City of Heroes is the World Wrestling Federation of Superhero MMOs




I'm sorry when was this mythical area that required 'skill'?

The days of burn tankers herding entire maps?

Or perhaps you mean after the GDN/ED where teams of fire/rad corrupters could make any content a joke?

Sorry but CoH has never required 'skill', most MMOs don't require skill, they require pattern memorisation at most.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Sorry but CoH has never required 'skill'
That depends on your goal.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



I think can understand what he means.. Croat would be a good example of it.

If I recall right the entire zone was build with the idea as a testing ground of new technologies in mission telling. They had all these new ways to tell stories in missions so they used Croat to let them do so. But Croat as a zone is pretty much not needed in the greater storytelling of CoH's meta arc. It exists for a speciifc level and things there are only refered to within that zone.. I think that there is even only 1 meantion of it outside of the zone in the form of a badge, other then reusing the assests for the valentine event in pocket D. They could remove the zone and few would even know that it was removed as it has no real effect on the overall continuity of the game's story as a whole. Croat exists to show off the mission tech of that time.

Later zones like Faultline, and the Rikti warzone were build with the technologies that were introduced in Croat as well as additional tech but those zones added to the overall continuity of the game's storyarcs. Built upon and expanded on what already existed just did it in a better means to tell the story in a more compelling way. The tech exists and was used tell a more compelling story.

Use the tech to tell a compelling story.. don't use the story to just show off the tech. If that makes any sense.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
CoH no longer requires skill. If you can't tweak the difficulty down enough to succeed at something, you can always buy added powers with real money.
??? There's exactly ONE such power you can buy, it requires you to spend $300+ before you even allowed to buy it, and it's not like there weren't comparable powers available for free since at least RWZ revamp, which was years ago...



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
It was nothing but Defeat Alls mixed with Find Ten glowies in Oranbega and Defeat Everything AND the Boss.
And that's precisely what I liked about it, and that's precisely what I want. And when given a choice, that's precisely what I'll choose. Rescuing 21 mystics from Oranbega is still one of my favourite missions because it's quite literally one giant map full of objectives to accomplish. It helps that I'm thorough so I've never missed any. Seven years ago, I said something: All I want out of this game is more 5th Column to kill. Seven years later, this has not changed in the slightest, and now the 5th Column is back so I can stop correcting myself.

Dean McArthur is one of my favourite contacts and an example of good villain writing, but not because I can have dialogues with him or because Ajax can't die or because Protean has a Power Syphon. In fact, if it weren't so easy, the Protean fight would be a giant pain in the ***, but his Syphon was slowed down enough to where I can avoid it if I think fast. I like it because it depicts our villains working for themselves, but the conversations in them really start to drag on me after about the 20th time I've run through them.

City of Heroes is a game of repetition and alts, and when given the choice, I'll pick the stories that are easiest to replay, which is to say those with the fewest gimmicks in them. More specifically, I'm referring to those missions that, if I already know the plot, I don't miss anything by not reading any of the text. Gimmicks are only good to shake things up a bit from time to time, but the very POINT of gimmicks is to force people out of their comfort and "zone" and force them to think around an eccentric situation. Appropriate for once in a long while, but if you yank me out of my flow too often, then it just ruins the entire experience.

Gimmicks, to me, are like watching an atmospheric movie and trying to become engrossed with the experience, but having someone constantly call you to the other room to help open a can, or tune the TV or figure out why the PC crashed or to see what the stray cats are doing. I live with people who, some days, think of something to bug me about quite literally every five minutes on the dot. If I'm trying to write, read or watch something, I'm about ready to punch people right around the third time.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Because every mission should be mashing a few key in order to beat up hundreds of bags of hp leading up to beating a larger bag of hp -- by mashing those same keys.
I'd play a game like that. If there were a sufficient storyline justification for it, I certainly would. I'd probably enjoy it a hell of a lot more than most of the newer City of Heroes content, too. Put it this way: I'm not here seven years later because I find Protean's Power Syphon that amazingly astounding. I'm sure as hell not here for the running enemies and the escorts.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I remember when things were different and there was actual skill involved...but, ah, memories are sweet. I do wish that some of the original game's challenge had survived.
Unless you remember from pre-Beta, I can tell you for a fact that I've been playing this game with half my brain shut down since May of 2004, and I've always done just fine. Well, except when I tried Blasters, but that's fixed now.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Saying that 'this game has no challenge' is equivalent to saying 'this gameplay sucks'. I happen to agree with that sentiment. But it was not always so.

Once upon a time, despite what some might claim, CoH did in fact require skill to master. Leveling used to be much more difficult, and the penalty for death much greater. Inspirations were rarer and there were no difficulty adjustments. Players would find some missions simply impossible to solo, and challenging even in groups.

I isn't that way any longer. It hasn't been for some time.

The decline in challenge started with the difficulty adjusters; the Hero Corps representatives and the Fortunatas. Once a player had the ability to run in super-easy mode, the devs no longer cared about mission design. There's no more smooth curve of escalating difficulty. You might run into a handful of mooks one mission and an ambush-happy archvillain fight the next. Today, a player looking for challenge has to run back and forth to the difficulty adjuster several times per story arc. Fighting three minions at a time is boring, but an Elite Boss is unmanageable for some characters. The solo game is either boring or impossible. That's because mission design has been abandoned in favor of giving players an 'I win' button.

Even on easiest difficulty, the low level game was still challenging. Before level 20 characters were always running out of endurance, with only a few unslotted powers and too many enemies to face. (The Going Rogue content in Praetoria deserves credit for reviving challenging gameplay up to level 20.) But players found ways to skip the lower levels, first by herding then with the AE that the devs provided, and now with a low-level task force that seems designed to powerlevel newbies. Nobody plays the low level game anymore. Even if they did, stamina is now inherent, inspirations are more frequent (there's even a button to dispense them, if you're a VIP) and you still have that difficulty slider.

Designing your character used to be an intriguing mini-game. You used to have to decide which powers to select, how early to get Stamina, and what travel powers and power pools you could fit into your build. No longer. Travel powers no longer need a prerequisite, and can be skipped entirely by purchasing a hoverboard or ninja run from the Paragon store. Stamina is inherent. You have so many power slots that you're forced to take power pools. 90% of all characters have Combat Jumping, because why not.

Add onto that the Incarnate abilities, which are often better than their non-incarnate equivalents. Now that every blaster can have their own status-protection bubble, why take Acrobatics? If you're a defender, why take the FF power set at all except for concept? Entire powersets have been obsoleted by incarnate abilities, leading to lack of distinct choices. There used to be skill in designing a character. That's gone, now.

Ah, but there's still the challenge of deciding what IO sets to slot for maximum performance. Or not. The IO sets with the best bonuses are known and mapped and their prices are high and stagnant. An IO loadout that works on one character pretty much works on another with only minor tweaks. And who needs maximum performance anyway? There's no challenge that demands it.

So the gameplay is lackluster, powerleveling is officially approved, and designing characters is simple enough for a chimp to master.

Challenge requires giving the players a choice that affects an outcome. In City of Heroes we are being given thousands of choices that don't affect anything, and almost no choices that do. I think that's what the original poster meant by 'gimmicks'. We are being fed tons of flashy toys to distract us from the truth that the gameplay is hollow, neglected and without challenge.

I don't think anything can be done about that. The game is too far gone, now, and the company isn't going to change its direction any time soon. And maybe CoH will survive as a lowest common denominator type of game, a newbie-friendly mashfest that's part costume sandbox and part interactive storyline with no actual 'game' at its core. I kind of hope it does survive, even in that zombified state. I'll remember it fondly when it was vibrant and exciting.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
an Elite Boss is unmanageable for some characters. The solo game is either boring or impossible.
That's one of the things that'll it'll be interesting to see just how the solo Incarnate path handles it

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Its been a few issues and it still doesnt get old
No, actually? The Roy Cooling arc was fun. The tip missions and other missions where over and over we fight the Nemesis or Praetorian version of ourselves? It got old.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Tripe.There is and never has been ANYTHING skill based about number crunching and hoping like hell you don't happen to miss that last attack when fighting the Boss.

