Less than impressed...

Aliana Blue



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Oooh! Gravity/FF!

But I find that being level 50 doesn't help me out there much either unless you could Ion Judgement .
Gravitt/FF is not an AT.

And anyway, you have an ST immob, ST hold, AE immob, AE hold.... like practically every other Controller primary.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Name even one, please.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
It's not just about scaling the mobs, its the powers they get. A level 20 Pumice is menacing, but a level 50 Pumice would be weak. You have to remember that enemies are designed for certain level ranges.
Would it be that difficult to give higher level versions an appropriate power loadout to remain challenge at higher levels?



Originally Posted by Cake View Post
Would it be that difficult to give higher level versions an appropriate power loadout to remain challenge at higher levels?
Difficulty isn't the question. It's not appropriate. Those enemies meant for that level range because they're on par with Outcasts and Lost within the game's lore.

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Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
A controller is more than pets.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
A controller is more than pets.
They're trying so hard!



Originally Posted by Aliana Blue View Post
Most of the genre makes the money from baubles and systems, not content. Notice how it's been already suggested that buying one of the "arcs" may be worth it for Freemium just to have access to the rewards table. And that's how it goes, selling mangy content like this at premium prices in F2P is basically a roundabout way of selling the shinies at the end of it.

Games that have to sell actual content (DLC) have to put noticeably more effort to entice customers to pay for it.
I'm not exactly a MMO maven but I have played a certain game based on a famous pnp game (We're not allowed to name them right? I'm not sure), oft touted as a shining example of how to do F2P right, and its content packs are five bucks and up and most of them are the equivalent of something like the sewer trial in CoH. I mean the old one. It isn't fun, it didn't take much effort to design, mainly it's just a big slog. You can also buy access to open zones full of meandering critters and a couple chests with a few kill X objectives.

I'd take two carefully constructed, usefully repeatable, well written arcs over that junk any day.



Originally Posted by Cake View Post
Would it be that difficult to give higher level versions an appropriate power loadout to remain challenge at higher levels?
It would be extremely time consuming to do it right.

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Originally Posted by Cake View Post
Would it be that difficult to give higher level versions an appropriate power loadout to remain challenge at higher levels?
Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
It would be extremely time consuming to do it right.
What she said. And remember, all that time is going to be taken away from working on new content. And not just coders. You would need new animations, new powers, new designs for new mobs, new missions, etc. All so that when we get to level 50, we can still fight Hellions and Skulls.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by Justice Blues View Post
What she said. And remember, all that time is going to be taken away from working on new content. And not just coders. You would need new animations, new powers, new designs for new mobs, new missions, etc. All so that when we get to level 50, we can still fight Hellions and Skulls.

If they are charging for it, then it should be worth the effort.

'Good enough' shouldn't be their motto for premium content.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Name even one, please.
Assault Rifle?

Ignite, Full auto.



Some thoughts:

1. Masterminds lose a whole lot of their functionality without their T3 pet, and/or with only one of the T2 pets.
2. From what I've heard, very few characters or builds would have a hope of doing this content at 10, making the invitation to try it at 10 sort of questionable.

It seems to me that tuning this for 20-30 might have produced a more pleasant experience; people wouldn't be getting into it at a level when they really do lack most of their functional abilities, and people who had levelled to their T9 primary power wouldn't be trying to do without it.



... People are complaining that this is TOO HARD?

I soloed it with my defender.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Actually is the most boring experience I have seen in this game in a long time. This is not a good step forward IMVHO.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
Some thoughts:

1. Masterminds lose a whole lot of their functionality without their T3 pet, and/or with only one of the T2 pets.
2. From what I've heard, very few characters or builds would have a hope of doing this content at 10, making the invitation to try it at 10 sort of questionable.

It seems to me that tuning this for 20-30 might have produced a more pleasant experience; people wouldn't be getting into it at a level when they really do lack most of their functional abilities, and people who had levelled to their T9 primary power wouldn't be trying to do without it.
Well, I ran it at L12 on two different brutes without to much trouble, although I also ran it knowing what to expect, went in with a bunch of purples and speed ran it, skipping all the extraneous fights except for the groups of igneous along the way out of the first mission. And while MM's do lose a bunch of power if they lose their tier 3 pet, any MM worth his salt should be able to handle this if they drop down to +0x1 with the pets you get at L20 and their secondaries.

However, brutes and MM's are argueably the MOST soloable characters pre-20, thanks to fury and pets. I have no plans to try this solo on my low level controllers, mostly thanks to the EB at the end, and I would not want to try it on a defender if I had one (obviously that would depend on the fender - a rad/sonic would laugh at the end EB, even at L10, something with a lot less single target damage and resistance debuff not so much).

I think the real problem is that if you DON'T know how to shortcut things ahead of time, you are likely to fail the first mission when the timer runs out (no biggie there, but annoying), die in the second mission when you are overwhelmed by the ambushes and be suddenly shocked by the EB at the end - especially if you are mostly used to blueside content which tends not to have EB's in them.

