You must die!
This brings up something from a professor, friends, or whatever conversation that started this up. I learned when dealing with time travel or knowing what happens in the future most times individuals who try to prevent said "events" most times end up creating the very future they are attempting to prevent, IE kill, warn or what have you of said person. Most time travelers only see the aftermath and what lead into it and say it was the end all be all and not really see the one action and what caused it from the start.
God of War comes to mind in this regard, I finally played every game and got the idea behind it, those who played it know where I am going with this. Can you imagine if Zeus actually left Kratos alone and ignored the Oracle, imagine what the world would be like in the GoW universe had he just watched and staying away. But by interfering and falling into his fears Zeus doomed himself and the gods by creating the future he tried so hard to avoid by his own actions by being told what was going to happen.
Too your event as to the "What if": I would hope they would look back further and see what that one event that turned me into a villain that either killed the world or enslaved it they probably see it was them that did it.

What if I believe my descsion is meaningless? Time branches at the point of the temporal anomoly and infinite options exist.
What if the proof is a fabrication designed to get you to trust him.
The possibility exists that the time traveler has an ulterior motive & is lying to you.
I also find it strange that the only viable option is for you to be killed; wouldnt stranding you in another era be just as effective?
(Removing you from your timeline would prevent you from doing whatever he thinks you are going to do)
I'd want a better explanation for how time travel works. If their coming back altered anything, can they return etc.
Then I'd want to know the specifics of what I did, when and where, to cause the domino effect. If they are able to trace the event through time to get to me, they will be able to tell me in detail. Also exploring the possibilities of being elsewhere at that time, if it was at a specific location etc.
Then I will make the choice. If it appears that I indeed must die to prevent said disaster, I will arrange for them to come back and kill me 8 hours before. No sense in robbing me of weeks and or months when they know they exact time. 8 hours is reasonable to allow for unforseen problems getting to me.
I'd also caution them that, some events are inevitable and removing me from the timeline may simply alter the way 'the event' happens.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
They irony is them trying kill me is probably what will cause their future to suck. If they'd just left me alone they wouldn't given me the proof I needed to get inspired. Ultimately I'd never trust anyone claiming this either way.
Plus if they really wanted me dead, they could just I don't me as a baby or make sure my parents never took that trip to Minnesota in 1978 which I was created. If they have access to time travel and best they can do is convince me to allow my demise then they deserve whatever I did to them. Surely they'd have access to records and be able to hatch a better plan than that. I can think of several methods that I'd use if I were trying alter my own actions without needing to kill myself. If anyone really knew who they were dealing with, they'd know threatening me is probably worst way of getting what they want out of me.
This exactly what happened with Kang the Conqueror in Avengers:Earth's mightiest heroes. He saw that Captain America was the trigger for his timeline to turn to crap and tries to go back and kill him. Cap doesn't believe him and rightifully so as he defends himself along side the Avengers. There was more to the whole event than Kang saw, but he assumed just offing cap would correct the situation.
Given that I'd fight with every fiber of my being before I let someone else have the final say in whether I live or die.
- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
- Freedom
Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
Member of V.A.M.P.
Hell no I don't let myself get killed. I go from my current dull, unfulfilling life to causing a world ending catastrophe of some sort? I want to see that **** go down, man.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
Someone comes from the future and says the entire world/galaxy/universe is destroyed or in a very poor state... They show you proof... and they say it's all your fault... so you must die!
Do you allow yourself to be killed? If you stop them from killing you do you try to make it so that future doesn't happen? If not do you become villainous and hedonistic and stop caring, stop following the rules, and start criminal/villainous activities? |
For arguement's sake, lets say they do show me proof it's my fault. Anyone with technology to travel from the future could probably pretty convincingly photoshop any kind of proof they want. Assuming I believe they travelled from the future, I'd offer to work with them to prevent whatever mistake or decision I made from destroying the whatever, but I'm not, soley on their word and some cockamamie "proof" going to allow someone to kill me.
Besides, if I do end up being resposnsible for the destruction of, say, just civilization, then once it's rebuilt, I will be who people refer to when they get into an arguement on the Internet 2.0. Hitler who?
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
I'd just like to know HOW exactly I could cause the end of the world, I'd have a seriously hard time believing someone when they said it was me. What did I do...put the wrong DVD in someones rental?
I mean...I'm not a scientist working on some bio-weapon, I'm not actively trying to summon demons/raise the dead to do my bidding, I'm not programming an artificially intelligent AI.