I REMEMBER the old game (ok, post EDN but at least three/four years ago). I remember the scampering, rock strewn runs through the Hollows. I remember slogging from one bloody end of the city to the other because the gods damned contacts wouldn't give me their stinking cell phone number.
I remember cussing out the fact that every other blasted mission was either a Defeat All or searching for 5-10 glowies, shoved in the corner of an Oranbega map. I still remember wishing that whoever had put all these smeg-bloody-tastic 'Hunt 25 mobs' missions in everywhere would kindly drop dead.

I also remember the pre-stamina years. At no point did I think 'Oh well, I might be sucking more wind than a punctured bagpipe being stamped on by an angry Scot, but by golly at least it makes me think about my builds!' At pretty much every other mob I was thinking 'Please, get me to 22. Let this not suck as much anymore...' There was nothing 'tactical' about when you took Stamina, because nearly everyone (not the nearly) had it anyway, and three slotted it as soon as they could so they could stop being so blue-empty all the damn time.

And as for Praetorian mobs...Never has 'fake difficulty' been so appropriate, or so badly placed. I can borderline stomach it at level 50, because hey-oh, at least we have the shiny toys to fight back with by then. But at level 1-20? Really? This is pre-SO level, people, when a character is about as far from their prime as they can get. Explain to me what is so 'skill based' when all the mobs, instead of having the 50% acc base of their Primal counterparts, ALL have 65% basic? AND a shedload more attacks, mez, mez immunity and exotic damage types AND debuffs?

I, for one, am bloody glad the 'Golden Era' is long gone. Because I remember it, and it sucked.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's one of the things that'll it'll be interesting to see just how the solo Incarnate path handles it
If it's anything like the Alpha unlock arc, very agreeably. If you can't solo the EBs there, it's easy enough to grab a friend to help deal with them.

Better than having to grab 23 random people to wail on a pansy turned Uber like Maelstrom...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Tripe.There is and never has been ANYTHING skill based about number crunching and hoping like hell you don't happen to miss that last attack when fighting the Boss.

I REMEMBER the old game (ok, post EDN but at least three/four years ago). I remember the scampering, rock strewn runs through the Hollows. I remember slogging from one bloody end of the city to the other because the gods damned contacts wouldn't give me their stinking cell phone number.
I remember cussing out the fact that every other blasted mission was either a Defeat All or searching for 5-10 glowies, shoved in the corner of an Oranbega map. I still remember wishing that whoever had put all these smeg-bloody-tastic 'Hunt 25 mobs' missions in everywhere would kindly drop dead.

I also remember the pre-stamina years. At no point did I think 'Oh well, I might be sucking more wind than a punctured bagpipe being stamped on by an angry Scot, but by golly at least it makes me think about my builds!' At pretty much every other mob I was thinking 'Please, get me to 22. Let this not suck as much anymore...' There was nothing 'tactical' about when you took Stamina, because nearly everyone (not the nearly) had it anyway, and three slotted it as soon as they could so they could stop being so blue-empty all the damn time.

And as for Praetorian mobs...Never has 'fake difficulty' been so appropriate, or so badly placed. I can borderline stomach it at level 50, because hey-oh, at least we have the shiny toys to fight back with by then. But at level 1-20? Really? This is pre-SO level, people, when a character is about as far from their prime as they can get. Explain to me what is so 'skill based' when all the mobs, instead of having the 50% acc base of their Primal counterparts, ALL have 65% basic? AND a shedload more attacks, mez, mez immunity and exotic damage types AND debuffs?

I, for one, am bloody glad the 'Golden Era' is long gone. Because I remember it, and it sucked.
Techbot, I've been here since the beginning and I agree with everything you posted here.

