiliarize themselves with their old files.

- Second, doing revisions in closer proximity allows many artists' minds to learn in intuitive ways how they may avoid similar snafus going forward. For example, for Cheryl, this would drive home the pain that relying too heavily on pretinting in her designs can result in. Similarly, addressing the stripes on the bustle and bodice could drive home the need in her working texture files to ALWAYS keep pattern details separate from modeling shadows. And to keep said working texture files properly organized. In theory, with a solid workflow, revisiting and removing those stripes should be a 15-30 minute affair to crunch and export a new file. Obviously there is some tagging that needs to take place to get a secondary texture into a build, but this really should be doable. And it *should* be rather minimal if working art assets are built properly on the front end. These are all lessons that many artists working in corporate production environments need to learn, via training and direct experience, within their first few years in the trenches.

- Third, and related to point two, management and marketing owning up to this poor release (at least internally), regardless of who goofed or provided unrealistic expectations or demands upon the artists production schedule, allows management to start immediately setting more realistic schedules. If your artist always grossly underestimates their production schedule by 33%, overbudget that time even if you don't tell them. Learn your lesson *now* and start scheduling revision time at the end of each costume set cycle *right now* going forward. And if marketing says no--push back and let them know why. Management and marketing need to learn and adapt as well for the longterm health of any studio (regardless of industry).

Edit: and for the love of gob, management and marketing need to get real about the absolute need for post consumer feedback revision time in their scheduling. It should at minimum equal 15-20% of the time budgeted to any art based cash costume release.



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post

You can quibble about whether the pack should have been called a gunslinger pack - if they had called it the Wild West pack, that would have addressed your central thesis and left you with nothing to discuss. I believe that the problems with the pack extend beyond what marketing decided to name it.

You can quibble about whether I'm wrong about calling the female costume that of a sex worker - prostitute, dance hall girl, saloon girl, floozy, choose your adjective. I'm not wrong in my central thesis - the pack treats female avatars very differently than male avatars. Male avatars dressed in the options provided by the pack are rugged survivors; female avatars are sexually available.

There are individual pieces of the pack that are worthy: the bow is not a bad option to have available if it was working correctly. I would like it better if there was an option without the veil, but that's neither here nor there. But there's no reason why a female wild west costume should have gone to the overtly and explicitly sexual - why not a jacket, maybe with a fringe option? Why not a vest with a star on it? Why should chaps be only for males?

I don't see why I need to extend wiggle room. They created it; I have issues with it and I have clearly delineated them. If you want to debate the name of the pack, that's fine, but that's not my argument.
If your argument is the female costume is slutty or sexist and therefore shouldn't exist at all, then I'm compelled to state that the players that actually like it and don't think its particularly sexist should not feel the need to justify themselves or their preferences to anyone.

You have a right to not like them, and ask for alternatives. You do not have the right to denigrate the people who like what you don't like. That's a general rule, and not one specific to costume parts. For some reason, however, people often seem to think their moral compass is superior enough to exempt them from this rule when it comes to costumes.

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Originally Posted by Shadowblaze View Post
REALLY great customer relations they have here lately. They've just got SO MUCH stuff they're working on, that they aren't allowed to stop for a few days to fix something that their customers are unhappy about. Great company policy there. Then in 6-8 months, you'll just say that you're too busy working on Issue 24 and 25 or whatever and STILL can't stop to fix the stuff we're unhappy about.
That's not exactly true. They stopped and fixed the CoT costumes when we were in an uproar. They have gone back and made a multitude of changes to the Keyes Island trial thanks to our feedback as to reasons people did not want to run it. They are in the process of making changes to the Underground trial for the same reasons. They are, indeed, taking our feedback, but most of that takes time. Sure, I would have preferred to have had these changes to Keyes a week or two after its release instead of several months, but I am grateful they changed it. Considering how much negative feedback this pack's release has garnered, there is a good possibility we'll see some changes made a few months down the road.

Originally Posted by Shadowblaze View Post
Lately, it seems like NCSoft/Marketing is in charge of everything lately and that their way of doing business is to just ignore us completely. Kind of a 'we'll release what we want and you'll like it or else!' way of thinking. But, I'm tired of complaining. It's obvious it's not getting us anywhere, you guys don't listen. You just feed us some lines and move on. *sigh*
Unfortunately, they are in charge of everything, and have been. I do not agree with how they are doing things either, but they are going to make the most profitable decisions they can. Hopefully, they'll realize that those decisions should include player desires.

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