Details on Dark Astoria Makeover?

Agent White



Lose the fog, you can do better to give a "spooky" vibe like we saw with the Haunted House mission. The Fog effect was cheap. Perhaps use the Fog as a zone event in any zone. Some sort of super powered serial killer.

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Justice Company



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Hopefully the devs plan includes the following

1 the same basic services as the rwz .. crafting tables, easy access to base portal, easy access to a store. The added bonis of a merit vendor and a tailor are minor but those big three mean that after a raid players can grab insirations, sell off unneeded enhancements, recipes, ect and even craft fresh ios. A wentworths somelace in zone would make it absolutely perfect.


5. make it at least semi convenient to get to.. no there doesnt have to be a gate to the new DA in every zone but at least give us the same sort of access as the rwz (2 to 3 zones with direct access on each side red and blue]. much more convenient than the entrance to cimerora which requires getting to a midnight club, zone for the outer xhamber to the innner chambers of the club and then zoning again, a third time, to actually get to the task force.
Wendy had some great points but these two are my big requests - Please?!?

Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
And while we're at it, I haven't seen those shades that used to walk around in the fog in a long time. Those were awesome. What happened?
Last night, I ran a mission in DA and looked around while gathering badges. It was my "goodbye tour" of the zone. The shades were there in bunches and just for grins, I saved a couple and they were very grateful . Personally, I don't like the zone, never have, but I know some people love it and that's okay too.

Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
Lose the fog, you can do better to give a "spooky" vibe like we saw with the Haunted House mission. The Fog effect was cheap. Perhaps use the Fog as a zone event in any zone. Some sort of super powered serial killer.
The fog was cool for all of about 15 minutes. Now it's a big annoyance. I normally avoid the zone or use mission teleporter if I can't. I drop or complete missions in DA just to avoid it. I love the spooky feel, but "Spooky", IMO, can be done fine without fog or at least this version of fog. Is there a way to keep the shades? Those are cool.

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Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
A little late to the party here, but... damn. Incarnate ...stuff... in Dark Astoria? Why, devs? Why would you do this? Well, hell. There's just no coming back from this one. The Fork Incarnate has been well and truly stuck.

It's just normal content, but for Incarnates - there's are arcs for the zone story, and separate repeatable contacts for Heroes and Villains - the only diffeence is that they give Incarnate rewards instea dof normal rewards.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Urk, Co-op. Enough with the Co-op. Maybe for a mini-trial or TF or something but no more. Please let villains have proper mission content for a change. Less 'vaguely heroic' missions, more real villainy.
With repeatable contacts, it's quite likely they'll be alignment based, like the ones in First Ward - the zone storyline will also apparently have some kind of choice options that affect how it turns out, so that could mean some evil stuff for the the Villains, Rogues and Vigilnates to do, based on what they do during the story.
Although, like with all co-op zones, the basic theme is still fighting evil - but it looks like they'll give some chances for evil people to fight the greater evil in their own way - but siding with Mot probably isn't an option

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



You know, I just had an idea of a way to both keep and yet 'lose' the fog...

I'm just not sure if Tunnel Rat can pull this off on this scale, but it'd be a variant on an effect that she added to the last room of the last mission of the Mender Ramiel arc. An otherwise normal Cimeroran map has a very faint, golden, almost twinkly look to it, representing the aftereffect of the well. (It's actually a beautiful effect, and one I wish I could duplicate via demoediting, but alas...)

I wonder if it'd be possible to add something similar to that to the revamped Dark Astoria, giving it a faint silver/grey effect (or other subtle color), and not quite the 'twinkle' but a slight shimmer to indicate that this place is not really all 'there', as it were. Those motes out of the corner of your eyes that make you wonder what was just there...

Okay, gonna PM her this one and see what she says.


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MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



There's already a newer and more realistic type of fog being used on the Kane Mansion map - it's not nearly as thik as the DA fog effect, but it does creep over the ground, and is nice and atmospheric.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I understand the concerns and I agree that DA is very unique compared to many zones that seem so much alike. The problem is blue side has aways been designed with overkill.. Atlas and Galaxy for levels 1 to 5 or 6, somehow amazingly only KR from say five to ten, Steel and Skyway from ten to twenty.. adding in Faultline from 15. ind port and talos, bricks and ff .. the only level range operating from one zone being peregrin from forty and up

in comparison red side all of the level work out of one zone and until later levels, long after any character would have a permanent travel power, and even the contacts rarely send anyone scurrying to the ferry to complete a mission elsewhere. in other word a contact in Cap Au Diable almost always gives you a mission that takes lace somewhere in Cap Au Diable.. while a contact in Kings Row may send you to Atlas or Galaxy, not anymore, or perez or even the hollows.

The result has been that many zones are much more popular than others and get used much more. While there were a number of players sorry to see galaxy become the new training zone.. the zast majority of people headed straight to Atlas after a quick run through the tutorial and looked for a sewer team. Due to things like the tailors, wentworths, and the university can anyone honestly say they dont think more players head to Steel Canyon at level ten than those that head to Skyway. For the exact same reasons more players head to talos than ip.

As if that wasnt enough then the devs added the hazard zones.. perez, hollows, boomtown, terra volta, da, eden, cf etc.. all the way u to the mutli zoned shadow shard. ... dont forget blue side we also have the sewer network and the abandoned sewer network.

The point to all of this is while I dont necessarily feel any great joy over them revaming Dark Astoria and converting it to a fifty plus zone minus fog ... LONG LONG ago they went overboard creating zones blue side and the result was virtual ghost zones that rarely got used unless a particular task force of contact sent you there for a single mission. To illustrate the point.. how many people visit Boomtown unless they are looking for exp and history badges, headed in to find Big Bertha on the Synapse tf, headed in to defeat twenty council on Numina tf, or forced in for one single door mission by some contact... Heck most people that even hunt for GMs dont bother looking for Babbage there since they can always find him by doing the Synapse TF or just going to help battle him when that tf spawns him in Skyway.

I really have no idea why they felt the need to eliminate the fog in DA but they are turning a vastly underused zone into something that may actually attract players. Frankly if I was doing it .. Id have converted the entire Shadow Shard into a coop zone with both joint missions, hero and villain, and a revamp of the task forces that exist there.

Now before the outcry begins I also admit there are advantages to advantages to all those added zones...

Hero side has a lot more tfs than villain side has sfs because we have the zones to support the extra contacts without having multile tfs begin out of the same zone.. pose 1 and 2 dont count that used to be one LONG task force lol

Hero side has more giant monsters to battle.. same reason as the tfs. more zones to put them in without having one tripping over the other.

And of course hero side has a lot more badges available, without side switching, because of all the added exploration and history badges.

Which all sounds good until you start to wonder .. okay fine but was it really necessary to design an entire zone just for a giant monster... Kraken spawns in perez but couldnt he have just as easily appeared in say Kings Row. Jurrasik shows up in Creys Folly.. Eden is filled with DE.. why couldnt he spawn there. Now of course other things take place in both those zones but absolutely nothing that originates in there. The fact is we have multiple zones that see little or no activity at all and while I dont necessarily agree with them converting DA over any other.. at least they finally found a way to utilize an existing zone instead of adding ANOTHER one. Hey at least we get to kee the old foggy DA access through Ouro for the badge hunting crowd.. which when you think about it means they actually are creating a new zone .. just giving it an old established name.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
I am sure you can point him to the various threads we have participated in that attempt to make sense out of the lore as it is. I still think Astoria went dark, was redeemed by the Freedom Phalanx in the 50's and went dark again after the Rikti invaded in 2002.
Oh, I did. I'd mentioned some of the Lore threads and he was like, "Really? Where?" (coz several were from before his time at PS) So I mentioned a few to look for, a couple posters' names usually associated with them, etc.

