Discussion: The City of Heroes Freedom Player Summit - 11/19/11




Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
That... sounds pretty criminal, actually. Six months to request -> more <- than a single day off?
Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
If you live anyplace other than the San Jose area, it isn't a single day off. It's three, including transit times. One of which is a regular weekday.
You might want to take a break. It seems your rage caused you to overlook a key piece of information in Chad's comment. Unless of course you were just using Chad's comment as a pretext to rage some more.

If that's the case, carry on with the wild ravings. I hope they help.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Yes yes. We've heard this before.

They hit 3-4 coastal cons a year. Two of which are in their back yard.

The other 98% of the country and the rest of the world doesn't exist for them.

I agree completely. Coastal events simply DO NOT WORK for me. I can't afford it. Do something in the center of the country that I can reasonably drive to and we'll talk. But as I can't recall any instance of them ever doing such an event in the entire history of the game, I'm not holding my breath.

It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
If I can get there early enough Friday night, a repeat of the Justice dinner would be fantastic.
I've already made flight arrangements to get out there for the weekend, but wouldn't even be getting to SJC before 900p Pacific, and will almost certainly not have the END to do more than Ninja Run to the Hotel, hit Rest and then Log Out for the Day Job badge. Wakies shouldn't be a problem though, due to time zone differentials.

Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
And yes, TJ, I'd join you for the In-n-Out lunch break... if you wouldn't mind having a youngun' like me along, that is.
I'm still *firmly* of the opinion that Black Pebble owes you LUNCH.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Our Bay Area player gathering has become a firm tradition over the past few years and we are pleased to announce that this year's gathering is going to be even bigger and better with the City of Heroes Freedom™ Player Summit on Saturday, November 19th, 2011, in Palo Alto, California, a mere stone's throw away from the actual Paragon Studios™ offices!
Wow. You actually have patch cables that can reach Palo Alto?

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Wow. You actually have patch cables that can reach Palo Alto?

What? Never heard of Power Over Ethernet?

Yeah, they have to strap a couple Electric Tanks in on each end but hey!

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



So much whining...

When I lived in the mid-west, I couldn't always afford the money or the time to go to these things and it really didn't bother me. Also PAX is far more gamer-centric than DragonCon so it only makes sense to choose it.

Tatterdamalion 50 AR/Dev Liberty /Defiance 1.0 for Life...uh Death!!!!
Genghis Connie 50 MA/SR Liberty /What do you mean Hami ignores Defense?



Being a SoCali, I dont have much problem with the event, and I will be there like HeroCon and the last Bay Area M&G. I actually spend most of my time talking with a couple of the CSR's whenever I get a chance, and if anyone cares to truly think about it; the logistics of major events is pretty time and resource consuming especially for a company the size of Paragon Studios.

Sidereal Note: some people would gripe even if given a year's notice of the event as being "too short"; go figure.

Tertiary Addendum: if you've been to a Paragon M&G or Event, you know; they get mighty packed. Even with a hotel to work with, HeroCon was so packed I became near "intimate' friends with many of my fellow gamers, and the last Bay Area M&G was so packed I had to Phase Shift just to get to the restroom in a timely fashion. They're saving us from ourselves here.

Quadratic Persuasion: I'm going; see you there. As I drag my Rogue Island Red PT Cruiser into the parking lot; please have something cold ready to drink. If I can remember new batteries for my camera, I will get pics of everything possible til they mug me like a renegade paparazzo. Now to try and remember Avatea's married name... Paraurahi was so much easier to pronounce.

Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time
Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!



Originally Posted by Tatterdamalion View Post
So much whining...

When I lived in the mid-west, I couldn't always afford the money or the time to go to these things and it really didn't bother me. Also PAX is far more gamer-centric than DragonCon so it only makes sense to choose it.
Call it what you will. It doesn't change the fact that some people, with more advanced notice (and/or with the event NOT scheduled so close to the holiday season) might have been able to make plans to go.

It also doesn't change the fact that there are ZERO events that are easily accessible to people NOT living on the east or west coast.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.




If possible during the Hotel Announcement portion of the upcoming UStream Chat this next wednesday, could it be revealed what sort of options are available to get from the San Jose Airport (SJC) to the Sao Palo (area) Hotel will be available, and how far apart they are?

Feature Request:

For the week before the Summit Event, could the Community Team post daily weather forecast conditions both for the weekday, and the upcoming saturday (19 Nov), for those of us who live out of state and are not ... familiar ... with the weather conditions of Da Bay Area? Some of us will be coming from parts of the country where 100+ degree days are not only not rare but are considered to be the LOW temperature for the summer months (and this year, we called them "days that end in 'y'."). Point being that some of us from ... more arid areas ... would like to be prepared for the ... um ... unseasonal temperatures likely to happen on the day of the event (and have advance warning if there is going to be this Urban Myth you call "rain" happening).

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post

If possible etc., etc., etc.
Quick infobits:

1) From San Jose International Airport to midtown Palo Alto, CA is approximately 19 miles. (If the event is gonna be in Sao Paulo add 4,000 to 5,000 miles)
2) According to Annette O'Toole in 48 Hours "The coldest winter I ever spent was the summer I spent in San Francisco." So dress accordingly.
3) Google "weather in Palo Alto CA" brings up a quick 5 day forecast with links to extended weather forecasts from The Weather Channel.

Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time
Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!



Well at least one person is awake this morning ...