Personally, I love most of the stuff they've added. There is NO dev team in the gaming industry right now so responsive to player wants, and so willing to give us so many QoL changes.



Sorry Remus but the game was NEVER 'Challenging', those things you quoted as making the game a challenge...really didn't.

1) Everybody and their mother got Stamina ANYWAY, there is no challenge in having a power pool that virtually everybody takes just so they don't blow out endurance at high levels. Oh you had to fiddle with your build, well whoopdefreakingdo, that's not a challenge, that's just unneeded logistical work. It had gotten to the stage where Stamina was a massive crutch power and it either needed to be an Inherent OR it needed to be nerfed along with all powers having their endcost cut in half.

2) Just because YOU want to run in 'super awesome hotsauce hardcore mode' doesn't mean everybody does. Sorry but you want a challenge...try soloing as a controller before you ascend to godhood like they do at later levels (ill/Rad or fire/Kin being the prime examples), even on the basic difficulty doing LEGACY CONTENT (you know, the part your harping on about being designed with balance in mind) is incredibly slow going and just down right dull.

3) Incarnate abilities add stuff at level 50, you want knockback protection while levelling, you're going to HAVE to take acrobatics or slot atleast 2 KB protection IOs. Want it while exemping below 45, acrobatics. Incarnate abilities affect purely the endgame, you still need stuff whilst bringing up your characters in order to negate weakness.

4) The game has been made more 'new player friendly', you know how much of a pain it was, as a new player, having to blow through 3 of my respecs (back when you couldn't buy Respecs either with ingame currency OR real money) in order to get a build right, it wasn't fun or all...

Sorry Remus but I'm seriously going to have to disagree with you, the 'challenge' we had wasn't the fun kind of challenge, it was the boring kind, the kind you get sent on by corporations for 'team building exercises' which are about as fun as having your face frozen off. Infact most of it wasn't a challenge at all. Most of it was negated by looking up a build for your character on the forums!

There is no challenge in copy and pasting!

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
I like what most people call 'gimmicks' in the game, for the most part. It changes the focus; it calls for a little of what some people might call 'strategy'; and it adds to the charm of 'face-punching' with 'brain-thinking'.
You seem to think I have a problem with these, with the exception of Reichsman, I don't. A question was asked and I answered.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So 7 in 7 years then?
try 9 in 7 years and with the upcoming trials, it'll be 11. Don't try to play it off when the vast majority of these gimmick fights have popped up in the past year.



Wait, what?

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Leveling used to be much more difficult
Slower, not more difficult.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Inspirations were rarer
They were not. As early as Issue 4, you've been able to purchase inspirations from Arenas, and as early as Launch, you've been able to purchase inspirations from your contacts. Inspiration drops rates have not changed, and in fact we LOST the Strength of Will inspirations which, while they wouldn't wake you up from being held, provided status protection for a significantly longer period of time.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Players would find some missions simply impossible to solo, and challenging even in groups.
Only if there was an Archvillain in them, because "back then" elite bosses didn't exist, save for Frostfire and Atta. Regular missions did not vary in mission difficulty because static spawn sizes are consistent between all enemy groups and without the gimmicks of constant ambushes and special spawns, you always fought the same number of enemies.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I isn't that way any longer. It hasn't been for some time.
No, it isn't. It's significantly harder now that every mission expects you to fight multiple spawns at the same time regardless of your difficulty settings.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Once a player had the ability to run in super-easy mode...
"The player" has never been able to do that. The legacy Heroic difficulty and its I6 Villainous counterparts were duplicates of the existing spawn mechanics. What the developers offered with difficulty changing was the ability to have harder missions, not to have easier ones. It wasn't until the I16 difficulty changes that we could choose our missions to spawn at -1. With the old system, all you could do was go +0x1, +0x2, +1x1, +1x2 or +2x1.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Fighting three minions at a time is boring, but an Elite Boss is unmanageable for some characters.
There are a number of people who have historically insisted and consistently proven that no solo-startable task in the game is impossible for any character of any AT and Powerset combination, on SOs, when built and played competently. The Evil Geko, I believe, went out of his way to solo Trapdoor with a number of Defenders and Controllers.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Before level 20 characters were always running out of endurance, with only a few unslotted powers and too many enemies to face.
This isn't even remotely true. From Launch until I18, I took Stamina a grand total of one time, and when I did it it was on a respec with a character who'd gotten to 50 without it. I insisted then and I insist now that life without Stamina is not impossible. Not now, not ever. All it took was a little forethought. That's not a "challenge" even if you consider character building to be part of the game's challenge that requires skill. You know, as opposed to grabbing someone's Mids' dump off the AT forums.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Nobody plays the low level game anymore.
This is provably false.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
inspirations are more frequent
No, they aren't.

