City of Heroes is the World Wrestling Federation of Superhero MMOs




I almost get what you're saying, the way you're saying it... Possibly, maybe, sort of... Although I am not entirely convinced that the reasons you state for WWF/WWE's success are accurate (they may be, I'm not sure it is just that).

Going along with what you're saying: A huge factor for the WWF's launch into major success was the talent... the very unique and somewhat extraordinary talent that arrived in the 70s and 80s. Physical specimens and/or super charismatic talents such as Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, Iron Sheik, Roddy Piper, Randy Savage, John Studd, Bundy, British Bulldogs, George Steele, Brett Hart... The huge, agile, remarkable and charismatic showmanship gave them a roster of characters that you dream of...
Here's a big difference, and one greatly in CoH's favor: They control and create their superstars (game features, additions, stories, anything and everything) into anything they could desire.
They need to take those pillars and make the right moves with them and not give up with them
Easy to say. Mistakes happen.
Mission Architect should be a great pillar in this game. That's a tough situation, as things kind of got twisted and turned with the way some of the playerbase took to it. Maybe some mistakes were made in its delivery. I'm certainly not saying it isn't a great thing, but maybe it should be focused on to be made even greater. If that's the kind of thing you are saying... I hear you. I agree with it.
And I'm not saying that as though I think the Devs are failing nor the game is hurting or anything. Better is better and that's always the best way to go, hehe. Even if better means making sure you stay the same. As staying the same doesn't always happen by staying still.
When they released the Mission Architect, they had the focus of the video game world on them. And rightfully so. It drew a lot of attention, especially from potential subscribers who sought a way to create content for such a game. I'm not sure (honestly "not sure") how many of those people we caught and maintained... and how many left because it didn't match up to their expectations, or the overwhelming farming disappointed them or the lack attention towards improving the creation and story aspects of the MA by the developers and, instead, the focus of curtailing and limiting the quick advancement achievable through the system.
And where is the MA/AE focus these days?
Power Customization? Similar, on a far lesser scale, but perhaps equal or greater popularity (Power Pools, Epic Pools, EATs? Ever? Soon? Some day before Golden Girl goes grey?)?

Anyway, I'm saying this from a point of improving/maintaining a great thing, not from a point of criticizing and calling for improvements if they want to succeed, hehe.

Not sure this reply is worth it, but... what is?

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
City of Heroes beat the competition? check
City of Heroes has been dominating other games of the same genre of MMO? check
When CoH started there was no competition in the superhero MMO genre... and before CoH there wasn´t even a genre for this.
The other games? To stay with the wrestling theme, the first one managed to piledrive itself into the ground and the second one had a great entrance but fell off stage while getting to the ring...


ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Then in 2006/2007 a company began to spring up that was based with the motto "Less gimmick, more action." That company was called TNA (Total Non-Stop Action) and in short time they began to steal away the fans of the WWE.
To be fair, TNA is anything BUT action, with Vince Ruso on board. They hired on Hulk Hogan and Rick Flair who were broken down even before they retired the last time. They brought back the ECW guys and had another one-night stand. They have a wrestler whose gimmick is that he's brain-damaged and acting like an idiot, and at one point they had a wrestler who proclaimed he was a descended god. Not to mention that one show which had around 6 minutes of wrestling out of a 2-hour show. There's a reason that last time I brought up TNA, it scared the living daylight out of someone here on these forums. The WWE and TNA aren't so much battling it out as the WWE is doing well and TNA is having "flaming ladders balanced on chairs on top of tables with a casket on top" matches. All the while acting like they're always shooting.

The problem with gimmicks in wrestling isn't the gimmicks themselves, it's that they ruin our suspension of disbelief that we're watching a legitimate sporting event with things at stake. When Randy Orton is making autistic faces and HHH is taping a midget to a skateboard or, hell, when Sergeant Slaughter is siding with the Iraqis during Operation Desert Storm, it makes the whole thing seem endlessly goofy and you can't take it seriously. So when the WCW invades the WWE and Shane McMahan threatens to steal the company until resident bad boy Steve Austin returns to kick his *** or, most lately, when CM Punk starts badmouthing Vince and company man John Cena and essentially trashing all the gimmicks and has his microphone cut so he can't embarrass the company... Those things earn the company much favour.