I am still totally holding out for the day that I get a job at PS... videographer would be nice, technical writer would be nice, but I would LOOOOOVE the job of "Keeper of Canon Lore, Seneschale of the Internal Wiki, She Who Should Be Asked Before You Write ANYTHING". It'd look nice on my business card.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
I am still totally holding out for the day that I get a job at PS... videographer would be nice, technical writer would be nice, but I would LOOOOOVE the job of "Keeper of Canon Lore, Seneschale of the Internal Wiki, She Who Should Be Asked Before You Write ANYTHING". It'd look nice on my business card.
The Canon of Canon?

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Melancton
The Devs ADDED a zone called Cimerora; they did not convert Skyway into it. They ADDED Crotoa; they did not convert Kings Row. Many folks want additional 50+ content. If new 50+ content was the goal, why does it have to be Astoria? When I first got the game, and carefully printed out the maps, I assumed that the Shadow Shard, so far away and dangerous-looking, would be where the highest-level content and missions would take place. Wrong. It sits empty as Boomtown. Why not make it the highest-level content area?
A lot of zones (especially Blue-side) sit empty because frankly, we have too many of them. You have so many zones you can do content in, so many zones with newer content, and many zones where players already congregate, that there have been zones that are consistently empty unless a mission, TF, or GM Hunt sends you there.

I remember back when I first started playing, waaaaay back in 2004, Perez Park was a pretty busy place. Teams running through the mazes of trees, fighting mobs, and figuring out the game. Now? No one is ever in that zone. And as far as I know, Dark Astoria never even had that going for it. DA has been an empty, foggy space, as dead as the zombies that 'live' there, for as long as I can remember.

So, instead of adding yet another zone to the game, they're re-fitting an old, barely utilized zone using things that the players have been wanting: Solo Incarnate content, and a revamp of Dark Astoria itself.

As for the other reasons why the Devs didn't do (or rather wouldn't have) this treatment for the Shadow Shard: Development time, and resources.

A) Those zones are HUGE. Even if they skipped out on a full visual revamp like they're doing with DA, it would take a lot longer to get the revamp done. They just have so much more map to cover in the Shard, it'd take them probably until Issue 25 to unveil everything.

B) There are four of those massive zones, which compounds the time it would take to revamp them all even more. This would take a lot longer than just revamping the single DA zone, and would take time away from the artists and graphic designers that could have been used on things like new powersets, new costumes, etc.

C) Content. Compare Dark Astoria's little bits of lore and few arcs to the four huge, winding Task Forces and various other contacts that are in the Shard. They'd need to re-vamp numerous old Task Forces, instead of making a single new, stream-lined Trial and some new content (Hero/Villain Arcs and Co-Op missions).

Also, the Shard could be getting some more content/Dev Love later on. With the Rulu-Shin showing up, all the references to the 'Coming Storm' in the Shard, the fact that Incarnate content will be far from done when Praetoria's story ends, and that we've never actually fought Rularuu himself in-game (or even seen all of his various Aspects in-game either) we have plenty of reason to look to the Shard for future content. Besides, a revamp of the Shard has been something players have been wanting for a while, too.

tl;dr Version - Players have been wanting DA re-done and Solo iContent, two birds with one stone, Shard content could be in the pipe later on (especially if players keep asking about it)

Edit: Ack. I post this, only to scroll up and see that Wendy has beaten me to the punch with my own comments. That'll teach me to take too long editing my posts, I guess xD

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Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Supposedly, our backstories were open to whatever lore we wanted to develop, well, sorry, your powers, regardless of what you say, are from the Mystical Thong of Richard Simmons that you must wear on your head.
I like this better than the official explanation.

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
You're more describing the fast path, rather than the slow path we are all on. With the slow path, you're more tapping into the well without letting it control you.
Psst...I have a bridge in IP I'd like to sell you.

Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
I wonder if it'd be possible to add something similar to that to the revamped Dark Astoria, giving it a faint silver/grey effect (or other subtle color), and not quite the 'twinkle' but a slight shimmer to indicate that this place is not really all 'there', as it were. Those motes out of the corner of your eyes that make you wonder what was just there...
It's pretty and otherworldly, but not creepy like the current fog is. Yeah, it's a cheap and dirty effect, but it works.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
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Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
I really have no idea why they felt the need to eliminate the fog in DA but they are turning a vastly underused zone into something that may actually attract players.
Allegedly it's because they created/will create new awesome art for the revamp & wanted/want people to be able to see it. There might be story reasons too, but I haven't heard about them.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Originally Posted by Melancton
Supposedly, our backstories were open to whatever lore we wanted to develop, well, sorry, your powers, regardless of what you say, are from the Mystical Thong of Richard Simmons that you must wear on your head
I like this better than the official explanation.
*tips helmet to Eva*

Most welcome.

Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
I am still totally holding out for the day that I get a job at PS... videographer would be nice, technical writer would be nice, but I would LOOOOOVE the job of "Keeper of Canon Lore, Seneschale of the Internal Wiki, She Who Should Be Asked Before You Write ANYTHING". It'd look nice on my business card.
In all seriousness, that would be great. I don't see you as a Lore Wonk or some such. What you have is a great sense of what is appealing about CoH and how to consistently apply those elements to best effect. Superheroes are appealing for a number of reasons; get those right and it will take you a long, long way.

What is bothersome about the lore, to use a simple example, is not just that Ms. Liberty's name has been given as both Jessica and Megan; it is the sense that nobody appeared to even be aware of it at PS and both get used as time rolls on. The fix is as easy as saying that her given name is Jessica Megan Duncan; her grandfather still calls her Jessica but she has taken to going by her middle name, Megan. Has that even been done anywhere officially? Well, that really is a trivial sort of thing overall... but it illustrates the sorts of holes in the lore regarding Dark Astoria, Talos Island and a host of other non-trivial crack-ups. Has anyone really noticed at PS, and if so, why do they not fix the holes?

The DA saga could be something very awesome if tightened up and given a bit of Love. Your affection for the lore and your sense of what works would make you an excellent candidate for the job. Hey, you made Agent Nance a veritable Model Citizen compared to the path he would have otherwise taken!

Okay, everyone join me in another rousing chorus of "Hire Her Already!"

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Just remove the fog, it's scary enough as it is:

I recall this from Back in the Day.

And once again, I LOL'd.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
This genuinely makes me a little bit sad. The fog and the ghosts were my two favourite things about the zone. The way things loom up out of the grey is one of the most atmospheric parts of the whole game, especially combined with the cold glow of the BP. And the fade-out ghosts are both creepy and touching. I occasionally go in there with a level 50 and break up BP rituals just so that the ghosts will come up and thank me.
I remember there was complaint when the fog disappeared due to a bug. And i totally agree with these : removing the fog from dark astoria is just as pointless as removing the rikti from the rikti war zone or the tree from perez park. If the purpose is to make the zone less painful for those who dont like it, there was surely other solution than purely and simply shutting it down (i think that a temporary power which make the player able to ignore the fog would have been great for those wanting it). I was very happy to see a little interest in this nice and forgotten zone who dont look as any other. And i m very happy to to hear of some non praetorian incarnate content. But if the cost of all of this is the DA fog, if i had the choice, I just pass. Surely this wont change a thing ... But if there is anyway to let the dev know that i think this is surely one of the baddest design choice of late (well, with choosing name for an issue and loyalty reward that spoiled major evolution of the game) ...



I love the idea that I'll get to hangout meaningfully in Dark Astoria forever instead of outlevelling it very early in my career.

I hate the idea that the fog won't be there. Loved the fog. I mean, you know, when I was in a hurry, it was pesky because I kept flying into buildings. But that was more than made up for by the fact that it was FOG! It was great. Low visibility. You never knew what lurked around every corner? Much, much spookier than First Ward.

I like First Ward, but it's nowhere nearly as spooky as Foggy Dark Astoria. The idea of an incarnate, Foggy Dark Astoria thrills me.

The idea of an incarnate, non-foggy Dark Astoria is just, bleh.

there's your feedback from the peanut gallery!




