Who *don't* you want to die?

Agent White



The cocky speedster?
The sarcastic lady's man archer?
Either of the women, who are both psychics with healing powers?

I couldn't care less really. None of them have ever engaged my imagination in the slightest.



Originally Posted by Dr Harmony View Post
The cocky speedster?
The sarcastic lady's man archer?
Either of the women, who are both psychics with healing powers?

I couldn't care less really. None of them have ever engaged my imagination in the slightest.
Actually, Sister Psyche doesn't have healing powers.
She's just a mind control/force field controller with a few ranged attacks to compensate for the fact that she can't solo for crap.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by G_Savior View Post
Statesman feels too important to die, and if they DO kill him it'll just feel like they're doing it for shock value.

I kind of do hope he bites it, just cause I don't like his character.

Here's how I imagine the cutscene playing out:

Random Evil Dude/Cole: Statesman, if you touch this bomb, you will DIE!

Statesman starts to run towards the bomb, but is stopped as Sister Psyche puts her hand on his arm.

Psyche: no dont do it statesman (in all lowercase)

Statesman gently pushes her away and turns his head back towards the bomb, a single teardrop streaming down his cheek.

Statesman: Come now, I've always been this way.

Statesman rushes to the bomb and uses hand clap, as the camera pans offscreen and all you see is a huge number float upwards as the bomb explodes.

At this point, everyone in Paragon City, even the Vahz in the sewers and the Devouring Earth in Eden let out an echoing "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" as our valiant hero is no more.

Camera cuts back to statesman's faceplate flying through the sky like a frisbee above steel canyon, as images of his past are shown in the background. The scene ends as the mask eventually flies into outer space, creating a sparkle and, seconds later, exploding into fireworks in the shape of statesman doing a thumbs up.

Make it happen!



The pillar can take the powers from one person and put them into another. It can't affect Numina or Citadel (in theory), but the others are fair game.

I'm hoping that it shifts some of the powers around. Statesman can get Positron's power. Manticore can get Synapse's power. And so on.

After the power switch, someone loses control of Positron's power, and vaproizes Synapse (likely holding Manticore's power of "nothing"). This sets the powers in place for good.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Actually, Sister Psyche doesn't have healing powers.
She's just a mind control/force field controller with a few ranged attacks to compensate for the fact that she can't solo for crap.
You've clearly not used mind control then ;D



Originally Posted by eth_Nargy View Post
I kind of do hope he bites it, just cause I don't like his character.

Here's how I imagine the cutscene playing out:

Random Evil Dude/Cole: Statesman, if you touch this bomb, you will DIE!

Statesman starts to run towards the bomb, but is stopped as Sister Psyche puts her hand on his arm.

Psyche: no dont do it statesman (in all lowercase)

Statesman gently pushes her away and turns his head back towards the bomb, a single teardrop streaming down his cheek.

Statesman: Come now, I've always been this way.

Statesman rushes to the bomb and uses hand clap, as the camera pans offscreen and all you see is a huge number float upwards as the bomb explodes.

At this point, everyone in Paragon City, even the Vahz in the sewers and the Devouring Earth in Eden let out an echoing "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" as our valiant hero is no more.

Camera cuts back to statesman's faceplate flying through the sky like a frisbee above steel canyon, as images of his past are shown in the background. The scene ends as the mask eventually flies into outer space, creating a sparkle and, seconds later, exploding into fireworks in the shape of statesman doing a thumbs up.

Make it happen!
Would pay to see this



Well, if we're talking about ANY of the signature characters, I'd be most sad to see Ms. Liberty or Swan die. I know several people don't like the junior Ms., but I think she's a good character who's learning to control her temper like so many had to do. Swan I want to see stick around just because there's so much that can be done with her character. We've gotten very little development for her character and not much more for her Praetorian counterpart; that interests me greatly. What kind of working relationship do she and Manticore have? Is it fairly antagonistic like States and Ms. Lib, or is it more of a teacher/student like Citadel and Luminary? Does she have to get the things off the tall shelves in the Freedom Phalanx base for him, or do he use a ladder like in his mansion?

Now, if we're only talking about which of the Surviving 8 do we not want to see pass into the great beyond, if indeed the poor soul stays dead and doesn't return in some way, shape or form, then I'd be most sad to see Sister Psyche go. I'd love to see her costume go, though, and be replaced by... well, anything, really. Shalice herself, though, I think is the best character of all the Surviving 8. She's conflicted, she's emotional, she's been through loss and pain and emotional trauma and still come out the other side stronger and smarter. She's messy and confusing and doesn't have everything together, and that makes her ultimately more heroic AND more human.