But here's the thing - as the nWo demonstrates, you can only rebel against gimmicks for a time before you have to return to using gimmicks. The WWE has their gimmicks until people get tired of them, then they rebel against them for a while, then we're right back "Last year, I showed too much emotion!" and John Cena acting like the last son of Krypton. Where the WWE succeed and TNA fail is that TNA are both constantly having gimmicks AND constantly acting like it's all real. Hulk Hogan is yelling about "putting ***** in seats" while at the same time Abyss is backstage, torturing people and Samoa Joe is being kidnapped by ninjas who drive a panel van ON TV.


How this relates to City of Heroes, I'm honestly not sure I can articulate. Personally, I want nothing more than just running mission after mission after mission with storyline just explaining why I'm doing it and not interrupting my "flow." The newer mission where I'm constantly having to converse with inanimate objects, where bosses don't die but instead kneel down so I have to talk to them and I'm constantly having to escape a building under a timer as ambushes stream in and fighting in a tables ladders and chairs iron man cage match that's also a street fight with caskets... Suffice it to say that I don't really like those too much.

Some people complain that this is boring, but I don't see adding gimmicks to City of Heroes making it any less boring. If anything, I feel that it makes it boring AND ANNOYING. "Grind to 50 and make alts" is a perfectly valid playstyle if you actually enjoy making alts and levelling them up like I do. I really, REALLY don't need my experience "shaken up" in the slightest, because all that does is interrupt my flow while adding nothing to the experience. Is it honestly any less boring to fight a boss if he tries to flee and I can't stop him? No, of course not. Because then I can't actually fight him.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I get what Commander means (I think /disclaimer)

Putting it in game terms;

Recently we've had more and more new tech become less pipe dream and more reality. Varied story arcs, contacts within missions, chained objectives, dialogue and gameplay choices...
All the good stuff since Going Rogue, basically.

However. We also have all the gimmick stuff crammed in, in the form of the Incarnate content. Every new Trial is basically built around gimmicks. Now, yes, there ARE some of them in regular content too.

BUT! And it's a big but(!), they are used in moderation. The fight with Protean has a gimmick, in the form of his uber-drain attack. A lot of enemies are getting 'Red Letter Warning' attacks. Stuff like the Apex and Tin Mage TFs, etc.
These, however, have one or two gimmicks that fit in with the story and/or characters involved. They are what you would call tailored gimmicks, gimmicks that are there for a purpose.

The Trials don't feel that way. They feel like content made solely out of gimmicks, to the point you are drowning in them.
And I know I for one find that a hell of a lot less fun.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

How this relates to City of Heroes, I'm honestly not sure I can articulate. Personally, I want nothing more than just running mission after mission after mission with storyline just explaining why I'm doing it and not interrupting my "flow." The newer mission where I'm constantly having to converse with inanimate objects, where bosses don't die but instead kneel down so I have to talk to them and I'm constantly having to escape a building under a timer as ambushes stream in and fighting in a tables ladders and chairs iron man cage match that's also a street fight with caskets... Suffice it to say that I don't really like those too much.

Some people complain that this is boring, but I don't see adding gimmicks to City of Heroes making it any less boring. If anything, I feel that it makes it boring AND ANNOYING. "Grind to 50 and make alts" is a perfectly valid playstyle if you actually enjoy making alts and levelling them up like I do. I really, REALLY don't need my experience "shaken up" in the slightest, because all that does is interrupt my flow while adding nothing to the experience. Is it honestly any less boring to fight a boss if he tries to flee and I can't stop him? No, of course not. Because then I can't actually fight him.
I still sometimes get confused about where you stand, Sam

F'rinstance, I found the old content the most abysmally dull trudge ever. It was nothing but Defeat Alls mixed with Find Ten glowies in Oranbega and Defeat Everything AND the Boss.
The writing wasn't even that good. Oh sure, the story MIGHT have been interesting, if I wasn't bashing my head in with the keyboard due to the appalling dullness of the missions themsevevs.

Fast Forward to now with D-Mac and Leonard and Ross and the Agents's fun. The story is interesting. And, more importantly, it's told well. No more 'beat up all these mugs because they are very bad people', there's actual interaction and characterisation within the missions.

And yes, that does mean 'gimmick' stuff. But, in moderation, I think that can be a good thing. It's only when you are utterly swamped by them that it becomes as bad as the old stuff ever was.