and you still have that difficulty slider.
Which mostly goes up.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
You used to have to decide which powers to select, how early to get Stamina, and what travel powers and power pools you could fit into your build.
Yes, and pretty much everyone saw that as a problem. Having a single power that everyone irrespective of AT or powerset choice was better off having than not having is one of those "adorable" early game mistakes of development that may have seemed good on paper, but were tragic in practice. Like the belief that people would only use a few SOs and slot DOs and Trainings all the way up to 50.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
Ah, but there's still the challenge of deciding what IO sets to slot for maximum performance. Or not. The IO sets with the best bonuses are known and mapped and their prices are high and stagnant. An IO loadout that works on one character pretty much works on another with only minor tweaks.
Which works exactly the same way for character builds concerning powers, slots and regular enhancements, yet you pronounce those as "challenging." Remember the term "FOTM?" It existed for a reason. Remember City of Blasters? That existed for a reason, too.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
powerleveling is officially approved
Let's see... They institutued an "experience range" of 300 yards so people couldn't be powerlevelled while they stood at the station, they instituted multiple changes to team experience distribution to make it impossibel to gain level if you were too far below, and finally they institutued the SSK system which eliminated bridging entirely. They banned people over powerlevelling in the Architect, put in place tremendous restrictions to its rewards and abilities, put timers on a dozen missions and probably other things I can't remember, and from this you infer that the developers condone powerlevelling? If they did, they'd have just dropped a bunch of the old style Winter Lords on us and called it a day.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
We are being fed tons of flashy toys to distract us from the truth that the gameplay is hollow, neglected and without challenge.
Without challenge, possibly, on base difficulty. So what else is new? Hollow and neglected? Not in the slightest.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
The game is too far gone, now, and the company isn't going to change its direction any time soon.
Nor should it. I didn't come to this game because I didn't have enough hardship in my life. I came to it because it allows me to punch Nazi in the face.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
And maybe CoH will survive as a lowest common denominator type of game, a newbie-friendly mashfest that's part costume sandbox and part interactive storyline with no actual 'game' at its core. I kind of hope it does survive, even in that zombified state. I'll remember it fondly when it was vibrant and exciting.
It was never "vibrant and exciting." What you remember is a hollow illusion. Everything City of Heroes was from the onset of Day 1 was players vastly stronger than the game intended for them to be, with the developers scrambling and failing to do anything about it. Since day one, players have been breaking the game and making it beyond easy. There was City of Blasters, there was dumpster diving, there were Dreck and Wolf farms and so on and so forth. You claim the game used to have challenge when Tankers could reach 99% damage resistance and scrappers could hit 90% and when Combat Jumping gave 5% defence to everything? You claim the game was challenging when all it took to tank the Hamidon was a single controller in outer space dropping Phantom Army? You claim the game was challenging when a single Tanker could hit all of his caps, aggro 50 enemies then walk away to have lunch and return to full health?

Either your memory is full of holes, or you're looking for reasons to dis people who don't share your point of view. I half expect you to start tossing around the "noob" and "carebear" arguments.

