You must die!
While pretending to be stressed out at having to make such a decision, get in on some hot and heavy sympathy sex with the time traveler.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Of course not. Why ever would I accept a simplistic explanation like that. Even if I were to be convinced that time was linear and that killing me would even work I wouldn't go along with it.
And probably the going back is what makes me the focus point. |
Also, there is NO WAY that this catastrophe is my fault, number one. Me being me, I can't see a way that I could cause anything that major directly. Also also, there is no way that the solution to said problem is as simple as off me and it goes away. Also also also, why in HECK would the traveller explain it to me? Why not just off me while I am unaware... something in this scenario REEKS of untruths.
So you just assume I am not villainous and deonistic to begin with? That I currently follow the rules? You are assuming I care about the future after my part in it is over?
![]() No, I do not allow myself to be killed. Having no faith in anything beyond this current existance, I do not see any benefit to making such a sacrifice. Having no offspring, and not planning on having any, I feel no need what so ever to make the world a better place... Or for there even to be one once I am gone. |
The gods want a human sacrifice or the world will end, or the rain won't come, or whatever....
I'd be like, "That's nice, I'm not dying for you"
Even if it's true I don't get the benefit of the sacrifice cuz I'm dead... If you could prove to me that there are actually gods and they aren't jerks I might, but the whole asking me to die kinda shows that they are jerks so >.>
Some might say that everyone will love you... but I'm dead so? or you will help those you love... but I don't think i could love people that want me dead...
This is why Ritual Sacrifice never made sense to me...
The gods want a human sacrifice or the world will end, or the rain won't come, or whatever.... I'd be like, "That's nice, I'm not dying for you" Even if it's true I don't get the benefit of the sacrifice cuz I'm dead... If you could prove to me that there are actually gods and they aren't jerks I might, but the whole asking me to die kinda shows that they are jerks so >.> Some might say that everyone will love you... but I'm dead so? or you will help those you love... but I don't think i could love people that want me dead... |
The trick to that is, you would, in the culture that embraced such ideologies, fight for the right to be sacrificed. If you didn't, you wouldn't be a true (enough) believer and therefore wouldn't be the sacrifice. MOST cultures that embrace that philosophy idolatrize those who seek such transendence. They believe that their reward is in the afterlife or in the act of the sacrifice itself.
For example, the ancient Aztecs would hold competitions (yay, basketball!) for the one to be sacrificed. Funny thing is that, even today, I can guarantee that there are those who feel that giving their lives for some 'greater good' is enough to warrant their sacrifice (in various denomonations, political parties, and world-views around the globe).
Once you wrap your head around that. It seems a little scarrier or makes a little more sense, again, depending on your view.
"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.
So let's say I agree and I'm taken care of, since I'm off the grid, the traveler's future never comes to pass. Since his future never happens, he has no need to go back in time to tell me of my transgressions. So since I never see him, I go back to my world ending ways.
Someone comes from the future and says the entire world/galaxy/universe is destroyed or in a very poor state... They show you proof... and they say it's all your fault... so you must die!
Do you allow yourself to be killed?
Hell no I don't allow myself to be killed.. well easily. I would put up a fight and knowing what is on the line.. ie my life I wouldn't stop fighting until I physically couldn't stop fighting.
If you stop them from killing you do you try to make it so that future doesn't happen?
The time traveller screwed up by telling me that I would cause a lot of hardship.. and showed me proof but no matter what road I take eventually I will always be subconciously going towards that singular moment. They have set my life upon a road that I can't ever stop..
I'm caught inside of a Schrödinger's cat paradox. No matter the choices I make in life.. eventually the box needs to be opened and when it is opened the cat is dead, as long as the box remains shut the cat has a chance at life...but we all eventually open that box to see if the cat is alive.
Basically my curisoity would damn us all because I have to open that box.. maybe not today, or 10 years from now but eventually I will sneak a peek inside of the box and bring about the end of us.
It wouldn't be out of malice, greed, evilness, it would simple be my curisoity that would one day get the better of me.
If not do you become villainous and hedonistic and stop caring, stop following the rules, and start criminal/villainous activities
No. I would still be me. I wouldn't break into banks, harm/kill/steal from others. I would just go about living my life as best as I could knowing the future that awaits for me.
Someone comes from the future and says the entire world/galaxy/universe is destroyed or in a very poor state... They show you proof... and they say it's all your fault... so you must die!
Do you allow yourself to be killed? |
If they somehow offer that proof, then I'd shrug my shoulders and say, "Yeah, I always suspected that might happen." Then I'd let them kill me.
New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.
Even if you were the cause, why would you need to die? Time Travel is possible, so worse case scenario you go with the Traveller back to the future. You are no longer around in present day to cause whatever and you arrive in a cool future.
Always remember, we were Heroes.
Ahhhh...good ol' Time Travel Quandaries.
If the futurites believe that killing me can change the future, that means they believe the particular future they fear is, well, changeable. If it's changeable, then certainly it could be changed in ways that maybe involve something less drastic than my death, such as, I dunno, maybe me just deciding not do the drastic thing that future history says I did to cause the apocalypse.
So, no, I would not die. If the future can't be changed, it can't be changed. If it can, then there's more than one way to change it - and my premature departure is off the list.
the future man is obviously a super-villain looking to stop me from bring about a world-wide utopia by fabricating the "future evidence". So i'd shoot him in the head.
Bad idea. If observing a thing changes the nature of the thing, then by observing younger non-evil me, our time traveller:
- could either prevent the future by simply giving me an alternate career path
- has already CAUSED the alternate timeline by telling me it's a possibility, so I might in trying to prevent the timeline cause it by accident, or work my *** off to achieve it out of sheer bloody-mindedness.
In any case, the minute their back's turned I'm pulling a Biff Tannen, nicking the time machine, downloading the next ten years' National Lottery results and quietly retiring to a private island.
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

I do the impossible and pierce the heavens with my drill
Someone comes from the future and says the entire world/galaxy/universe is destroyed or in a very poor state... They show you proof... and they say it's all your fault... so you must die!
Do you allow yourself to be killed? If you stop them from killing you do you try to make it so that future doesn't happen? If not do you become villainous and hedonistic and stop caring, stop following the rules, and start criminal/villainous activities? |
But of course if there is no free will, that means the time travelers can't change their present no matter what they do. All their actions in the past (your present.) only work to ensure the causal chains that bring about their present that they already know--no paradoxes can form that way. Time travel is possible but only in the form of ontological loops, like 12 Monkeys or the first Terminator movie.
But if there is free will and we can change the past and future, that still leaves open the question why they'd bother to tell you. Just kill the loser and bring about a better present (Or future.)!
See, I guess I'm just a very boring guy and just can't buy into stuff like free will (Although I do admit we definitely have the illusion of such and as social animals it is necessary to function as if the illusion is real.). However I can suspend disbelief over time travel stories where attempts to change the past only switch you to a universe where that past is just the way you'd like it. That way global causality (above the causal chains of any specific universe.) is preserved and no paradoxes form.
"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them."
I'd kill the dude from the future and steal his time machine. Then I'd paint the machine blue, think up a cool name, wear a long coat, hat, and a scarf . . . grab some pretty companions, a robot dog, and set off for adventures across the timeline.

Oh and I mustn't forget my towel. Never go anywhere without your towel.