Death From Below to 50?




Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
I guess my problem with it, personally, is how it trains newbies.
Kinda makes you wonder how many winter lord babies are still around. Newbies can be retrained.



It's really strange how experiences differ so much. I had two friends on (one VIP and one prem) and was trying to run a DfB because neither had done it before and me and the VIP were having major end issues.

So, I /b and asked in the global channels. Nothing.

Ran a mission. Stopped for everyone to sell and train.

Asked again. Nothing.

We played for 3 hours and I queued between each one to see if we would get dumped in and asked each time to fill the one spot. Never did get one in.

Those freebies doing endless DfBs are not so easy to find always.



Originally Posted by hqnk View Post
And we also get

DETH Baby Momma's


Don't forget the




I'm sure you could get to 50 doing just DFB, but it would be a long and boring trip. Exemping doesn't negate the increase in XP needed every level so you'd go from multiple levels per trial to multiple trials per level (probably quite a few per level eventually). Compared to the massive XP you get running TFs or large mission teams it would be a much slower and duller ride, though if you only play for short periods at a time the auto-teaming would be nice.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Back in Beta I was getting 2-3 bars per run at level 40 (I believe I had an XP booster activated at the time). I'm currently planning on taking a terrible concept build (petless Demon/Trick Arrow Mastermind) to 50 largely using DfB. And when I get bored of doing whatever soloing I'm doing and no random invites are forthcoming I may occasionally queue up for it on other characters (though I'd happily queue up for another quick-and-fun trial if there were any available).

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
I'm sure you could get to 50 doing just DFB, but it would be a long and boring trip. Exemping doesn't negate the increase in XP needed every level so you'd go from multiple levels per trial to multiple trials per level (probably quite a few per level eventually). Compared to the massive XP you get running TFs or large mission teams it would be a much slower and duller ride, though if you only play for short periods at a time the auto-teaming would be nice.
My problem is that at some point, regular content should become more attractive/lucrative than DfB.

I'm not sure at what point that happens.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
My problem is that at some point, regular content should become more attractive/lucrative than DfB.

I'm not sure at what point that happens.
For me, it's at one of two points:

1) When I get really friggin' annoyed that I can only use some of my powers instead of all of them.

2) When I get so friggin' bored of running the same content over and over again.

That's all the attractiveness the "real" content needs to have for me. And my I usually reach one of those two levels pretty quickly.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



While the grinding thought of power leveling is a foreign concept to me and farming seems so contrastingly uncreative and droll compared to how I enjoy the game... I have to admit that when I hit those spans where it just seems like getting to the next level is taking an eternity, and driving me away from the game, its very refreshing to have a way to close the gap when you hit a plateau... and to get a little bit more instant gratification for time spent vs xp gained.

It's really caused me to pull the triggers on far more alt concepts knowing I can see them realized on a timeline that fits my playing schedule.

So I'm torn.


Originally Posted by Restoration View Post
and i levelled him up through the story arc's and double exp events ect.
Holy crap. This just hit me... double XP + DFB = whoa...



Love all the anti-AE farmers supporting this.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
"Oh I was reading what he (the contact) had to say." I don't ask anymore I figure at some point he'll get like me and when he goes to a contact the thought will be "Yeah Yeah I know ... Nemesis did this, we need to do that, yada yada yada " .. CLICK
Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
So, I explained to him that it's not really a race mentality so much as its a 'been here done this, for years.' mindset.

He laughed and said it's all new to him. So we slowed way down, taking a more RP approach, pointing out the problem enemies, like leaving Nem Lts for last etc.

Much more enjoyable than the 'get outta the mish QUICK' mindset that us Vets are trapped in.

It's funny - but all of my 7+ year tendencies and habbits went out the window the first time I walked into the House of Horrors trial. I had been eagerly getting a meticulously event themed duo up to level 15 (thank you DFB, damn you broken leveling pact) so my girl could join me for her once a year run and we could partake in the trial. Let me tell you I was like a little kid in a candy store - I relaxed, took my time, looked at every detail, read every word of text and just crawled through this thing. The other 2 people in our party probably hated us but I was upfront - "I've been looking forward to this moment and we're gonna take it all in nice and slow."

