Death From Below to 50?




Well Grats!

Nice to see another fire/fire/fire

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
Answer: Yes, yes it is indeed possible to level to 50 just by running the Death From Below trial. Click on thumbnail for the victory moment:
Congrats, now you can take *counts* seven breathers.

I like DfB since it lets me jump into the game and have a quick team and game to play with that doesn't require a lot of waiting to get in to. I can and have sat LFG for hours before with no response and not enough people to form a tea with. I can also count the number of power levels I have gotten in on one hand since I joined in 2004.

Honestly I both like and hate DfB. I like how its great for getting the first bunch of powers and to get past the early boring pre-20 stuff but I also hate how good the XP is compared to running normal team content, even in the late 30's and 40's. I think that they could stand to look at normal mission rewards again to make it competitive, since honestly I don't think that in essence DfB is a bad thing.. its just quick and easy teaming/xp that doesnt require a lot of waiting around and good for meeting new friends on a new character, which is nice.

I think they could also stand to put in a bunch more content like it, with no level restrictions using the auto exemp/level buff to tell some decent stories.



Then you have the opposite end of the spectrum.

I dont even know how to join a dfb, even though I see people talking about it in atlas.

(Clueless) Lewis

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Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
Answer: Yes, yes it is indeed possible to level to 50 just by running the Death From Below trial. Click on thumbnail for the victory moment:

This screenshot was grabbed in the middle of a PuG today February 1, 2012. I was one happy player to get my third 50 so quickly, thank you Freedom!

Firessence was started on October 19, 2011 because this thread got me curious about if it was possible to earn levels only in DfB or if it would cause me to overdose on sewers. A Fire/Fire blaster was an obvious choice as it's all about damage and more damage from the start.

I was pleased that the XP curve stayed pretty good, though it did feel slow during levels 45 - 48. The three things that helped me through most of the DfB was interspersing playtime with other alts, listening to the Ustream community chats, and great PuGs players.

Next DfB: Monday with the Freedom Horde.

Congrats on your new 50 but since when did three months of playing become a quick trip to 50? I know many people that can get characters to 50 in a week and never set foot in the DfB. And they were doing it on a regular basis before Freedom launched.

Heck when CoV launched I got my first MM to the level cap (40) in two days, and then when they raised the level cap to equal blue side I got the last 10 levels in 6 hours.

And that was when it was actually hard to level characters. We didn't have patrol xp, exp booster temp powers. There were gaps in the content that had to be struggled thru, and there was no XP curve to make things easier, There were also no IO's that never expired once slotted. We had to constantly replace our TO's, DO's, and SO's.

On top of all that we had to walk 5 miles in the snow, up hill, during lightning storms, while carrying a metal pole just to log on to play the game. And we were grateful.



And before the snowball temp power could make those 5 miles fun, too!

But seriously, this 50 was fast for me because it's my third in seven years of game play. Yes, I have altitis and love it! ;->

Also: To participate in the DfB sewer trial, you can join as a team or single through the LFG window, located next to Email at the top of the chat box. The queue may take a long while if less than the minimum 4 players are waiting, so most players form a team first.



I like DFB. I didn't at first, but I do now. I despise the early game, I hate not feeling "super" in a super hero MMO. If I make a new character it either stays in DFB for a bit or takes a trip to AE with my second account. I like a lot of the level 20-30 story arcs, some of the ones in the 30s, and even more of the 40+. Redside has an especially nice selection of 40+ story arcs IMO.

I don't think it's terrible that people can and do level up pretty high with Death From Below. I do think it's a shame they miss some quality content, but that's what Ouroboros is for.



Yes. i've actually considered it. It is somewhere around even efficient with my other methods in 20-30, and less efficient in 30-40, and sub optimal in 40-50 for me. The problem, of course, is that it is incredibly repetitive and boring. Now, I level fast. I just took a character from character creation on Monday 23 to 50+3 incarnate on Sunday 29, and worked full time that week. So, YMMV.

