Why do you Blast?




I have traditionally ran "heavy" characters in games. Lots of armor/health, hard hitting attacks. The Tank was the first character I made in CoH. That was confusing, no damage. I have run mostly Brutes for years now. I started to switch into Scrappers over the last year, not really happy, but getting it. I have experimented with Blasters off and on. Mostly off. Also tried Doms.

I think I am going to Blast for a year or so. I am very happy with the damage, of course. What I am finding I like about it is the challenge. You either know what you are doing and win, or you get your head handed to you on a plate. Like speed chess in that. And of course on teams the job is pretty defined, and I really like that as well.

Why do you Blast?



Because it actually requires me to play, to use tactics and strategy, to live on the edge and win.

I think a lot of this goes towards it being the 1st AT I played way back when. So learning the game with a glass cannon, had me bored with everything else.

When I'm blasting, I'm observing every situation and calculating the best avenue for attack and retreat.
When I'm blasting, I'm always on the move, repositioning for optimal cones and AoE's, using LoS to my advantage and taking the fight at my pace.
When I'm blasting, my life is always one wrong click from ending, keeping me engaged and thinking.
When I'm blasting, I'm hanging back behind the team, taking in the entire spectacle and picking mobs off endangered allies. Leveraging my burst damage where it's needed the most at that moment.
When I'm blasting, I outlive most everyone else, since I can see the bigger picture and better tell when things are about to go south.

The highs far outweigh the lows.

When I'm scrapping, I toggle on my shields, run into the mob and start mindlessly clicking attack after attack. Rinse and repeat until mob is down. Move onto next spawn without even looking. Otherwise known as scrapperlock.
When I'm scrapping, I don't even realize I have a team with me, let alone how to best approach each situation to ensure I don't get everyone ganked.
When I'm scrapping, I quickly lose interest in playing the click, click, borefest.

The lows far outweigh the highs.

That is why I blast!

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Why? Pretty easy.

Defenders cant blast as hard, so no go. All other heroes have no focus on ranged.

As corrupters and dominators were villainside, wich i dont like, i had to blast.

Do i still blast? No.
Corrupters, domi's, MM's and defenders (with the 30% dmg buff solo its nice).

All my blasters except my Arch/dev are created before CoV or before Going Rogue. I still play them since they are pretty nice slotted and once in a while fun to play, but i never made a new blaster since Going Rogue (and now u can even freely choose your side, i will probably never make a new one).

Blasters do not feel like blasters anymore like they were in the old days; glass cannons. With IO's you can make them as tough as any common scrapper, their crash nuke become quite obsolete and their ranged advantage has been replaced by my preference to corrupters, stronger defenses and still reasonable offense.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Because it actually requires me to play, to use tactics and strategy, to live on the edge and win.

I think a lot of this goes towards it being the 1st AT I played way back when. So learning the game with a glass cannon, had me bored with everything else.
This sums it up nicely.

When I was a newb, my favorite character was a certain ice-slinging mutant from the Marvel universe, thus my first character was an ice blaster. Within the first 20 levels I found that enemies hit much harder in melee range and, with blasters being the glass cannons that they were, I had a much better chance of survival if I used active defense to stay alive (i.e. abusing my mez attacks like Chilblain and Freeze Ray, and using line-of-sight and hover to limit the number of enemies I was dealing with at any one time).

It provided (and still provides) a much more active experience, which is what I wanted: to be the superhero who is shooting, dodging, rolling, shooting again, repositioning, regrouping, and shooting some more. That's what happened in the comic books, that's what happened in the cartoons, that's what I wanted to do.

After blasters, everything else either felt too weak, or made me feel like, "You cannot harm me, I'm the Juggernaut #$@^&!" which got old fast.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Because a well played blaster is one of the highest damaging at's in the game, survivability is relative, and blasters are fabulous on teams that have alot of buffs already as they are arguably the best buff receivers in the game due to their base damage and access to very good ST and AoE damage. The one "flaw" of blasters that is really noticeable in the grand scheme of things is that fire blast is so far ahead of other blast sets (moreso for blasters than defenders/corrs) that comparing a fire blaster to a blaster with a different primary is practically comparing 2 different ATs.



I'll attest to that. Fire blast is so good, it's one of the only sets I don't mind repeating.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Oddly enough, I *don't* like Blasters for most of the reasons you guys like them. Running all over the place irritates me. Getting obliterated when the enemy glances at me infuriates me. All my blasters have been retconned as corrupters for added survive ability (all my defenders have been retconned as corrupters for added damage ability.)

Different strokes and all that~



I agree will all posts ,my first toon was Energy /Ice but now I do tend to go Fire as this is a high damage at,have several others that I play from time to time but at the moment I,m into the new Street Justice set and I will be taking Beam Rifle at some stage.

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s




Pew! Pew! Pew!

fwoosh! bzzzzt! fwoosh! ffThoooompth!




When I first started playing, learning the game and so forth, I went with Scrappers. Now I LOVE Blasters. My Arch/NRG Blaster makes it feel like an entirely different game to me. It was my second 50, and I never had so much fun as I did with that character. Still love to play her now that she is all "Incarnated" out. The reasons for me were that I love the Archery set (reminded me of the Thief game), being able to take in the entire battlefield and pick and choose my enemy based on my team make up, and other factors. Simply put, (and I will say this on my death bed) anybody who says one-shotting bad guys is overrated, cannot one-shot bad guys.

(NOTE: I am also having MAD love for Brutes. Specially cuz they can start good now)

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



Maestro nailed it. We should have closed this thread two seconds after he replied.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Because we don't have a dwarf tossing AT.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
Maestro nailed it. We should have closed this thread two seconds after he replied.
Seriously.. that was the bets answer and its the reason why I tell people who start the game. play a blaster.. you learn HOW to play..

never ceases to amaze me the people who start playing scrappers and are shocked to find out that mez actually exists.. lol

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Because I can.

Cap yourself to S/L, Ranged, or both and it's that much more gravy.



I'm ice cold gangsta that likes to put caps in ****'s *****.

in rl



Because I see some bad guys waaaay over there and I want to send a bunch of electricity through them. Because I can.



Because I like seeing stuff go kasplodey.



I started off playing Blasters, and would echo what has already been said about enjoying the tactical nature and challenge.

I was drawn to my latest Blaster because I figured I could get enough survivability through other means, but couldn't find the raw damage output anywhere else.

I wanted to make a Kryptonian-style character with Strength, Flight, Invulnerability and Heat Vision. The obvious route is a melee character with Laser eyes in the APP, but I realised a Rad/EM Blaster would work just as well, except I start off with Heat Vision and work my way towards Invulnerability (via Kinetic Combats and the Scorpion Shield). Punching my way through enemies hard enough to send them flying or ring their skulls certainly covers superstrength. All the extra area damage is icing on the cake.

Playing a primarily melee Blaster has been extra fun in terms of forwards planning and challenge.



Because sometimes I just want things to die. Not after I run over there. Not after I debuff them. Not after a protracted battle. Now.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Because I feel like making a solo challenge character, and I have enough respecs to take everything out of it when I am ready to delete it.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Because it actually requires me to play, to use tactics and strategy, to live on the edge and win.

I think a lot of this goes towards it being the 1st AT I played way back when. So learning the game with a glass cannon, had me bored with everything else.

When I'm blasting, I'm observing every situation and calculating the best avenue for attack and retreat.
When I'm blasting, I'm always on the move, repositioning for optimal cones and AoE's, using LoS to my advantage and taking the fight at my pace.
When I'm blasting, my life is always one wrong click from ending, keeping me engaged and thinking.
When I'm blasting, I'm hanging back behind the team, taking in the entire spectacle and picking mobs off endangered allies. Leveraging my burst damage where it's needed the most at that moment.
When I'm blasting, I outlive most everyone else, since I can see the bigger picture and better tell when things are about to go south.

The highs far outweigh the lows.