So what the hell did I do to bring about the end of humanity...infact I'd more than likely tell them to bugger off just to see how I personally bring about this biblical level doomsday for humanity.
Besides it's more than likely if you did go the villainous route and stopped caring since 'doomsdays a'comin' that you probably avert the future where things go wrong anyway since by being told you cause this destruction, your personality has changed and thus doomsday would never appear because you'd be rotting in a jail cell OR in some place for the criminally insane if you did a crime bad enough to warrant that since you'd be spouting about how a time traveller told you that the end is nigh.
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
What if I believe my descsion is meaningless? Time branches at the point of the temporal anomoly and infinite options exist.
To the OP:
If what the time traveler says is true, then I don't have to worry about stopping him from killing me. Whatever happens, happens. The would-be assassin would fail no matter what. His failed attempt would more than likely send me on the path of destruction he intended to keep me from.
In the end, I wouldn't try to avoid the future. What's to say in my pursuit of making the future better, that I don't inadvertently unleash the world's doom?
I don't necessarily have to become a "villain" either. Maybe by others' opinions I'd be regarded as a villain, but I'd just plan on living my life the way I have been. Day-to-day, one step at a time. If the end of the world is coming at my doing, I can't change it. In fact, I could spend the rest of my life handing out clothes to the needy, the future (if indeed the traveler was being honest) is going to come, no matter what.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
Simply put I would laugh in their faces and kick them in the gonads. Then I would go on with my life normally. I would also avoid mentioning an encounter with a time traveller to anyone... because that's crazy talk and I don't want to be locked up in the looney bin forever. I live in the present, not the past or the future, so the future is the time traveller's problem, not mine.
Now if they were insistant on killing me, I would have to defend myself, maybe even kill the time traveller and take their time travelling gear. ( Which might even cause the future timeline the time traveller came from, so in a sense, the time traveller caused the future he came from to happen by coming back in time and confronting me. That's the problem with this wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff, unpredictable outcomes abound don't they?)
Confirmed altaholic with 70+ alts in coh and cov...yes i know thats alot! Playing coh since beta test phase.
I would eat a bag of doritos and sleep the devils lettuce off.
Of course not. Why ever would I accept a simplistic explanation like that. Even if I were to be convinced that time was linear and that killing me would even work I wouldn't go along with it.
And probably the going back is what makes me the focus point.
But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
List of Invention Guides
No. If I'm going to go down, I'm taking everyone with me.
Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!
Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.
This brings up something from a professor, friends, or whatever conversation that started this up. I learned when dealing with time travel or knowing what happens in the future most times individuals who try to prevent said "events" most times end up creating the very future they are attempting to prevent, IE kill, warn or what have you of said person. Most time travelers only see the aftermath and what lead into it and say it was the end all be all and not really see the one action and what caused it from the start.
God of War comes to mind in this regard, I finally played every game and got the idea behind it, those who played it know where I am going with this. Can you imagine if Zeus actually left Kratos alone and ignored the Oracle, imagine what the world would be like in the GoW universe had he just watched and staying away. But by interfering and falling into his fears Zeus doomed himself and the gods by creating the future he tried so hard to avoid by his own actions by being told what was going to happen. |

But to answer the actual question of the OP:
Again?! Heck no!
Okay, so in all seriousness, I haven't been visited by any time travelers (that I know of, at least; I hear they're very sneaky >_>), but I have had some religious nutjob try to off me for being 'the spawn of satan'. I've got a good idea just why he believes this too, but quite frankly I think it's rubbish and should've earned him a stint in the electric chair instead of prison.
So remember kids, in the immortal words of the great Malcolm Reynolds, "If someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back."
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
Option 1: Time Cant Be Changed Theory
The guy comes from the future to kill me. I defend myself and kill him but now I am wanted for murder (even if the man I killed cant be identified.) I become a wanted criminal and having killed once I am more likely to kill more. One thing leads to the next and I end up becoming the man that triggers the end of the world as consequence of that interaction.
Option 2: Time can be changed:
Dude, just tell me what I did and I wont do it, or move out of the area where it would be possible to do it. While at it, give me the winning lottery ticket numbers for the next 3 months. Since from your future I was never rich, making me rich will definitively change everything! Universe is saved, I die of old age as a trillionare.
The Theory of Divergent Realities goes something like this: Every time you are faced with a decision point no matter what decision you make, another you in another reality has made the other choice.
Or something like that...
The most recent Star Trek movie explained it better. The moment the future Spock & Romulans came back and started fiddling with the time line, their past (Kirk's future) became invalidated.
So, the moment the Mysterious Advisor stepped out of the time portal and told you what you were going to do... he completely changed the eventual outcome. You would now be armed with the knowledge you needed to alter the future.
The Moral of the Story: Maybe Shroedinger's cat knew what was going to happen and snuck an escape kit of plastic explosives and weapons into the box with him.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
I kill him. Obviously if the world gets destroyed because of me, that means he can't kill me, so I win.
Right here is the only scenario I can imagine for time traveller/future me coming back and telling me I'm going to doom the world.
*swoooshy portal noise*
Future Me: Erm...hi!
Me: *faints probably and then comes too*
FM: that's out of your system we've got to talk about something.
Me: Next weeks winning eurolottery numbers?
FM: No, it's a little bit more important than that.
Me: Wow...that's got to be big.
FM: Right you know you've wanted to take a trip to the Vatican City with friends just to say you've seen the Pope?
Me: Yes...
FM: Well you DO get to do that, it's nice and all, you have a good time, there's just one small hiccup caused by this.
Me: Ok...wait is it to do with the..
FM: Yup, you can cross off 'Belly to Belly suplexing the Pope while dressed as the Ultimate Warrior' from your bucket list, infact cross it off right now, yeah it sounds awesome but it has implications.
Me: did I even get past the bodyguards?
FM: No idea, we were blind drunk at the time.
Me: Oh...
FM: So yeah, you can live safely in the knowledge that an alternate version of you has done something nobody in History would ever forget.
Me: Surely you'd be in prison right now?
FM: see that act kind of led to a slow destablisation of the world, people begun asking questions like 'how?' and 'Why?''s all very complicated, basically we're on the verge of World War 3 thanks to that little act. I've been sent back here, to talk to you, to tell you not to do it.
Me: Well buggeration...
FM:'t do that...ever...infact don't go to Rome.
Me: Awwww...
FM: Tokyo is nice...
Me: Alright...
FM: Glad we could have this chat, hopefully I'll cease to exist in a moment since you'll never do you later!
*Future Me goes back through the portal*.
Me: I bet it looked awesome on TV...
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
Dude, future you is totally setting you up. Do you have any idea how often Tokyo gets attacked by giant... well, everything? Obviously he's trying to lead you off the path of that pope thing and get you squashed by Godzilla. I think you should book the first flight to Rome ASAP; Future you can't be trusted.
I would likely panic, at least at first.
After that, assuming future-person can be reasoned with, I would argue that killing me to prevent whatever horrific future I supposedly cause would essentially remove the reason to come back in time to kill me in the first place. If nobody comes back to kill me, then I live and supposedly bring about the future where someone has to come back and kill me. Thus, paradox.
If future-person is not open to reasoning, I guess there's not much I can do except sit back and wait for the inevitable paradox to sort itself out. Unless killing me does nothing to change the future this guy came from, in which case, wow, I certainly hope he's ashamed of himself after killing me for no good reason!
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Someone comes from the future and says the entire world/galaxy/universe is destroyed or in a very poor state... They show you proof... and they say it's all your fault... so you must die!
Do you allow yourself to be killed? If you stop them from killing you do you try to make it so that future doesn't happen? If not do you become villainous and hedonistic and stop caring, stop following the rules, and start criminal/villainous activities? |
So you just assume I am not villainous and deonistic to begin with? That I currently follow the rules? You are assuming I care about the future after my part in it is over?

No, I do not allow myself to be killed. Having no faith in anything beyond this current existance, I do not see any benefit to making such a sacrifice. Having no offspring, and not planning on having any, I feel no need what so ever to make the world a better place... Or for there even to be one once I am gone.
[QUOTE=Rylas;3939124]No, no, no. That option is too "Crisis on Two Earths." Next thing you know, you'll be blowing up the Earth-Prime because of some misunderstanding of how the multi-verse works.
Then I would jusst have Superboy punch the wall of reality to fix things or Mephisto could fix it or maybe a soft reeboot. :]
I'd beat the crap out of my future self for not going back further and stopping my younger self from making bad decisions...
Someone comes from the future and says the entire world/galaxy/universe is destroyed or in a very poor state... They show you proof... and they say it's all your fault... so you must die!
Do you allow yourself to be killed?
If you stop them from killing you do you try to make it so that future doesn't happen?
If not do you become villainous and hedonistic and stop caring, stop following the rules, and start criminal/villainous activities?