It was super refreshing and a really enjoyable approach. In fact something like this that could be solo'd or run (er... walked) with a duo would be just about perfect for my play-style.

Anyway, hoping to use the same approach with the new VIP story arcs and get the same experience out of them.


BRAVO DEVS on HoH - truly incredible on every level. (LOVED how the secret boss mission played out - totally something I would design in AE)



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
My problem is that at some point, regular content should become more attractive/lucrative than DfB.

I'm not sure at what point that happens.
It's somewhere between 18-22 for me... BUT that depends on getting on a decent-sized team that's moving along pretty good. And I can't queue up for random teaming. Thus, when the invites aren't forthcoming and I get sick of soloing I queue up. Unfortunately, there's very little available pre-50 at this point in time to queue up for.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I might be a little late to this subject... I JUST realized you could do this until 50. It's funny that they Devs are attacking AE left and right but DfB is okay because it's their content. Both AE and DfB create the same type of "babies" unaware of what their powers do and how their character meshes with others.



A bit late to the party IMO. You could do this with the old style sewer runs. It wasn't quite as lucrative, but very close. I hit 50 on my FF/Ice Defender by getting the last level in the sewers when I couldn't find teams in Peregrine. I got several levels on my Ice/Rad Controller this way too. The "trial" mainly just makes it more obvious that its possible.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
A bit late to the party IMO. You could do this with the old style sewer runs. It wasn't quite as lucrative, but very close. I hit 50 on my FF/Ice Defender by getting the last level in the sewers when I couldn't find teams in Peregrine. I got several levels on my Ice/Rad Controller this way too. The "trial" mainly just makes it more obvious that its possible.
Indeed. It's been a possibility since they added XP to Exemplaring. The DfB trial makes it simpler and more convenient to do, though. Mind you, I don't have a problem with that.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by electric_emu View Post
I might be a little late to this subject... I JUST realized you could do this until 50. It's funny that they Devs are attacking AE left and right but DfB is okay because it's their content. Both AE and DfB create the same type of "babies" unaware of what their powers do and how their character meshes with others.
No the AE and the DfB are completely different. The AE gets hit left and right because some players use the AE to find and abuse exploits. There are no exploits being abused in the DfB.

And before there were AE babies we had PI babies that stood around Peregrine Island getting PL'd and just as clueless about how their powers and how to "mesh" with others.

And before the PI babies there were the WL babies that appeared during the first Winter Event.

And throughout it all we always had the Sewer Run Babies.

This game has always had PL'd "X" babies that were clueless.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
This game has always had PL'd "X" babies that were clueless.
Convienently, the game has always had non-pl'd players that are clueless as well.



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Convienently, the game has always had non-pl'd players that are clueless as well.
Given how simple it is to play most characters adequately well, I'd say clueless players are simply clueless and being power-leveled has little to do with it.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Personally, I like the DFB up until about level 20; frankly because its cool to get SOs right from level one and 'baby incarnate' buffs. The leveling is fast paced and there seems to always be a team eager to go. The actual play-through is simple enough and people seem to really have fun with it.

But once I get up into that 20 range, I know the baby-i buffs will soon be gone. The leveling isn't as fast paced and I'm starting to run a mid-level toon that is stuck using low level powers for most of the trial (which for some power combos... can be really sucktacular).

I wouldn't want to do it from 1-50 but it may be a nice offset when finding teams for content between 20 and 50 starts getting thin. Especially redside on lower pop servers.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Given how simple it is to play most characters adequately well, I'd say clueless players are simply clueless and being power-leveled has little to do with it.
Yes, I would have to agree with this as well.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I recently got a toon to 50(my 5th)and I would use DFB as a means if getting quick xp during the slow levels or when TFs weren't forming at level 47 a run would net 3 1/2 bubbles

"I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams." Aunt May SM2

i dreamed a dream, but now that dream is gone...good bye Paragon



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Slightly off topic, but I'm curious. Why was Exemplaring changed so that you still gain XP while exemping? Was it make TFs a bit more pointed to start at the appropriate level ranges?