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post

If possible during the Hotel Announcement portion of the upcoming UStream Chat this next wednesday, could it be revealed what sort of options are available to get from the San Jose Airport (SJC) to the Sao Palo (area) Hotel will be available, and how far apart they are?

Feature Request:

For the week before the Summit Event, could the Community Team post daily weather forecast conditions both for the weekday, and the upcoming saturday (19 Nov), for those of us who live out of state and are not ... familiar ... with the weather conditions of Da Bay Area? Some of us will be coming from parts of the country where 100+ degree days are not only not rare but are considered to be the LOW temperature for the summer months (and this year, we called them "days that end in 'y'."). Point being that some of us from ... more arid areas ... would like to be prepared for the ... um ... unseasonal temperatures likely to happen on the day of the event (and have advance warning if there is going to be this Urban Myth you call "rain" happening).

1) You can take the train from San Jose to Palo Alto. However, the airport isn't close to the train station so most likely you will have to take a taxi or maybe a shuttle to get to the train station. You'll find schedule, info and other useful things here.
Of course, you still can rent a car.

2) Concerning the weather, like Ninus said google the weather prior to coming as it can, sometimes, be so unpredictable. The weather is usually better in the peninsula than in San Francisco though but November is a month or so away so who knows (btw, Ninus, I think it's Mark Twain who originally said that the coldest winter he's spent was a summer in San Francisco).

Patrice S.
Community Moderator
Paragon Studios </B>



I'll be there. I'll bring a few boardgames too!

Edit: You can tell who the out of towners are in SF, they are the people walking around in shorts in July....
November weather should be mid 50s to 60s with a decent chance of rain. Check weather.com just before you leave.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
I'll be there. I'll bring a few boardgames too!

Edit: You can tell who the out of towners are in SF, they are the people walking around in shorts in July....
November weather should be mid 50s to 60s with a decent chance of rain. Check weather.com just before you leave.
I've never seen a July day that didn't warrant wearing shorts. Note that even 50 and 60 degree weather (Fahrenheit) is potentially short-and-t-shirt weather to me. And I'll take the trash out in shorts in the 30s and 40s (even below that if there's no wind).

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Once we get more info and I'm able to book my flight and hotel, I'll post my arrival time here. Anyone arriving near that time is welcome to ride in my rental car to get to the hotel.

Fair warning though. Since I'll likely be arriving just before noon on Friday, my first stop will probably be at Schaub's for a Fred's Steak sandwich. You are still welcome to ride with me, and join me for lunch, but wanted to make you aware of what I consider to be the most important first stop from the airport.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by 7deCoeur View Post
1) You can take the train from San Jose to Palo Alto. However, the airport isn't close to the train station so most likely you will have to take a taxi or maybe a shuttle to get to the train station. You'll find schedule, info and other useful things here.
VTA looks like it provides a free shuttle to and from the airport. According to this blurb, it goes right to the Santa Clara Caltrain Station.

What other free services does VTA provide?

Free ride to Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport.
The VTA/SJC Airport Flyer goes to both terminals of Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport every day from 4:30 a.m. until 12:00 a.m. On weekdays, the Airport Flyer offers service every 30 to 60 minutes from 4:30 a.m. to 5:30 a.m., every 15 minutes from 5:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and every 30 minutes from 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. On weekends, the Airport Flyer offers service every 30 to 60 minutes from 4:30 a.m. to 6:30 a.m., every 15 minutes from 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and every 30 minutes from 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. Get on board at the Metro/Airport Light Rail Station or the Santa Clara Caltrain Station. Click here for more Airport Flyer info.

There's light rail available too. I've taken the VTA light rail from downtown San Jose to Mountain View, which is one stop away from Palo Alto. (At Mountain View, VTA and Cal Train share the same station.) However, that would involve switching trains, and an extra fare, so the free trip to Santa Clara Caltrain sounds good to me.



I remember riding those trains, they work, and run generally on time. Important stuff. I also remember lovely food at a variety of places I visited when over there for HeroCon, yummy.

Ya know what I remember most though? The awesome people I met. So "Hi," to all that remember me and I hope that everyone going to the Summit has a great time with plenty of Heroey or Villany goodness.

My year's been pretty rubbish, earthquakes trashing the city I moved to, having to move out of said city, finding a job being like asking for a trillion dollars from the Federal Reserve when you're not a Wall St trading firm. All in all sucky. So this means I won't be making a quick jaunt up from New Zealand this time around. All the best of fun-times to those that do make it!

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



Originally Posted by 7deCoeur View Post
1) (btw, Ninus, I think it's Mark Twain who originally said that the coldest winter he's spent was a summer in San Francisco).
You're absolutely right! The actual quote from 48 Hours was along the lines of "You know what the man said; etc., etc." Referring to Samuel Clemen's quote. I stand corrected

Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time
Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!



Why in the world would I want to go? I see no benefit in attending, and vast amount to lose by going.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Why in the world would I want to go? I see no benefit in attending, and vast amount to lose by going.
So...don't go?

The husband and I will be there, looking forward to it! (This is one of the few times I like living in Northern California.)



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
We're negotiating a group rate (read: have negotiated, contracts are written up, however not finalized). If you can wait til next week, you may want to. Out of an overabundance of caution.
It's next week already.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Why in the world would I want to go? I see no benefit in attending, and vast amount to lose by going.
You could see this in person.

Pretty beneficial IMO.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios