City of Heroes is the World Wrestling Federation of Superhero MMOs




Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Incorrect. The burden of proof lies with you, not me.
His point was that we can't even begin to gather the game's population statistics, much less analyze how inherent Fitness influenced them. The fact that he used a fudged number to estimate just how impossible the task is only serves to reinforce his purpose in making the estimate in the first place.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Perhaps I should have written an optimized C search rather than just whip up something in python. I'm looking at the maximum number of possible builds with inherent fitness for each level. However, it might be a while before this program completes, since its currently only up to analyzing level 16, and its already examined about forty million different possible ways to select powers given a fixed primary and secondary. I didn't think there were that many.
Sheesh. Nice work.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm actually a bit surprised no one has been crazy enough to do this yet.
I'm not. It's reaaaaaallly crazy.

There's an easier solution, you know, if we focus on the fact that we can only take four power pools. And if we simplify a lot.

Let's start by agreeing on some terminology. I'm going to use {x y} as shorthand for the binomial coefficient (= x!/(y!(x-y)!)), because I can't write the over/under notation on this forum.

Before inherent stamina, we had 10 power pools and four possible power pools we could take. Add one power pool as the 'no pool' option. But the binomial coefficient is exclusive, meaning that you can't take an item twice, and we have to disallow the 'zero pools' option because it isn't possible. I think it's valid to treat that as 10 power pools + 3 'empty' pools, or 13 choices for the four pool slots. That gives us { 13 4 } = 715 permutations.

If we assume that *everyone* had stamina (which was not true) then that condenses into { 12 3 } = 220 permutations. (9 remaining power pools, + 3 'empty' possible choices, into 3 slots, with the fourth slot filled by Fitness.)

After inherent stamina, we have 9 power pools and four possible pools to take. Still can't build a character with zero power pools. So the number of permutations is { 12 4 } = 495.

There's a lot to tweak in here. We're allowing the possibility of taking all four travel powers or none at all, and we're assuming Presence is taken as often as all the other pools. I think players gravitate toward the same pools (Leadership, Fighting, and Leaping for Combat Jumping) so often that there are far fewer options than we've calcuated here. And of course we're ignoring slotting. But it's a good rough cut.

I'm not sure it solves the argument, though. If you considered Stamina mandatory, then making Stamina inherent gave you a great many new combinations. If you didn't consider Stamina absolutely mandatory, then making it inherent cut the number of possibilities by a fairly drastic amount.

Personally, I had two characters out of about twenty that didn't have stamina. So I didn't exactly consider it mandatory. On the other hand, I don't think staminaless builds were very prevalent. Is the ability to be unique useful if nobody ever does it? (That brings up an uncomfortable corrollary: Am I nobody? )

I think we can say for certain that options were lost. Whether they were meaningful options is still up for debate. Regardless, they should give us more power pools, for those of us for whom uniqueness in gameplay is more important than uniqueness in costume.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
*snip*those of us for whom uniqueness in gameplay is more important than uniqueness in costume.*snip*
There is so much in this game, other than costumes, that you can can have as unique a gaming experience as you wish. The only person stopping you from having a unique character build or gameplay experience, is you.

You build your characters in such a way because you concider certain powers and slotting options as nonsensecal, where others do not. I have had a fair few toons in my very nearly 4 years in this game, even though i've only got 4 of them to 50 so far, (Damn my altism). I have tried a few of each AT, but mostly I seem to end up enjoying blasters the most. Because of that about 40%, (give or take a bit) of my toons are blasters. and each one of them, pre and post Inherant Fitness, have had very different builds and had very different gaming experience. If you haven't that is more about you than what the game has to offer.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Then it's time for them to get off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it.
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I'm not. It's reaaaaaallly crazy.

There's an easier solution, you know, if we focus on the fact that we can only take four power pools. And if we simplify a lot.

Let's start by agreeing on some terminology. I'm going to use {x y} as shorthand for the binomial coefficient (= x!/(y!(x-y)!)), because I can't write the over/under notation on this forum.

Before inherent stamina, we had 10 power pools and four possible power pools we could take. Add one power pool as the 'no pool' option. But the binomial coefficient is exclusive, meaning that you can't take an item twice, and we have to disallow the 'zero pools' option because it isn't possible. I think it's valid to treat that as 10 power pools + 3 'empty' pools, or 13 choices for the four pool slots. That gives us { 13 4 } = 715 permutations.

If we assume that *everyone* had stamina (which was not true) then that condenses into { 12 3 } = 220 permutations. (9 remaining power pools, + 3 'empty' possible choices, into 3 slots, with the fourth slot filled by Fitness.)

After inherent stamina, we have 9 power pools and four possible pools to take. Still can't build a character with zero power pools. So the number of permutations is { 12 4 } = 495.

