Less than impressed...

Aliana Blue



Originally Posted by triangel_eu View Post
this calls for...

lol! That always makes me smile.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
No no no, you're bringing a different argument around here. I simply replied to a statement that said "the majority of powers worth using are after 25."
This issue is your inability to read words.

'Worth using.' That is subjective. What you find 'worth using' and what someone else does might not be one in the same.

You also ignore that those which hate exemping (like me), mostly dislike it because those characters have been tooled to be most effective in the area of the game we prefer. In my case, post-50 content.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I can see you're done here.
Figures you would run away.



A man went to the doctor and said "Doctor it hurts when I do this." The doctor says "Stop doing that."



A man walks into a bar, the man behind him ducks.



Honestly from a paid for point of view? It should go up to level 50. I mean some one went all out on the cutscene, the new maps, and then some one just phoned in the mobs.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
'Worth using.' That is subjective. What you find 'worth using' and what someone else does might not be one in the same.
So, your status toggle, your damage aura, your attacks, and RAGE are not work using on an SS/elec brute? Only energize, power sink, and foot stomp is worth using? I'd really love to see an attack chain consisting of footstomp-footstomp-footstomp, but its just not possible.

Same goes for the ice/cold. Sleet and Heat loss don't really deal very much damage. They are very nice at debuffing, i'll give you that, but without a means to do damage (with ice storm, your single target attacks, etc) your not going to go very far.

So all in all, nice straw man. Your doing great here.

The only argument that i find (in my opinion) valid about the 'exemplaring sucks' is that you lose Set bonuses, but with PvP and Purple recipes that argument is almost null and void in itself. Enhancement values, even when faced with exemplared stats will be higher on an exemplared level 50 to level 20, then they would be on a natural level 20. Available slots will be higher on an exemplared level 50, and you even have access to accolade powers, which you may not have as a natural 20.

We get it, you don't like exemplaring, but saying the only 'viable' powers are those post 26 is just asinine. There isn't enough level 50 content in this game that it is ALL you've been playing for the last 2 years, especially with the weekly strike targets listing a lower then 50 TF more often then it lists a level 50 TF. If you unlocked your alpha slot within the last year, chances are you've played non 50 content.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
'Worth using.' That is subjective. What you find 'worth using' and what someone else does might not be one in the same.
Are you seriously going to argue that the core powers I listed in the two examples you provided are not worth using? Rage? Lightning Reflexes? The damage aura? The makings of an attack chain?

Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
You also ignore that those which hate exemping (like me), mostly dislike it because those characters have been tooled to be most effective in the area of the game we prefer. In my case, post-50 content.
I have not addressed exemplaring at all. I have only been talking about a simple pair of statements about where the majority of "useful" powers lie in the level progression.

This issue is your inability to read words.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
So, your status toggle, your damage aura, your attacks, and RAGE are not work using on an SS/elec brute? Only energize, power sink, and foot stomp is worth using? I'd really love to see an attack chain consisting of footstomp-footstomp-footstomp, but its just not possible.
When I did I say all of those were not worth using?

Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
Same goes for the ice/cold. Sleet and Heat loss don't really deal very much damage. They are very nice at debuffing, i'll give you that, but without a means to do damage (with ice storm, your single target attacks, etc) your not going to go very far.
Missed again. 2 for 2.

Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
We get it, you don't like exemplaring, but saying the only 'viable' powers are those post 26 is just asinine.
I never said anything of the sort.

Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
There isn't enough level 50 content in this game that it is ALL you've been playing for the last 2 years, especially with the weekly strike targets listing a lower then 50 TF more often then it lists a level 50 TF. If you unlocked your alpha slot within the last year, chances are you've played non 50 content.
My main has been level 50 since 2006. I have never exemped down to anything lower than 45 since Issue 9. I never exemp on my 50s because I build them for 45-50 content. It's ok if you disagree, but your intolerance is 'asinine.'

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Are you seriously going to argue that the core powers I listed in the two examples you provided are not worth using? Rage? Lightning Reflexes? The damage aura? The makings of an attack chain?
I said you assume those powers were taken in order. Again, read better. You also listed a lot more powers than Rage, LR and LF bub. We were using a level 50 character as an example. Lots of people I know, myself included, respec their character at 47 for their final build. This will include taking powers earlier or later depending on their preference.

It's amazing how aggressive people get when you dislike a certain aspect of this game. It's really weird.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Honestly from a paid for point of view? It should go up to level 50. I mean some one went all out on the cutscene, the new maps, and then some one just phoned in the mobs.
Pumice in real life isn't menacing to be honest lol.



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
Pumice in real life isn't menacing to be honest lol.
Lava monsters though?

Oh they could have some high level SS/RAD uranium servents of Igneous too.

Iron tanker ones?

As for the lost, not giving them Beam rifle is just bad.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Lava monsters though?

Oh they could have some high level SS/RAD uranium servents of Igneous too.

Iron tanker ones?

As for the lost, not giving them Beam rifle is just bad.
Beam Rifle definitely was a lost opportunity to showcase it for potential customers. Pumice is very soft in real life and is porous...not intimidating but I suspended my belief for a second before I keeled over in laughter.



Pumice Powered Lava Soap will remove any resin, stain or paint from your hands without damaging your skin.

You can laugh at Pumice all you want but it keeps my hands soft and clean.

Just don't get it in your eyes.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Pumice Powered Lava Soap will remove any resin, stain or paint from your hands without damaging your skin.

You can laugh at Pumice all you want but it keeps my hands soft and clean.

Just don't get it in your eyes.
Exactly...pumice we love you for the hard work you do!



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
Beam Rifle definitely was a lost opportunity to showcase it for potential customers. Pumice is very soft in real life and is porous...not intimidating but I suspended my belief for a second before I keeled over in laughter.

You have seen the boss mobs of that group right? Animated lava? How is that not a threat to a high level hero? i mean you're still fighting guys with guns, whats a guy with a gun got that a walking slab of molten rock doesn't have? Well other than a gun obviously.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



My objection to this first arc is not so much the fact that I am exemplared, I build most of my characters so they can be almost completely effective as low as L30 and decent down to 25, its both the amount of exemplaring and the fact that there is no real warning (at least none that I remember)

I suspect most folks will expect the signature story arcs to be normal story arcs like I did and they aren't - they are mini-task forces just like the oro TF's and I don't recall any warning in the contact dialog about this.

Then there is the fact that we are exemplared all the way down to 20. Thats a really BAD place to be dropped to - a lot of AT's don't get decent attack powers until 26+, especially those who have their attack sets as thier secondary. Next, a L50 is going to find their enhancements operating at 55% of the normal value and almost no IO set bonuses operate at L20, since most good IO set bonuses are on L30+ sets, with a few on L25+ sets. Even when you build your character with examplaring in mind, its hard if not impossible to build one that can do it well at 20.

Really, its seems to me the only reason this arc was capped at L20 was to include the rock dudes (mind blanked on the name here, sorry). CoT go up to 50 and even lost go up to 30. Capping at L20 strikes me as pure laziness on the designers part - I would rather they pushed the cap up to 25 or 30 to allow more flexibility in who can play it without undue stress and pain. Doing that might have meant adding higher level rock dudes to thier group and while that would have taken a little more work I think it would have payed off in the long run, making the magma guys a better opponent group with a larger level range.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
My objection to this first arc is not so much the fact that I am exemplared, I build most of my characters so they can be almost completely effective as low as L30 and decent down to 25, its both the amount of exemplaring and the fact that there is no real warning (at least none that I remember)

I suspect most folks will expect the signature story arcs to be normal story arcs like I did and they aren't - they are mini-task forces just like the oro TF's and I don't recall any warning in the contact dialog about this.

Then there is the fact that we are exemplared all the way down to 20. Thats a really BAD place to be dropped to - a lot of AT's don't get decent attack powers until 26+, especially those who have their attack sets as thier secondary. Next, a L50 is going to find their enhancements operating at 55% of the normal value and almost no IO set bonuses operate at L20, since most good IO set bonuses are on L30+ sets, with a few on L25+ sets. Even when you build your character with examplaring in mind, its hard if not impossible to build one that can do it well at 20.

Really, its seems to me the only reason this arc was capped at L20 was to include the rock dudes (mind blanked on the name here, sorry). CoT go up to 50 and even lost go up to 30. Capping at L20 strikes me as pure laziness on the designers part - I would rather they pushed the cap up to 25 or 30 to allow more flexibility in who can play it without undue stress and pain. Doing that might have meant adding higher level rock dudes to thier group and while that would have taken a little more work I think it would have payed off in the long run, making the magma guys a better opponent group with a larger level range.
Really, my builds are all focused purely and only on L50 content. I don't like sub-50 and I don't take it into consideration in the very least when doing a build, but none of them had but the slightest issue with this TF.
True you miss a lot of attacks and your enhancements are crappy, but let's put this in perspective for a change.

What do you still have? Probably like 3 or so of your lowest tier attacks and of the huge recharge bonusses the average player runs around with only a fraction needs to remain to make a working attack chain out of those attacks because they have low recharge to begin with anyway since they're crappy attacks.

What do you need to do with this? If you set it to +0x1 you you need to kill precisely 3 bosses, 4 minions and 1 EB in the ENTIRE TF. Pop a couple lucks to grab glowies and survive the EB and nothing - and I mean nothing - should have an issue with this.

Duo MoITF - 26:06 | Duo MoKahn - 25:50 | Duo MoLGTF - 29:34 |



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Good point. Or, maybe they could look at other games in the same genre, many of which were recently added to steam, and see what $5 gets them in those. Hint: It's about one or two arcs' worth of content, if the F2P game is one that sells content packs. And those games do not all even offer a subscription option that is a far better deal, as CoH does. Seems to be working out pretty well for them!
Most of the genre makes the money from baubles and systems, not content. Notice how it's been already suggested that buying one of the "arcs" may be worth it for Freemium just to have access to the rewards table. And that's how it goes, selling mangy content like this at premium prices in F2P is basically a roundabout way of selling the shinies at the end of it.