And you know what? Since the very beginning, the reason so many people kept coming back here was because this WASN'T like all the other MMOs where you have to live in constant fear for your life and work your *** off for a stupid percentage. This was a game where you could sit down, grab a Scrapper and go kill 20 people at the same time. I've been doing this since before I1, and very little has changed in the fundamental way the game plays. About the only thing that changed was Jack left and took his "1 hero = 3 white minions" nonsense with him and his successors finally accepted that we enjoyed our easy game exactly because it WAS easy.

From time to time, I hear people reminisce about old times. You know what I hear them reminisce about the most often? How they could herd 50 wolves into a dumpster and have a Blaster nuke them all to hell. That, and Regeneration before Instant Healing was a click power.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's one of the things that'll it'll be interesting to see just how the solo Incarnate path handles it (Elite Bosses)
They won't. They'll just stick them in. If any player complains, the devs' response will be 'Go turn the difficulty down.'

By giving us multiple 'I win' buttons, the devs have abdicated their responsibility to make balanced, challenging content. They're no longer making a game. They're just telling stories now.

That's an example of a 'gimmick', by the way. As the OP illustrated, gimmicks will draw some people in, but they also give the competition an opportunity to kill you by offering superior gameplay.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
They won't. They'll just stick them in. If any player complains, the devs' response will be 'Go turn the difficulty down.'
Which does jack **** since the difficulty settings can't turn off elite bosses.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
By giving us multiple 'I win' buttons, the devs have abdicated their responsibility to make balanced, challenging content. They're no longer making a game. They're just telling stories now.
If they were, you'd think they'd spend more effort on it. Something else must be going on, lest they're making a house out of hundred dollar bills.

Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
That's an example of a 'gimmick', by the way. As the OP illustrated, gimmicks will draw some people in, but they also give the competition an opportunity to kill you by offering superior gameplay.
Yes, and we've seen how that went. Both our competitors were praised for their superior gameplay and both of our competitors are in a most unenviable position at the moment. One would think that recent history would be evidence enough to stem cries of doom like this.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
try 9 in 7 years and with the upcoming trials, it'll be 11. Don't try to play it off when the vast majority of these gimmick fights have popped up in the past year.
So about 1.5 "gimmicks" a year? How will we survive?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
the competition an opportunity to kill you by offering superior gameplay.
Those 2 seem more focused on suicide

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I don't like the word gimmick in these posts. It's hard to separate out how it is being used. Some of thse posts seem to imply gimmick to mean "stuff that I do not like". It's not a clearly defined word in the English language and depends much on perception.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Players would find some missions simply impossible to solo, and challenging even in groups.
Only if there was an Archvillain in them, because "back then" elite bosses didn't exist, save for Frostfire and Atta. Regular missions did not vary in mission difficulty because static spawn sizes are consistent between all enemy groups and without the gimmicks of constant ambushes and special spawns, you always fought the same number of enemies.
For some ATs, a single boss was a challenging encounter. Some were impossible to solo -- Herakles, Nosferatu, Black Swan pop immediately to mind.

It wasn't until the I16 difficulty changes that we could choose our missions to spawn at -1.
This is the change that I'm marking as the beginning of the problem.

There are a number of people who have historically insisted and consistently proven that no solo-startable task in the game is impossible for any character of any AT and Powerset combination, on SOs, when built and played competently. The Evil Geko, I believe, went out of his way to solo Trapdoor with a number of Defenders and Controllers.
Trapdoor doesn't impress me. I've soloed him with every one of my characters save one (who happened to be in a team at the time). Later in that arc, soling Hero-1 impresses me. I have several characters who were unable to take him. I expect now they would do it handily, with super-inspirations, an inspiration dispenser button, a free self-rez, more power choices due to inherent stamina and travel powers, etc.

This isn't even remotely true. From Launch until I18, I took Stamina a grand total of one time, and when I did it it was on a respec with a character who'd gotten to 50 without it. I insisted then and I insist now that life without Stamina is not impossible. Not now, not ever. All it took was a little forethought. That's not a "challenge" even if you consider character building to be part of the game's challenge that requires skill. You know, as opposed to grabbing someone's Mids' dump off the AT forums.
I'm with you, Samuel! But very few of us felt that way.