There's a lot to tweak in here. We're allowing the possibility of taking all four travel powers or none at all, and we're assuming Presence is taken as often as all the other pools. I think players gravitate toward the same pools (Leadership, Fighting, and Leaping for Combat Jumping) so often that there are far fewer options than we've calcuated here. And of course we're ignoring slotting. But it's a good rough cut.

I'm not sure it solves the argument, though. If you considered Stamina mandatory, then making Stamina inherent gave you a great many new combinations. If you didn't consider Stamina absolutely mandatory, then making it inherent cut the number of possibilities by a fairly drastic amount.

Personally, I had two characters out of about twenty that didn't have stamina. So I didn't exactly consider it mandatory. On the other hand, I don't think staminaless builds were very prevalent. Is the ability to be unique useful if nobody ever does it? (That brings up an uncomfortable corrollary: Am I nobody? )

I think we can say for certain that options were lost. Whether they were meaningful options is still up for debate. Regardless, they should give us more power pools, for those of us for whom uniqueness in gameplay is more important than uniqueness in costume.
You calculations have a fundamental flaw and its due to that "ordered to unordered correction factor" I mentioned above. You're weighting every possible combination of power pool selections equally, but they are not all equal. For example, in the calculations I mentioned above for the 8 power pick search (i.e. picks through level 14) I said there were 60,518 "ordered" picks. However, those were the sum total of all builds with zero power pools, one power pool, two power pools, etc. The actual number of builds with X amount of non-travel power pools and Y amount of travel power pools is given by this matrix:

9    11132    6699    12555    9153
430    3478    7461    5373    1458
1035    3279    2934    972    0
1218    1524    648    0    0
728    432    0    0    0
where the first row is the total number of builds with zero travel pools and zero through four non-travel pools. Descending rows show total number of builds with one, two, three, and four travel pools and corresponding non-travel pools. Why I have to keep them separate is that travel pools have five powers, non-travel pools have four, so they create different possibilities in build sequences.

The total number of builds up to level 14 with zero travel and zero non-travel pools is only 9: that's because there are ten total primary and secondary powers available at level 14, and one of them you have to take (the first secondary). So you're taking eight of nine, and there's only nine possible powers you could drop.

Now, there's also only one way to have no power pools: there are no permutations to consider. But there are many ways to have one power pool, or two. And since I'm keeping them separate in my build computations, we have to consider all the combinations of ways to take zero through four non-travel and zero through four travel pools. The total number of combinations given six non-travel and four travel pools is given by a different matrix:

1    6    15    20    15
4    24    60    80    60
6    36    90    120    90
4    24    60    80    60
1    6    15    20    15
Since the build totals include the power pool constraint, impossible combinations are already zeroed out (as you can see from the first matrix). So the actual total number of possible build combinations for each possibility of travel and non-travel power pools is:

9    66792    100485    251100    137295
1720    83472    447660    429840    87480
6210    118044    264060    116640    0
4872    36576    38880    0    0
728    2592    0    0    0
The largest number - 447,660 - sits atone travel power and two non-travel power pools, or three power pools total. In other words, if we are counting *all* possibilities, and not just "good" ones, then up to level 14 the power pool case with the highest number of possibilities is the case of three power pools: one travel and two non-travel. And the reason is basically that there are lots of power pools to choose from, and the total number of powers in primary and secondary is still low at level 14.

However, this is generalizable to higher levels. You cannot just examine the total number of possible ways to create a build with N number of power pools, because that presumes each N is equally diverse: it contains an equal number of options. But that's not true, and those numbers shift around as you change the constraints on the system like by adding or removing inherent fitness.

Incidentally, for anyone who cares:

Level 16: 48648888, 344529

The numbers are increasing so rapidly I'm now wondering if I will have to reoptimize for the search to complete in a reasonable amount of time. I did not expect to be searching fifty million build sequences just to get to level 16. Its entirely possible the explosive growth levels off as the number of options begins to fill the build space, but I doubt that's happening before level 30. By which time I might be searching billions of sequences and tens of millions of possible distinct builds.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The numbers are increasing so rapidly I'm now wondering if I will have to reoptimize for the search to complete in a reasonable amount of time. I did not expect to be searching fifty million build sequences just to get to level 16. Its entirely possible the explosive growth levels off as the number of options begins to fill the build space, but I doubt that's happening before level 30. By which time I might be searching billions of sequences and tens of millions of possible distinct builds.
You could always try and engineer the process to able to divide the build space into discrete sections, and then spread option analysis among distributed application nodes. Then you could load it up on something like Amazon's EC2 and finish execution much faster, for a nominal fee.

But that would be really crazy.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
You could always try and engineer the process to able to divide the build space into discrete sections, and then spread option analysis among distributed application nodes. Then you could load it up on something like Amazon's EC2 and finish execution much faster, for a nominal fee.

But that would be really crazy.
Or I could rewrite it as a breadth first search with heuristic compacting of the tree. But that would be *really* crazy.

And also a hundred times faster.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



This whole thread is just a gimmick designed to make you disillusioned enough to stop playing the game so that the OP can have the servers to himself.



Well, since we have "wrestling" in the title and I happened to be going through the Spoony One's old TNA recaps (and rants), I figured I might quote him in something I feel is somewhat relevant to the subject of gimmicks, which is what the thread was originally about. This is the Spoony One, talking about the Vince Ruso approach to booking from one of his v-logs:

Originally Posted by Spoony
Here's the thing with Vince Ruso. I think this is how he thinks: He's planning planning his segments out, writing his ****. So he's got all these matches lined up, he's got Anderson vs. Jarett, he's got the Pope vs. Abyss, he's got Mickey James and Terra, he's got these conflicts... He's like: "How do I plan matches around this?"

So he plans his matches, he looks at the list and he's like: "This is boring! Anderson vs. Jarett, Jay Lethal vs. Robbie... These are all just... Matches! These are all just normal matches. That sucks! We could do special matches!"

So, I think that's when Vince Ruso goes: "Why have a normal match? You've got thousands of normal matches. You go to the WWE, you see normal matches. You watch Impact, you get normal matches. Why have a normal match when you can have a gimmick match? Why not have a triple cage match? That's even better than a normal cage match! Normal cage matches are boring! You could have a triple cage match! Or... Why have a street fight when you can call it a "Jersey Shore Street Fight?" But that's what he's thinking.

And I'll explain to you why it's a stupid idea when he does this. I've gone on at great length about how it basically robs the speciality matches of their... "Specialness" when you have them all the ******* time. But, from a booking standpoint, it's stupid as well. You don't have to be an expert to see this. But I know that's what he's thinking. He doesn't plan that far ahead in advance.
As Spoon's Wrestle Wrestle v-logs are unscripted, I've edited the above text to remove all the sentence fragments, most or all instances of "like" and split his stream of consciousness into paragraphs so it's easier to read, but that's essentially what he said. I've been trying to recreate it in my own words off-memory for some time, but I'm not the Spoony One so it hasn't worked. This is "Vince Ruso booking" in his own words, and I feel it's relevant to the rise of gimmicks and complexity for the sake of complexity we've seen in recent content in our very own City of Wrestling. Err... I mean City of Heroes.

Hmm... I need to make a wrestler hero at some point. Why haven't I done this before?

In case you don't feel like watching a one-hour v-log, the "Vince Ruso booking" segment is only a few minutes in.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Its been a few issues and it still doesnt get old Being an ice/cold corruptor and being ambushed by your doppelganger is one *squeeky voice time!* heellllll of a fight
Sorry to quote an older post but see....I just think they did the whole Doppleganger thing wrong.

I've yet to face my equal in this game short of an AV, and even those can be killed without too much trouble with the right build/IO/inspiration mix. Solo.

When I fight my Doppleganger I want it to be the REAL anti-ME. Its not. Its a weaker version of me. It doesn't have my Incarnate powers. It doesn't match my slotting. Its a pale reflection of my toon not matter what I know I'm going to beat my Doppleganger.

That's not how I had envisioned this being implemented. I really REALLY want to fight myself in the game. Now THAT would be a challenge.



Originally Posted by Crysys View Post
Sorry to quote an older post but see....I just think they did the whole Doppleganger thing wrong.

I've yet to face my equal in this game short of an AV, and even those can be killed without too much trouble with the right build/IO/inspiration mix. Solo.

When I fight my Doppleganger I want it to be the REAL anti-ME. Its not. Its a weaker version of me. It doesn't have my Incarnate powers. It doesn't match my slotting. Its a pale reflection of my toon not matter what I know I'm going to beat my Doppleganger.

That's not how I had envisioned this being implemented. I really REALLY want to fight myself in the game. Now THAT would be a challenge.
Essentially you want to fight another player using your exact build in a PVP setting using PVE combat rules.

Good luck.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Essentially you want to fight another player using your exact build in a PVP setting using PVE combat rules.

Good luck.
This was attempted in the beta for Issue 4. As there were no villain ATs yet at the time, it was quickly shown that scrappers were wiping the floor with just about every other AT. At least that's how I remember it.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Essentially you want to fight another player using your exact build in a PVP setting using PVE combat rules.

Good luck.
That sounds fun actually.



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
That sounds fun actually.
True. We just have to get around the rest of PVP's failings.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.