Games that have to sell actual content (DLC) have to put noticeably more effort to entice customers to pay for it.

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Originally Posted by TriAngel_EU View Post
What do you still have? Probably like 3 or so of your lowest tier attacks and of the huge recharge bonusses the average player runs around with only a fraction needs to remain to make a working attack chain out of those attacks because they have low recharge to begin with anyway since they're crappy attacks.

What do you need to do with this? If you set it to +0x1 you you need to kill precisely 3 bosses, 4 minions and 1 EB in the ENTIRE TF. Pop a couple lucks to grab glowies and survive the EB and nothing - and I mean nothing - should have an issue with this.
What recharge bonuses? You don't KEEP any of them at L20. Even LoTG +recharge bonuses go away if you are lower than L22, since the lowest level an LoTG +recharge IO can be is 25. I think I have had one character keep a single recharge bonus - and thats because it was from a throwaway set of basilisks gaze in char that where L12-20. That same character had exactly 2 single target attacks and 1 AoE usable in standard melee - because I included fire blast from the stalker APP in my attack chain to free up slots at lower levels, so solo combat outside of assasins strike was kinda ugly.

And killing 3 bosses and an EB is easy for some, extremely painfull for others. The arc is also only that simple if you know ahead of time whats coming - if you don't know whats coming, or don't like stealthing/speeding through an arc, then you end up having to do a LOT more - the ambushes in the second mission for instance are only skippable if you know already know you need to run ahead of them and/or bring a lot of purples, otherwise they can be pretty deadly - especially on villainside with PPD that drop your DEF like a bad penny. I couldn't click the glowies with all the incoming fire and 6-10 PPD at a time is ugly at L20. Now, I don't mind dying if I do something stupid but I didn't do anything other than assume that the dev's would put in ambushes that a solo character was able to handle.

My point is that there is NO reason to restrict this arc to L20 other than artistic sensibility or laziness. Pushing it up slightly higher, to 25 or 30 would clear up a TON of the complaints, let folks keep at least some of those IO bonuses and lose a lot less powers.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
Most non-melee characters are in for a world of hurt lol.

On my stalker it was a breeze, but still boring.
I was looking through my list of squishies I could take through it...

Kin/Psi Defender (my weakest character IO-wise, since she's not really slotted for any specific bonuses, but aside from knockback, she breezed through this despite only having 30% Acc, 23% End/Rech and 55-60% Dmg from being exemplared)
Fire/EM Blaster
Storm/Dark Defender
Fire/TA Corrupter
Fire/Storm Corrupter (this was built for farming the Cap SF before they changed the reward merits for it...so...too easy lol)
Ill/Rad Controller (probably still too easy w/ PA still on a really low timer)
Mind/Psi Dom (I think it would still be easy mode for her w/out bonuses)
Plant/Energy Dom
Archery/Dark Corrupter
Psi/EM Blaster
Dark/Dark Blaster (this one is lv12 w/ DOs, might give him a go next)
Beam/Sonic Corrupter (this one is level 10, almost a given she'd have the most trouble soloing this)

This is also worth noting, judging from my fight w/ Lemkin on my Kin/Psi, he has no ranged attacks, so hover blasters will have a easy time w/ him, till the Devs probably fix it so he has a ranged attack.



Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
What recharge bonuses? You don't KEEP any of them at L20. Even LoTG +recharge bonuses go away if you are lower than L22, since the lowest level an LoTG +recharge IO can be is 25.
Any you keep are a bonus, but even if none you have only your lowest tier attacks. They recharge quick anyway. It may not feel as smooth as your epitome of awesomeness at 50, but it gets the job done.

Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
And killing 3 bosses and an EB is easy for some, extremely painfull for others.
Why? It's just a few and they're not even together. The most you get at once is 2 minions and an EB. The minions hardly really touch you while you take care of the EB, if you have some def ofcourse. If you don't have def pop some purples and you do have def.
I can only imagine it being hard if you insist on trying without insps first with a toon that can't handle it. Go in using what you have instead.
Seriously, a few insps can almost solo the EB without needing your toon.

Duo MoITF - 26:06 | Duo MoKahn - 25:50 | Duo MoLGTF - 29:34 |



Why don't all mob types scale up to 50, then there would be no need for exemplaring.



Originally Posted by Cake View Post
Why don't all mob types scale up to 50, then there would be no need for exemplaring.
It's not just about scaling the mobs, its the powers they get. A level 20 Pumice is menacing, but a level 50 Pumice would be weak. You have to remember that enemies are designed for certain level ranges.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
a lot of AT's don't get decent attack powers until 26+,
Name even one, please.



When I play my BS scrapper I want to Disembowel and Headsplitter mobs, they are fun. The earlier attacks are not my reason for liking Broadsword.

That said I have run the arc on most of my 50s and it generally takes between 6-12 minutes depending on how much I gimped them at low level. I've yet to die.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Name even one, please.
Oooh! Gravity/FF!

But I find that being level 50 doesn't help me out there much either unless you could Ion Judgement .

Let's Dance!