As for grabbing a pre-made character template, that's fine for those who didn't want to be creative with their characters. But some of us did enjoy it, and we can't do it anymore. See any Scrankers, Blappers, Scraptrollers, Meleefenders, or Petless Masterminds lately? Probably not, because with inherent stamina and travel powers character builds are almost forced to take every power in their AT. Character gameplay customization has disappeared.

Inspirations are more frequent
No, they aren't.
You can buy them from your contacts, you can buy them from the nurse. You can go to the Paragon store and buy them with your purse. You can farm super-inspirations with incarnates in a raid, you can mail them to your buddies, you can hoard them in your base.

(Damn, I can't quite rhyme 'raid' and 'base'. I wanted to go all Dr. Seuss on you to explain this very simple truth. Inspirations are everywhere these days and more powerful than ever.)

Yes, and pretty much everyone saw that as a problem.
Pretty much everyone was wrong, and I said so at the time. I also said that the only way to make this right was to provide customization power pools so that you could fill out your characters with options other than combat jumping. They haven't given us those.

from this you infer that the developers condone powerlevelling?
Death from Below. Level 20 in four hours. Official content.

It was never "vibrant and exciting."
That's a sad, sad statement. I'm sorry you feel that way. *I* thought it was vibrant and exciting.

Since day one, players have been breaking the game and making it beyond easy. There was City of Blasters, there was dumpster diving, there were Dreck and Wolf farms and so on and so forth. You claim the game used to have challenge when Tankers could reach 99% damage resistance and scrappers could hit 90% and when Combat Jumping gave 5% defence to everything? You claim the game was challenging when all it took to tank the Hamidon was a single controller in outer space dropping Phantom Army? You claim the game was challenging when a single Tanker could hit all of his caps, aggro 50 enemies then walk away to have lunch and return to full health?
See, I never did any of that. I've never farmed, I never had an OP tanker (my level 50 tankers are Dark and Ice), my main blaster was single-target focused, and I've never had perma-Phantom Army.

What I remember is being in a full team and facing Nosferatu for the first time, and we spent an hour trying to figure out how to take him down. I remember jumping from building to building in an instanced King's Row trying to chase down Black Swan before she could disappear and ambush me again. I remember street sweeping in Boomtown with my old SG, and the spawns were so close together that we'd start way too many fights at once and all of us would freak out. I remember the thrill of running back from the hospital after a teamwipe and strategizing with my friends about how we were going to win. I haven't had to plan out an attack strategy in *years*. I used to *love* it.

So...we've had different experiences. I'm not going to dis anyone for that. I wanted to be creative in building my characters and I wanted a gameplay challenge, and I understand that not everyone wanted that. Paragon studios decided that they could make more money catering to you than to me. Fair enough.

But the original point of this thread was that gimmicks do not substitute for substance. I was looking for substantial gameplay. The devs aren't giving that anymore, they're just delivering content, as if...well, as if they were manufacturing a comic book. They want to tell a story and they want players to take a measured amount of time to flip the pages. But they don't want to gamble that anyone will be unable to reach the end of the story.

If there really were more people like you in the game than those like me, then CoH will do well. There's nothing wrong, in theory, with a button-mashing costume simulator.

But if the true allure of City of Heroes was in the innovative gameplay and unique gaming experiences, then people like me are going to disappear. And no gimmick will bring them back.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Yes, and we've seen how that went. Both our competitors were praised for their superior gameplay and both of our competitors are in a most unenviable position at the moment. One would think that recent history would be evidence enough to stem cries of doom like this.
The competitors were feckless morons. I tried one of them, and the gameplay sucked worse than a toothless mule.

But just because some competitors failed, it doesn't mean that a successful one couldn't arise. It should be noted that CoH has been emulating features from the failed competition, as if they were somehow good ideas that should be stolen. The more Paragon dumbs down CoH, the more opportunities they give to any potential competitors.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.