(Funnily enough, finding the 20 conduits in dimension X felt as grindy as Incarnate Trials about full circle much? >_> )

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Sorry, I lost interest and started counting how many times the word "gimmick" was used. 39.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Ok...Gimmicky? Ok...well yes there are some things. I usually see this when things such as costume boosters come into play or power sets come into play. The amount of Beam Rifle/Time Corrs were the new thing and rightly so. I mean, it's new shiny, and when you combine that with the huge number of Brains in Jars sporting Victorian Steam Punk parts I see the gimmick, or the trend.

However to be fair if content is not added, then people would be less than enthused to play the game and much like the WWF or...what ever that rant was about...which confused me, or bored me...or bored me so that I was need to keep adding layers upon layers to anything to make it interesting especially when the franchise is outdated.

When something like City of Heroes (Which I love..Love love!) is outdated, which it is, in the aspects of engine, appearence, and mechanics you need to bring new layers, gimmicks and things to boost the desire to play the game, and for the most part City does that very well. In the MMO universe you have the option to choose the gimmicks you generally want to participate in, and we have that option.

Stripping down to the your roots, works well for musicians, TV series, and franchises that lost their way. Lost their grit or what made them special. Alternatively, City of Heroes has not, in my experience, really done that.

However there does get to a point where this story does have to come to an end. The Praets, the world as it is and dimensional folding etc, are all amazing, but sort of does back CoX into a corner of having to END the Story, or push the boundries of the Incarnate Arcs, which would still have to end at some point. It was a gimmick for level 50 end content...but the issue I feel is that the End Content will lead to the End of CoX.

Just my rambling.



If you smmmeellllllllllllll what the noob . . . .. is busting!

If you want this incarnate to go on a solo path, give me a hell yeah!

Incase you've forgotten, let me tell you just who in the hell i am. I am nictus!

Teleport incoming in 1 . . . .2 . . . . it doesnt matter if i teleport you or not!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I get what Commander means (I think /disclaimer)

Putting it in game terms;

Recently we've had more and more new tech become less pipe dream and more reality. Varied story arcs, contacts within missions, chained objectives, dialogue and gameplay choices...
All the good stuff since Going Rogue, basically.

However. We also have all the gimmick stuff crammed in, in the form of the Incarnate content. Every new Trial is basically built around gimmicks. Now, yes, there ARE some of them in regular content too.

BUT! And it's a big but(!), they are used in moderation. The fight with Protean has a gimmick, in the form of his uber-drain attack. A lot of enemies are getting 'Red Letter Warning' attacks. Stuff like the Apex and Tin Mage TFs, etc.
These, however, have one or two gimmicks that fit in with the story and/or characters involved. They are what you would call tailored gimmicks, gimmicks that are there for a purpose.

The Trials don't feel that way. They feel like content made solely out of gimmicks, to the point you are drowning in them.
And I know I for one find that a hell of a lot less fun.
See, I need to get you to edit my posts before I actually post them. I have a hard time not drawing things out. But you summed up my thoughts in a clear fashion.

I don't want to get burned out on the new shiny. How many times does a Doppelganger show up before it gets boring? How many times do you have to avoid a circle before you scratch your head and ask "Why do I keep doing this?"

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



How many times does a Doppelganger show up before it gets boring?
Its been a few issues and it still doesnt get old Being an ice/cold corruptor and being ambushed by your doppelganger is one *squeeky voice time!* heellllll of a fight

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
3 "gimmicks" in 7 years?
Arcanaville would smite you for failing basic math. I shouldn't need to list each individual trial, they all have gimmicks. Reichsman is in 2 TFs. So the number is greater than 3.

I'll add the final encounter in Apex TF, Protean and Trapdoor to the list.



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
How many times do you have to avoid a circle before you scratch your head and ask "Why do I keep doing this?"
My Doppleganger just reminds me that none of my toons wear pants!



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
Arcanaville would smite you for failing basic math. I shouldn't need to list each individual trial, they all have gimmicks. Reichsman is in 2 TFs. So the number is greater than 3.

I'll add the final encounter in Apex TF, Protean and Trapdoor to the list.
So 7 in 7 years then?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
just like to point out that those fake wrestlers are some of the best Athletes in the entire fake fighing community.

Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
Sorry, I lost interest and started counting how many times the word "gimmick" was used. 39.
He needs to use more words and fewer gimmicks.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



....when's the Luchador Booster Pack being released?



Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



So game features and content releases are nothing more than gimmicks? I don't know where to start.