Worst is if you are a free/premium player who is entirely new to the game or is a very old returning player - the difficulty level in this story arc is a step above the difficulty in the rest of the game up to this point unless you had the bad luck to start in preatoria - and there is little to no warning in the intro dialog.

For something that is a bonus for the VIP players, the current rewards (2 hero merits the first week you run it, 1/week after that) make it worth running 1-2 times, although after we get higher level signature arcs I will probably never touch this one again. For something that the dev's expect preems to play cash up front, this is kinda sad - especially when the preems won't have access to the same rewards we do in most cases.

A lot of the problem here is similar to issues I saw in the new underground incarnate trial - the dev's are trying to fit new mechanics into a game interface that doesn't support them well and it gets very confusing. In the UG trial, there are so many gimmicks the UI can't warn you about all of them, so they try to fill you in with in mission chat - but that is hard to spot, is not easy to read while in combat and tends to scroll of if you aren't carefull.

In this arc they want to play cute games with secret doors and ambushes that are on a timer but the info in the UI is not clear enough to easily figure it out the first time through. It took me 2 runs to figure out that the timer in mission 2 is NOT a 'mission fail' timer like it was in mission 1. Instead I died to the ambushes, losing my temper and patience because PPD are UGLY for an FA brute when they spawn at 0x2 every 30 seconds and I figured I had failed the mission. When I came back from the hospital the fact that the timer had cleared, the ambushes where gone and the mission was still there - so I was able to figure out the tricks. If I had been a premium player who payed real money for this, I might have ended up quitting the game at that point.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
2. From what I've heard, very few characters or builds would have a hope of doing this content at 10, making the invitation to try it at 10 sort of questionable.
I could have sworn I posted about running it on my level 11 blaster. A few hit points and 2 empty slots being the only difference from being level 10. I will probably be taking all my characters through, either exemping or doing it some time between 10-20 if they haven't outleveled it. Because it doesn't take long at all and the rewards are nice.

I am certainly not going to avoid it because it is too hard.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
Assault Rifle?

Ignite, Full auto.
It took me 6 mins to complete the TF on my AR blaster



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
... People are complaining that this is TOO HARD?

I soloed it with my defender.
People are complaining that it exempts you to level 20. That's different than what you said.



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
People are complaining that it exempts you to level 20. That's different than what you said.
And the complaints about being exemplared to level 20 is mainly about "missing powers" IE: "It's too hard".

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
And the complaints about being exemplared to level 20 is mainly about "missing powers" IE: "It's too hard".
My dislike of losing powers isn't about it being too hard, it's about disliking losing powers. If I were exemped down to level -1 with nothing but Brawl to face enemies that couldn't hurt me and which died in one attack I would still be ticked off about losing access to my powers. Difficulty has nothing to do with it.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Just throwing this out there again, the EB has no ranged attacks (unless they rectified that already), so he's easy pickings for hover blasting, also, he's susceptible to knockback.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
Just throwing this out there again, the EB has no ranged attacks (unless they rectified that already), so he's easy pickings for hover blasting, also, he's susceptible to knockback.
Also, he has REALLY not much HP. A single assassin's strike took him down to 50%. (as did a psi-blast one-two combo)

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



I didn't have a problem with the mission. I thought it was pretty good for a monthly kind of thing.

Anyway, about the lvl 20 issue--didn't bother me exactly but my heart kind of sinks whenever a mission is under level 35 or so. I play a lot of low damage Controllers. "It's just 10 powers" has a different impact when when it means you get to solo with Block of Ice, Chillblain and no pet.



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
And the complaints about being exemplared to level 20 is mainly about "missing powers" IE: "It's too hard".
Just for the sake of discussion...
I think I only mentioned my general dislike of exemp'ing in here once, in my positive review of the arc. So, I don't think I've "complained" and I have zero interest in arguing over the validity of such opinions...
However, I thought I may as well explain my reasons for not enjoying exemp'ing so much.

It has zero to do with difficulty (especially not in this arc. I had no problem whatsoever, so far).

It's somewhat a matter of comfort/familiarity with a general strategy with a given character and their powerset and their advanced stage.
e.g. Electric-Knight, at 50, locks Bosses down with Static Bolt and Tesla Cage (and Shocking Grasp too). He saps all enemies' endurance with Short Circuit AND Power Sink.
When he's level 20... I can't do that fun stuff. I really have no options, but to blast and brawl! Not that that isn't fun, but I like my options!

It's also a matter of role-play/iconic familiarity.
Electric-Knight has such and such powers. When he doesn't... he doesn't feel quite right.

Hehe, it is not a big deal, but it is just a matter of preference for myself.
I know my wife is very much the same way.
We like having our characters as they are, not as they are exemp'd and/or as they were, hehe.
Anyway... None of this is meant as a complaint. I just thought you (and/or others) may find it interesting.

I can adapt. I can live. I can even have fun doing it sometimes! However, I generally prefer not to!

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
My dislike of losing powers isn't about it being too hard, it's about disliking losing powers. If I were exemped down to level -1 with nothing but Brawl to face enemies that couldn't hurt me and which died in one attack I would still be ticked off about losing access to my powers. Difficulty has nothing to do with it.
Hehe, this is also true for me!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"