Who do I think will be the one to go? Citadel. Manti makes more sense, but he's got all these cameo appearances in the new hero arcs, and it wouldn't make much sense to write him into all of them only to turn around and have to take him out less than three months later. Citadel hasn't made any real appearance at all other than in Ouroboros and as scenery at the beginning of a single mission for years. His task force is the most boring and monotonous, and it's by far the one most needing revamping of the original 6. Maybe his circuitry could be grafted into Luminary, upgrading her into a more advanced state while still finding a way of keeping a spark of him alive. However, I could also see a scenario where Positron is actually the one to die, sacrificing himself to save others and maybe being turned back into anti-matter again, thus having his physical body "die." He could stay in the game with only minor changes (i.e. the helmet would go back on).

On an unrelated but recurring note in this thread, I think much of the animosity toward Statesman is really lingering resentment toward Jack Emmert, who was one of CoH's original dev team. Jack created Statesman and used him as his in-game alter ego, and Jack's arrogance and negative relationship with the player base was legendary. So legendary, in fact, that many old players direct those negative feelings toward the most obvious remnant of Jack remaining in this game: Statesman. It's really misplaced in most of these cases, but old habits and grudges die hard. The best revenge we got against Jack and his ego was that the game became orders of magnitude better after he left and Paragon Studios formed to take over. (Interestingly enough, the other signature character Jack created was Sister Psyche, and not many people channel their dislike of him against her.)



Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
I don't understand all of the Statesman hate that permeates the playerbase.
It relates to Statesman being the chosen avatar for Jack Emmert, and his choice in Enhancement Diversification, among other unpopular game changes that came down the line.

Jack Emmert and the Playerbase

Member of:
Repeat Offenders Network - The Largest Coalition Network in the Game, across Virtue, Freedom, Justice and Exalted. Open to all, check us out.

Current Team Project: Pending



Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
After the power switch, someone loses control of Positron's power, and vaproizes Synapse (likely holding Manticore's power of "nothing").
Actually, Manticore does have a power. Teleport Arrow. It hurts when you get hit with it, either in RV or in Recluse's strike force. I'm sure someone out there has a screenie of it. It's too late for my mind to work tonight, so I'm not going to log back on and grab one, but if no one posts one before tomorrow evening, I'll try to remember to post a pic of its info. Link to a pic of the CCG version of it below.





Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
For me it's that he is a Mary Sue that I haven't actually seen him do any of this cool **** he is supposedly capable of.
have we seen him do anything cool since the first game trailer and the CoV one? o.O



Originally Posted by Kurrent View Post
Actually, Manticore does have a power. Teleport Arrow. It hurts when you get hit with it, either in RV or in Recluse's strike force. I'm sure someone out there has a screenie of it. It's too late for my mind to work tonight, so I'm not going to log back on and grab one, but if no one posts one before tomorrow evening, I'll try to remember to post a pic of its info. Link to a pic of the CCG version of it below.


That's not necessarily a power as it could be a gadget arrow. Given how much he emphasizes he has no powers I think it's safe to say it's the specific arrow that does the trick and not that Manticore actually does anything to make it do that. He just doesn't give the trick to making them to anyone so only he gets to use it.

And you know given the unpopularity of Twinshot's arc maybe a rewrite wouldn't hurt >> Will be kind of disappointed if it does rule him out. Mostly because he's probably the one I'd offer up for sacrifice XD

Edit: You know, looking over how often the heroes show up in various missions, it really seems like killing someone is going to involve more rewrites to villainside content than heroside, excepting the Signature Taskforces (assuming they don't just hand them off to a new NPC).



Statesman. because if they do, it'll be because of "Jack hate" and not "This will be awesome or this will make people think or anything" it'll be because people associate Statesman with Jack.

Dont want Sister Psyche or Numina to die. And if they did, OMG YAY, more WIR threads >_>

And really, I like Numina and Sister Psyche, but I think they could both use some new outfits!

The rest imo is good to go!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I wouldn't really care if it was Synapse, Citadel or Back Alley Brawler.