When I'm scrapping, I toggle on my shields, run into the mob and start mindlessly clicking attack after attack. Rinse and repeat until mob is down. Move onto next spawn without even looking. Otherwise known as scrapperlock.
When I'm scrapping, I don't even realize I have a team with me, let alone how to best approach each situation to ensure I don't get everyone ganked.
When I'm scrapping, I quickly lose interest in playing the click, click, borefest.

The lows far outweigh the highs.

That is why I blast!

I'm not sure but I think I may not be able to add a single thing to this! LOL

Okay so if you know me at all you know that's impossible.. I started on coh with a scrapper and was used to just what is described above... Run in pound on stuff until there is no more stuff to pound on.. go find more stuff to pound on! I tried a blaster or two but was trying to play them with that same mentality and couldn't understand why I died so often. At that time no blaster I ever created made it beyond level 10.

Then I started playig defenders and controllers and learned there was more to the game than just rushung into the middle of a mob and hitting things. I developed strategies that allowed me to survive and even solo. Finally I got to a point where I had a 50 level in all of the other ATs (epics aside) and I decided it was time to give blasters another shot

My first was an AR/Dev and frankly I was probably a little too careful with her. I waas so sure she'd die if anyone looked at her wrong I never soloed her all the way to level 50. Funny thing was i enjoyed the ride. I didn't need to worry about being in melee range I could sit back and do huge amounts of damage. Unlike my Defenders or controllers no one was screaming for heals or buffs .. and I didn't have to battle my way through a crowd to do damage. I loved it!

My Arch/Ice and DP/Ice are both 50 (+3) and terrorize the IDF with attack after attack. LOL My Fire/Fire is 50 (+3) and in addition to being the blaster that deals the most damage her Destiny is slotted to tier 4 with rebirth and she now has the first badge for healing!

Blasters went from being my least favorite to my top pick for having fun in game!

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



When I blast it's because I want the simplicity of flinging massive damage from range. No inherent defenses to worry about. No buffs to fling around. Just shoot until everything is dead.

Now, if only I could settle on a Beam Rifle concept I was happy with.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Because there is nothing more amazing then a Rad/Fire or Rad/Psy blaster rolling a 5-7 AOE/PBAOE attack chain, melting down 3/8 mobs including the bosses and rolling it's nuke out every single mob. That you can do 200 dps, with your eyes closed and a T1 attack on autocast.

Because blaster is made to melt things fast. or get squished when it fails.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Oddly enough, I *don't* like Blasters for most of the reasons you guys like them. Running all over the place irritates me. Getting obliterated when the enemy glances at me infuriates me. All my blasters have been retconned as corrupters for added survive ability (all my defenders have been retconned as corrupters for added damage ability.)

Different strokes and all that~
See, that's interesting. I can't stand Corruptors or Defenders. They take far too long to kill stuff, and I actually find them to be less safe to play, at least for me (I think I'm a better Blaster player than a Corr or Defender). I'm speaking solo with this, but I know that I have to take far more hits (whether they are dodged or not), or mez for much longer to drop a boss or an EB with my Corruptors and Defenders.

Sure, on a team you can think that your buffs or debuffs are helping a lot (and they probably are). But Blasters are just lots of fun solo and teamed. That screaming, explosive playstyle is a lot of fun.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



When City of Heroes launched, my first character was... well, a martial arts/super reflexes scrapper because he had been my main character in pencil-and-paper Champions roleplaying campaigns. But, my second character was a flying energy/energy blaster.

Back then, flying in three dimensions in an MMO was innovative--a big deal. I was inspired by images drawn by Lou Fine of the golden age hero, the Ray, who wore a gold and yellow costume and flew in graceful, lighter-than-air poses.

My blaster wore a yellow and gold costume; but, unlike the Ray, he didn't wear a mask... his spiky blond hair and smiling face were uncovered.

Upon reaching level 6, he trained in Hover and took to the skies. Slowly ascending the city skylines was thrilling.

Combat, however, was often not so fun. Rooftop mobs of Skulls and Circle of Thorns shot him down with dismaying regularity.

Learning to play more successfully as a blaster required new strategies, mostly learned by reading advice by other players on the forums.