I see a character like this in my future though, just to say I did it. In the 20s you get approx 1 level or slightly less per run, in the 30s it takes 2-3 runs to level, low 40s around 3, and high 40s around 4. Figure approximately 100 runs (half complete guestimate, half calculated) to go from 1-50. Each run would take approx 30 min to set up/run, allowing for setup/recruit/afk, etc. So 50 hours? Ich, seems long, but I would guess that figure is about right.



Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
And before the snowball temp power could make those 5 miles fun, too!

But seriously, this 50 was fast for me because it's my third in seven years of game play. Yes, I have altitis and love it! ;->

Now with that background I can understand and agree with your point of view. I only have two 50's myself and it took me years to get my first hero to 50 and I was only motivated to do that because I got my villain to 50 and said to myself that I needed to get off my butt and finish leveling that defender.



Two thoughts:

1) I actually like low-level toons. They're COX-lite. Often, I have no desire for a hyper-intense incarnate trial with auto-death lurking at every corner. Beating up Hellions in Perez Park can be very relaxing.

2) I may have rescued a dfb-baby earlier today. He was a lvl 24 brute that couldn't kill his own lt-strength double from the Keith Nance arc. I waltzed in with a lvl 19 scrapper (sk'd up to lvl 23) and killed the bad guy in a couple of seconds, while the brute waited outside the mission. Brute was amazed. He had all the fly travel powers and super speed, and not so much in his primary and secondary. I was amazed and came up with an excuse to run far, far away. Mind you, I did like the idea of a scrapper rescuing a brute.

VIRTUE: Ms Pris - 50 scrapper, Brai Master - 50 tank, Candi Pain - 50 scrapper
VICTORY: Little Bertha - 50 blaster



You could, but it's pretty slow. It'd also be repetitive and dull. By the time you're in the 40s you'd be able to estimate the average number of steps your toon takes through the trial :P. It's moderately decent exp. even later on but barely more than a solo newspaper mission.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Personally I don't think I could do it past level 14 or so due to the loss of shiny powers.

It's a great mini-TF and all but once I'm level 8 or more starting it and I see greyed out powers when I start I start thinking "Right, onto proper things after this so"
Same here mostly. Though I will often join the queue when marketing or hanging around in base at any level.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
I am in the 30s with my Traps defender just doing Sewer Trial and plan to shoot for 50 on just this trial. It is possible and the best thing is SO drops that you can use all the way to 50.
People claim the regular content is boring, yet they'll do the same trial from 1-50. Go figure.



Yea it is a pretty sweet set up FOR the new starting out characters and Players. I personally do three and possibly fours runs and then it is on top other and much better things.

That being said I have made a character that I will use her for Nothing but DFB's. This is to help out all those new free and VIP players to level up and get badges and so forth. But when the new issue cranks up. I will move her to the new missions. That are DFB type. I will get to know it then start to help there as well.

I am on Victory server and the characters name is Ms. Sheena Kin/Invul Scrapper current level just shy of 14

Now called Madame Shayla:
Main Characters on my main server (Victory)
Goddess of Justice Tanker Incarnate (Hero) Collen Colt Incarnate (Bane Hero), Lady Kitten (Hero) Jen Titanium Mage (Hero and one time Villain) and my first Character to level 50 Shayla Master Mind (Villain)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Frankly, I feel that making this a Trial with auto-exemplaring was a mistake. Oh, sure, with JUST the sewers, people were still skipping the very low levels, but you ran into a wall of diminishing returns when you simply outlevelled the stuff in the sewers. You can't outlevel a Trial that exemplars you down to its own level.
True, but efficiency drops way off around the mid-20s.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by ShaylaDominatrix View Post
Yea it is a pretty sweet set up FOR the new starting out characters and Players. I personally do three and possibly fours runs and then it is on top other and much better things.

That being said I have made a character that I will use her for Nothing but DFB's. This is to help out all those new free and VIP players to level up and get badges and so forth. But when the new issue cranks up. I will move her to the new missions. That are DFB type. I will get to know it then start to help there as well.