I would actually enjoy it being Statesman (and no, not because of Jack Emmert, because the 'Star Spangled Super Guy' is the absolute most hackneyed cliche there is in this industry and I find Statesman to be a very uninspiring instance of it).

I would rather keep Positron, Numina, Sister Psyche, and Manticore.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



I really hope it's not Positron... my books aren't done yet. (And Synapse is a close second.)

The only one of the Phalanx I'm REALLY 'meh' about is Citadel. Sorry, big guy, but it's true. You and your TF just do not do it for me. If I had to root for one of them to go, he'd be it. Damned if I know how they could make it dramatic and emotionally engaging, but stranger things have happened.

But Statesman doing the heroic sacrifice thing? Facing down some truly devastating fate, jaw set, shoulders back, and the last word on his lips being, "Monica..." Oh yeah. THAT I'd buy.

(Damn it, now I'm suddenly seeing the scene of Vegeta vs Majin Buu near the end of DBZ. So I'm a geek - I admit it.)


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



There's three characters I hope don't die.

1) Synapse. C'mon, that would just turn the whole SSA thing into a joke. Bad stuff happens to Synapse all the time, killing him off would be too easy.

2) Numina. She's already dead! It'd be unoriginal, and it would be waaaay too easy to bring her back (you wouldn't even have to come up with a half-***** comic book style resurrection. ).

3) Citadel. Citadel is just way too anonymous. And also a robot. If you want to be all "look at us, we are killing a major character!!" you don't want the reactions to be either "Citawho?" or "can't they just build another one?" Also, if he's not the dumbest sentient robot hero ever, he'll have his brain on a backup disk somewhere.

(Back Ally Brawler gets an honourable mention because A) he's not in the Freedom Phalanx, and B) because it'd be kinda bad taste after his namesake Dev got sacked)

So I really hope they man up and kill off someone significant.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Kurrent View Post
Manti makes more sense, but he's got all these cameo appearances in the new hero arcs, and it wouldn't make much sense to write him into all of them only to turn around and have to take him out less than three months later.
Manti wouldn't necessarily have to be taken out of the Shining Stars arcs. The Shining Stars (minus the traitor and Flambeaux) appear in Who Will Die, so Twinshot's arcs clearly take place before WWD.

The ones that I can think would have to be defined as "before WWD" if a character died, rather than rewritten with the character taken out:
• Maria Jenkins' new arc becomes a complete mess if Statesman's dead.
• The Kal SF features Numina and Posi in fairly significant and irreplaceable roles.



I personally hope that Manticore does not die.

I don't have a compelling reason that he's integral to the mythos of CoH, or any other well-thought-out justification. I just like him the most out of the Phalanx, because I thought he was awesome in the comics. First, he stared down three villains at the same time, each of them more powerful than him. Then he successfully bluffed the god of knowledge. To finish his act, he literally cheated death itself. He was the only character in the series that I really enjoyed reading about.



Originally Posted by G_Savior View Post
I guess Synapse can die, he doesn't really seem to do much of anything
Are you kidding? He's their heart!, and frankly, Synapse is awesome! Wait... what're we talking about again?

Oh yeah, who we DON'T want to die. Well I don't want Synapse to die. I'd rather he find a happy ending. He deserves it. That said, I don't want Positron to die... He's Synapse's best friend, and that would just be a bunch of issues waiting to happen, plus he's also a nice guy...

I don't want Manticore or Sister Psyche to die. After all she's been through. Granted he's a take off of Batman, but he's at least willing to share his life with another, and after him being the first to open up to a bunch of n00bs, while it would be thematically appropriate in that sense, I'd hate to see what Shalice would turn into were that to happen, and she deserves better.

I like BaB's. The retired 'old guy' who isn't afraid to tell it like it is. I see him as a kind of 'Luke Cage' character and wouldn't mind seeing him play a bigger role in the grand scheme of things... Plus, he's not an actual Freedom Phalanx'er.

Outside of that, I don't have a lot of investment in the rest of the Freedom Phalanx. Didn't know Numina was created by a player. That's kind of neat.

I can't say I want ANY of them to die per-se, but if I did, I would have to think Statesman would be the better choice. Not because of out of game stuff, but to pave the way for others to make their mark. Plus, as a 'person' he's had a good run, and a good life, and for the 'shock' value of it.

Out of all of them he has the best chance of returning as himself (Sister Psyche already did it once so that's kinda out, and Numina's back from the dead soooo...) maybe from another reality, maybe as a gift of The Well, but regardless. He's seen as the 'big bad' of the City of Uninverse... with the Incarnate wars about to take place his seems the most reasonable.