I've gone many times to Dark Astoria for various reasons, TFs, Badge Hunting, RPing, and one thing always seems to be the same...

It's very very quiet.

I see nothing wrong with making the zone co-op. And for those complaining about co-op, I have to ask why? They're making both villain and hero content there. That means you can do villain or hero only content, joining up with the opposite side is purely a choice and one you can say no to.

Hell, with this news, I think the only thing that could make it any better was if the suggestion for flagging yourself for PvP duels could be made in effect for this zone (and then other co-op zones) so we can see heroes and villains battling it out on the streets of DA!

Yes, I know people don't care for PvP, that's why I said FLAG yourself. You hit a switch, it says you're open for invites to duel and it leaves it at that untill someone sends a request to duel.

We limit it to only red vs blue and only to duels. If you don't want to PvP you just don't flag yourself for it.

[EDIT] Oh and again...rethink losin gthe fog!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
That means you can do villain or hero only content, joining up with the opposite side is purely a choice and one you can say no to.
I never see coop content on a real villain side. To be clear, recent villain content (TF and premium story arc) is just perfect for me. It's not arachnos oriented. And you re really a villain with dark scheme. On the other end, coop content is always "oh, this baddies (being riktis, cimemora or praetorian - and in the futor Mot and the banished Pantheons) is so bad and so strong, let's team with heroes to save the day". When I am a villain, I dont want to save the days. I would even sometimes team with the bad guys if i had the opportunity.

I usually dont like coop, but the biggest issue is the fog. Keep the fog.



Thanks for the details, Samuraiko, I missed that panel.

I'm reserving judgement on the fog and ghosts being gone until I see what is done to replace them. Based on how awesome the Halloween Trial was, I'm optimistic.

I do like the feel of old DA, though, so I'm glad we're getting an Echo of it to go to if we wish.

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I'll add the counterpoint opinion to most of what I'm seeing here...

I don't care for the fog. It can go bye-bye and I'll not miss it. It makes using Teleport a massive pain in the rear end. It hides any style or beauty the zone might have (if it has any).

I won't be bothered if it does stay, but I'd actually be glad for it to be gone.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
There's already a newer and more realistic type of fog being used on the Kane Mansion map - it's not nearly as thik as the DA fog effect, but it does creep over the ground, and is nice and atmospheric.
I honestly didn't spend enough time on the map to remember that, but it sounds perfect. If the fog and ghosts disappeared completely from Dark Astoria then we would lose the best part of the zone. But I agree the fog made travel pretty annoying, especially teleporting. Some compromise is fine. But I'd hate to see them take away everything that made the zone cool.

I won't speak for everyone else, but when I asked for a DA revamp I always wanted them to keep the zone itself just the way it was but to add a chain of contacts like Faultline and Striga and Croatoa and so on. Maybe a zone event or two, and a task force or trial, and an NPC with recurring missions. And it sounds like they're doing all of that, which is great. I just hope they don't lose the magic of DA, that special something that made so many of us say, "This zone has so much potential!"

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



I guess now this means I really need to finish my Dark Astoria video...


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
A little late to the party here, but... damn. Incarnate ...stuff... in Dark Astoria? Why, devs? Why would you do this? Well, hell. There's just no coming back from this one. The Fork Incarnate has been well and truly stuck.

I dunno, i love the idea. dark astoria has a thing in it of immense power, such that even diminished divines went searching for it. as beings that are growing in immense power ourselves, we grow from fighting the thing of immense power, its frankly better than i hoped, if we get the same with characters like merluna, rularru, leviathan and the like, i will be immensely happier with incarnate content. the fog and vanishing people were a nice trick in a forsaken zone. this moves the story forward and away from being praetoria centered, uses an existing zone rather than diffusing the game further AND expands 2 interesting but underutilized groups, the banished pantheon and tsoo, to higher level problems. there is nothing I dont like about this idea, for me its one of the best things the devs have done in a while. were it not for the gamble pack nonsense, id be walking on sunshine right now.