I am on Victory server and the characters name is Ms. Sheena Kin/Invul Scrapper current level just shy of 14
Actually this set up is at it's worst when it's being done by new players because it doesnt teach them how to play their characters or the game. New players that get to 50 almost entirely off of DFBs don't get the experience they should be getting.



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Slightly off topic, but I'm curious. Why was Exemplaring changed so that you still gain XP while exemping? Was it make TFs a bit more pointed to start at the appropriate level ranges?
To me, the real question is why wasn't it this way in the first place?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
To me, the real question is why wasn't it this way in the first place?
Because originally it didn't need to be. I believe it was changed to encourage more teaming among all levels as well as removing the ever constant call for bridges. Population shrank over the years so they had to open up teaming to all level ranges.

Now my level 30 can join your level 12 and the only thing I'm missing out on are a few powers.

As far as DfB to 50 goes. I'd never use it for such, though sadly I'm losing count of how many new players get roped into thinking it's 'Just the way things are done here' and end up getting burned out at 50 2 days later, without access to I-trials etc.

That's me though, I've been playing all these years and still only have 4 50's. Didn't have my 1st one until 5 years in! To me level 50 is retirement so I always end up putting off playing them when they get close.
The scrapper in my signature has been sitting at 123 points from 50 for over 2 years, I just can't bring myself to 'finish' him. I don't Incarnate (yet)

I do however, use DfB, to fast track all my new creations to level 12 for DO's. It used to be I'd push to level 22 for SO's and Stamina but these days, with Stamina and easy access to travels, I enjoy slowing down at level 12 and starting the journey. I can't stand the anemic damage and accuracy pre-DO's or I'd probably not even bother doing that.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Because originally it didn't need to be.
I disagree. It was -much- harder to fill out low to mid-level TFs before the change. The change made it worthwhile for a, say, level 40 to jump in on a Positron TF.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
I disagree. It was -much- harder to fill out low to mid-level TFs before the change. The change made it worthwhile for a, say, level 40 to jump in on a Positron TF.
And not only were TFs below your level worthless for XP, you needed people to sidekick/exemplar to, which made team composition a juggling act.



I was talking more about the game circa 2006. True enough in the months before SSK the TF's were getting harder and harder to form. I personally feel it's one of the best changes to happen ever. I'm just not sold on it needing to be this way from day 1.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The people that do this don't care about what they skip. They are only concerned about endgame. They can't understand that this game isn't all about the endgame. In their minds they can't enjoy a game unless they are all powerful.

I say let them have at it. The sooner they realize this isn't the type of game they like the sooner they'll leave. Don't force them to be miserable. Then they'll only hang around complaining and scaring away players that would like the game.
Or people (like me ) who have been around for a while and find the game only gets really fun around 22, when SOs come out and builds start to have enough powers to be worthwhile.

I've never used the DfB trial for that, though. Although if its going when I roll, I'll use it to get from 1-8/9 in one go and have a nice little boost for the new character.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I was talking more about the game circa 2006. True enough in the months before SSK the TF's were getting harder and harder to form. I personally feel it's one of the best changes to happen ever. I'm just not sold on it needing to be this way from day 1.
It's not "needed" now, but it certainly would have made the game better on day 1. Being on at the same time as 2 friends and not being able to do anything together without relegating one guy to getting no XP was not fun.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Or people (like me ) who have been around for a while and find the game only gets really fun around 22, when SOs come out and builds start to have enough powers to be worthwhile.

I've never used the DfB trial for that, though. Although if its going when I roll, I'll use it to get from 1-8/9 in one go and have a nice little boost for the new character.
Well that also falls under the whole not caring about what you skip. You just don't take it to the extremes that some people do. You set yourself a reasonable goal that gets you the boost you want, and then you do the stuff your interested in.

I do exactly the same thing you do because I can't stand doing the same starting missions in AP. The DfB is much faster and I'm off to KR in 10 to 15 minutes.