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
There have been tons of gimmicks added to CoH over the years. Mission Architect, Incarnates, Auction House, Invention System, Hami-O's, Arena, PVP, specific ways to accomplish missions/tf's/iTrials that can't be completed in any other way, Veteran Rewards, Paragon Rewards, Paragon Market, City Info Kiosks, EAT/VEAT's, Super/Villain groups, ED, MARTy, Bases, Invasions, Power/Weapon Customization, Flashbacks, Day Jobs, Multiple Builds, etc., etc., etc.
Okay, I'm trying to see what isn't a gimmick in this game now. And how does ED qualify as a gimmick? Everyone hated that!

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by electric-knight View Post

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
Incarnate Trials
Final encounter in the STF
So I guess the only thing that isn't a gimmick is punching people in the face... and you get Street Justice in the last issue!

Seriously. What you call 'Gimmicks' others call 'alternatives to staid historical gameplay' and 'boring, old mechanics.' Example you gave: the last encounter in STF. So I'm assuming the Hami Raid is 'not a gimmick', since you didn't mention it. So let me draw the analogy in a pedantic way:

In Hami, you destroy a number of objects that generate a protective field over the main target, then destroy the main target, all while the main target is attacking you and has to be distracted by a tank and the tank has to be supported so the tank does not fall.

How exactly is that different from the last encounter in the STF??
Oh yeah, in the Hami, you do it multiple times.
Again, how is it different?

I like what most people call 'gimmicks' in the game, for the most part. It changes the focus; it calls for a little of what some people might call 'strategy'; and it adds to the charm of 'face-punching' with 'brain-thinking'.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
(Please note that I wrote World Wrestling Federation and not World Wrestling Entertainment. This is also a little history lesson that, I believe, the folks at Paragon need to be wary of.)

From the early 80's till about 2004, I was a hardcore fan of the WWF. I don't know if it was because watching wrestling with my Uncle was the only form of bonding we had before he died or if I just got too wrapped up in their storytelling, but I felt obligated to devote all of my time to their product. (I slowly lost interest in wrestling when CoH came into my life )

Over the course of 10 years, the WWF destroyed the competition. Other wrestling companies crumbled and the talent at those companies slowly moved to the employment of the World Wrestling Federation. Sure, Vince McMahon poached the talent, but he got the job done and set his company up for global domination.

There was one reason, above all others, that the WWF succeeded where the other companies could not: they turned everything into a gimmick. Hulk Hogan was an unearthly popular gimmick (the character, not the person.) They began to have gimmick matches at almost every Pay Per View event. The brought in more gimmick wrestlers that would test the resolve of older gimmick wrestlers. By 1997, everyone in the company was a gimmick Superstar... including the owner of the company and his family.

When their gimmicks tired out, they brought in gimmicks from outside of the wrestling industry: Mike Tyson, James "Buster" Douglas, Pete Rose, Aretha Franklin, Lawrence Taylor, and so on.

Those outside gimmicks were usually used to drive in new viewers because little by little, the fans that they catered to slowly faded away. At this point in WWF history, their weekly shows consisted of 4 actual wrestling matches that took place within a 40 minute frame and the last hour and 20 minutes was gimmick interviews, destroying vehicles that "belonged" to other wrestlers, and even backstage tours while one gimmick wrestler would be searching for another gimmick wrestler that did him wrong.

But where did their fans go? On the horizon, a longtime established company and largest rival to the WWF, called World Championship Wrestling (WCW) decided they would fight fire with fire. The created the "mother" of all gimmicks that stole the fans away from the WWF. The created a gimmick organization called the nWo (New World Order) that was comprised of former WWF talent. They played this group off as a bunch of irritated wrestlers that were sick of all the gimmicks they were given and now they were staging a coup to take their industry back.

Guess what? It worked. Longtime fans of the WWF jumped at the opportunity to get away from the "gimmicks" but little did they know this was the biggest gimmick of all.

WCW began to beat the WWF in ratings week after week. After a year, WCW was the top company in the business. But, WCW made a huge mistake... they let the fans in on the gimmick. After a year of the nWo running rampant, most of the wrestlers from the WCW parent company were all part of the nWo. They ran out of opponents for themselves. So they broke up the nWo into two factions, red and black, and had them fight each other. This was about the point when the WWF decided, "Hey, the fans want less gimmicks? Well, let's give it to them" and the WWF Attitude era was born.

All of the WWF talent that had played the part of a gimmick almost immediately dropped those gimmicks and took on slightly altered versions of their real life persona. Well, that drew the fans back like a moth to a flame. Sure, the WWF still had gimmicks but they didn't rely on them anywhere as much. WCW tried to fight back but they couldn't win back the fans trust. In 2001, the WWF bought out the failed WCW and closed down the competitor while absorbing many of the WCW talent.

