Less than impressed...

Aliana Blue



I guess I'm just missing something >.>



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
I guess I'm just missing something >.>
In this case I'm not complaining directly about the "your difficulty setting isn't really your difficulty setting" thing - I know it's been like that forever and the designers may not even perceive it as a fault, let alone be arsed to fix it. I'm complaining about the fact that Who Will Die? defeats my workaround for same for no evident reason.



Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
This just screams of being a bug FFM - did you bug it in game?

I think I ran it solo once on my warshade and I don't recall hitting anything that would kill me like that (L45 warshade) but I also kept my difficulty settings intentionally low (+0/x2 no bosses) because I knew that the arc scaled up in a really ugly way. Second and third times I ran it on my warshade where in all kheld groups for protectors all kheldian friday night - and while we did have a few deaths, I don't recall it being overwhelming, just tough.
I'm not convinced that it's a bug, I think it's just my luck of the draw with the RNG and Void spawns. It's just that with the large ememp down (My PB is really built for 30+), the rather large number of Voids I'm getting makes the mish much tougher than it should be. Like I said, my second run I didn't have many Voids and the missions were no harder than usual.

TBH, I'd rather the devs got shot of Voids, or at least stopped them spawning in missions where really, they don't make ANY sense... We have enough trouble making a decent build with tri-forms as it is without mobs that can 2 shot us!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.