Maybe so people would be more willing to run a lower level TF. I remember before they had that feature it was a PAIN to get people to run a Posi or Synapse because they wanted to get XP from what they were doing.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I concur about the aggravation of people PLing to extremely high levels in DFB.

There was one Fire/Fire blaster who was absolutely convinced that Blazing Aura was his best power, because: "It kills everything instantly, and I just have to stand there!"

Turns out he had been killing level 1 and 2 Hellions with it and had never used it on anything his own level (43).

The regen scrapper that didn't understand what a toggle was because he didn't get his first one until level 16 (and had never had a combat level higher than 5), was amusing as well. I watched him get repeatedly held while complaining that his mez protection wasn't working. (granted, this one could just be him being dumb)

There are untold numbers of people who have no idea how to play their characters. It's arguably worse than AE babies, becuase at least the AE babies can use their higher level powers and maybe figure out how they work. DFBabies have no clue about anything above level 10, because they either don't have access to it, or they're using it on level 1 NPCs.

It's kinda sad really.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



This happens in all games... If it wasn't DFB it'd be something else. Personally, I never find it annoying. I make my toons to be self sufficient enough that even though I play 100% pick-up groups I really couldn't care less what powers the other 7 people have, much less if they know how to use them. The game is easy enough as it is, and it's just a game anyway. If the team starts to wipe too much, usually the idiots who can't play and blame everyone else, quit first anyway. Replace them and move on.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



IDK. Having rolled 12 50s the normal way, Personally I get tired of doing low level stuff, so yea the DFB is a quick way to get to 20 for me. skip all the boring tedious crap and all. only so many ways you can play those beginning missions, All be it they did freshen up villain side a little. But still. I know many that just dont want to waste their time playing a character that is worthless to anything team oriented. For me I can tell if a build is going to be useless around lev 25 or so. if its just not going to be able to fit a role thats good for a team it becomes garbage cause no one will want to play with it on a team. Alla Keldarian Syndrome.. Or trials with a non+1

So yea I like the DFB because there are people playing it and its fairly quick to use to get to a point that an experienced player can then respec it and tweak this or that to see how a build feels... I've trashed a dozen or so this way and kept maybe 3. Specifically the Titan weapon builds since there is no Mids to play with yet for this; I played in game with a few builds. Ultimatly its an interesting set but not really ready to say I love it... I'm hoping to reroll once a new defence power set comes out in Issue 22. that may pair better with this. And yes DFB will make since to reroll the toon up after its deleted for the new build. why put yourself through that tedium again?

As to end game. well after 5 years for most of the players I been playing with, the old stuff is just uninteresting. Its a SF/TF or trial or nothing... When nothing is running they leave. Heck some of these people have BOTH sides oro arcs complete. I was in shock seeing that on a Friends account. Its no wonder he is bored with all the low content if he did all that! I really try to mix it up some to keep the game fresh. I'm just a casual player going on 4th year. So I have plenty to do between say lev 30 to 50 I haven't done. but prior to that its rather tedious for me now. I have literally rolled at least 40 toons to at least lev 20 or so now, most get deleted cause I dont like the builds. Once AE and DFB came out it was easier to determine a build was a waste of time for me. I can see why some vets just want to reroll to 50 and start from there. alla the reason so many vets have multi accounts to do just that.



Answer: Yes, yes it is indeed possible to level to 50 just by running the Death From Below trial. Click on thumbnail for the victory moment:

This screenshot was grabbed in the middle of a PuG today February 1, 2012. I was one happy player to get my third 50 so quickly, thank you Freedom!

Firessence was started on October 19, 2011 because this thread got me curious about if it was possible to earn levels only in DfB or if it would cause me to overdose on sewers. A Fire/Fire blaster was an obvious choice as it's all about damage and more damage from the start.

I was pleased that the XP curve stayed pretty good, though it did feel slow during levels 45 - 48. The three things that helped me through most of the DfB was interspersing playtime with other alts, listening to the Ustream community chats, and great PuGs players.

Next DfB: Monday with the Freedom Horde.