If The Well loses faith in Emperor Cole, what hope does Statesman have?

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Placta View Post
Manti wouldn't necessarily have to be taken out of the Shining Stars arcs. The Shining Stars (minus the traitor and Flambeaux) appear in Who Will Die, so Twinshot's arcs clearly take place before WWD.

The ones that I can think would have to be defined as "before WWD" if a character died, rather than rewritten with the character taken out:
• Maria Jenkins' new arc becomes a complete mess if Statesman's dead.
• The Kal SF features Numina and Posi in fairly significant and irreplaceable roles.
yeah, I'm kind of curious how this is going to be handled too. The assumption seems to be, in general, that the character's death will essentially 'retcon' them out of all existing content.

It's just sort of a weird byproduct of the game's timeline being kind of varied. The Galaxy City event, for instance, has affected all current and past events, galaxy city, as far as content is concerned, has now never existed because all missions involving it have been altered. Galaxy City is 'dead' and 'always' has been.

But then there are events as the story progresses that don't ripple backward. The best examples I can come up with are like killing Agent X in a villainside arc, you kill him, offer up his soul, he's gone, but he still appears in a Praetorian because it happens earlier than that. In this case I think it's 'level range dictates the plot', the game is roughly divided up every 10 levels with 'big' plot developments coming at each interval. (Roughly). Like another example is the Praetorian villains. In Praetoria 1-20, they're still around handing out missions, acting as trainers, etc. In the iTrials, Level 50+ land, we're seeing them going down and Cole's kingdom torn apart piece by piece.

So it's kind of a weird wibbly wobbly tangle of what constitutes 'the present', since some things become part of 'the present' while other things are distinctly 'past' 'present' 'future'.

Honestly I could see it being a sort of combination. Certain things will be rewritten to incorporate that the character is now dead, but they might leave some things in as the build up, like with Manticore being a part of the Shining Stars development.



Statesman will die, and we will see Positron upgraded to be an Incarnate, CoH franchise main new hero with new awesome armor and all.
I think Im fine with it.
This game needs some shacking and new status quo for the main heroes.



Kill em all! It's time for a new gritty, edgy style of hero to emerge!



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Statesman will die, and we will see Positron upgraded to be an Incarnate, CoH franchise main new hero with new awesome armor and all.
I think Im fine with it.
This game needs some shacking and new status quo for the main heroes.
Putting Positron up to that position doesnt shake anything up.

And much like Statesman, the character has nothing going for him other than the recent Posi/Numi pairing (which may not be a pairing to some) and that a lead dev uses the name.

And Positron still isn't the Superman archetype of hero.

Really, I think it comes down to being Posi or Manticore. These two in the basic premise can be interchangelable. Techie heroes.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Putting Positron up to that position doesnt shake anything up.

And much like Statesman, the character has nothing going for him other than the recent Posi/Numi pairing (which may not be a pairing to some) and that a lead dev uses the name.

And Positron still isn't the Superman archetype of hero.

Really, I think it comes down to being Posi or Manticore. These two in the basic premise can be interchangelable. Techie heroes.

I have always said it would be Manticore! I still stick by it. Manticore sacrifices himself to save the others. Being a tech based hero he is the least godlike. Like others before him in comic culture, where a mortal man, with skills not powers stops an invasion, saves his friends, not with power, but with sacrifice.

Plus...the married dude or the retiring guy always gets it. Also...isn't he and Sister Psyches wedding annaversary coming soon?

*Plus. Sister Psyche has been horribly boring as of late and needs to "GO ROGUE"...if you catch my drift.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Putting Positron up to that position doesnt shake anything up.
And Positron still isn't the Superman archetype of hero.
I... what?

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



I do not agree that the dislike/hate for Statesman is mainly lingering hate for Jack, although no doubt that doesn't help.

The Statesman character is generally written as an authoritarian, belligerent no-it-all. The Statesman character in game (until the introduction of the Incarnate stuff at least) was operating at dreamy heights our characters could never achieve. None of this is particularly conducive to warm relationship.

I, as a player, do not like the character. The characters I play in this game (hero and villain) don't like Statesman either. Thats not entirely bad though because on a number of occasions I have been able to put him in his place, either but saving his bacon or whuppin his butt!

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04