The WWF was forced to change it's name to WWE in 2002 due to a court ruling against them by the World Wildlife Fund. But the new WWE decided they were going to change things with the company since they closed down the competition. They started relying on gimmicks once again to draw the attention of new fans. Slowly gimmick wrestlers returned and week after week more gimmick matches were added.

Then in 2006/2007 a company began to spring up that was based with the motto "Less gimmick, more action." That company was called TNA (Total Non-Stop Action) and in short time they began to steal away the fans of the WWE. (See a pattern here?)

The WWE and TNA are still battling it out in 2011. Both companies have put more action and less gimmick into their products but there is a small bit of gimmick that occasionally gives one company the edge over another.

Now, this is where I ask you all (those of you that were brave enough to read this) if you see anything here that Paragon Studios could use in City of Heroes?

City of Heroes beat the competition? check
City of Heroes has been dominating other games of the same genre of MMO? check
City of Heroes opened their doors to new players with a new, free gimmick? check
City of Heroes is relying less on gimmicks to be sure that players don't get burnt out? ... ... ...

Sadly, the last part is no. Every new update to the game has a new gimmick. Some gimmicks pile on older gimmicks and tie them in with new gimmicks to create a hybrid gimmick. Then those hybrids are broken down, converted, upgraded, sidegraded, deslotted, and enhanced to the point of the game itself BEING the gimmick.

So I ask the Developers, what brought players into City of Heroes in 2004? A new gimmick or giving people the ability to become, in digital form, the hero or villain they wish they could be in real life? Was it a gimmick that kept people here or a story that made them feel like they WERE that hero/villain they wished they could be.

I believe it's time for an "Attitude Era" of City of Heroes. I believe it's time they stop focusing on gimmicks to pacify people and strip it all down to what people love about this game. I'd even to go out on a limb and say that I'm not the only one that feels this way.

It's funny that you posted this. A few of us were on Teamspeak the other night talking about how gimmicky things have become.

Oh, and Sting is the greatest wrestler ever!

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Originally Posted by Vega View Post
It's funny that you posted this. A few of us were on Teamspeak the other night talking about how gimmicky things have become.

Oh, and Sting is the greatest wrestler ever!
Sting probably has the greatest gimmick ever too!

Or maybe the Undertaker... 20+ years and he hasn't changed much, except for that biker phase he went through...

Also, I had a nice long post typed up in response to the OP but my elbow hit my mouse into my printer and the stupid side/back button erased my post.

tl;dr version - I can understand the analogy and agree to an extent - but the bottom line is WWE is still going strong despite whatever competition is put in front of it.

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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Needs more Mr. Socko and Pete Rose in a chicken suit.

To be honest, I wouldn't call going F2P a gimmick, I would call it keeping up with the Jones. Even that Azeroth thang is adding a form of F2P, aren't they?

That being said, some of the content is looking mighty long in the tooth, especially the 30-50 blue side arcs.

"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
(Please note that I wrote World Wrestling Federation and not World Wrestling Entertainment. This is also a little history lesson that, I believe, the folks at Paragon need to be wary of.)

From the early 80's till about 2004, I was a hardcore fan of the WWF...
I'mma gonna let you finish your lecture about wrestling history, Commander, but I just wanted to say that Bob Backlund was the greatest technical wrestler of all time. ALL TIME!

Sadly, he eventually succumbed to the plague of 'fixed' gimmick fights in the WWF. Even though he could out-wrestle anyone (*), even though he was the best there was at what he did, he couldn't stand up against McMahon's money-grubbing showmanship tactics.

Which just goes to prove that actual competition only works when you and your industry are honest. Another lesson that Paragon studios needs to remember.

(* -- Well, he could beat anyone that was not named Andre the Giant in a fair fight. And in a Backlund vs. Andre match I still would have bet on Backlund. Andre mostly did gimmick matches.)

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
DOOM requires skill. You have to be able to shoot straight while running, and there's always the problem of conserving ammo.

CoH no longer requires skill. If you can't tweak the difficulty down enough to succeed at something, you can always buy added powers with real money. The only skill left in CoH is in forming and commanding large teams. It's turned into a game for middle managers, designed by middle managers.

I remember when things were different and there was actual skill involved...but, ah, memories are sweet. I do wish that some of the original game's challenge had survived.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.